>I believe 3 weeks is the base Time that it takes to redpill someone so long as they are open to the information, longer than that and it's a sign that politics is irrelevant to them or that they just aren't high IQ to see the importance of the information >Faster than 3 weeks and your dealing with someone who most likely just wants friends and wants to fit in so he pretends that he's being redpilled just to hang out (seen this before)
From the moment you research race realism to the moment you realize "Whites are the greatest" normally takes 3 weeks Race realism does trigger "oh shit we need to do something" within the first day but the inherent realization of "we are the greatest" and the everlasting feeling of destiny takes about 3 weeks in my opnion
What are your thoughts on how long it takes to redpill someone (on average) and groups as a whole and how can we mass create this effect
>This thread is about discussing how to properly redpill, what is defined as someone who is finally "officially redpilled" and how do we create this on a mass scale or even replicate it in day to day life
I do this everyday just for fun, I use terms/sayings that I've backmasked into saying crazy shit that could never be said in public. Not sure if this works but I find it funny that I casually say things to people that if played backwards says something overtly offensive
Michael Morris
I've given speeches to conservative crowds using NLP tactics and backmasking hardcore messages.
I have no idea what effects it makes though but I get off on knowing that no one has a clue what I'm doing lol
Sebastian Johnson
I'm not talking about the moment you realize "something needs to be done" I'm talking about the moment you finally TRULY GET IT
Liam Collins
being "redpilled" in the broad sense means not to instinctively taking sides or being triggered by an opposing opinion but applying logic and seeking more data to find the truth. To be precise: It's about stopping the opinion/talking point/narrative regurgitation you see on tv/anywhere else and starting to think for yourself always trying to take the contrarian position to have a productive discussion. Being redpilled is more or less synonymous to having acquired the practical skills of critical thinking
You need 5% of the population to dominate the public media mic to produce constent about practically anything
Leo Price
Not everyone is demoralized most people are neutral minded because of the internet balancing mainstream and alt-information
This isn't the 90's, people have a wide range of influence even people's favorite normie youtubers drop unknowing redpills by nature without realizing
"Bush did 9/11 haha lol" "what if the government is lying about things?" "racism against white people is bad too" ^^^ALL three statements I've heard from normie youtubers, but never on TV
Even normie youtubers play a roll in deprogramming without even knowing it
Dylan Garcia
Doesn't mean shit if you can't control the narrative which is why we're noticing so many (((gatekeepers))) in the major news networks. Who makes the media isn't irrelevant but who twists it
Isaiah Jones
Interesting thought, me one of my friends who's a nationalist have had deep discussions about old school soviet propaganda and how some of even that was redpilled in terms of destroying the concepts of capitalism and acknowledge a few of their critiques as legitimate.
The wignat on the other hand hears "soviet" and screams foul
not just in media, all it takes is a few hundred controlled opposition outlets on the internet to shill for israel and suddenly nationalism is all about fighting islam instead of protecting the white race
to a crowd yes, to a small group or single individual Just be cool. I find guys will hear me out just because they want to be my friend and I use that to my advantage to redpill them and masquerade my redpilling as "teaching them how to be cool"
For real
Jose Cruz
>longer than that and it's a sign that politics is irrelevant to them or that they just aren't high IQ to see the importance of the information >in my opnion >What are your thoughts on how long it takes to redpill someone >Thread: How to redpill
"being politically incorrect is cool" That statement is true but also redpilling, things like this are the easiest way to insert ideas. masquerade redpills as self help
Angel Cook
So basically things they teach you in academic and scientific research methods?
Justin Thomas
>a thread brainstorming ideas on how to wake people up is dumb
>ideas on how to wake people up is dumb Can you even hear yourself?
Brandon Nelson
If you're thinking of an idea as to "insert" means already you're not that redpilled. You're still the indoctrinated drone who thinks there is one right set of ideas or one right narrative. But your job presupposes that so that's probably a good thing
Isaiah Rogers
Yes. But academia is still an indoctrination camp unless we're talking about STEM. But then STEM applies largely to STEM. Applying it to politics or abstract concepts like an identity is hard and "racist" or "anti-Semitic" and therefore hard and expensive/illegal
how do you know you yourself are redpilled? your op pic and style of writing indicate a rather bluepilled individual
Bentley Phillips
He's too stupid to search literature on the subject, and instead thinks Jow Forums is a more reputable source for this kind of things. That's probably why he fell for the psuedoscience NLP meme..
Jeremiah Diaz
No one is redpilled on absolutely everything
Ayden Reed
I meant (you)
Cameron Long
You're still presupposing a set of right ideas and a right narrative (esp. Determinism and Objectivism). What I'm saying is that questioning these things is what it means being redpilled not just believing or thinking other believe it. Everybody has to decide for themselves whether race is a valid concept and whether it exists
Sebastian Collins
Aaron Harris
yeah the frankfurt school
Josiah Anderson
Dylan Wright
>You're still presupposing a set of right ideas and a right narrative (esp. Determinism and Objectivism) . All humans have bias. >questioning these things is what it means being redpilled not just believing or thinking other believe it. Yes? And? isn't that's what research and critical thinking is for? >Everybody has to decide for themselves whether race is a valid concept and whether it exists This is just a semantic discussion
Dylan Lewis
Falling for the frankfurtmeme
Jack Russell
My buddy took the Owen Benjamin pill a while ago. I really think it would be better if he was never redpilled on this stuff in the first place. He doesn't read. His understanding is so shallow that I often wonder how little it would take for him to just change his mind on everything, find a new e-celeb to follow, and leave everything behind him. Owen Benjamin is nigger tier. He has 50 percent of things right for 90 percent of the wrong reasons.
Jaxson Morgan
Force feeding "red pills" is propaganda. Race science is bullshit science.
Jayden Ortiz
You came to the wrong thread with your logic and reason!
Connor Brooks
If you induce a person by experience to act in a way that is against that person principles and sentiments more than 80% of the people will change they their principles
By using this technique em mass and all the time we can mold thoses persons in our political caddle in which we will use them as a "sacrifice" for our future endeavors. The perfect place for that are the universities since those places aren't like schools. The students are there because they usually want too unlike schools where the sentiment of something being forced is ever present, with this and many more techniques, however, this sentiment is fooled.
Blake Reyes
The biggest factor is whether or not the person can emotionally/psychologically handle questioning their reality. Some people just care about figuring things out for themselves more than others. Lots of people just don't care to question reality at all. To them whatever Tom Hanks and Stephen Colbert say has to be the truth, because they're on TV. If they weren't telling the truth, they wouldn't be on TV. That's why when Mario Lopez says something that's kind of against the tranny agenda, he has to apologize immediately and do a 180 by the very next day if he doesn't want to be blacklisted. The Jews know that if a celebrity or two pipe up about any of these issues, that could sway enough of the NPC population.
Its not just an information war we're fighting. What's even more important is getting the average person to want to question their worldview in the first place.
Colton Russell
Ah, critical thinking. I'd love to do more of it. However, my time is finite, and frankly, I'm getting sick of wasting time thinking about anti-socialist rhetoric gotchas. When a fucking board game manual(Kolejka) tells you more about socialism than what you can find on Jow Forums and Youtube combined, your "redpills" are just shitty propaganda that makes people want to turn off their televisions.
Landon Torres
Unarmed White Babies Lives Matter!
Imagine John, If niggers murder White babies all the time... Which they do and the kike Media "BLACKOUT" of nigger crime. Then what stops niggers from doing absolutely anything else criminal or uncouth?
I almost fell for the "thanks for pushing people to the right". Now I'm fucking pissed. Call me a leftard, I don't give a damn, there's a law of power - "never offend the wrong person". And I can rest easy knowing I'll carry this counter-mission to my grave.
Jack Martin
It's called dialectic, Mohammed
Jaxon Diaz
>isn't that's what research and critical thinking is for? see >Applying it to politics or abstract concepts like an identity is hard and "racist" or "anti-Semitic" and therefore hard and expensive/illegal Also race =/= identity. (((Science))) regarding Identity is where there is currently an ideological subversion going on see grievance studies and replication crisis. >frankfurtmeme doesn't address the ideological subversion of the (((Frankfurt School))) in the slightest sarcastic reply to a memeflag basically derailing the thread. Here are some redpills for you my friend youtube.com/watch?v=AZZNvT1vaJg twitter.com/peterboghossian/status/1080371253645520897
Dominic Torres
>Here are some *STEM related redpills
Hudson Green
Commies love their nigger cattle as long as they remain above them.
Nathan Sullivan
It took me a while. I was a communist/anarcist for years. What changed my mind over time was experiencing leftist groups. I was all about the working class and fighting against the rich, how the USSR wasnt true communism” how Marx meant a stateless classless society. How all people were equal and we should strive to end all forms of discrimination When I joined leftists groups in college I got to see how they actually operated. They were against free speech, and they didn’t care about working class issues. Everything was about how white men are bad and how we need to help minorities. I was very confused as to why this was the issue instead of wealth redistributing. Why the fuck were we talking about gender and race? When we were all the same, and the goal is to stop the capitalists? Then these dumb groups decided to blockade streets and prevent working families from going to work and supporting their families because of racism and sexism. This made no sense to me, why the fuck aren’t they supporting the working class and instead focusing on dumb retarded issues that don’t matter, sense the goal is to overthrow the captialists? I left the groups before they did that. I was also interested in becoming fit to get women and somehow I stumbled on to Jow Forums, at the same time I started to get into more advanced economic courses at school. I always had wondered why Africa and Latin America were shit holes. I thought economics would explain that, which they did by talking about something called “human productivity” which in growth models was how you avoided capital depreciation and population growth from halting the expansion of the economy. I had also found really cringy videos in the mid 2010s about SJWs and that really made me detest the left and their methods. Why the fuck was everybody talking about race and sexual when communism is all about wealth inequality between the rich and the poor?
Parker Baker
One day I had found a Norwegian documentary called “brain wash” it was about the failure of the Scandinavian countries to create a sexually equal society. It talked about how biology and genes play an extremely large role in determining some ones social and economic success examining biological sex and race differences. After that I looked up dozens of scientific papers about IQ and race and sex, about genes and that stuff and slowly began to realize that biology matters and that people are not blank slates but it’s 80% genes and 20% environment. It took a lot longer to understand the JQ, but it comes with research about who they are and what they control And mass migration etc
Luis Campbell
>But academia is still an indoctrination camp unless we're talking about STEM
My history degree was probably THE reason I got redpilled. STEMs on the other hnd are either austists unable to comprehend anything that is not numbers, or completely uninterested in anything that doesnt directly relate to their major. Classical Humanites still contain a very large amount , if not a majority of people who care about science first and foremost, and those will inevitably teach their students critical thinking.
Nathan Sanders
I'm of the mindset that we're not ready to analyze human behavior from a genetic basis. We're nowhere near perfect.
In my opinion, all this "collapse of X society" hype is not the end of the world, but rather the end of flawed discriminatory systems. They were designed with older "science" in mind, and instead of being future proof, they're collapsing. Women are speaking up. People of color are speaking up.
At this point we're expecting "tradition" to keep the machine turning, not rational science.
"but there's new science" - New science doesn't mean shit if it isn't good science. It's not worth the distress of humankind to repeatedly construct flawed discriminatory systems and then have them collapse in a few decades because we built our houses with asbestos and pipes of lead.
I say "flawed discriminatory system" because while I do admit there is a possibility that people are fundamentally different in quantifiable ways, we just are nowhere near quantifying that difference. It's better to go the inclusive route and save ourselves the pain of another bad system collapsing.
redpill the people close to you, they cant apply censorship on that, and redpill the kids in your family, it might stick with them for life, tell them how great and glorious the past was, make em wanna go back in time.
is it possible for christians and muslims to become redpilled?
Jackson Gray
I like living in a white neighborhood
Connor King
Blake Parker
That's a stupid question, the answer is obviously YES
Aaron Murphy
"redpill" is basically your slang for incel, right?
Juan Campbell
your a newfag, inserting ideas into people's minds is what redpilling is all about >There is no subjective truth Yes there is, I am white and that is great