So let me get this straight

So let me get this straight.
>It's a sin to have sex outside of marriage
>Unless it's god fucking you :^)

Attached: 2rsdll.jpg (316x339, 104K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>he thinks god dicked mary

Read the Bible.

>Having faith is bad
>Being a wretched Atheist is good.

This fucking goy.

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Immaculate conception isn’t fornication. It’s all made up anyway so who cares?

>doesn’t know what immaculate conception is
>also a heretic

Mein nigger

i mean i thought that was bullshit until i realized that because people are having sex more before marriage and because people are fapping to porn all the time the society has become so shitty. i used to be an atheist fag until i realized you actually need religion to have a society that works. and the world will get worse in 50-100 years because more people will forget god so buckle up boiys

Hey loser, you're going to hell for at least a thousand years, then you're going to face Almighty God in the great white throne judgement. Then you will be cast into the lake of fire, and the smoke of their torment arose for ever and ever. Enjoy the pleasure of sin for a season, fool. Go to and learn the scriptures aright, fool.

Take off that VPN Jew. You can never destroy my faith of our lord and savior Jesus H. Christ.

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>you're going to hell for at least a thousand years

Hell is eternal.


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get fucked, Rabbi

I was hoping to see more of these

Edgy underage retard just done giggling at Gervais

>meme flag
>Calls me a rabbi

I'm Christian you retard.

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Dont hate

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Lost already.

Who cares. Who cares. Who cares who cares who fucking cares.
3/10 got me to reply.

why is there an empty speech bubble for jesus?

>Immaculate conception is fornication

repent of your ways today and get saved by believing.