>you're at the club with your 9-year-old daughter
>this guy comes up to her and smacks her ass
>offers you and your daughter 10 bitcoins to spend a night with her alone, un-supervised
wat do Jow Forums?
You're at the club with your 9-year-old daughter
Leave it to the OP to fuck up a wet dream
>you're at the club with your 9-year-old daughter
>that logo
>Has his own brand clothing
Who is this old cunt and why should I care? Stop flooding /pol with threads about him.
Unironically, punch him.
My own ass might have a price but my daughter's doesn't.
>>you're at the club with your 9-year-old daughter
Country club presumably
10 each or 10 total?
>you just give up your daughter
Fucks wrong you. I would have hung that dude if he pulled that shit.
Take the deal. Who could refuse a real man like Epstien
>offers you 2 bitcoins to fuck you in the ass while your daughter watches
wat do?
>My own ass might have a price but my daughter's doesn't.
That's why men will get it for free
I suck his dick on the spot for 100 bitcoins
How about not having daughters?
>tell daughter I'll give her half of she brings back his severed dick
Turn 360 and put his buttcoins in my sausage wallet.
No btc, I would accept cash
It’d be pretty weird having an offer like that come from myself.
bitcoin? no, but i'd let him spend the night with my daughter if he'd let me do the same with his cunny harem
and better be all under 9
>My own ass might have a price but my daughter's doesn't.
she does it for free?
I only accept Link
slit his throat.
....depends......are the hardboiled eggs free?
>sure thing bud, but you have to wire me the Bitcoin first, once I confirm that we’re good
>*bitcoin deposited in account*
>*teleport behind him*
>nothing personnel, kid
> fucks his ass while he fucks your daughter
What a waste of a daughter on a bunch of faggots.
How much is 10 bitcoin worth?
What fool takes his 9-year-old daughter to a club?
one of the biggest pedos in the world? hello? britbongs eternally avoiding the dentist and any fucking news ever
>wears slippers with "Screw U" on them to a party full of elites
how based can one man be?!
Jow Forumsraeli's are not welcome here
>just kidding you are the good jews
>You have to eat all these eggs
And get caught later for being in his contacts? No thanks.
wait so how much is 10 bitcoints again? asking for a friend
I would ask him why his longtime best friend Don is standing in the corner
I pardon you.
Amen brother
Take the 10 silver. She'll end up a roastie anyway
Mohammed is all up in her already
LMAO. Brit faggot accepts
For what kind of sex swing?
What the fuck is this post. Someone get this man.
Google nigger
Only if DP is on the table
tell him if he ever touches my daughter again he's going to suck a slug out of my glock 19
I'd have to say yes or they would find out she's not my daughter.
literally who? Is that guy from that old tv show "friends"
Do what the hit man did, except in public as apposed to private.
A banquet isn’t a club
Smelly niggers these days, cmon...
I say 5 now and 5 after. Then I beat the shit out of him
I offer him two lead coins to the chest.
Uppercut that giant fucking chin like Ryu in Street Fighter then snatch his wallet and let him buy a round. Then karate chop you in the throat for such a stupid scenario.
>im gonna fight him the exact same way fought wife's black boyfriend in VideoGaems!!!!!!!1!!!!1!1!1!!!!11!1!!
you aren't going to do shit. you'd let him fuck your daughter in her ass and allow him to take your butt virginity too, faggot. grow the fuck up and stop playing videogames you fucking MANCHILD. weak lil bitch nigger. kys
So is growing up letting rich Jews fuck your 9 yr old child?
how the fuck did you come to that conclusion from my post? 9 year old children have better reading comprehension than you, faggot
Gimme yo wallet son i just ring ting tinged you
Hmmmmm that last E looks awfully lot like a sideways W
>accept the 10 bitcoin
>trade it for ~$100,000
>buy Link
buy yourself a fancy tuxedo and start attracting all the underage pussy at the club
i put on a dress and let him fuck me
sure. why not. and you can keep the bitcoin if I can watch
you'd break your little faggot hand then throw up
i'd state the obvious.