the "O" in "rainbow"
at the Rainbow Fashions store.
not a drill.
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Posting in a schizo confirmation bias thread
We got him.
Call the FBI. Kubrick is going down.
Based and LGBT Pedo pilled
So was Kubrick apart of it? Was he trying to expose it? Or did his art just come too close to real life, considering his hard on for the details.
I will bump anything and everything Kubrick.
I think his first job for "them" might have been at Look Mag
he might have just found the symbols by research, but the sets were meticulously crafted for this particular movie, so i doubt it's a coincidence
pic very much related
Never noticed that before.
OP are we supposed to be noticing the obvious star of david as well??
also, "black folder guy"
Nailed it.
>he might have just found the symbols by research
No. Kubrick was most certainly an adept in one of the mystery schools. 2001 tells a story, to understand it you need to reallyunderstand the mystery religion. Why he put any of this in films I don't have a good guess, but perhaps things like this (or a visit to the Luxor hotel) or similar media are ways to begin the initiation of the profane.
please showwww fren ? I don't see it
Kubrick was an edeljude
Good find op, I've studied this film for years and never caught that.
For your hard work, look at the glass reflection when he first visits the shop owner, you will notice the neon symbols from the Sonata Cafe reflected from across the street, despite the fact that he entered a taxi to leave the cafe and arrived in that same "taxi", all he has done is crossed the "street". You may also notice that the next day when he tried to revisit the cafe, these neon symbols are missing. These neon symbols are the major arcana, Nick is the magician with "four children", lives in Seattle the "emerald city", he is the wizard of oz, get it? What's really going to bake your noodle, Nick is really just an alter personality of Alice, "it had to be you" "I see you've become a pi-a-nis-t", but he's just one of her multiple personalities.
Don't you want to see where the rainbow ends? Keep working, you'll get there "bowman".
He told Kidman while filming that "pedos run hollywood"
Crazy he died like he did so close to release
Word is the studio edited alot out and even changed the ritual music.
He supposedly stumbles across and sacrifice-torture chamber in the while walking through mansion.
I remember you. Thanks user.
So Kubrick produced Lolita when he was younger?
There's a bookstore cafe chain named after him.
The chain is in Asia.
Well, the owner finds 2 guys banging his underage daughter and locks them inside, in that next scene. Though he didn't seem to have a problem with his daughter hiding behind Cruz. The whole movie is bizarre to try and make sense of, like Cruz just happens to stumble into the periphery of something bigger on many levels. Also got the feeling the hooker he banged that wasn't going to charge him was the one at the party that saved him... what do you think? Or do you think it was the lady he saved at the other party, since she was connected to rich fucks and they put it in the newpaper after the cult scenes.
I went in one and found a white rabbit figurine with a name. I forget the name though.
It was soooooo weird.
and the diamonds !
It was the same girl. They say so in the movies. She went out and did drugs after she was gang banged and OD'd.
That would definitely make sense, considering it was already heavily implied they were going to kill her to "redeem" him for crashing their party. She said he and his family were in danger. Danger is a pretty clear meaning there.
I only KNOW that "Traumnovelle" is a good name for the story
It was implied that it was the same girl. And it was also implied that she was murdered.
Was Kubrick trying to warn the US about the homo movement coming after our children?
Or was he trying to normalize pedophilia?
Or was he talking about Epstein and kind?
Or was he just making a shocking film?
The magician, with the 4 arcana and the infinity loop above head.
Same girl, as in the girl from the opening scene that almost dies upstairs?
Mystery religion/schools? Please elaborate a bit more to get me started.
can you explain it? the O in rainbow? Looks like a normal O to me.
this is a good rundown
>inb4 riceburner
Autistic power good catch
Would you bump this? I hope you like flat earth threads lads, YOU'RE IN ONE
look how the 'o' is in a thicker font. did they go back and edit it to remove the spiral?
The script below the lit sign, where it says
"Under the Rainbow."
Lol what y'all think about this?
Young user here, Epstein triggered an obsession in the world of esotericism. Can you point me in a direction to begin my research? I feel like I'm at an impasse.
But maybe this thread is a synchronicity...
That narrative suggests the entire film is simply a discussion of exploration of sexual personalities in a marriage.
That video is unwatchable. Sorry.
Nick with the same infinity loop. This isn't the best picture but if you watch the film he at times lines up under it repeatedly. Also watch for the woman with the lattice backed dress, when the short switches from Alice to the Nick conversation, this woman teleports between both shots, this is a tell that we are in the same room still and Alice is Nick. "It had to be you".
Yes, to the audience. But then the party host older guy says she wasn't.
makes it a pretty fucking boring film then.
>wife has dream
>husband goes to a party
>"lets fuck"
the end.
bullshit, faggot.
user, be gentile with them
>Alice is Nick.
? What?
What does that do for the story?
Nobody said the man had to make a movie that was about cults. What if it really was just his way of showing the tensions of human sexuality in a healthy monogamous relationship?
Somewhat off topic but not by far
Name of the shop is "Under the Rainbow"
Judy Garland endured a hell of a lot of abuse at the hands of these people
Sang "Over the Rainbow"
You can literally see her pain
there is an interesting rundown out there about how 90% of EWS is Bill's dream
The woman with the lattice backed dress is the nine of wands from the toth amon tarot, she is a warning against Bill's foolish overconfidence.
>woah why do I keep seeing these very very basic symbols that appear anywhere I look everywhere I look, truly it is a secret code
worse than Qanon boomer shit
He was a Jew but one with a conscience, it would seem. He staged the “moon landings” for them though. After they had seen how realistic he’d made 2001 look.
The "O" is a pedo swirl... one of several pedo symbols listed by fBi
I had that suspicion as well. But my view was that it was Her dream. She was the one who stood up for him at the party.
Ok. Now I get it.
Which suggests he's the film director killed in Wag the Dog.
fuck your tea, nigger
Holy Fuk
As Bill and "Nick" walk together they become the chariot, a moving forward of Alice's plan to test Bill's fidelio.
It's not so much a dream as a guided hypnosis. Alice is hypnotizing Bill through the film, she is initiated into the cult and Bill is her mundane foolish husband. She is testing his fidelity to decide if she wants out of the cult or not at the price of their daughter.
I’m an oldfag and was a teenager when this movie came out. No one understood what it was about because it wasn’t relevant to our society at the time. The movie is about the elites, their sickness, and how their sickness is rotting the society from top down. Twenty years ago people were not aware the society was in decline. Things are really bad now. It’s like Kubrick was either warning us or rubbing it in our faces telling us what was going to happen. Our leaders are literal satanists.
Holy fuck, Wag the Dog is about a president who bones a girlscout...
fucking based. love this one.
Pic related is another creepy coincidence...
lame ass markov-chain generated response. learn to troll if you really want those shekels.
It was a warning. Got to go guys. I'll do a proper right up this month and put this whole thing out there.
He was brashfully glorifying his sick and disgusting crew.
the book/first movie have the "cult" scene as well
wish I had a better copy of the movie ! I think mine is just 720
Alice isn’t Nick.
Another user who has researched this film extensively, here.
Nick is the proverbial magician, especially when viewed as the hero’s journey. Stanley Kubrick is Nick IRL.
Alice is not Nick, but rather, there a slue of traits they share. Nick is the character that knows Bill best, before he put on his mask, and is easily Bill’s only friend in the film. Both Nick and Alice know more than Bill, and hold his hand, guiding him through the traumatic truth.
Again, Alice is not Nick. But rather, maybe, Nick, like in a dream, appears after being seen in too-good-to-be-reality circumstances. In other words, Bill’s visage of and trip to Nick were fueled by Alice, either literally or figuratively. She is Eve...or...Alice from Alice in wonderland. She’s been down the rabbit hole already.
Here’s a rare gif
I knew this thread would summon you based kubrickfags
Explain OP you giant faggot
Looks fucked
I can get paid to put up with lame faggots like you?
Yes, it's definitely a rarity in society, hence why it makes a great McGuffin for a film. You can show it, and never really show it.
The tarot is basically based on kabala magic. Watch 2001:ASO, learn about the tarot, read the Nightingale and the Rose by Wilde, rewatch EWS. More to come.
As will I.
retarded beings are left-over from a previous earth evolution and they have a deal with/inhabit "people" we call leaders of the world
did anybody find out what the numbers mean? there is one frame with a number in the bottom right corner when the underage girl runs away in the shop
I saw it years ago in a documentary
W-who is the person in the back?
ews is about a real shit
This, I've not heard of. Will look for.
I guess we know where the rainbow ends
seriously considering going through the film tonight frame by frame damn u user
I've been very busy with my career and other happenings of life but I really hope to one day dive deep into studying Kubricks work. Everytime I watch a movie if his I have this feeling, like something important is happening but I'm not sure exactly what.