/ourcouncilwoman/ needs our help

/ourcouncilwoman/ needs our help

Attached: jean cramer.jpg (1330x1008, 244K)

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nah...fuck her and fuck you

Saying that niggers destroy nice white neighborhoods is no longer a theoretical statement.

Why is this national news but the nigger beating the white to death over a fender bender in michigan wasn't?

Because jews aren't interested in reporting the "news," they're interested in pushing their bullshit narratives.

Attached: MoreBitchute.jpg (768x1024, 61K)

hoes mad

>Yfw stormniggers are so subhuman that the only requirement they need to support someone is having a common dislike for nonwhites
Imagine being this much of a low iq white nigger

Yeah sure, but it's important to influence the mainstream.

We need to come up with some way to help her. For a start, we should put together some pertinent red pills to help her make voters side with her.

not even watching the video

Attached: 1526077897929.webm (900x506, 2.87M)

She has my vote. Fuck those other faggots running for office who got their panties in a twist. It is a free country, she can run and she is qualified to run and if they try and pull some shit I'd sue for Civil Rights Violations.

>Why is this national news but the nigger beating the white to death over a fender bender in michigan wasn't?
(((National news)))

shit, it looks like she dropped out.

it's a mystery

stay mad nigger

Even a dumb turd like her knows she won't have any meaningful support.

Jow Forums is the only place where nutjobs and bigots get support for the sake of being retards.

Hoes mad

Where can I donate,

It's exactly the opposite. They pressured her to drop out because they were afraid that everyone would see she had substantial support.

this is good. more people will follow. enough with this diversity crap.


She's very courageous to stand up for the truth in the current environment. Michiganers especially need to support her right now.

I’ve thought this is a good idea in general - in a polite but honest tone and with some shocking but true and normie friendly graphs and memes make some flyers with links and a set of talking points and tone guide that would be appropriate to use in everyday door to door political canvassing. Of course if a black or merchant answers the door just pretend to be a Jehovahs Witness.

Every dirty beaners that cross the border need their fucking teeth kicked in, then dumped back to their shithole where they belong.