Europeans are scattered across the globe. Any way one looks at it, we are the largest diaspora today. With that being said, every single one of our countries are under attack by a culmination of several things.
Countries within Europe seems to have a more authentic conservative/nationalist movement forming than anywhere else. Trump was fun, but it ultimately nothing more than us stalling for time, time that Europe could hopefully use to uncuck itself and liberate itself from its Marxist dictators. With that being said, does anyone here ever see a possibility of there being a massive movement of Europeans returning home (by "home," I mean Europe)?
Individuals could go to whichever country they're from racially. If they are mixed, then perhaps Eastern Europe would welcome some competent and skilled labor (as well as the wealth increase that would come from it).
I honestly don't know if Trump will get elected again, it doesn't seem like he will. With that being said, I do believe he's only been elected long enough to buy us some time to come up with some kind of a gameplan.
I've heard of "returning home" talk before. Some are for it, others are against it. Where do you Anons stand on it? Pro's and Cons?
Unironically Russia would be the place to go. They're already an imperial culture used to assimilating outsiders, and there's a ton of land that they'd be happy to have settlers to fill up.
Half the point of the gulags was building the infrastructure necessary to settle Siberia
Juan Thompson
>Turks >Europeans
Pick one
Jose Fisher
>be connected by land mass to billions of chinks, poos, and niggers NO THANKS LUL
Christopher Turner
>Unironically Russia would be the place to go. This is exactly what I was thinking.
> Siberia
They need farmers and skilled blue collared workers desperately in that entire region. Tradies would literally be in heaven. The only thing would be trying to learn Russian. I've heard it's difficult.
With that being said, if European nationalism where widespread among all European countries (Europe as a whole/Russia), I wouldn't see a problem with it.
>Turks It was "disputed." Obviously the vast majority of whites don't see Turks as white.
>be connected by land mass to billions of chinks, poos, and niggers > Trading them for a billion cartel joining Mestizos.
Yeah, don't act like it's any better.
Brody Reyes
>Yeah, don't act like it's any better. the continent of africa alone is at least 10x worse than latin america.
Zachary Hernandez
yes, and a lot of whites would accept. lots of whites here already do it, but there is a lot of money and bureaucracy involved. members of my family acquired dual citizenship, proving their lineage, but that took years and just a few countries does that. also, in ww2 vargas convinced whites to build a brown soup facism. foreign culture was prohibited, samba and feijoada were pushed on. look at pic related, the red means HDI, the north is were (((lusos))) build their little slave empire. who you think the south is? who pays the gibs? where is more violent? i guess you already know these answers. it's the same shit everywhere, it can't be a coincidence.
Your country is full of Russians pretending to be jews
Jackson Nguyen
I'd do it if I knew where I was from, where to go, what language to learn. Time to get to work!
James Gonzalez
I would welcome my west brothers, when Climate Change will happen and Europe will burn.
Jaxson Hall
>yes, and a lot of whites would accept. That's exactly what I mean. A lot of Spaniards/Portuguese/German Diaspora live within Brazil. A lot of those European countries have low birthrates too. Allowing those of European heritage to "return home" would not only satisfy the need for immigration because of them not having enough children, but it would also ensure that immigration would be homogeneous and individuals looking to reconnect with their culture and heritage.
Both needs would be met. There are diaspora Europeans all over the planet. Everywhere from South Africa, South America, Oceania, North America, etc. Here's the thing too, the only people that would even want to do something like this would most likely be redpilled whites, not liberals. This would vastly improve and bolster Europe's nationalist position and population.
>we dont have any euroes or 'disputed' euros I think that's the first thing a Jew and I have ever agreed on.
Austin Peterson
>what language to learn This is the thing for me. I don't know which language to even consider studying. Right now I'm just and Anglo learning Spanish, but would really wish that somewhere in Europe would begin at least speaking about something like this just to give me an idea of a language to study. > when Climate Change will happen and Europe will burn When climate change happens, Siberia will be turned into a paradise.
Easton Lopez
>brazil >whites
this is what the average """"white"""" brazilian dna looks like. The real """"european'"""" diaspora is much much smaller. Fuck off you faggot i am not a wh*TE dog i am purebred KARA BOGA.
Only as a last resort. But I would rather stay here and fight. If we need to balkanize then so be it. Then we can perform a massive reconquista and destroy the degenerates occupying our lands once and for all.
Daniel Wilson
Kinda difficult since most likely we are all euromutts outside europe Im fucking part italian, french, spanish and austrian Given most of my family is mostly italian and i have italian citizenship i guess i would go there but still
Landon Wright
For a continent Europe is largest diaspora but for a single country it's the poo. India is largest diaspora country. They should return home also
Gavin Cox
>we are all euromutts outside europe Well, if that's the case, I'm sure there are places in eastern Europe that might be willing to create another pan-European country or something. Who knows. I could see it happening if something like this were ever to occur. Especially when taking into account the massive skill and wealth transfer this would mean.
Logan Ortiz
i know, most of these are not real whites, but it's 209.3 million people. i live here, do you want blondes? redheads? blue eyes? i can choose, and people are hard working and not a bit nationalist, they would jump on board in a snap
>what language to learn english is the standard language
Caleb Anderson
Enough with this kike divde and conquer nonsense. The situation globally is dire for white people. We all need to be united in this battle for the future of the planet. Once we win, then we can fight eachother again over petty shit. White Brazilians can balkanize and form their own Fascist ethnostate for example. Even non-white Brazilians who are Fascist can also form their own states. The main thing is that 90% of liberal Jews, niggers, and non-whites need to be genocided (just a joke fbi) from the planet. They are the enemy. I am perfectly fine with a world order that is ruled by White fascist and non-white Fascist states.
>Should Europeans return home? We should just displace all non-Europeans. This can be done through the use of chemical and biological manipulation.
After all, there apparently can be only one race, otherwise we'll be fighting over clay forever. And various races won't stay on their own clay, so the only solution is a final one.
The only question...who will win?
Jeremiah Bell
cope. That's my dna and i lived in Brazil, and that country is so mutted that there are no "real" pure genetically whites like America anymore. You can take most blondes you can find there and they will probably be like 10-15% BLACK. I have blonde """""white"""""" cousins that truly and unironically look white yet they have basically the same lineage as i do and just look at my dna. It's bad to the point where a black dad and a """white""" mom will bear blonde children sometimes because the black dude is like 50% white and didn't even know.
That's the future of Amerikkka. People think that whites will disappear but that's not true at all. There will still be phenotypically white kids but once you look at their DNA they are part BLACK. The retards on this board don't fucking realize how DNA and body features works. There's no such thing as white genocide, incels, unless 99% of current whites die virgin and never have kids. If you keep HAVING SEX instead of shitposting on this tranny board, whiteness as in appearance will never fade away from the planet.
>balkanize with what resources? with rifles? both of our countries have a brown soup facism going on, and europe is wanting to brew their own. we should unite and claim back a land rightfully ours.
Blake Edwards
>we should unite and claim back a land rightfully ours. Agreed entirely. The longer we wait, the weaker we become as a people. If we wait too long, we'll become extinct.
> People think that whites will disappear but that's not true at all It absolutely will happen. Non-whites giving birth to white children is an extremely rare phenomenon and I can guarantee you those "blonde" cousins of yours have black traits if they have 10-15% African within them.
> There's no such thing as white genocide Spoken like a true non-white.
Jaxson Lewis
this should be voted in europe, to accept those with longer than 1 generation. most euros here are from 1848 revolutions. north americans already have easy access to europe, but we at the south don't. it would be awesome.
Dominic Peterson
No, the whole world is ours it's time to expand the white race all around the world
Michael Cooper
Adrian Young
As if I'm going to return to my ancestral home and get arrested for posting memes and owning a butter knife. Get your house in order and the Sons of St. George might return Brits.
Connor Brooks
literally they are there in 3/5 of land and still cant get pussy