How does one stop the tobacco jew?
How does one stop the tobacco jew?
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Just stop.
what are you? some weak willed faggot? just dont do it anymore
develop a virus that targets and kills the tobacco plant. or the jew. i don't really care which.
Those shitty teeth are from Mountain Dew and lack of toothbrush. Not cigarettes.
/thread we don’t have to makes these long .
Jews are anti-tobacco because it's one of the few industries that they don't own. All anti smoking movements and laws were propagated by Jews.
Jews are also anti-oil. Guess who doesn't run that industry either?
Not an argument phonefag.
Are you actually defending the idiot who claims oil and tobacco companies are free of kike control?
i defeated the hemp jew on sheer will alone,
also know a co worker who stopped smoking cigarettes cold turkey after 10 years of smoking
actually it's from mountain dew and brushing teeth. brushing teeth causes cavities.
Name one Jew at the head of any tobacco company.
Tell me all those “truth” adds aren’t the kikest piece of propaganda you’ve ever seen.
You accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, repent of your sins and ask Jesus to guide you through your addiction. It may be hard, but the Holy Spirit will ease off the addiction and make the withdrawal symptoms more bearable.
I have brushed my teeth every day twice since I had teeth and I have never had any cavity so your statement is false.
>ID contains "Rot"
I'm onto you, nazi dentist.
Randomly throwing the word "Jew" onto a question doesn't make it on-topic.
Go visit a tobacco cessation forum you fucking faggot. This is Jow Forums, not a place for you to discuss smoking.
Jews actually are fighting against tobacco, it's a symbol of defiance towards society
God is siding with Jews on this one, imagine God creating wonderful creatures with perfectly functioning lungs just for those creatures to destroy the very lungs with which they breathe to become purposely addicted to a financially draining substance with more negative effects than good ones.
Dude what the fuck this is exactly what I did, switched from Marlboro Reds to Winston white boxes
I'm using them to cope with the societal reality they created so to hell with whatever the fuck.
There are no winners
There is a winner and that winner is you once you free yourself of that useless addiction. I can be a humanist and tell you to "BELIEVE IN YOURSELF" however you already are believing in yourself and that is causing you to be addicted. So I tell you instead, believe in Jesus Christ, he will free you from your addiction and the dark thoughts that surround it. God bless you.
Nicotine suppresses appetite and increases cognition. Gee, I wonder (((who))) wants us to be fat and dumb?
Get the fucking patch pleb. If you can't quit on that you might as well blow your lungs out by vaping.
Come and take them Pole
Smoker here
This 9000%
Get a Juno, you retarded Zoomer. You're not a character on Cowboy Bebop. It hurts your lungs and makes you smell like shit. Love your body, white man.
I want to quit but after vaping I became more addicted to cigs and nicotine.
Vape your way down to 2 percent nicotine, down to 0 if you need it. Then quit.
my mom is dying from cirhossis and hemochromatosis, my will to quit is gone for now
no webcam
Cancer cures smoking
>Jow Forums tells me jews want to kill us and they controll everything
>every gov around the world makes every year laws against smoking and increase prices of cigarettes
so what is true then ? is marlboro /ourguy/ ?
Never had a winston in my life. Is it a trailer trash cigarette like pyramids?
More like an old man's cigarette, like Chesterfields
They're a good bit cheaper than Marlboros but the quality is on-par
Its this simple. Just dont put a cigarette in your mouth. How hard can it be? Literally smoked casually for 6 years and never even felt the slighest sense of addiction.
Tobacco fags get the rope
You learn something new every day on this board. Thank you for sharing I did not know Phillip Morris was Jewish, it all makes sense now.
>Hanged for smoking
I sure hope you don't drink :^) hypocrites aren't cool :^)))
Mehh I used to smoke american spirits and red 72’s. I got a vape mod and just gradually drop the nicotine and eventually stop caring for it altogether
Use capsaicin. Eat a jalepeno when you get a craving. It will make you stop thinking about smoking.
If this is a serious question...I quit cold turkey once, but then got back on it after a couple years when my life kinda went to shit. Personal weakness but whatever. Switched to vaping and have been off for 5 years now. I just like nicotine and the stupid habit. It's a crutch and I'm cool with it, and if you actually look at the studies and not BS headlines like the recent "VAPING WILL KILL YOU" (culprit was shady THC carts), it's a much healthier (not healthy, healthier) alternative. Cheaper, too, doesn't stink, no butts to worry about.
Get this book. I know self-help books seem kind of lame, but, this one did work for me. You have to smoke while you read and he leads you through the psychology of addiction. Eventually, you actually want to quit. I think there is even an audiobook version. Good Luck
Tobacco is the most shilled against vice.
what is this hemp jew?
i smoked for about 13 years. one day i just got sick of coughing shit up in the shower everyday, smelling like shit, and spending all that money on them.
i broke it down into different addictions. i had an addiction to the feeling of inhaling smoke and filling my lungs, i had a "routine" addiction (smoking after i eat something, smoking in the car, smoking while drinking beer, etc), and i had a nicotine addiction.
i quit in stages. i got a vaporizer and forced myself to use it with nicotine juice. i was using it to break my addiction to the taste of cigarettes and it was also good for the inhalation feeling. i used it for like 6 months. then i got sick of using it, and wanted to break the smoking/inhalation addiction, so i forced myself to stop using the vaporizer and started using nicotine lozenges instead. i used those for a while, another 6 months i guess. i was still using them in the same way as smoking, id use them after i ate and got in the car, etc. so then i finally wanted to break that addiction and just stopped using the lozenges.
that was a year ago and i dont get urges to smoke anymore for anything. it just smells like shit now.
Pipe tobacco and cigars are where it is, there’s really no additives like with fags, and they’re not as addictive if at all comparatively
Smokeless nicotine salts
This is how it's done, you just don't smoke until you stop caring about cigarettes. Eventually you'll lose dependence on nicotine and smoking will become "difficult", like a couple drags off a cig will make you light headed. That's when you know you're done, unless you decide to keep smoking and regain your tolerance.
this, I kicked a 2 pack a day marlboro red habit with an e-cigarette and a slow taper. this was after trying to quit cold turkey, with patches, etc -- each time I'd be "successful" for about a month or 2 and then go back to smoking even more than before, which is how I got to 2 packs a day. it was like I was making up for lost time. in a 15 minute break I'd smoke 3 back to back, on a 30 minute lunch it'd be 5 to 6. At home it was usually every 20 minutes, more if I was drinking. Fucking disgusting really
when it got time to kick the vaporizer I just started buying packs of wintergreen life savers and chewing on a pen in the car. gradually both those habits faded too.
although I still do like the smell of tobacco smoke, I haven't touched the shit in years
you start vaping, then taper off over a year, get the max mg juice and each month taper down by mixing it with 0mg juice. Over a year you will be free.
I quit smoking weed after being a daily toker relatively easily. I feel like it would be a lot harder to give up cigs.
If your so tough and you think quitting is so easy then good for you. People's brains are wired differently. I get mood swings and have anger issues if I don't smoke. I would have to ween myself off to still function with my job and life.
Jews are anti-smoking because smokers just die quickly when they die and don't spend a shitload of government money keeping them alive like old people.
Quitting weed was such a weird experience.
The first week of quitting weed I had the most vivid dreams I've ever had. I also woke up soaked in sweat and had tons of epiphanies.
Was a great decision to quit weed, though. I also quit drinking alcohol and taking psychedelics.
Smokers unite
>although I still do like the smell of tobacco smoke
i hate the smell of cigs now, it smells like actual dog shit to me. cigars smell really good though, its just a nice rich robust smell. i won't smoke cigars despite never having an addiction to them because it's a slippery slope.
>The first week of quitting weed I had the most vivid dreams
Same, supposedly THC fucks with your REM sleep
You don't
(((Tobacco))) + (((Capitalism)))
How in the actual fuck does one get addicted to tobacco?
What are your opinions on vaping? Is it a good way to quit smoking?
Something called Nicotine
yes this
also you will either gain or lose weight,
more so if you smoke tabacco
Nicotine lozenges. Nicotine lozenges. Nicotine lozenges.
Vaping is gonna kill millions. Nicotine lozenges give you an amazing hit of nicotine. 1000X better than gum. Trust me. They are better than cigarettes.
Heres how you do it. Follow these instructions exactly:
1. Buy Nicotine lozenges (2mg or 4mg, depending)
2. Pick a date to switch to lozenges.
3. The morning of your switch date, do not smoke.
4. Do not smoke until you get that rip your hair out, gouge your eyeballs from thier sockets feeling.
5. When you just cant take it anymore, pop a lozenge.
6. Feel the rush of the best nicotine high of your life.
Congrats, you're now a lozenge junky.
Word of warning...once you get on the lozenge trip, there is no getting off it. You'll look better, feel better, and best of all, you can ride that nicotine high 24-7.
smoking is more than just a nicotine addiction. i think the act of smoking is more addicting than nicotine. nicotine is the hook, the smoking process is the fishing line
Just don't buy them. I don't understand how it's that hard. Maybe get some toothpicks and chew on those if it helps. My dad quit dipping cold turkey just because of the amount of money he spent on it, but he still dips coffee just to feel like he kept the habit.
Keep a box with one cig in it and tell yourself that's the last one you ever get to smoke. If you're smart, you'll save it for when you're actually stressed out/actually need something to calm you down.
>Vaping is gonna kill millions
>you'll know you're done when you smoke a cigarette
Just a gut feeling I have. I tried it. Once.
Felt like it was dissolving me from the inside out. I could feel my cells recoil. Mankind has been smoking shit since we invented fire, so on some level we are adapted to it. Vaping is a black hole of uncertainty and anyone who claims to know the long term effects is an idiot.
Vaping damages lung tissue in its own way. An article just came out like yesterday about it.
>also quit drinking alcohol and taking psychedelics.
Why quit the psyches?
I vape regularly, and I can say it definitely has an affect smoking does not. I get bad headaches whenever I vape too much, and I feel like I'm gonna vomit a lot of times too. I think it's probably like candy: Doing it every now and then won't hurt you, but do it all the time and you're gonna have some fucking issues. On top of that, they just look trashy, and will never have the same rugged/masculine appeal smoking does.
So, what do? Trying to get my heavy smoking dad to quit. Are nicotine gums a meme?
I quit a handful of times with no intention on permanently quitting. I like smoking. I like to do it when I drink or am reading. I like sitting on my balcony when the weathers nice and burn a few. I usually cut back a lot or quit in the winter or when I get on an exercise kick. It just feels good.
>How does one stop the tobacco jew?
Talk to your doctor - there are medicines that can help with nicotine withdrawal.
Simple you stop, if you do not have the will to stop.
Drink some bleach and fuck off.
You are a failure then, a failure to your race to God and ultimately our goals.
Just this. And Jews have nothing to do w tobacco. Grow up before you become a racist old crank w no job and no friends and smoke more cigs til you die of lung cancer
Is it actually affecting him (Smokers cough, bad gums/teeth, etc)? If not, then I wouldn't worry about him quitting too much, he'll probably be alright. If it is, there's nothing you can really do to make him quit except encouragement. Getting him hooked on gum/vapes/patches doesn't solve the problem of a nicotine addiction, it just treats the symptoms.
Ditch your degenerate friends who continue to smoke. Go invisible, Get the cessation stickers. Ignore warnings about sleeping with the product applied. Complete the program, be the change you want to see.
solvent extracting the nicotine and doing lines
>Is it actually affecting him
Fine for now but he's in his mid 50's already so kinda worried.
>smoking cigarettes
I don't know how fags smoke them. They taste awful and you smell like absolute shit after. I smoke cigars. Love the smell and relaxes me completely. Pipes are great too.
We know all about how smoking affects the body on every level. All smoke, including weed, fucks up your lungs. That being said, it fucks them up very slowly and predictably. All kinds of things fuck up our bodies all the time. Sugar, salt, etc. We are surrounded by poison. Ingest it constantly.
Maybe there is some industrial process where workers are exposed to water vapor with chemicals in it all day everyday that we could use as a predictor of what vaping might do? I havent ever heard of such a thing, but maybe it happens?
There will be a vaping patient zero, and hes gonna dry-heave an entire lobe of lung meat in a Wal-Mart parking lot while his children look on in horror. Screencap this.
The gum is not a meme, but it isnt as satisfying as the lozenges. If hes a heavy smoker he will need the 4mg dose.
Not sure. I can pick it up and put it down whenever. Haven’t smoked in 6 months and don’t really care if I do or don’t again. I’ve heard that if you start as a teen it really gets its claws in you.
50mg nicotine salt.
Go finance a new car. The money you save by not smoking goes to the car instead. You can have a ride and travel the country, or you can have an ashtray and poor health.
You decide to stop being a pussy and go cold turkey. No other way is really quitting.
Spot on. It's been shilled so fuckin hard and there's barely any research on its effects on health long-term.
i smoked for 27 years and decided to stop. so i stopped. pretty simple.
i mean i swore at the cat a few times for the first two weeks and kept to myself because i knew i was in a foul mood. but after that i never looked back.
want to stop? so stop.
Yeah that's exactly my thought pattern on it. Another user in this thread mentioned how we've been smoking tobacco for thousands of years, and that's why I'd rather smoke cigarettes. I don't really seem to be genetically predisposed to lung cancer (Relatives on both sides of the family smoked and were fine) so I'm pretty relaxed about it. I just try to stick to American Spirits (Since they're more natural than the other shit they sell) and rollups, to keep as much of the rat poison and God knows what else out of my lungs.
Personally I wouldn't worry too much. If he doesn't even have smokers cough by now (Assuming he's been at it since he was around 18) it sounds like he'll be alright. I'm not a doctor by any stretch of the imagination, but you start to decline around that age anyways, he's lived a decent life already. If the man wants to keep at it and it's not having any obvious harmful effects, I'd say let him. You've gotta die of something sooner or later, and if the effects of smoking haven't started creeping up on him now, he's probably more likely to die of something else than lung cancer.
I think the first step if realizing that you're buying a product that was scientifically designed to become near impossible to quit, turn you into a poisoned slave.
That somehow hit me in the feels user
>smoking tobacco for thousands of years
yeah, i don't think the tobacco in the stores with the arsenic and 100's of other chemicals is the holistic type.
smoke some whacky tobaccy instead