Scam Baiting Immoral?

I watch a lot of Scam Baiting channels. I am often times conflicted. I just watched the most epic video of Kitboga talking to an Indian who opened up about their life.

Is Scam Baiting evil? Should we teach Indians and other Scam Baiters how to UNSHACKLE themselves and make money on the internet?

I dunno....just sad.

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No, India should be flushed.

Maybe. But Robin Hood.

R they the same?

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If they had the skills to make money any other way, they wouldn't be working at a call center. Those channels always made me depressed when the Indian guy drops the act because you can tell the level of hatred they have for Americans. They take glee in defrauding the elderly. There is nothing that can be done for such people and all we can do is force the Indian government to continue to shut down call centers as they spring up. It is an exploitative business model, not just for the people they scam but also those who perform the calls.

How is it immoral to make people who devote their lives to ripping people off waste a couple of hours of their time? It's good entertainment and it might save a few people who actually work for a living from losing their money. Just because they make a living from it doesn't mean they're not committing a crime. No sane person would argue that it's immoral for police to arrest thieves because "oh those poor thieves they make a living stealing! You're taking away their livelihood!" Scam baiters aren't even stopping them. Just wasting a small amount of time and spreading awareness.

Teach a man to fish...teach and Indian to youtube!

Kit started this because his own, infirm family members almost had their hard earned money stolen. Now he makes bank wasting their time and creating entertainment. Fuck these scammers, no excuse for it

Totally understand. It's time Jow Forums has a discussion about this though.

Kitboga is his brother’s keeper by raising awareness of these criminals and wasting their time. For each one that expresses remorse (but still do it anyways) there’s a 100 more who gleefully prey on the weakest and most vulnerable in our countries, fuck scammers. I would hang them like the Taliban hanged thieves.

>not posting irlrosie

Y'all have no taste

The scammers that talk to Kit are doing so of their own choice. They have the full context that the person they are talking to is someone that they would like to steal money from. The callers, on the other hand, is not privy to this information.

If the full knowledge of what the scammer wants is available on both sides, and that knowledge somehow makes the scammer the victim, you'll have to explain that on further.

KITBOGA is awesome, and tonight he had a break-through moment. We need to seize this and realize that the internet can be the great "UNSHACKLER" We are humans.

One day some Senator's mother will get scammed and India will be IP banned

Indians are with us. Why do we scam the scammers. Moon Shadow......Follow the Moooooon Shadow.

Anybody happen to catch that episode of crocodile tears a couple of days back? This dude is such a disingenuous piece of shit lol.

KITBOGA Finally met up with what he has been scared of for years. He met an Indian who was willing to speak "TRUTH TO POWER". He made himself vulnerable. KITBOGA failed to do his part. You will understand when the video is released as a clip to you fags.

The reason this post started on Jow Forums was because KITBOGA'S stream was the most epic of Scam Baiting as possible. I don't know if I would have done the right thing either...


no, his grandmother actually did get robbed

For some context: KITBOGA is the BEST Scam Baiter on youtube. If you don't know what that is....ur a faggot.

But, Scam Baiting is like being Robin Hood on crack. You're kinda accepted in society. It's like Owen Benjamin on Jow Forums Ha

Anyways. Truth To Power? I dunno. Watch his shit and let us know.

This is his competitor who claims he will do the "right" thing when confronted with the 'moment'. We shall see - Cradle of Filth

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I’ve been watching this guy. I’ve honestly been looking for someone to call them racists.

Lets do it. KITBOGA is a raccccccist!

With how technologically illiterate the representatives are, they are probably the ones being scammed

KITBOGA would not be playing the music he is playing if he didn't care. We bashed him a bit in chat, but we wanted to be impactful. If he reads this....we are not his enemies.

Nah i just wanted someone to cuss them out while speaking hindi. But I haven’t found anything. One of them called me today and I played Bollywood music, and they stayed on the line. Then I called back and played take the poo to the loo for them.

I want KITBOGA to do the right thing. Be above the "hindi". You know. We watched the same Chasm.

This thread is not to bash KITBOGA. He is one of the best and honorable beings out there. I just want to refine his strength . . .

Why does he not call American Supplement scammers?

Kitboga is just as important as the idea of Robin Hood...But aren't the scammers robbing from the rich Americans/American companies blatantly exploiting places like India? Is that not robbing from the rich? I will not put down watching Kitboga...but scamming a scammer...hypocrisy

Level 1 Bros don't call American Supplement scammers.

Tonight's stream was probably the most earnest, down-to-earth experience I've seen anyone have with a scammer over the internet.


Can you link Twitch or do we need to wait till the JewTube is released?

Imagine feeling sorry for a dirrty thieving pajeet

Wish I knew. I just watched the one from two days ago where the poo got mad at the roommate girlfriend and told them to go fuck themselves. Lol.

Kitboga is amateur level, the best scambaiters are the ones that end up hacking their computers, deleting their files and causing real damage

He does that too.


He op, do you work for the same people that shilled Jordan Peterson on here?

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why do losers watch this nonsense?

Why arent you crying for poor tyrone who had to shoot up a gas station for money?

He’s the hero we don’t deserve, but need... or something

oh shit it's 42:3

Did he get mossaded?

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Kitboga is a literal SAINT. Fuck India, they should burn for their despicable crimes. They deserve being born Indian.

>having pity on Indians
This is what the British did when they released them from property status. Look at India now.

Pajeets literally shit in the streets. How can anyone feel bad for them?