Dose america even have culture?

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it literally is our culture. im not even trying to be funny.

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Damn that looks good


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Just cuz you don't like your culture doesn't mean it doesn't exist

You just posted it.

What's the difference between yogurt and America? If you leave yogurt out for 250 years it develops a culture

>What's the difference between yogurt and America? If you leave yogurt out for 250 years it develops a culture

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its the double double from in-n-out

What a sorry bunch of yanks ITT

We do and I don't want to change anything about it.

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Damn, the one time I wish I was a califag

Yes. Their culture revolves around wagecucking, debt slavery, and endless, reckless consumption.

Do these even count as towns you only go to these places on roadtrips


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how is it better than the eruos?


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Yes, we have a progressive culture of transgenderism and child sex reassignment surgery. And we will export this culture to the rest of the world - by nuclear force if need be.

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Anymore questions?

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Based. Europoors like to pretend that there’s something wrong with consumerism.

Wasn't Audrey Hepburn British though?

It's Hollywood.

I guess this is culture.

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nothing but gay old time.
no nogs, pajeets, or gooks.
also the buildings that were made look hell of a lot better than what we make.

Yes, all that you can say is typically american is american culture

>bob dylan
LOL also the dude with the basketball is a Leaf I think

Yes but the people corporations have rights to so no we don't.

The absolute state.
The commie party here is trying to bring this garbage here as well. Just shows (((who))) is promoting this thing.

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>Neil Young
>Fleetwood Mac
Not even trying Tyrone

more guns, less islam

Stevie Nicks & Lindsey Buckingham are American.

We also love war.

It once had a very strong and proud culture based on God, family and country, keyword, it had, it's in the past, current american culture is based around mindless consumerism, the desecration of traditions and of the Sacred, it's an insult to what it once was, everything or almost everything the founding fathers intended and did has been destroyed.
Times are only getting darker in the american nation, you guys had a good run, but you know, nothing good lasts forever.

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Doesn’t change that the band was formed in London...

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Another slide thread. James Allsup has been banned from kiketube

>No Nogs
Try again
>No Pajeets
Try again
>No Gooks
Ok Ill give you that one, but what's wrong with Vietnamese people?

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So? Then it's American/British

Fucking kikes trying to ruin all countries. Here is to Nippon Kaigi taking power and outlawing communism and establishing the next Japanese Empire.

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again all i see is a gay old time that involves gays.
and not a single non-white

Coleslaw is culture

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What’s wrong with consumerism?

What do you want us to do, you sped?

End the Fed.

>dose america even have culture?

yes, and it is the envy of the world.

>you will never sit in a meadow on a frosty morning in the USA hunting Blacktails.
Why even live

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The fitness and health food trend is also our culture.

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>You will never fly thousands of miles to watch a car race and actually have a fucking blast
Why even live

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It used to have a sort of traditional, protestant, anglo, libertarian-ish culture. Now its just Israel lovers, obesity, consumerism, gay sex, war, and some fat boomers LARPing about the constitution

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Of course, how could you possibly bitch about it 24/7 if not?

used to

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I know you faggot is trolling but when you grow up visit New Orleans

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So the same as every western country?

White's culture is Civilization.

wow, didnt think there was so much french left over after we bought it

Amerimongrels culture is inbreeding and being lardassed fatfucks.

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Based and venisonpilled.

i live on the otherside of the world and know about the pennsylvania turnpike such is the power of burger culture.


It essencially replaces the old and traditional values of a society, people stop caring about politics and their nation as a whole, they start seeing their country not as an entity with history and culture but as a mere economic zone to do shopping and busiseenes, people in general easier to control, you can bombard them with propaganda in their peoducts, you can see this with virtually every single hollywood movie nowdays, somethin similar is happening with videogames.
I realize that the topic of consumerism is highly subjective so I understand if you have a different opinion.

Stop showing Jewish culture please

Yep, and it's better than yours Rabbi.

The problem is that Amerikikes are mongrelized subhumans and not muh white.

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of course we have culture. where the hell else you gonna find an xmas golf card parade?

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culture is turning up to work on time all year

>does america even have culture?
Yeah, whatever we want. That 3x3 looks good right now.


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city is 300 years old and been under spanish, french, british, USA control with cultural influence from Haitian, Caribbean, Cuban, French, Cajun etc.

American culture dominates all other peasant cultures, deal with it.

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It's all so tiresome.

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True. I hunt whitetails.

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holy skit, kek bro

It did up until marketing became a thing and basically turned our culture into buying and consuming shit

That must be why it's a fucking disgusting cesspool

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Its like one giant piece of litter.

Liberals destroyed our culture

im sorry vpn nigger but if you do that for too long you will get lyme disease like me so its not all its cut out to be

It used to

>James Dean
Only lesbians idolize James Dean

Found the faggot

Or lone star

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>nippon kaigi
They are neo-con cucks desu. Abe, who is part of it, wants more immigrants

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The culture of greed.

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>does America have culture?
It has too much culture. You have the native Americans culture that is sprinkled in the dirty old corners. You have the old west homestead culture... cow boys in leather chaps herding cattle across miles of rolling pastures (you might call this Spanish caballero culture but it really reached its zenith in America). The road-trip culture is as Americana as it gets... starting with the wagon trains going west and ending with the highway system (America being the first to You have the “suburbia” culture and all subsets of that (the factory centered neighborhood, the Highschool centered neighborhood etc) where a man and his wife could purchase a detached home with a yard and a picket fence, partake in backyard barbecues and listen to the football game on the radio (now flatscreen TV). The surfer culture (borrowed from Hawaii) but culminating in the whole Woody automobile era. The roadside Diner culture. The Jazz club in Harlem culture. The fanboat in the Everglades culture. The Rocky Mountain cabin culture. The high-rise office building culture. The cook meth in a trailer culture.

America is many many things. You could argue that each of those things comes from somewhere else. But you have to remember also that those “somewhere else” places are much much much older than America is. America is an infant. One thing that infants are notorious for is naivety. America is naive. But with naivety comes fearlessness and recklessness. This is the father of innovation and progression. America is a testing ground for all of the new shit. We spend 40%+ of the world’s Medical R&D expenditures in America. These are all aspects of “Americana”... others will look at or fixate on the uglier parts of our culture and say “look, they’re all fat fucks! Lmfao” or “haha muh consumerism” But there’s a lot of good too.

>Does America even have a culture?
I ordered one with extra cheese and bacon. Breddy gud

>letting a tick cuck your life
Wear some repellent and check yourself when your done. It's not hard. Also, there are no ticks in the winter.

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America isnt a fucking nation, all cultures are in regions in states, THAT ARE SUPPOSED TO BE NATIONS.

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Eating a Culver's butter burger right now baby. So good.

>lyme disease
>bitten by a tic
user what's bug spray for?

Cope, boomer.
Your lesbian idol has been dead for decades. Time to move on.

>inbreeding, mongrelization, faggotry and fatfuckery dominates other actual cultures

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>posts truckstops near freeways

Commie tears flowing behind that snark mask.

the point I'm trying to make is American culture is technological innovation

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their culture is the one culture where everyone tries to emulate
we dont recognize it much because it became so acceptable

fucking nerd