Who's the top and who's the bottom Jow Forums?

Who's the top and who's the bottom Jow Forums?

>inb4 chinese leaf posters
>inb4 french afrikaans posters

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Both power bottoms who share a dildo

But really though, Macron is the obvious bottom. Nobody is molested by a grandma and goes on to marry her is anything but a bottom.

Attached: ignored-castro.jpg (300x168, 11K)

Guy on the left is the top and Macron is the boipussi provider

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from one frenchie to another, please save my campaign

I've seen him often. Is that the guy who assaulted protesters?

That's a tough one...

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Presidents are always tops.

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yep, Benalla. Now doing shady business in North Africa

Melina Trump is the meat in that sandwich while cuck donny watches on

If it wasn't the fucking president of my country I'd find the pic hilarious

It's actually really depressing desu.

As an American who loves France and lived in Paris for a bit of time. I really hope things get better there.

Are they dancing tango or what? I have not seen anything so gay in long time.

So according to plan?

Attached: MACRONHUGGING.jpg (3508x2778, 507K)

Dunno. Psychologist on youtube said he was psychopath and control freak, so maybe he is really a dominant one, Castro looks like someone who does not care really.

Jesus, this smile on the last one is creepy as hell, Antichrist-tier shit.

I don't know and I don't care. I also don't know what the faggotry term that the alphabet people call it, but I suspect they take turns.

Thanks bro. I think things will get somewhat better in the long run.

I feel your pain my dude, My dad is French, if it makes you feel any better his approval ratings are fucking atrocious, the masses aren't completely brain dead...

how are the yellow vest doing these days?

Me too. I was at the yellow vest protest in Paris on December 1st. A thing of beauty. The native French have a spirit to them. A bit jealous desu.

yeah, you guys were ruled by similar types during communist times.

>We're gonna get the Amazon Dumbo.
>It's gonna be amazing
>Trust me I fuck a granny.

Macronni sure knows how to toss a pasta salad.

>4th frame is too creepy to handle.
>Makes Joe Biden look like a choir boy.

Macron is strict bottom, he can only cum from getting fucked in the ass.

Balls touched, Macron's balls had obviously been in previous contact with nigger balls as well, meaning Trudeau also has AIDS for sure.

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They are still out there, it has died down. there was some news recently with the G7 Summit. Unfortunately lots of these guys are basically Antifa, its highly diverse and disorganized

Trips of truth. Even Trudeau has more motivation to top than Macaroni.


Joe is just affectionate guy, he tries to convey support. And enjoy hair smell.

Based nun. Get thee to a nunnery.

Trudeau is visibly uncomfortable with the French faggots disregard for personal space, it’s a non issue to me though because Trudeau is a scumbag piece of shit.

>Who's the top and who's the bottom Jow Forums?
Castro probably turned Trudeau into a skippy-jar years ago. Who knows how fags figure this shit out?
>have some OC

Attached: Trudeau_sex_tourism.png (251x402, 209K)

Shamefully I have to admit Trudeau would be the bottom. He is simply the most beta leader there is. Macron would also insist he keeps his socks on too.

2 Gays. Actually, I really believe that Macron is a homo faggot. Did you see his eyes looking at those Black dudes?

>Guy on the left is the top and Macron is the boipussi provider
So is his marriage to that older woman just a smoke screen for his homosexuality? Why? Europe has homo leaders - Ireland, Luxembourg.


>udeau is visibly uncomfortable with the French faggots disregard for personal space
It's mostly because the Quebec version of French sounds like nails on a chalkboard to someone from france. I married a Quebec girl with extended family from surrenderland, it took at least 10 shots each before I could even talk to her family. The French hate Cancandian 'french'

Let me tell you something honest. The first time I pounded the shit out a black guy's asshole I did not look as gay a Macron.

But what really struck me is this. I distinctly remember feeling his back skin and 'noticing' how different it was. How supple yet thick.

Marcon's expression communicates that sentiment to me totally. Just in a creepier way.

Macron fucks niggers while Trudeau jerks off in the corner

95% sure they both compete for bottom.

I hope this pic is seered into french history books in the future under the chapter, "The Downfall of The Republic".

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>inb4 mutt posters asking retarded questions

>95% sure they both compete for bottom.
>Castro's kid and Le-petit-souffle
>competing for anything
I doubt it

Attached: trudeau_porn_hub.png (750x864, 1.05M)

The rest of Canada hates the “French” Canadians too, bunch of loud, rude separatist scum.

That mean the boer (the white dutch people in sa) you fucking uneducated retard

Homo leaders serve oligarchs. That's the deal.

Both bottoms. They hold each others hands while getting a hot injection of diversity.

Can you blame them? Who tf would want to be part of Canada?

If you had a culture you might understand why we want our own country.

>rest of Canada hates the “French” Canadians too
Yeah, I'm one of them frog haters also (I'm 42 ffs and the separatist shit is getting old). It was easy to convince my chickie to finally drop her accent once we were in eastern ON for good. Whether or not it was natural or not it was all for the better.

He feels like it may hurt Melania, he doesn't want to cheat.

>"The Downfall of The 5th Republic".
i'm sure some muhammed will remember this pic when they genocide all the niggers during the downfall of the 8th french republic. whites won't last till the end of the 6th

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>had a culture
Oh you were serious? Sorry I didn’t realize you considered being a retarded, racist version of a pre existing society “culture”

Cope more. You're just an american without a gun kys anglo.

Shouldn’t you be in bed kid? School in the morning little frog.

>Cope more
>just an american without a gun
A fair number of us that post here have firearms faggot. Not like they are hard to aquire if you have a job.

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No I'm a neet. thanks to the anglos hard work, I can just sit here and wait for that good perequation money.

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With 5 bullets per mags, can't store your gun with your ammo nt retard

Unironically, I can see Macon passing Trudeau's asshole around to rich old French gay men.

I find it disturbing more than anything, like his GILF wife just got blacked and Macron wants the double shot of slave cum for himself.
I’ve never been to France (other than an airport) but hope to travel through the non-arrogant parts, probably going to avoid Paris.

>wait for that good perequation money
You will never get a cheque. It has been going to the wasteful cunt's pockets you elected to office.
>With 5 bullets per mags
You do not know the law workarounds (which there are a dozen) and obviously are a fag if you don't just buy 20 round mags online. Take it easy no-gunz

You almost had it. Because desu replaces "it is", next time just say

"actually really depressing desu"

Why should I care about having a gun when I live in a 95% white 500k pop city with no violence that my ancestors built 400 years ago.


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there won't be a 6th, (((they))) don't want us to change the constitution to our advantage

>Why should I care about having a gun when I live in a 95% white
I like hunting. I have 2 rifles that the insane democrats in the US would call a military assault rifles, but they are pretty much just good for target fun. I also have a win .308 for deer, maybe bear, also an old moss500 shotgun and a 0.22 varmint rifle.
>500k pop city with no violence that my ancestors built 400 years ago
I've been to Quebec City many, many times, if you live in the old city you have fucking armed guards just for pageantry, no pleb can afford that shit. You must live in the 'burbs, granted, not a bad spot.

Of course it's quebec city, it's the whitest 500k pop city in north america and one of the safest, weird. Enjoy your niggers and poos, it's the first of the month in a bit I'll go take my cheque with your money on it.

Wtf hes racist!

>Enjoy your niggers and poos,
Nah, user. I live in Eastern ON 50km up from Kingston. Not a nigger or poo in sight (kinda a bitch for the 1 hour drive to work but worth it). Stop being so combative. Yeah I'm indirectly paying your bills on 'cheque day' so just be happy and go get hammered for the long weekend.

Thank you anglo bro, I will. I'll still execute every Englishmen in the future canadian race war but I might spare some people from Eastern ontario 50km up from kingston.

Not invading you again was a mistake... I'm sorry.

>Not invading you again was a mistake.
Digits says you try again within ~20yr