Brit/pol/ - return of the mack edition

>Boris Johnson takes legal advice on shutting down parliament to stop MPs forcing a further Brexit extension

>Prince Andrew 'now willing to talk to the FBI if requested’ Palace sources say

>Exeter man punched in face twice by woman after pub karaoke rendition of Morrissey

>Man kills himself after being bullied for shagging a trap

>Schoolchildren taught to avoid gull 'muggings' after steady rise in bird attacks

>Emergency crews called to Binfire in Aberdeen

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morning lads
your benevolent overlord has returned

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The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

Fuck off you paki.

I’m so tired of my druggy roommate
i smoke weed every day and I drink on the weekends. My roommate used to smoke weed with me until he started having “panic attacks”. I was like dude try indica so he did and he still got a panic attack. He curled up in a ball and started talking to himself. He kept telling me dumb things like, “dude I think every body hates me” and I’d tell him to shut up and stop talking to me.

Anyway I stopped offering him weed and he went to see a psych doctor and now he takes antidepressants and Xanax. Now when I see him he’s like a zombie. I try to tell him those things are dangerous and if he could just find a way to smoke the right strain he’d be so happy or maybe we should trip acid together and he was like “nah man I’d prefer to microdose for therapeutic effects” and I was like “bro you’re not going to have eagle death and deal with your bullshit that way. At least smoke some salvia with me,”. But he just says “nah man psychedelics give me flash backs”.

It’s so fucking annoying. I’ll be in the living room, stoned as fuck and we’ll be watching some funny ass YouTube videos, he’s just laying on the couch like a druggy. something funny happens I laugh my ass off and he doesn’t even laugh. So I’m like “dude why are you so lame right now?” And he’s like, “I had a panic attack earlier so I had to take a Xanax,” and I’m like “dude that shit is poison, you’re addicted already, you’re going to die,” and he just shrugs.

I’m gonna find him some strong ass acid, I’ll be his shaman. If he says no I don’t know if I can stand to live with a druggy. I might have to friend break up or something. I don’t want to be around that pill popper bullshit

Sad lil Pube trying to keep his shit thread bumped

i've been enjoying fine scotch again desu

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why are you conflating me with a known bincel?

>forgot to space out my t b h
has it been that long?

Sad lil Pube

yeah him, why are you conflating me with him?

Pathetic sad lil Pube

why are you letting that virgin live in your head rent free?

>You like Metallica? Their early work was a little too thrash for my taste. But when St. Anger came out in 03, I think they really came into their own, commercially and artistically. The whole album has a clear, crisp sound, and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the songs a big boost. They've been compared to Megadeth, but I think Metallica has a far more bitter, cynical sense of humor. In '03, Metallica released St. Anger, their most accomplished album. I think their undisputed masterpiece is "Frantic". A song so catchy, most people probably don't listen to the lyrics. But they should, because it's not just about the pleasures of sniff and the importance of tinnies. It's also a personal statement about the band itself

>Did you know that Metallica's 2003 LP, called St. Anger had 4 number one singles on it? Did you know that, Christie?
>[laughing] You actually listen to St. Anger? You own a post-Black Album CD? More than one?
>It's hard to choose a favorite among so many great tracks, but "Some Kind Of Monster" is one of the best, most powerful songs ever written about self-preservation, dignity. Its universal message crosses all boundaries and instills one with the hope that it's not too late to better ourselves. Since, Elizabeth, it's impossible in this world we live in to empathize with others, we can always empathize with ourselves. It's an important message, crucial really. And it's beautifully stated on the album

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Thinking of recording a K-pop cover today lads.

I'm building my Jerusalem
Revel in its glory

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sounds like a LARP t b h kid

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yeah mate that one on the top shelf
no not that shelf the TOP shelf
the very top shelf, with dust on the bottles and four-digit price tags
yeah that's the one
card? nah I'll just pay cash that's pocket change to me

a nostalgic glance at Jerusalem's past
Soon it will be time to start on the Third Temple

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>can i have some ID please?

why are you so mad that I can afford top-shelf liquor?

Sad lil Pube, all alone, with no frens to call his own.

you seem upset by my choice of beverage?

>Exeter man punched
Second time for Frankie then.

sometimes when I'm in Exeter I have to keep the Keanecels in line

Sad lil pube kek

you seem upset by my lavish ways?

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Sad lil pube and his stale bait all alone

you envy me for my wealth?

Same bollocks same stale bait, sad lil pube

looks like pubes is living in your head rent free

which songs give you brit/pol/ feels?

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lol report all his sad shit

This tears me up

Kys my man

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we have become so powerful

Won’t that make sad lil pube more sad?


Plans for today?

Do the jumping one where they dress like retards on a day out in the video

they hate us because they envy us

you seem to envy me for drinking fine scotch?

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looks like I'm doing big numbers on brit/pol/ again
styling on Keanecels

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Wanking in my cuck shed

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looks like I've bludgeoned the general into submission and it's not even midday lmfao

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dont get too excited m8, jannie will wake up soon

ah pathetic pube again

That cigarette isn't burning evenly.

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>No way to rack the weight
Artist doesn't even lift

Why are you associating with Right Wing for anti-degenerate reasons when The Left Is The Real Side Against Degeneracy?

>Trump cheats on his wife, runs degenerate casinos, and has sex with pornstars

>Doug Ford, Conservative Premier of Ontario wants you to be legally allowed to smoke weed in public, buy cheap untaxed alcohol, run unlicensed casinos, hire prostitutes, and say literally anything you want no matter how degenerate, hateful or slanderous it is with zero consequences

>Nigel Farage is a smoker

>Hitler was a cocaine addict and tolerated drug use

>Boris Johnson is a closet pedophile with a girlfriend who is young enough to be daughter


The left-wing, all the way back from the international communist movement and today many feminist-leftist movements, are leading the international coalition against gambling, prostitution, and pornography. Feminist leftists today are the ones leading the war against degeneracy. Communist China (although China is more right-wing than anything) has banned pornography and prostitution and gambling. The United States had these things banned only under the Progressive movement and later under FDR, but for the most part "Conservative traditionalists" wanted these things legal. It was even progressives who had alcohol banned in the U.S. Clearly it's leftists who are degenerate, they are against degeneracy. It's Sweden, the "Liberal capital of Europe" which has fully criminalized gambling and prostitution.

>Finsbury Park mosque terrorist 'batters Muslim paedophile in jail attack while shouting 'f****** Allahu Akbar' '

Cursed Jewish pepe

This is a /Sarkar/ thread. The means of production will be seized but only if you post "I'm a communist you idiot"

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lmao imagine crying to the anti-bullying patrol
he's not even in this general you obsessed virgin lmfao

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Reminder that nonce hunters are nonces.

>Self-styled paedophile hunter is caught with 1,700 child sex abuse images

>Pervert who claimed he was a 'paedophile hunter' was found with a catalogue of sick abuse images of children as young as four

>'Trusted' paedophile hunter policeman caught with nearly 1,000 child porn images

>Boris Johnson takes legal advice on shutting down parliament to stop MPs forcing a further Brexit extension
Wait, the cucked Britain still talking about Brexit? Nobody cares about it anymore, it’s been cancelled long time ago.

think my housemate is up to no good lads
she keeps going out the back door and climbing through her bedroom window/ vice versa when the back door is literally next to her bedroom door
what means?

>that grip
>no rack
>pinned on the bench

Anyway I hit a deadlift PR this morning

She might be schizophrenic

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to be honest she most probably is
if anyone remembers the vocaroo of the girl chatting shit to her boyfriend the other night, that's her

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she's probably burning bins and knows not to let you know because you're a pussy councilcuck snitch

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>>>Man kills himself after being bullied for shagging a trap

>Reese, of Philadelphia, US, celebrated his relationship with Faith, a trans woman, and announced he was dating her in a Facebook Live video that quickly gained over 15,000 views.

Amerinigger news is not news.

i'm too busy folding jumpers in primark to care about a bin on fire


Nice. What did you get? Going for 3.5pl8 on Friday but my grip is giving me problems. Also scared myself the other week, chatting to some cunt while loading the bar and put an extra 15kg plate on one side by mistake. Dropped it, but it fucking taught me a lesson...

can i get some deadlift form tips lads
my knees get in the way

>not training spar/cicuit like every professional fighter

lol i knew it
pic related is what you do for a living

3pl8. Not amazing but I haven't deadlifted in a while. Only started again recently after nearly breaking my back squatting.

Position the bar so it's halfway over your feet and don't move it until you lift it

>pic related
>no pic


This vid is great, breaks it down into checkpoints

3pl8 makes you stronger than most of the cunts out there. What happened with the squats?

primary reason you would do this is to avoid a camera or an access control system.

>no pic

Embarrassing tbqh

thanks lads
was lifting for a couple months and made it to 1.5pl8 dl but my form was shit and my lower back hurt all the time
back to it in an hour or so

forgot to put a spring collar on one end of the bar, lost balance, weight falls off one side of the bar, and i'm almost crushed. was only 90kg but if it was any more it would've been nasty

Nasty. Seen some bad squat snap vids on Jow Forums, one guy loses control and ends up with his neck between the bar and the rack safety rail. And there's that bird who got paralysed in a Smith machine... Deadlift has the rep as the injury lift but at least you can just dump the bar.

RIP norf fc, why can’t they into financial solvency

Is sad lil pube still dishing out his stale bait? Oh, sad lol pube.

lets have some culture on this sunny afternoon

Norf fc by Alberto Caeiro

If you want me to have mysticism, well I have it.
But I am mystical only in a corporeal manner.
My soul is simple and does not think.

My mysticism is wanting not to know.
It is just to live my life and not to wonder.

I have no knowledge of mother earth - though in awe.
I live high up on a hill,
in a secluded, whitewashed home,
and this, for me, is life defined

Norf to souf by Alberto Caeiro

You, souf, see significance in all things.
Everything for you has meaning, veiled.
There is something hidden in all that you see.
And what you see is always seen as something else.

As seeing is the only thing my eyes can do,
I see an absence of meaning in all things;
I see them and love myself, as to be a thing has no significance.
To be a thing is to not be open to interpretation.



My heart is in the hills of home,
And in the winds of March,
It sings within Tintagel’s foam
And Gloucester’s soaring arch.

It floats amid the rain-wet trees
And golden fields of corn,
O’er silent heights and marshy leas
By fog-bound shores forlorn.

It races o’er the sun-swept Fells,
And walks the secret lanes,
It runs upon the open Downs
Where Saxons fought with Danes.

It laughs along the pebbled brooks
By ancient timber’d inns,
It dances with the wind-blown rooks
And daffodils of spring.

It lives within the knotted oak
And burrows with the mole,
To ‘list the mystic charms and spells
Of England’s wond’rous soul:
‘Tis lore that only her children know;
The Chosen Ones so fair,
And they alone can understand
Her invocations rare.

But while these live we, too, shall live
In high, immortal skies;
For if her songs such life can give
Can England ever die?

I don’t drink you retard I’m teetotal


more like t. total nonce

never seen that before

The left back then and the left now are totally different things, and authoritarian anti-drug measures don't actually help reduce drug use that much, more people regularly smoke cannabis here than in the Netherlands where it is legal and cheaper