I'm gonna get called a glownigger for asking this, but I really just hope there's a fucking whitepill for me here boys...

I'm gonna get called a glownigger for asking this, but I really just hope there's a fucking whitepill for me here boys. I'm joining the military soon (Also inb4 'DiE fOR isRaEl GoYIm') and I want to make some nationalist connections while I'm in. Is there any specific thing I can do to mark myself so these people will approach me, or markings I need to be on the lookout for? The job I'm hooked up with will more than likely have no women or minorities in it, or at least very few compared to other jobs you could get.

Also any tips for dealing with redpill rage while I'm going through basic training? Really worried they're gonna assign some nigress as our division leader or that my RDC will be a gay spic. I just got done watching a documentary on it and I could hardly contain my anger, and I'm not even there yet.

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Sounds like you looking for advice on how to get your ass booted out.

if you get into an elite division at some point its all but guaranteed to be redpilled white guys, if not your looking at a lot of poz.

There will always be that one faggot E-3 who wears his combat boots with colored laces in civvies, smokes weed on leave, and talks about curb stomping niggers. Maybe you can be him.

You disgust me.

Christ. You’ll be lucky to make it through basic.

Are they really that desperate that they're trolling Jow Forums in the hopes of some other "non person" laying out a map for who they should cut from the ranks? lol

Your best bet to be surrounded by right leaning people is to join the retarded branches as a Combat MOS. They’re either A. Slightly right of center boomers, B. Full blown stormfags 1488 race war now, C. Closet liberals who parrot their platoons because they’re so scared they’ll get clowned out, or D. Libertarians who want to gas the kikes race war now

Quite the opposite actually.
I know all the special forces are supposed to be redpilled as fuck, and the same for the more combat focused branches. My job is gonna be fairly cushy (Assuming I make it through school) so I'm not expecting just a plethora of redpilled dudes.
Shut the fuck up boomer.

I'm not planning my future around CW2, I'm planning my future around what I'll do when we win it.

try getting a butterfly tattoo right above your tailbone

news flash
the right isnt going to win CW2 you retard

Never been in the service but every job I've had, it didn't take long to figure out the political outlook of my co-workers.
Observe what words they use, the publications and websites they read, every once in a while someone will say something that gives them away.

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Good luck with dying in Iran goy

You are mistaking desensitized people with redpilled people. The left will claim that they are the same but the left is retarded.

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You’re not gonna make any real connections if you’re an enlisted, I can tell you that. Join a branch that has prideful history and intellect, like the Navy; become an officer.

>t. Joined the army and regrets it

Become an officer in the Navy’s intel branch, you could probably make some connections there

No, SF and most infantry are redpilled as fuck, I'm not mistaking it. They know firsthand exactly why they hate brown people, and they know what it takes to remove them. They also know how much our government bullshits. I've even heard rumors that the German SF are NatSoc, but the kid who told me that is a complete autismoid.
You get fired pretty quick from any job for having a fashy outlook. Doubt I'm gonna look over and catch my co-worker reading TDS.
Oh fuck, you're right. We might run out of bullets before the other side is dead, then we'd get bored to death waiting for you to stop dicking each other down and come fight.
Navy has a prideful history and intellect, but is also extremely taken in by the whole 'diversity makes us stronger' bullshit. The sailors creed literally says 'I am committed to excellence and the fair treatment of all.' Which I can assure you I most certainly am not, and never will be, even remotely committed to the fair treatment of all.

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i'll entertain the off chance that this isn't a shill post,
and my genuine answer will be worthless to a shill anyways:

just make friends like you normally would user. as you get to know them, you'll naturally learn what they believe in. only open up to people who have earned trust over an extended period of time, and only after assessing their motivations and likelihood to report your wrong-thinking. don't make the mistake of assuming that people are your allies simply because they are right-leaning. there are many, many cucks on the right who would love a chance to be the Best Goy. don't even bring up politics etc, for a good while, until you've really REALLY felt someone out.

its not a good idea to be outwardly visible while working for zog. don't be this way yourself and don't expect others to be. no signaling. no hidden symbols. no larp faggot shit. blend in.

AFAIK make friends in basic, theyll be around for a little while. Pay attention to your fellow zoomers because if they aren't already redpilled, you can get them there in no time. I ship in June and after I put in 3 or 6 years, I'm going full glownigger as im a 35-. I wonder what I'll see and where I'll get.

>redpill rage
Your pussy ass won’t be feeling any type of rage once your petty officer/Drill Sergeant/Drill Instructor makes you shit your pants. The stuff you’re seeing in the documentaries is the heavily lightened side. If you think for a moment that your DS/DI/etc. won’t put their hands on you, push you, scream obnoxiously at you, etc. then you’re very wrong.

This image is fucking with me

>Oh fuck, you're right. We might run out of bullets before the other side is dead, then we'd get bored to death waiting for you to stop dicking each other down and come fight.
no the simple fact every government, institution and corporation on the planet is anti white means whites are fully conquered and dont stand a chance
im not syaing to not fight and die pridefully though
better than rotting away like a cuck
but the truth is whites will be eradicated a decade

thats nothing at all what are you a woman?

Yea man, the military is nationalist. If they're white, then they are hiding power levels, period. Have fun man

Yeah that hasn't worked out for me so well this last year. Only friend I've made who's even close to my system of beliefs is a good guy, but autistic as fuck. The internet seems to be the best means of communication with like minded individuals, but that doesn't help me build a community or make me feel like there's someone else who has my back.
Godspeed dude, hope you're able to actually report some shit back to us.

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This reply gives me some hope for you. Just don’t be surprised when it happens.

Look for guys who overly respect authority and the chain of command, they're your guys.

Kiss your ego goodbye. You kill who they tell you to kill and how they tell you kill them. When your out you can decide who the real enemy is, until then don't think. Oh, and get your sperm froze incase your nuts get blown off.

yea get a couple low key nazi tattoos.
Also wear red laces nomatter what the regulations say.

id have hard time not copying the drill instructor
and troll all the time

My main strategy for not getting yelled at 24/7 and physically assaulted was just not to do dumbass bullshit but we'll see how long that lasts.
Yeah no. White people have dominated since the dawn of time, and we will continue to dominate. This is just a speed bump on the road to soaring beyond our further glory. Stop being so fucking blackpilled.
If you're in any capacity left leaning you are not a nationalist at all, yet these people are still allowed to join the military. The military is no longer inherently nationalist.
Been wanting to get a Goblin Slayer tat for forever, thinking of getting him holding a fasces or something along those lines on my back.

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>Yeah no. White people have dominated since the dawn of time, and we will continue to dominate. This is just a speed bump on the road to soaring beyond our further glory. Stop being so fucking blackpilled.
some serious cope man
please i beg you to go outside and look at you country men and comeback and tell me whites have a chance

You're a fucking retard, unironically enjoy serving Israel in le 56% force. Fucking retard.

Yes goyim, join the military. Don't start your own business or marry a white girl and raise white kids. Fuck you faggot no one cares.

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Don't. France is 90% White. Join the foreign legion and come home to the fatherland.

>No, SF and most infantry are redpilled as fuck
you have no idea what you're talking about. It's r/the_donald but 24/7.

Most of the anti-whites stand for nothing but the accumulation of wealth, and will turn whichever way they think the political winds are blowing. All it takes is a 51/49 split to flip them all to the right.

>DiE fOR isRaEl GoYIm
fucking newfag children talking like this is reddit and myspace

>Uses the word 'troll' unironically
>Attempting to derail the thread in which genuine conversation is happening
>Taunting whites in a low tier bait effort

Good God, can you fuck off already, Mr. KikeyMcniggerfaggot? Unless this is literally the end times, and Israels victory will end with Jesus coming back, we're going to win. Just like we've always won, since the first white person was conceived, and just like we will continue to do until this planet stops spinning. We have the moral high ground here, victory is assured.
Oh don't worry, I will. And I'll also enjoy the benefits of free job training, free college, free food for 4 years, free housing for 4 years, getting to see the world, occasionally assisting in blowing some muzzies up, and being able to drink before your underage ass can. And your end goal is what back here? To take out a loan so you can go to college? A house loan? A new car loan? Unless you're literally homeless, you're going to be under some kind of Jewish control you're entire life, that's why we do what we do.

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dude its just been getting worse and worse for thousands of years, its obvious its just going to continue that way, you can stop coping anytime
i bet you think hitler wasnt a zionist agent

Boomer identified.
Okay my bad dude, didn't realize you served in the Special Forces. Leave it to user the Navy Seal to tell me how absolutely none of the people he's ever met could have a shred of hatred towards people of color.
Sorry, but I think the French flag looks a hell of a lot cooler with red and blue stripes.

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>the job im going to get in the military wont be standing at a check point in afghanistan for 6 hours a day

i dont know what the recruiter told you but it doesnt matter what you could have got with the old placement tests you will be standing at a check point in the middle east or painting faces with trannys in poland. you dont get to request anything

>And I'll also enjoy the benefits of free job training, free college, free food for 4 years, free housing for 4 years, getting to see the world, occasionally assisting in blowing some muzzies up, and being able to drink before your underage ass can
top fucking kek, enjoy getting smoked to death you retarded fucking cherry.


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>Okay my bad dude, didn't realize you served in the Special Forces. Leave it to user the Navy Seal to tell me how absolutely none of the people he's ever met could have a shred of hatred towards people of color.
Sure thing, literal 17 year old high school civilian

Glow glow glow your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is but a meme.

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>you will be standing at a check point in the middle east
If he even makes it to AFG he'll never leave the FOB unless he's going to be in group or batt, which he can't make either. This is a "needs of the army" faggot if I've ever seen one

I am not a boomer
but you are definitely a zoomer, talking like you're a 13 year old nigger girl on myspace
dumb shit

No, I'm pretty sure I signed a contract that guaranteed me said job. In fact I'm 100% sure since I have my contract sitting on my desk right next to me. If I see combat, it would be extremely unusual.
Sir I don't think you fully comprehend the fact that most kids now look at the military as free college. Unless you're a fucking Marine or SF, you aren't going to see combat. If things were anything other than nonstop rewards and free shit, women and minorities wouldn't join the military.

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Your division leader will probably be a spic deal with it

Seethe harder Boomer, it won't make you any younger.

>actually thinks that talking like a 14 year old sheboon is something to defend
the absolute state of bandwaggoning zoomers on Jow Forums

The jews are ready to draw their bath.
All they need is your blood.


kek, quit watching movies. I take it you're headed in for a POG mos so get ready to be under nothing but shitskins and women. The only areas where whites go are combat oriented, and the more elite the unit, the whiter the unit. Even there it's even more civ-nat than the_donald due to the nature of serving together. You have a rude awakening ahead of you.

OP your thread sucks and your probably underage

I fully expect at least 50% of all the women to have some kind of injury or get pregnant if a war breaks out. The rest of them will leave after they see combat for the first time. Shitskins will either misbehave and get a dishonorable, or if they behave alright I can get over my racism for a time.

tattoo a swastika on your forehead

>moral high ground
I'm on your side but never take that as an assurance of victory. you die when you do

No you dumb faggot, all of the women will be on "profile" constantly so they don't have to do PT, but they'll all still be in charge of you. If you aren't slotted for an 11x, 18x, 68w, or 13f contract you aren't going to see combat at all. The shitskins will do nothing but misbehave and slack off and they're still going to be in charge of your cherry ass, this is the nature of being a POG.

can confirm fatass army aunt

My thoughts exactly. OPs post seems fishy.

You should approach any white men wearing gold coloured stripes or stars on thier shoulders. stars on thier shoulders or on thier collars is a dead giveaway ---> hardcore white nationalist, neo-nazis. The secret signal is to give them a clammy one handed shake, while winking, gently stroke thier forearm. Mention you have some weed to party with back at thier quarters. The more stripes or (better yet) stars, the more nazi they are.

If the MP's try to harass you always carry a pocketknife, like all cops they are terrified of knives. Flash some cold steel and they will bolt user.

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Thanks for the blackpill user. I'm gonna go to bed and think about how fucked I'm gonna be for the next 5 years now.

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I mean I didn't expect a fucking guide on secret handshakes and shit, just like a general "People who have haircut xyz might be people you want to make friends with!" or like maybe a particular way to dress that you can get away with in the military.

If your MOS has a GT requirement (110) you'll be around whites because it's an IQ test, (110 is the cut off for SOF), if it's available to anyone and you can't break your contract without a penalty, suck it the fuck up and do it because you can't operate in the real world with a dishonorable discharge.

this guy may have a good point on the subject from kind of a broad veiw of the possible. m.youtube.com/watch?v=1dVVtmkkBBk

use your pay for your cryonics healthcare right. when you have leftover, offer to pay for the cryonics healthcare insurance policy quote for an other man of the race. See how many your people will trust you with.

A tech: Inner cell mass stem cells regrow any body of a human, and stem cells resurrect. Stems cells are easy to collect from umbilical cords from Caesarian section surgery human births. Stem cells are layers in pressured semen sperm cum. People make stem cells from human breast milk and other body. Doctors are using inner cell mass stem cells to resurrect the dead! Proper use of stem cells are eternal youth!...
A tech: Tiny carbon nano tubemetals, even in body, maintain electrical current from background electrical radio waves. Directed electrical current are effective to carry, push, these tiny metals. These tiny carbon nano tube metals are also effective to push directed electrical current energies. When the metals or energies move then they carry some of the other. There is already background electricity at the place the metal and electricity are destined. This process is a, "collecting" of electricity. Sometimes the collected electricity is enough to stimulate muscle flexing movement, hearing, sight, even sense of touch, though the electricity is collected by directed energies sent from machines far away by miles, kilometers, distance.

...The most successful humans are lost in an exponential runaway series of copy repeat programs of people exactly mimicking events previously enforced by these artificial intelligence robots. The result needed is inclusion of the copy repeat mimicry as work. This work is needed callable as acceptably expected so younger newborn humans gain in safety of acceptably expected behaviors proven subsidized by military industrial complex releases of newer robots.

What you can learn from the text is your race might be the first, and thus has the robot artificial intelligence program in favor of inalienable right of life.

He's right, you stupid shit.

there's even a daily for this kind of bullshit.