ITT: Redpilled comedians

ITT: Redpilled comedians

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Go back to fucking redddit. Stop trying to make anthony cumia a thing here.
Jow Forums is not your personal army.

Imagine thinking anthony cumia was a hardcore "racist." Your redddit sub is filled with left wing dorks who unironically say racism is wrong
Fuck off

What race is this?

Pedo that fucks trannies

that sub fell into the gayest fucking faggotry starting earlier this year.

I was a 3 year daily reader then they went full fucking faggot with the anti-Joe stuff. I'm glad the subs are getting banned (their last sub got banned literally 6 hours ago)

Calm the fuck down, guy. Jesus, you are definitely in angry red pilled stage.

norm macdonald



Meh, I have mixed feelings about that guy. Sometimes he hits the spot sometimes he panders and race baits.

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I took the black pill before trump even showed up. Now please go back.

"Race baits"
Go back to redddit. Your little operation isnt fooling anyone.

There's only one

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going back and giving him a listen, he's way too full of himself and things that he's said in the past.
george carlin clung to a small library of interesting things that came out of his mouth at one point in time and just endlessly repeated them until he fucking died

nearly every gig or track of his is like this, just constant cross-overs of similarity and bootlegs of his other jokes or projects squished or duct taped together. i was really hoping i wasn't just feeling nostalgia for him, but god damn that old fuck gets on your nerves after a few hours of hearing the same shit in a different sentence again and again

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and so-help-me-god if i ever hear his stupid fucking 'millenial man' skit snuck into a track for the billionth god damn time like it's the hottest proudest shit he's ever come up with


Reese Mogg

He's an absolute hoot.

high IQ boomer. capable of dropping redpills on topics like white genocide and gun control, but lacked knowledge of deep state conspiracies, and a shameless bootlicker when it comes to police (unless the cop was black of course).

Incel detected

Jerry Sienfield

Adam Carolla

He made the point, way back, that San Diego was one way, and Tijuana was another way, because of the people who built them.

The Champ is Here

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-08-27 at 2.45.49 AM.png (1214x812, 814K)

This guy gets it

Attached: Freddy's Dream.jpg (720x738, 122K)


He may be redpilled but he's more of a nigger than most niggers and is a disgrace to his race.

>doesn't finish school
>irresponsible gun owner
>can't hold down a job
>a social pariah
>domestic abuser

His obsession with race is just a projection of his own flaws. He's no better than a nigger.

>learns about incel a week ago
>shoehorns his newfoubd lingo into thread
>feels proud like he fits in with Jow Forums
>doesnt realize everyone on Jow Forums hates eachother
>jerks off to jim nortons ex boyfriend
>drinks himself to sleep while listening to 2004 oanda