Hong Kong

After the left's response to the uprising. I've had it with the left.

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what is their response?


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All the mainstream media and jews support honk kong

None of you retards even know wtf is going on here.
Like with literally everything, you have 20% of the actual information and run with it, honestly believing that you know wtf is going on.
>Inb4 ching chong
Not an insect, here on contract.

Nobody on Jow Forums honestly cares what is happening in Hong Kong. The only thing Jow Forums wants is to see the situation in Hong Kong escalate into full blown murder anarchy, which however won't happen at all.
It's just sensationalist bloodlust.
Nobody here gives an honest shit about any democracy rights for a bunch of bugmen in some stupid city.

>you retards
>having few reliable information sources from the most heavily censored country on the planet makes us a retard

Thanks for standing up for freedom. Freedom is not free. As American you put a smile on my face that you standing up for something most of the those in my country take for granted. I am ready and willing to go to war for your right to self govern. I hope and pray the rest of the US will follow suit.

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I care you racist swiss dog. Go drink some swiss miss and get a heart. You got your democracy served to you on silver spoon from birth. HKs are fighting for theirs.

Become American wang and the horror will end

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>beijing creates new bill
>people in hong kong complain about the bill
>beijing agrees to stop the bill
>people in hong kong are still protesting anyways
>hong kong people make increasingly ridiculous demands
>westerners call out chinese police for committing police brutality when they use the simplest of crowd control tactics
Am I missing anything?

Speak for yourself you useless mouthbreather

It’s being exploited by foreign powers now to cause trouble for China. The more violent the better. That’s why they are attacking the cops with rebar and Molotov’s lately. This is the outcome Chris Patton Anne’s for when he introduced democracy in the final hours of imperial rule.

Yea the part where they used this as a reason to fight for independence. Would you want to be ruled by Beijing?


>It’s being exploited by foreign powers now to cause trouble for China
That's how freedom is won Wang. Dont resist it, freedom is scary at first, but you'll learn to love it.

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Worked out real good for the Ukies and Syrians didn’t it? Freedom is won by banishing the empire.

HK is too important to China’s economy to just let them go. I wouldn’t want to live under China’s government either, but they really don’t have a choice do they? China would rather have a Tiananmen Square 2 then let HK go independent

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Worked out well for Washington with the French. Quit being a fucking pussy, you know the PRC must fall for China to truly grow & be free. If you support the PRC then you are aginst you're own people. Stfu, grab a US flag & the HK flag...walk outside and win your sovereignty faggot.

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Say hi to AIPAC for me burger.

Britain released hong kong to the ownership of china in 1999ad....

I was literally watching.

>Am I missing anything?
Yeah the chi coms just tabled the bill. They didnt stop it forever. They were waiting until the popular uproar wore off. The HKs called their bluff and called for Independence after the chi coms reneged on their deal to give HK sovereignty for like 90 years. So the HKs are all in. The question is will you support them against the red menace.

man, what a meme thread, yo.

>they never agreed to stop the bill
>police brutality is one major reason
>they undress women in the public , headshot first aid, literally aiming for the head, beat journalist, kick a priest , beat 12 years old kid, throw tear gas to kids , cooperate with local gangs and let then ambush citizens , 2 protestors lost their eyes, numerous stabbed by the gang members but not a single people is arrested
you missed everything

you do realize retracted bills can be reintroduced too?

flipping a dress up during arrest by another female cop is not undressing women in public you filthy liar

Hong Kong doesn't have CCP tier censorship retard

You can see all the news video of the protest on youtube

>no election
>dont even have autonomy
>Hk government cuck local citizens to please the commies
no wonder why the Hong Kongers start a riot

What's going on in Hong Kong i haven't heard of this

He was talking about the west.

If you don't support Hong Kong in their independence you are a CCP shill. It's that simple.

>I've had it with the left.

Only now?

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>having few reliable information sources from the most heavily censored country on the planet makes us a retard

He's talking about China

Yeah, but it fits the west more.

There’s your clue right there

nope, she yelled for help and the cops further pull down her panties, the male cps around laugh and said shes a slut

FYI: theres another incident where a female protestor are forced to undress in the police station

anyone want to know about mind control tech?

are you kidding its a literal #metoo copycat, you expect us to believe that shit?
i've been following protester antics since the first storming of the legco barricades
it's clear that you're a bunch of liars and hypocrites after you fucks claim that the police started using tear gas and rubber bullets without reason
still chanting 'peaceful protest' after we've seen molotvs thrown and policemen stabbed, do you people have no shame?

you fucking idiots took a perfectly good cause and tainted it with lies and lies and more lies
thanks to you lot democracy in the mainland has been set back a whole generation
what a horrible tragedy

>beijing agrees to stop the bill
start over

You are welcome to enlighten us fren

there are photos you fucking faggot,also we dont care if it is peaceful or not i. this stage "after" the police head shot a first aid and costs her eye, FYI there were no molotovs a month ago and Hong Kongers are bunch of faggots who dont have the guts to fight back. In this stage we unironically want to see more molotovs and thats the western way of protest isnt it.Quit that bullshit, they shot an elderly on the face at612 and you still want us to be peaceful? peaceful my ass. the cops deserved to be stabbed and look at his wound, you mama's menstruation has more blood

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>Would you want to be ruled by Beijing?
Beijing never took a child from its parents because they refused to let it go on HRT.

I saw the arrest on youtube. It looked like a typical arrest to me. The female officers were trying to pin her down and her dress came loose

>female protestor are forced to undress in the police station
I would have inclined to believe her more if she didn't cover her face. It's not like the police doesn't have a record of her arrest already.Strip searches are completely legal as long as the officers had "reasonable suspicion" She needs more then just a photo op to convince people otherwise. Her lawyers can always file a writ

Maybe don't resist arrest and walk normally with dignity and cry like a bitch?


Yeah the modern left doesn't care about freedom of speech, democracy, or the working class.

typical "if you cover your face , you are bad". I never understand why you faggots like to dox yourself to the government. Are all leafs cucks? Besides, you cant even charge 721 gang members, imagine still believing justice in the legal system of hong kong

kek'd . yeah people tried and they are in the hospital as well

I think you missed the barrel bombs, gassing of own people and pulling people out of incupators in there as well.

thanks I feel pretty enlightened on the situation now good post 10/10 today you were not a useless faggot

She already doxxed herself getting arrested you dumbshit. If what she is saying is truthful she will get more sympathy for showing herself.

>protestor ambushed by the traid memebers, yet no one is arrested

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Rioters need a fields day
As Trump said, if you dont like it, leave the country

Xi Jinping is handing viagra out to HK police so they can rape more girls they kidnap and take to the police stations. Thats why we have to attack the police with rebar and molotov cocktails.

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And resisting arrest makes it better how? I have been watching these protests. The "afterhour" protests attacking police stations are always violent. She knows what she is getting into.

Yes my fellow antifa
Bash the fash

Because the guy didn't file a report to the police himself. I am willing to bet the guy is either more fearful of getting arrested for rioting or is a triad member himself.

I care a little dumb neutral eurocunt.

only because you have family in chongland

So, what is going on then?

han chinese vs cantonese, they're different type of chink too.

so they can elect a jew persident like ukraine did?

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you are either a shill or a brainlet at this point....Do you think she is the average white female who post #metoo on ig for likes and attentions? most of the women feel ashamed and rather people not recognize then. Why are you faggot always try to claim a moral high ground where is none.

Since handed back to China. They've had special status, with rights the rest of China don't have (lot's of basic human rights, by western standards, stuff). China have been reducing those special status rights and the HONK'ongers are chimping out about it.

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Nope, 100% Aussie = 100% British criminal. At the very least I have British colony sympathy, not that an American would share that anymore.

Fuck dog eaters on both sides

America should see this as an opportunity to further their trade war, shutting down HK puts even more pressure on China.

there is not a debate on political regime when you dont even have autonomy, our gov is working for the mainlanders not us. If we are building an ethno state, cantonese and north mainlanders are two different kind of chink

Sounds like they should chimp

so you're saying the chinese were better off under british imperialism when we saved them from governing themselves

nigger I live in the south
we were colonized 150 years ago and have been used as war dogs by degenerate yankee industrialists who shill for the importation of infinity fucks from wherever and kikes who hate literally everything about us ever since

America is gay
chinas is not gay
America has state enforced homosexuality
China does not have state enforced hoosexuality
I don't give a shit about muh trade war and hope this degenerate semitic mulatto beaner empire crumbles as soon as possible.

Like I said before, Beijing never took a child from its parents because they refused to let it go on HRT and chop its genitals off.

>our gov
arent you a visitor there?

Ashamed of being abused by the system? It sounds to me like you are the shill here.

lol , literally over thousands of reports on 721, do you think the government will arrest the people they hired? fucking leaf i swear to god

Nah faggot. The Chinese government infiltrated the protesters in order to make them look violent, not to mention hiring fucking triads to beat them up. CCP wants them to look violent so they can have an excuse to crackdown. Fuck off drone chink queer.

>HK Police torturing elderly detainee

Holy fuck what a faggot. Imagine unironically shilling for ((( USA ))) and ((( Hong Kong )))

>implying i was talking about being abused by the system
some random leaf think he knows better than a local Chang.

I dont care if the leftard or kikes are behind ,as long as they can tear CCP apart

No but pol overall does want China to fall

>how do you do, fellow leftists

CCP is literally one of the few governments that are a force for good in this world. Go die in your kike westernized hell hole

You mean like the 30 people that got arrested?


I guess you are gonna cry about how the others are not charged yet. Well let me tell you how the game works. They will be charged with the same thing that will be charged against the protestors, especially ones who have shown to behave just as violently and indiscriminately. The more the protestors demand that these goons get charged with certain crime it would be used as the standard.

Ukraine thought the same, and look where it now ended up as.

Also, this is just cookie-cutter of the same "WE MUST DESTROY VENEZUELA, fur muh freedums!" that was a dud a few weeks ago.

She claims was forced to be strip searched without grounds. How is this not an abuse by the system.

people just can't seem to realize that America is the rainbow dildo empire

Is that actually a thing? With the Swiss I mean


Democracy is the slogan of basedboys world over, fuck them i hope the chinks squash them under the tank tracks.

protesters funded by NED attempting a color revolution
western media predending its a popular uprising rather than a bunch of spooks

>The popularity rating of CE Carrie Lam now stands at 24.6 marks.
>Her net popularity is negative 59 percentage points.
>Both have registered record lows again since she became CE and the former is the lowest among all CEs in history.
>The latest net satisfaction of the HKSAR Government stands at negative 63 percentage points, an all-time low since records began in 1992.
>Net trust in the HKSAR Government is at its all-time low since records began in 1992, while net trust in the Beijing Central Government has registered a new record low since 1994.
>The net confidence in "one country, two systems" is negative 28 percentage points, an all-time low since record began in 1993.

Norway > Sweden

China was all-too-happy to fund terrorism in the USA. They're getting paid back in Hong Kong. I mean I remember when #BLM was assassinating cops, and kikes like George Soros and hostile regimes like the Chinese were helping fund BLM and deploy them across the nation. Tit for tat, Winnie the Pooh, maybe some gud Hong Kong bois will go fuck up some Communist Party pig policemen.

>BLM assassinating cops
[citation needed]

They have a hard time trying to take a contrarian view to what sanity would dictate, no real push for the dissolution of Western society to be seen in the situation. So, they don't discuss it. The left's one and only goal is to dismantle the past, present and future of here and there only matters if it further's that purpose. In a sense, their focus on destroying the nation is a corrupted and destructive nationalist one. They really don't advocate for anything meaningful or destructive for countries outside of the ones they inhabit.

Asians are litteraly jews except theres 2 billion+ of them

>and kikes like George Soros and hostile regimes like the Chinese were helping fund BLM and deploy them across the nation
>chinese funded BLM
>so we have to now back a soros-funded protest in china
american intellectuals, everyone