Watch this Christchurch vid in slow motion

Download and adjust speed with VLC or whatever. Is that a real person in the corner? WTF

Attached: 1552957822344-1.webm (648x360, 2.02M)

Other urls found in this thread:

oh yeah I see what you mean. Gets shot doesnt even move

Yeah, it's real person who gets shot and falls over. Quite possibly injured or playing dead from the first attack.

>doesn't even move
>video clearly shows him moving
What did he meant by it.


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It's a damn shame YouTube took down the Eric Butts reacts to Christchurch video.

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Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-27-05-25-46.png (720x1280, 638K)

Why dosnt the bullet leave a bloody hole in his head?

because its not a movie or a video game

Oh you mean the crystal crisp 16K video resolution ? Do you know how guns & body works ?
That's not your vidya gaems headshot you dummy.

>no blood
>no muzzle flashes
>people just laying down in the corner

has there ever been a sloppier job?


No voice over "Double kill!" "Pentakill!" "SAVAGE!"

Sloppy job indeed

there is blood, there is muzzle flash with every shot fired, the bodies move when hit.. what do you expect to see.. a flame across the screen and heads exploding? this is irl, not a game..

dayyum the way the blood splattered across the floor. smexi

Yep it's fake. Everyone knows. We already established this.

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dumb nigger fuckers

No can do. It's illegal to watch it here.

I understand your brain tries to protect you from the horrible truth of a mass shooting because it's scary for normal people to view it, and in first person.

But when your mental protection wears off, you'll see the details that show everything is real, like a curtain opening.

Keep as it as long as you can, it's a normal defense mechanism.


towel on head

I, uhh, may have a plausible explanation for all this.

>bullet impact damage
Hes using regular dome shaped bullets, but lower caliber.
Heads do not explode like in videogames after a shot or two due to skull strength and structure. Larger calibers would be able to pull it off, or a shotgun.

>muzzle flashes
You only get muzzle flashes if your gun barrel is becoming hot and even then it is not a guarrantee that a 60hz camera can record a muzzleflash 100% of the time.
Shorter bullets with shorter max range exist which help thermal management of your gun.

During my 3 year abroad service, out of 37 takedowns only a handful had their heads cracked open like a watermelon.

>what is video compression

Entry wound is smaller than 6mm. You wouldn't see it in HD, let alone in quality like this.

There is plenty of both. See picture for examples.

That guy was unrelated to shooting and now is suing for wrongful arrest too.

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>You only get muzzle flashes if your gun barrel is becoming hot
Wipey wipey

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Notice the dummy at Parkland is also grey.

Attached: parkland dummy.jpg (499x516, 45K)

Nothing like a St Tarrantofsky thread to get the jew glowniggas frothing ;^)

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>*few months later*
>guys did u see how the guy tackled brenton tarrant?
>like who the fuck slips over and dives like that, right anons?

Its all so tiresome.

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I'm one of those hated antisemitic conspiracy theorist. In other words someone who sees through their bullshit.

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Dumb fucking nigger we have IDs stop watching porn cumbrains

perfect explanation, ty

All persons are in corners. There's more than one corner. WTF, OP, why can't you even ask a simple question correctly?

>Is that a real person in the corner?
No that's a muslim

Please demonstrate your ballistics theory on yourself Rabbi.

Attached: 1552932103084.jpg (600x450, 57K)

Your Talmud is showing.

It's the Czech nigger hes in every thread you're not crazy hes as glow in the dark as it gets main point every time "accelerationism" ask how it will lead to that, or how the actions resulting in whites being stripped of rights is good, and your answer " EXELURACITINIZM:DDD;Tarrant didnt hate JEWS!!!" Etc

>Mutt calling the cuck black

Attached: 1530136068615.jpg (926x764, 267K)

Yes, 5,56/.223. How exactly big do you think that round is? Hint: numbers will help.

If that picture is supposed to be wounding from that round, then:
1) prove it
2) explain to me why do you ignore the differences in type of ammo, basic physics of terminal velocity, angles and other aspects that can cause wounding to be different.

It seems to me you are pulling things out of your ass, user.

You realize you have achmeds because of kike politicians the same way us Americans understand our unwanted Pedro's, and Lupitas were smuggled in through kikes?

Do you have some sort of script where it alerts you of any, and all Tarrant threads? You're in every thread without hesitation, or form of rebute. Like a really gay chihuahua with instant notifications. When the fuck are you going to do something like your "hero"? Where is your news report of bombing a synagogue(priority), or decimating a mosque in DOOM fashion? You've been leaccelerationistmaymayman for like 6+ months, and have done NOTHING. Poser glow in the dark nigger faggot.

>you are here nonstop
How would you know?
>acceleration is only violent
>you can't talk about something I don't like

is this a trick question? or do you want us to say 'no they're sub human mudslimes they aren't real people at all'? kys retard

>just because I endorse terrorism doesn't make me a fucking terrorist goy;NOW STAND UP AND DEMOLISH THAT FUCKING MOSQUE FOR ISRA-...FOR YOUR ETHNO-STATE WHITE MAN
I'd halal every mudshit sunni nigger I can,but I would LITERALLY give the benefit of the doubt to the mudshit,before the kike, or nigger(same thing)
>how would you know
I shitpost often enough to call you a fucking nigger.

>you can't be here every day that is bad, but I can
>strawman because I have no idea about I'm talking about, capslock huh funny
>white man would never stand up and killed nonwhites, only Jews do that

The people trying to discredit Tarrant are (mostly) probably pre-organized off board. It is known that this happens.

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Again a real Jow Forumsack would Ted Kaczynski a fucking synagogue before "shooting" a mosque let alone being captured. Only an absolute mossadnigger would DAILY endorse terrorism that strips whites from the right to be able to conserve civil liberties, and have the right to protect their freedom of living. Also what fucking Jow Forumsack visits Israel for more than a week without performing a terror attack on their country lmfao. You posting is not a problem. 1A should be a global liberty. However you endorsing terrorism, and your shit attempt to groom new users into pursuing this shit, WITHOUT YOU ACTUALLY DOING SHIT makes you fucking glow.

So happy you posted this so everyone can see what I'm talking about. Dont forget your stock japanese image girls you fucking ponyfag cianiggers

Have you ever shot a dead person before brit? Probably not.

I can see where you're coming from mate, honestly I can. But all this shit you talk about like the "strips whites from the right to be able to conserve civil liberties" that supposedly makes is glow. This shit is going to happen inevitably. Only it will happen when we're thoroughly outnumbered in our own countries. This, to me is accelerationism, making something happen before it's too late. This is why it's such a hard thing to take in because I essentially want all the stuff that I actually don't want to happen as soon as possible so it reaches a bursting point and white people fight back before they are outnumbered. And we'll be outnumbered soon btw. All this stuff though is what he talks about in the great replacement. It's already been covered by the man himself.

>here, have some false dillemma
>if you talk about things I don't like, you are a glownigger
>zog taking away our rights is alright, they just respond to provocation, dude. Don't do nothing, they won't take away our rights.
>why he didn't performed a terror attack in a country he just arrived to by plane and one which is one of the most secure on planet, everyone can do that in under a week, right, haha
>here have another strawman, because even though I read about it for months now, I still have no clue what acceleration is
>also tell me all your irl activities and post your address with an actual photo
And finally:
>"Ted Kaczynski a synagogue"
So he would send a letterbomb there? So you can advocate terrorism, yet I can't? Oh, right - one hurts those poor Muslims. They can't be touched, only Jews ever attack nonwhites.

Indeed, the Czech is a glow faggot

>a real Jow Forumsack does what I say and nothing else

How do the keep making them more and more epic!

Sure tell me how leacceleratemaymay benefits whites in New Zealand since that's where this all took place. Also tell me why New Zealand, and Israel formed an alliance same week as Gaza being bombed, and shooting takes place;tell me how someone can take out an entire mosque of 50+ people in a LIBERAL COUNTRY, but can't perform the same in a CONSERVATIVE COUNTRY LIKE ISRAEL. Tell me how an Australian managed to smuggle semi-assault weapons into a completely different continent without any officials keeping track. Also if you're such an avid supporter of Tarrant, and his message why do you repeat his talking point, but never perform the deed? A:its a sloppy jewish mossadberg job, and you're a glow in the dark proxxykike who gets paid to shillgroom public platform users.
You're so fucking gay, and recognizable that this hue knows who you are

>a completely different contintent
The absolute state of mutts

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everybody knows who the Czech glow nigger is.
Fucking guy is the one who promotes violence yet does shit fuck all.

deep state in damage control

>shot a dead person
Why do that? Waste of ammo tactically, psychologically an indication of psycopathy.

Anyone have the full vid? OP’s gif got me hard but I’m gonna need to see more muzzie slaughter If I’m gonna actually get off

Hi shill. Did you see the greys?

>landmass sharing no borders
>landmass is it's own proxxystate
>landmass is derived from already established continent, and is the size of a couple of small countries
>is in the continent of Oceania
>is not a continent
If we're getting technical its classified as a submerged continent. Its entire mass is that of greater India if not more. SUBMERGED continent. Stop eating starch, and only starch chipbutty nigger.

More video. Slow it down like the first. Revealing.

Attached: 1554175823782.webm (640x360, 2.72M)

Found the muslim. What’s wrong don’t enjoy seeing your “people” slaughtered like feral dogs

Just more evidence of how badly Mossad fucked up.
What a sloppy job!

I remember this webm. Shitty CGI casings disappear out of thin air.

nah you can see them grouping around the metal gate. It's just shitty quality and compression artifacts making them very hard to see.

You sound extremely buttmad.
>how someone can kill 50+
I don't know, how about shooting them?
>why no one does the same in Israel
I don't know, ask Palestinians. I would generally expect one of the reason being Israel not fucking around with security, while NZ being completely unused to such attacks.
>smuggle semi-assault weapons
He didn't smuggle nothing, he bought them there legally.
>but never perform the deed
Because you have no idea what acceleration is and what you can do for it. Even Tarrant notes many peaceful ways of doing it. Also now you are one who is truly glowing here, fren.
>some buttblasted drivel
Source: voices in head
>how NZ benefited
I'm not making an argument for you yet. You are claming false flag, you say how mossad benefited.

>wow, it's so hard to recognize Czech flag

>what is making sure they dead

Look around the metal gate, especially in the end of the webm, when the camera stabilizes. You can see brass landing and grouping there.

Attached: casing-1.webm (622x664, 2.66M)

Nobody got slaughtered you dumb faggot. Literally only glow niggers froth at the mouth over this very clearly gay, and fake video. Really cohencidental Tarrant drops a "subscribe to pewdiepie" right as pewds starts dropping JQ pills with over 60mil subscribers haha. Really weird how hes been forced to STOP since that happened haha. It's almost like someone is GATEKEEPING subjective opinions because its ringing too true.
>the shooting was done to strip rights, and create censorship across as many fronts as possible

This post is glowing.

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Ye but "New Zealand" isn't a fucking continent though is it. Just say fucking "country" or whatever you wanna say you don't have to exaggerate every detail

You miserable pathetic faggot you have no idea what you’re talking about

Hello Mossad.

>pewds dropping JQ pills
Okay user.
>hes been forced to stop something he never did
By whom in your head?
>zog needs to do false flag to censor stuff
Oh right, exactly like in the last few years. Oh wait.

Hello Mehmet. Still no arguments I see.


Argument is you go to the showers, rabbi.

It is though you dumb retard faggot just because the sea level has risen does not mean theres no land. The entirety of the "island" is the size of fucking India, and unlike majority of Islands it has a mass cover ground for untapped resources hence it being classified as a submerged continent you absolute pavement nigger;the land even if submerged is being used, and is STILL physically apart of the country. It's a fucking continent;specifically a SUBMERGED continent.

>1 post by this ID


Mossad really fucked up with this one.
Jow Forums is watching!!!
We will find you and you will be punished for the psychological warfare you have waged upon us!
Let this be our final battle!

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Stop taking and start constructing a noose

>During my 3 year abroad service
Don't LARP

Take your middle finger protrude it out,stick it up your ass, and blow it you fucking kike. While you're at it try to grow some ridges on the smooth brain.

Finish your HW before school starts so you can MAYBE hit AP classes you dumb gorilla nigger

Kek .. its real faggot

>didn't read the post

checked and keked

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Yea the ZOG will imprison us kiwis if we partake in a video.

He's probably a low IQ African or poo m8

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look at this nigger, never heard of the "search catalog" function?

So fucking triggered you double posted lolllll are you almost done knotting it up?

He cant even speak English. He most certainly should fuck off back to basic english with his ESL friends.

In 2019, people are still thinking video compression is voodoo magic
U STOOPYD MONGO WHY TF A """VFX"""" would """"delete"""" an already existing object BEFORE THE END OF THE TIMELINE ?


Jeez, dumbfucks all around sperging like no tomorrow

>scouring the catalog for a single type of thread EVERYDAY
That's autistic;nigger I use the catalog.
>wanting Janny BBC threads in your fucking face in 1920x1080p in the year of our lord 2012+7

Screech so your parents can shut your internet off you underageb&

Hey take my poll:

Will Trump get Greenland?

>80% yes
Fucking based

>is losing and embarrassed

“Muh muh underage B&”
Fucking kek you kike

Take off the flag

Oh shit

>you can't do the same thing I'm doing!