don't fucking let this slide you cunts. HER FULL DR phil video has been removed and hidden. AND KNOW one gives a fuck. The level of fuckery to find it is kike levels of bullshitery shill shit. Prove me wrong? where the fuck is the full episode from March 23 2017
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Kendall, she was on Dr Phil on 2017, she exposed the pedo elite pedo ring. SHE was a victim, sold at birth into a life of hell.
Post link tag
Kendall is obviously not her full real name but it is the name she had on the episode. Go ahead try find the episode. there's only small clips on jewtube and im surprised that they are on there still.
bump for fucking ending this madness. WHERE the fuck is the video and where the fuck did she end up???
HELP ME PLEASE I gave you your (you)
go try and click this daily motion link of the episode it just redirects you to a different episode even though in the preview it shows the episode with Kendall in it playing.
The Dr Phil Show | March 23 2017 | New Update Today
YouTube · Devika Anantharam
Mar 24, 2017
That's the episode it redirects you to. And on a site that has like 4 full seasons of DR PHIL it just so happens to be missing that episode.
Dr Phil is still a thing apparently.
This bitch was being broadcast on NT2 netherlands, saying that pedo rings controlled her for years and blowing open the rich pedo rings with her insider info. She definitely wasn't lying but she avoided using names, dates and people.
The next day, NT2 ran re-runs of an old episode. Since that day they have never published a more recent Dr Phil. They only show reruns.
Yeah it's fucked up how much Dr Phil is being scrubbed from websites and it's obviously because of this video.
Don't call her a bitch man. With all the Epstein stuff lately this just adds more validity to her stories. I'm overwhelmed with empathy. I just want to know that Dr Phil took care of her after this. It was 2 years ago now.
She's a bitch because she betrayed a man. But that man will go to hell. She will hear a mean word once every few years. He's burning for eternity. There's a big difference.
Fair enough. Still where is she? and where is the video?.
I saw a version on youtube less than a week ago, it's gone now. Even bitchute is apparently under the thumb.
If you really REALLY need a copy, email Dan Dicks the journalist. make sure you're polite and not some anoncunt. He gets enough spam already.
Not good
Get them
Weird question: can the OP bump posts now? I always thought it autosaged him?
Ok I will give that a try. Yeah I was honestly shocked that bitchute didnt even have the full video. I know this seems dumb but it really pisses me off.
I am honestly truely concerned for her wellbeing after this video. Curiosity has the better of me tonight.
It’s not dumb. This is obvious and your soul knows what’s happening here
I know, it aches for her and the countless others like her. I guess thats the core of why we do what we do.
Dan Dicks. Canuck. Hairy, blue eyes, funny nose. He's easy to spot and he's bloody great at getting these stories out. I heard about this girl from his stories.
Some sites and links say it aired 21st of march and others say 23rd. Wtf.
You'll notice all these bitches always just have claims and nothing else. What, you couldn't nab some pictures of a video? You couldn't have gone to the police then go back and set up a sting in the act?
There has never been one single shred of physical evidence for any of this satanism crap.
fuck off you fucking shill cunt.
You’re right I forgot jimmy saville existed
I mean never existed
We’re just gonna need our meds amirite
user face it, what you are searching never existed in the first place, your memories are just trying to accommodate to the reality you created in your head, muy diagnosis: paranoid schizophrenia, you are insane user and it's time to wake up
yeah a lot of networks are being like pressured to drop the show. But i guess it hasnt been entirely dropped by every network yet.
Any pictures, video, signed confession, DNA evidence? Oh look, no, none of that. Just a bunch of women coming out of the woodwork 40 years later. Again.
B-but he was a necrophiliac right because David Ike says he volunteered at a morgue. Right. Because morgues just let anybody in, of course.
cunt if your going to try and shill at least get your grammer right. For fuck sake. Sloppy sloppy joes.
like pottery
also gfu
And you sir, should listen to this woman's "claims" before dismissing them.
i was gonna add 2 extra Ms haha
What was that about morgues?
the conspiracy theories surrounding the dr phil guest known as "Kendall" have been debunked multiple times
"[Savile] talked about gamaroosh ... It means oral sex ... that he [Savile], he would go down on them and gamaroosh and muck about."
Separately, the independent investigation was told that Savile had removed glass eyes from the bodies and used them as jewellery.
One witness said: "I looked at his hands and he had these gross, big silver rings with bulbous things and I sort of went, 'Yes, mm,' always be polite to your superstar, 'Yes, Jim.' And he said: 'D'you know what they are? They are glass eyes from dead bodies in Leeds mortuary where I work and I love working there, and I wheel the dead bodies around at night and I love that.'"
Savile was said to have been best friends with the chief mortician of Leeds general infirmary, who is now dead, and had regular unsupervised access to the mortuary from the late 70s until the mid-90s.
Lol I love ppl who larp as paid shills
>The investigation, published by the Department of Health, established that Savile had publicly disclosed his interest in the dead, that he was friends with the chief mortician, and that there was a lack of stringent procedures regarding access to the mortuary until the late 80s at the earliest.
I've seen the video too, though it was a couple years ago, so cut the bullshit.
She talked about being owned by some rich weirdo who called himself 'The Colonel', and made her kill other children, took her to fancy gatherings as a piece of arm candy, and sold her to other weirdos to fulfill their perverted desires.
>not enough evidence
Stood out to me. Also that there is no physical evidence.
>1960: In one of a handful of example cases given by the police, a 10-year-old boy asked Savile for his autograph outside a hotel. Savile took the boy inside and seriously sexually assaulted him.
Wow look at all that irrefutable evidence. BRB, just gotta go file a police report that I was abducted by the Loch Ness Bigfoot.
Yes, George Bush once leaned into my ear and whispered that he did 9/11. It's well known that criminals have an irresistible urge to confess to stuff for no reason. You'll notice that there wasn't any firing or investigations after this little slip up
Hmmm, Epstein had glass eyes in framed boxes lining his hallway which he said he received from England.
the conspiracy theories surrounding jimmy saville have been debunked multiple times
yeah and a stuffed black poodle which contains documents
oh ok then guess that answers my question. Oh wait. Where is the fucking video then and where the fuck is she. GLOWING so bright.
kite hit steel plane must
So it will be easy for you to send proof than faggot
>the moment the shill realize his shill job sucked
I think you forgot about the part where i said go fuck yourself. Saville is off topic you british muppet.
Send the debunked proof of your claims
Bump for justice for Kendall. Dr. Phil Promised Edition.
Its on the website but the audio is edited out
thank you.
I wish for purification time...
its not the full episode though user thats only like a 4 minute clip.
looks like im going to have to give this a crack where is his email listed?
thanks im being slid like a game of snakes and snakes
What is all this?
i seriously challenge any user to find the full episode. I tried like for at least 4 hours.
I wonder if Dr Phil made a deal. They wont show the full episode in return for Kendalls safety. When i dream tonight it will be of that and when I pray.
Thats a 4 min clip. ffs. you think i seriously didnt search jewtube.
What's the series and episode number?
you think that's difficult? try finding the lost Gary Coleman TV movie where he was an animal abusing arsonist
Why does the elite have to be degenerate? Why can't they be the good guys?
good god just as if not harder. Its like a bottomless pit at the moment besides emailing this Dan journalist.
>Piece of arm candy
She is obviously not attractive, something doesnt checks out
Here's a torrent hash for the episode from 12st March:
its series 15 episode 125
You put the word "kike" in your thread for no other reason than to control Jow Forums by repulsing normies.
That is why Jow Forums "became nazi". To control narrative. Every time truth is revealed, the word "kike" is also added. It's for control. The fakeness is made obvious by the mind-numbing stupidity of it.
The game: reveal truth, but make people not believe it.
Fully controlled Jow Forums.
Passive humans herded.
Dr-Phil-Show-2017-03-21-HDTV. Scrubbed from all major torrent sites as well, the pirate bay etc.
However, in a dream about lime I saw many seeds, even though site says no site. Then I woke up, as this is not a help to share copy righted material.
>OP is a phaggot not providing a working link
What, really? Source?
Are you new here?
Are you sure about that? He looks like a man.
And Here’s the royal family shill.
This episode was planned on Dutch tv, they cancelled the show.
well sweet jesus download it if you can everyone the more copies the better.
Can confirm the torrent hash is
Downloaded and checked.
>>not attractive
shes adorable. And if its fake and all b.s. why cant i watch the full episode then.
checked. see:
I want to have sex with a kinky jewish woman someday
There was another episode of Dr. Phil where a guy said his dad took him to see people get mutilated somewhere in Tokyo and there were other elites there.
did you watch to confirm it is the kendall episode? Thank you. You fucking legend. My day of autism was worth it. Thank you.
Are you a virgin?
Yes checked and is the episode, has hard subs though.
Is this the bitch that was talking about getting fucked by oldfags before she could even speak? I just seen this the other day, can't remember where though, sorry.
Is this working for others?
For you whitey, I'm a deer in carlights. I'm a candy on a shelf. I am anything you want.