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Better for the kids not to rack up huge medical bills that they will never be able to pay off

Go get cancer elsewhere.


Don't you guys have a heart?!

Okay, fine we'll pay a vet to put them down humanly.

The left doesn't seam to understand that wealth comes from someone's blood sweet and tears along with intelligence and some degree of luck.
I wonder (((why))) could it be that far-left's are overwhelming people who never worked a real job.

So? They shouldn't come here

>be US citizen
>get cancer
>go broke and live in an RV

I honestly don't give the slightest fuck about immigrant cancer kids. We don't need anymore defectives, thanks.

fuck spics you wop

keep me posted

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Mexico has cheaper health care so we're doing the kids a favor


Speak english not burger you cunt.

I have a heart for my fellow Whites first

I don't care. If I tried to sneak into Poland with no paperwork and a child I couldn't prove was mine, I'd receive the exact same treatment.

When is the world going to start holding everyone to the same standards that they hold whites?

I choose to euthanize them

Too many brown people already. We are just letting nature run it’s course on the lesser beasts.

Send the ones back with 5G rays

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he's literally figuratively murdering puppies! THIS IS NOT NORMAL!!!


>Comes here illegally, doesn't pay taxes, gets thousands in free healthcare

They are really sending their best...

Why the fuck would you want to create incentives for illegals to come if you are trying to curb illegal immigration. Fucking hell. Only a lunatic would offer free healthcare for illegals.

There are plenty of natural citizens that live here and get sick too
Maybe MEXICANTs should get more motivated to have better hospitals and doctors

Good saves us some money

This is it, pol. I'm a hardcore trump supporter but this is the final straw that made me toss my MAGA and/or KAG hat in the bin and support Elizabeth Warren for President. This is not America.

Drumpf probably gave those brave children cancer

They can be sick in their own country.

Not anymore. You people stole those and destroyed them. Painting it red today to stay on schedule.

They could cook and eat them.

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Is there any law in US that states US owes free treatment to sick foreigners who illegally crossed the border?
If there isn't such law, then why is it even a question?

Or sell the meat suits to the body brokers

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So what? Life is not sacred + overpopulation


Liberals really seem to struggle with the "not my fucking problem" concept.

anyone ever figure out what this is? is it fake bodies for movies? a morgue?

>yeaaaaah fuck you Christians!
>why aren't you acting Christian anymore??

kick them all out and tell them they can return after they get some wealth, money..

Trump isn't deporting any children, he's just geographically aborting them, very different

seriously, immigration without them bringing money should be stopped immediatelly

So these kids came to USA illegally and expect the American taxpayer to bear the burden of their cancer? Unbelievable, mexicans are a race of children.

>sick immigrants
Oh no! Trump's deporting all those sick legal immigrants who lawfully gained entrance into the country showing respect for the place they want to move too and avoiding legal complications by not breaking the law!
That fucking monster!

Where did that happen?

This, and abortion is a human right, isn't?

Cancer they are paying for?

>be me
>rob bank
>cops catch me
>"bro i got cancer"
>cop turns to partner
>"he has cancer"
>they let me go
>lose all 3 stars
thank god i had the no cop notoriety cheat on

No. People here are dying of cancer because they cannot afford treatment. Why should an illegal get free treatment when our own people cant?

Are you an Idiot

We literally support genocide

We don't need to defend anything

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Jesus Christ i hate democracy and catholics. Jesuits will be banned for 300 years once we kill all the faggots and jews.

I thought the american healthcare system doesn't work? At least thats what the media says. Now it's the best?

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What exactly entitles non Americans to American healthcare? This is a genuine question I am posing to anyone on this site who is still liberal or progressive.

Do you realize that the world, at any one time, is filled with seriously ill people?

Do you realise that if we shipped them all to America for "the best healthcare available" (debatable in itself) there would be no doctors left to treat American citizens?

What exactly do you want out of this situation? For one child with cancer to receive treatment in the US because he happened to tug at your heart strings while leaving the rest to remain as nothing more than a statistic? How is that the ethical choice?

Do you realise that doctors without borders exists for a reason?

If you genuinely care, wouldn't your efforts be better spent helping organisations like these get qualified doctors from a variety of first world nations to those who need them all around the world?

Better yet, wouldn't it be more worthwhile to actually provide these doctors with sufficient resources so that they could train new doctors to help children like this in their own countries indefinitely?

By demanding that everyone be brought under the auspice of America, are you not guilty of perpetuating imperialism?

It's from epsteins new mexico facility

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He's shielding American citizens from cancer

Illegal immigrants are invaders and therefore should have no human rights. They should count themselves as lucky.


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>defend this
Imagine living in a world where faggots want think you need to defend having little brown cunts come to your country illegally to use medical resources, then having those same cunts claiming that the cost of healthcare is to high, so it has to be nationalised, but then the same cunts say the government is inept and the president corrupt.
Yes anons imagine.

fucking this. were going to have to hear about "the poor kids" again today, while they completely ignore us.

ah, at last i truly see

We are not the world's goddamn charity basket. GET THE FUCK OUT.

Just nigs and spics

>when it's about deportations
>when celebrities are raping children
>when fags are trying to have sex with children
maximum wew

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What about it?
Just cause i got a crowbar and broke into a pharmacy i can have everything in it as long as i am sick?
They dont have a right to stay so why do they get extra treatment just because their criminal parents were able to get them over the border?
Even better, lets just let their parents stay as well, and, since there is a risk that they might get sick again in the future, let them all stay forever.

Stop you dumb illogical thinking.
There are rules and those rules aply to everybody
There are many other ill people in the usa and they were already there before the child got illegaly over the border and shoukd be put in prison. Why are they get extra treatment while there are many other fellow countrymen that cant afford their medication?

Cant you think without mixing facts and logic with your useless feelings? Your feelings wont pay the medical bills

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Looks like Mississippi.

Do you know how long the waiting lists for cancer treatments are in other nations. Including in mine which has tax payed healthcare?

You can´t just have people from around the world thinking they can barge into your country demand to be put in line over your own citizens who paid for that treatment. Much less demand that they be made citizens because they are sick, eventhough they broke into your country and refuse to leave.

I have seen examples of from USA where illegal aliens managed to find themselves on a fucking HEART TRANSPLANT WAITING LIST IN FRONT OF ACTUAL AMERICANS. Some of them might have died waiting because that fucking asshole was on the waiting list in front of them. They managed to get him off the list though when they figured out what the situation was.

When do these idiots figure out that they are actually mentally deranged and mentally deficient people who can´t think rationally about anything!

Ofcourse i empathize with anyone who is sick, but that is not the point. Nations need to take care of their own people first, before they try to help anyone else, which really is not their obligation but those other nations and peoples obligation.

If you want to have more for each person btw. Then you had better start being fewer people, because then it´s easier to supply the demand. This is one of the main problems many nations and people have in this regard. Tons of people that do almost nothing. But yet they all want something.

Illegals don't give a shit they want our nation to burn, just like liberals.

Send them to Canada where cancer is free

Send them to Canada.

yes, it's not my job to take care of cancerous foreigners. Why don't you in Portugal urge your government to take them in?

muh cancer
muh we can't get it in our shithole
better suck from USA

Fuck em

Our healthcare system sucks according to the liberals, best we send all these sick illegals onto Canada.

I used to but now they can fuck off. I really wish Trump was as bad as the media made him out to be and we had brown people dying in the streets so I could laugh over their corpses.

>Our healthcare system sucks according to the liberals, best we send all these sick illegals onto Canada.
I am quite sure the US healthcare system does not suck. What it is though is insanely expensive. So expensive that if you had taxpayer healthcare like we do. You would have 60-70% tax rate on EVERYBODY just be able to fucking afford it, because EVERYBODY would be able to seek expensive treatments for basically every little thing. And since there is such corruption with price setting in the US healthcare industry. You´d be ripped off so much paying for universal healthcare for all americans. That you´d have almost nothing left to spend. It´s absolutely tragic that it´s so expensive in USA. But you certainly don´t have very long waiting lists compared to other countries. If you can afford it you will get treatment almost immediately for most things.

And i am not kidding about 60-70%

In denmark we pay all taxes put together we pay 2x the taxes that americans do who cry about high taxes. Just so you understand. Now we have a pretty thriving economy and low unemployment and AAA rating of government spending. So we can afford it. HOWEVER we can´t afford having so many doctors and nurses that we have no waiting lists. That´s the catch 22..

We have unfortunately very long waiting lists, if we wanted shorter waiting lists, we´d have to increase taxes EVEN MORE, that´s HOW EXPENSIVE IT IS, what bernie and aoc pretends is just like a tiny little thing and why doesn´t usa have that. As if it´s just a matter of that people are mean and that´s why they don´t want to have it. As if it´s something you just decide to do like why don´t you just change your shirt or something.

So all that being said, it´s pretty insane to have people from around the world think they can barge into your country and demand treatment for free, when you already have such a situation going on where many americans can´t even get the treatment that these aholes demand?

Mutts and niggers suffering US, while its spics heaven.

So just so americans understand how absolutely insanely expensive universal healthcare is. I´ll try to explain same thing in a slightly different way. We pay 2x as much taxes, no exaggeration. That´s the number, when it´s all counted up to the total. 2x as much taxes as americans do. Who claim their taxes are high. We managed to run it decently so we are one of just 9 nations in the world with a AAA rating of government spending. Means what we spend is what we take in in taxes more or less. And even with twice as much taxes on everybody than americans. We STILL CANNOT AFFORD a level of healthcare where you don´t have long waiting lists. Just imagine the cost of if you say you want almost no waiting lists at all on very expensive treatments such as cancer treatments. Just put into perspective what that would cost if you wanted that, how high your taxes would have to be.

This is not a small fucking thing. So i understand why some americans are sceptical about universal healthcare. Especially since US healthcare is quite expensive in comparison. You get way more tests and things like that than you maybe need, and it´s overpriced also in comparison.

So with that situation, that your own people have to wait for it in the first place. It´s absolutely insane for people around the world thinking they can just come to your country and demand to get in line aswell at the same time. Someone is going to get screwed, and in that case it´s going to be your own citizens who even managed to be on the waiting list to begin with. So that the ball their eyes out over this, shows that they apparently don´t give a shit about americans on those waiting lists.

>someone breaks into your house starving to death and demands you feed them
Why do people not understand we cant just accept everyone? Go ask random people about their lives, everyone has a sob story, everyone is eating shit, just because someone across a pond has a slightly worse shit sandwich than us doesnt mean we should all bend over

I do, and it is cancer free!

Ultimately it´s other nations own responsibility to take care of their own people. That they have a situation where they have tons of people who do very little. But at the same time they all want something at the same time. Is ofcourse tragic for them. But where is my magic harry potter wand where i can just fix that in 2 seconds if i wanted to? I must have lost it somewhere in fantasy land! Anyone who could wave that magic wand would have done so long time ago. They act as if people just don´t care about eachother. Everybody of nations and peoples have got their own problems. Yes, even usa and americans, and yes even us danes who they pretend is some fantasyland where americans just get whatever they want when they want it, and they pretend it´s same for danes i guess. OH I WISH!

It's cadavers being prepared for dissection in med schools.


I had to pay almost $3k for an hour trip to a small stand alone er for a kidney stone with insurance. On paper the trip cost almost $11k for an iv drop, shot of morphine, and a cat scan for them to go, "yup it's a kidney stone, here's some more pain meds. Good luck."

We are subsiding these people who bring their sick here, who get help and never pay. Our system would be great if they weren't putting the burden of the many who don't intend to pay on the backs of the middle class.

our healthcare system is too capitalist and shitty to take care of them, they'd be better off in the hospitals of the socialist utopias elsewhere in the world :^)

If they were that sick, why did they travel?

And your healthcare is subsidized by those rich Americans. Every new drug or medical device is sold to Americans for a year at astronomical prices. The developers recoup their investment and then when the price drops other countries start adding it to their healthcare system.

>our healthcare system is too capitalist and shitty to take care of them, they'd be better off in the hospitals of the socialist utopias elsewhere in the world :^)
Our country has never been a socialist country.
I am really really tired of burgers saying that. Who are so politically illterate that they think capitalism is a system, rather than plutocracy which is what it is, and not a system but financial nepotism. And it was never US system either for it to be that way. And than then anything else than that is socialist or communist. It´s so false.

If i can just get all burgers who say that to watch the first 20 minutes of this video where essentially it´s denmarks system/the nordic model explained. I would never hear burgers say again that my country is a socialist country.

Denmark is not a planned economy, it´s a market economy and all the things that pay for subsidized healthcare and education (investment in health and intelligence of our citizens with a very good roi), are people working quite hard with very low unemployment and paying high taxes. They should call universal healthcare taxpayed healthcare. Because that´s what it is. Stop calling it free healthcare, it´s taxpayed healthcare that´s what it is. And we inspite of paying 2x taxes of americans to afford that kind of luxury item. Have long waiting lists on quite a few things. Because it is expensive. So if we wanted lower waiting lists. It means more doctors and nurses. Which means our taxes would have to go up even further. So we have it at balance where our taxes are high to pay for it, but not too high to crush everything, if we wanted less waiting lists we would have to have taxes even higher, and so we have opted for a level that is reasonable. And it is same in denmark as it is in USA that we also have private hospitals, so if you have a fat wallet, you can just skip the waiting lists and go to private hospital. And you pay up.

Thats right spics. Your all going back

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>And your healthcare is subsidized by those rich Americans.
No, you don´t subsidize shit for us. Stop this bullshit. Next you will say we can afford it because we don´t pay our full 2% at NATO.

Nononono.. We pay 2x the taxes that you do. That´s how we can afford this somewhat, but not to the level of no waiting lists at all, because it´s so expensive. 2x the taxes of any american crying about taxes.

feel free to front the medical bills. dont you have a heart?

only for people I like.

ESPECIALLY deport kids with cancer!!!!

WTF, how is this even a question?

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Excellent. They should want healthy immigrants.

George Carlin had a bit think it went like this..

Fuck the children.

Ps. Not sure if pedo.

Yeah that's horrible just gas him

They have hospitals in Mexico, or wherever the kid was from right?

but instead of the pricing lowering, it goes up, astronomically.

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The media said so

>deporting kids that are cancer
Fixed it for you. Also, based.