Will you tune in?

Will you tune in?

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I'll be using this to synthesize better arguments, so this 'know your enemy' nonsense just raises the quality of discussion, if and only if I tune in and correct the record. Maybe I can make some money from it's lies!

Kek I'm all about it when do I tune in?

It’d be interesting to see how wrong they get things

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Exactly right, they can't actually control the narrative of the right so they'll try to control the perspective of the right on the left. IDK if this is even that good of an idea in general. Are they trying to marginalize the civnat cucks?

This is such a BS concept. The conservative movement of Bush isn’t the same as the conservative movement of Trump. They’ll pretend they are

it's a podcast, you just listen to it in your browser

Actually no, that disconnect is a large part of the stuff they talk about in the podcast

Is that all you got redneck, name calling? Typical Trump supporter. How about being an educated person?

>William F. Buckley
Is the next episode on David Brooks? Don't get me wrong, but WFB is no extremist. David Brooks manages to argue and vote for any leftist he sees while claiming to be 'right-wing'. I'm sure they'll both be 'Nazi's' by the end of it though.


Seriously nigger? Do we need more Pravda faggot shit from you chicken-swingers?

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Based. We should always be aiming to improve our end of the dialectic.

It's on Jonah Goldberg.
"His mother is "ratfucker" Lucianne Malfoy Goldberg, who became famous by masquerading as a journalist to spy on the 1972 Democratic presidential campaign for Richard Nixon and later by helping to touch off the Monica Lewinsky scandal.[2] Andrew Sullivan alleges that Goldberg received his position due to nepotism rather than to actual merit."
The charitable, tolerant left.
Not sure of his religion, for the curious. They've already used the term 'reactionary', so we're off to a great start.

It's awful. I chose the most interesting looking episode and then minutes later I couldn't take it anymore. It's the same faggy NPR voice forced banter metrosexual liberal shit.

This is pathetic bait and you should be ashamed. I award you no (you) and however much shame you feel isn't enough by half. May god have mercy on your soul.

they start episodes off very badly, yeah
try skipping ahead to where they stop rambling like faggots

If they're calling it "conservative" they likely have no idea what they're covering, but I do listen to this sort of stuff anyway to understand their perspective.


Who are these faggots dissenting about? Surely it's not the media, the wealthy, the federal reserve or any sort of ruling or establishment element.

We are watching an interesting shift from one of "Don't look at right wing content, it will corrupt you!" to "Let us tell you why the right is evil!" Due to how carefully the suppression strategy was played for decades, this new exposure strategy strikes me as a desperation play. (((They))) know the internet has allowed discussion of Jewish control over everything. Now they have to scramble to distort what everyone is seeing about the Jews. (Pro Tip: The biggest problem is that electronic peer to peer communication is Mega Business these days. P2P is very hard to censor because it quickly develops its own language and that language can be as different as any two people want it to be.)

From what I can make out, one was a 'firebrand conservative', which likely means he was a faggot even when he was on the 'right'. The other was 'enlightened' younger.

They're both jew and Israel controlled, what's the difference?


>Instead of approaching the right to see what they have to say i'll just let another leftist tell me what the right wingers say
The mind of a commie everyone

Never understood the far-left tendency to throw "reactionary" around. Like there's a spree of suicide bombings and knifings and a politician proposing vetting for people coming into the country from the nations the perpetrators are all from is "reactionary" but a politician pushing an unconstitutional ban on a gun accessory after one was found nearby after a shooting, or some asshat pushing fines or prison time for "misgendering" becausr somebody had his feelings hurt one time and got a bunch of social media likes, that's not reactionary? I know lefty talking points are 99% projecting their actions and beliefs on others but how can so many people lack self-awareness entirely?

Oh, trust me. I already know my enemy, rat.

I tried this. The whole thing is rambling faggots. Which episode has some content that isn't a bunch of faggots pulling shit out of their asses the whole time?

>Never understood the far-left tendency to throw "reactionary" around.
You said it. It's because what they are. Classical liberalism is right wing. They're the ones that came up with a new paradigm after the Enlightenment.

well it's a podcast, so it's all "pulling shit out of their asses"
I'm up to The Rise of the Illiberal Right but I think the "death of conservatism" two-parter was the best so far

We have entire private networks dedicated to political discourse and discussion. They can't see these networks, they can't touch these networks. This is the future, because it is safe from the meddling of foreigners.

>the left's current enemy
kek, are these people for real, are they actually o tell neocon from paleocon and altright from newright from boomer right?

I think they can and this is just a defense mechanism where they talk about going after the right but they pick Buckley and easy targets, to appear like they are making progress.

"reactionary" is "anti-communism"
The term reactionary is old stale meme magic, it's essentially framing the notion that communism is inevitable and that the 'reactionary' position is a natural resistance to le ebolutionary brogress. This allows the young saturnite to continue his spree of oppression and murder unabated by things like morality and culture.
This is why we outlawed communism.

>are they actually o tell neocon from paleocon and altright from newright from boomer right?
yeah, they talk about all these fissures

"The illiberal right" kek
I've never met a liberal leftist. Plenty on the right, even far-right, not one leftist.

They explain this in the first episode.
Their idea is that "the right" exists primarily as an opposition to the things being pushed by the left
so it makes sense to talk of a "reaction" and "reactionaries"

You're looking at the politicians themselves. The movements behind each president and the voters who supported each candidate are very different (with some overlap). People didn't vote for Bush because they wanted small government or to put an end to government corruption. They voted for him because they liked when Bush Sr. was president.

It's so much easier to not have someone from the right there to destroy their frame. The only point of these little productions is to frame people.

The roots run deep. I'm in a business management class and today I ran into two terms in a list of terms to define for a grade that troubled me. Evidently "institutional collectivism" and "social movement" are crucial concepts that every business student has to view, or pretend to view, in a positive light. The former is described as ideal, the latter as noble and important to support employees in their pursuit thereof. This is how communism always pushes on the homestretch, emboldened enough to force obvious propaganda and use ideological adherence as a barrier to entry so that comrades are in positions of power from the smallest to largest organizations. Half my classes have been HEAVY on socjus faggotry, down to being graded on whether I agree that stare-rape is a serious offense, and I attend a small school in a conservative town.

You are utterly retarded, Jow Forums

I keep my ear to the ground on the left. Dennis Kucinich is one. Julian Assange and some of his jurno buddies. Maybe Countdankula, and Sargon of Akkad. Plenty of people that aren't nuts but are wrong. Tulsi Gabbard, ect.. Occasionally they mention something that at least interests me. These two fags haven't said anything so so. They're mostly bitching and using emotions. There have been studies on this kind of stuff. Some people are just emotionally retarded at birth. There's a few 'leftists' that aren't retarded but identify as such. Some rightwingers are retarded. Wouldn't call it a wash though. There's clearly a winner...

Fwiw, that wasn’t name-calling, it was noticing. Apparently you would be surprised just how often this gets noticed nowadays and what it can tell one about their “opponent”.

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It's a lot closee to the opposite but you listen to whatever you like. Interesting you'd be pushing this show given your flag. Some would assume bad faith.

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Think of it this way fren. One of my personal white-pills
You're able to view the disease and avoid it, the people who are infected are your competition, and they're commies so it's only righteous to take all their power by any capitalistic means necessary. Communists cannot operate in the capitalistic space, as they abhor fairness.

Kucinich needs a helicopter ride.

But they think this is their enemy. Buckley literally believes in the same shit that everyone on the moderate left does.

>Their idea is that "the right" exists primarily as an opposition to the things being pushed by the left
I knew it. The pilpul attempts to make the right "reactionary" is pathetic. They are literally the revolutionary sid eof the coin, the right is the default of all civilisation. This is like calling your immune system reactionary towards bacteria.

What does radare have to do with slide threads?

Only if you take "reactionary" to be a derivative term. I think it's just descriptive. Because the left tries to implement some sort of grand plan for a "better" humanity, and the right is the reaction against that attempted plan. Seems like an apt description.

>There have been studies on this kind of stuff
Would read. The liberal mind is kind of fascinating.

Interestingly if you do a search of the term looking for a definition, you get some variation of the following (whether from Meriam, Oxford, wiki..):
>In common usage, reactionary is a generally disparaging term used to describe a person or policy opposing liberal or progressive change or promoting action or social change to return to a past social condition.

It would seem the left are either getting jobs at the dictionary companies and successfully changing definitions or it has always meant the reaction and opposition of the default society to liberalization and degeneracy.

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I just believe he's honest and good natured. I wouldn't vote for him. He tried to impeach Obama in the first 6months of his Presidency. I think he tried to impeach every president in fact that he was in on. The 2010 gerrymandering cycle kicked him out.

>hot girl I want to rape
Well, they're not wrong.

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Hope you're not white, you subhuman commie.

I actually miss William F. Buckley, even though I disagreed with him on almost everything.

He never yelled, he never called people names. He listened when the other person was talking (instead of trying to shout over them), and responded appropriately.

He was the best of what political debate should be.

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What's this?

>The 2010 gerrymandering cycle kicked him out.
And barely. Which is an indicator of how fucking awful Kaptur is that she almost lost to this faggot elf.

Some leftie magazine

A left-wing magazine in which the writers discuss how to dissent from Progressive orthodoxy by being a bit to the left of them.

>Would read. The liberal mind is kind of fascinating.
Oh, don't bother. They mostly are retarded explanations on how 'evil' right-wingers are from 'good' leftists. They just say there's a difference in X or Y and then try to explain it. You probably know more just by going off your gut. All I take away from them is that there's something there.

To two kikes talking about groups run by kikes? No.


The 60s called..

> if you dont buy my agitprop hook line and sinker then you are uneducated
> me smart

>he never called people names.
Didn't he (correctly) call Gore Vidal a queer?

>derivative term
They use it as such. They want to paint us as the cringing fools stuck in the last century who simply are holding back the tsunami of liberalism or the "right side of history"

yes and yes, they are. See my post:

>Analyzing the right's arguments!

Yeah, even the lefties won't bother listening to this. They're already right, what do they want to waste time listening to arguments for?

I unironically will just to blast them with LOGIC and FACTS.
I hope they don't run ads

Some leftist called him a queer repeatedly and even accused him of pedophilia, multiple times in books and articles. I think that man had a brother or friend that was actually a pedo. WFB had a high pitched voice when he was excited and on fire. All I can think where that came from.
Nobody believed him, or really took him seriously. He was a flamethrower with nothing to say. WFB had something to say, if slightly effeminate. I miss Goldwater.

Here you go. I stand corrected.

Granted it wont be for everybody, but anybody on the left who has been btfo’d in public by someone on the right would probably want to be able to better defend themselves.

>Granted it wont be for everybody
I spent a year as a door-to-door salesman. I sucked at it for 2 months. Maybe they can give a retarded show that's mildly entertaining in 2 months. Idk.
> but anybody on the left who has been btfo’d in public by someone on the right would probably want to be able to better defend themselves.
The amount of ridiculous assumptions and the fact that one might be swayed by emotional statements on politics concerns. Why do you think that's possible? They're just saying talking points. I could put out a better leftist radio show...I've been awake for 20 hrs and have had 15 beers.
They might be good for the local Antifa chapter that picks out retarded 'right-wingers' to bully and engage with eventually. What's their take on the Hong Kong protests? (rhetorical question at the end.)

oh look, more hate toward anyone who isn't a fucking commie.

My friend did this when I suggested he read Moldbug. When I asked him about it later he confessed he gave up reading it, read ‘commentaries’ on it. The most distressing part was, he didn’t even understand the commentaries enough to deal with the points THEY raised. It was as if the existence of people critical of Moldbug gave him the right to totally dismiss everything. I realized he was an NPC.

A lot of Orwell is overrated but he nailed it on the "language control as a tool for manipulating the masses" thing. Note how rabidly people attack you for "misgendering" or using the word fag or tranny. The "super hurtful mean words and the only alternative is loaded language that endorses the thingbin question" shit isn't new, it goes back to the fall of Rome at least. The "developed nations today resemble Rome as it collapsed" thing is more true than I'd like to know desu, it's like the people pushing this shit are following that template and aiming for the same result.

>A lot of Orwell is overrated but
Brave New World probably gets it better in most people's eyes the last generation or two. I think it's coming closer into focus in regards to positive/negative reinforcement probably being 70-30% in favor of the positive reinforcement of the BNW. Both Animal Farm and 1984 are more readable though. That's like, my opinion man.

I'll make my new podcast called Know your (((true))) enemy. Look for it no later than Saturday.


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how are they different it's the same system of zionist shills getting into office it's always been.

You gotta give us the dl on company wide sales sir. Who knows, you might become a major adman.

Walmart probably cooks the books more than i could imagine. Adman? I wish. I'll be working the salesfloor until my casket closes as this is the best paying job I will ever have.

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At least you're not the one with 200+ original dead deer photos. Have a good day man. I'm off.

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>I’ll sock you in the goddamn face and you’ll stay plastered

How about "no" you greasy fucking kike

Orwell's fiction is garbage, but is non-fiction is some of the best political writings of all time.
Read Politics and the English Language (short-ish essay) and The Road to Wigan Pier (book).
Homage to Catalonia is also pretty good.

'Shooting An Elephant' isn't bad either. BNW is probably more accurate, sure. But he's a very readable writer. Although I read like 5 dystopian books in 2 weeks and maybe I was burnt out on the genre, as BNW was the last I read.

none of what I recommended is dystopian, it's all non-fiction

America is so caught up in the false dichotomy of Left and Right.

>yes fight each other goyim fight

fuck off


I wasn't turning your recommendations down, if that's what you meant. His essay on shooting an elephant is about colonialism.

why the fuck would i listen to jews say the same shit they always do?

This'll be funny, they don't even know the ideology of their enemy.

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>leftists projecting for an hour
>will you tune in?
Not a chance.

typical leftard

The caring of an animal is the mark of a true aryan.

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>Not sure of his religion
Redddit is that way fren.

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user, the entire liberal mindset is about redefining reality in order to magically validate their farcical world view. This isn't going to be any different.

You'll notice what I posted about not long after then. A man torn by killing an elephant to make himself not look like a fool (a police officer under the British Empire, an elephant in heat, 2,000 locals hanging at your shoulder expecting revenge for a dead man while it stands docile, munching on grass after it's 'attack' is over). Heartwrenching in fact, but it's life. It's not long if you got time.

No chance. I'm done listening to their illogical, evil rhetoric.

Nailed it. I'm sick of it. Everyone should be, by now. Unfortunately, progressives might be the most bigoted people that have ever lived.