Why is boomer parenting so awful?

If you want some good insight into the mentality of the modern young female and her attitude towards her parents, check out this reddit thread


ITT we discuss the flaws in boomer parenting that lead to this type of behaviour.

What made the modern family dynamic so fucked up pol?

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>flaws of boomer parenting

More like flaws of the Modern whore mother.

Is it really the mothers fault that her husband is not dominant enough to assert his leadership over his family?

Good point!

Because the parents are a bunch of children in adult bodies who never have and never will accept responsibility for anything, regardless of political bent.

My own parents are your typical MIGAtard cuckservatives.

Try to explain to them the role of the Baby Boomer (their own) generation in today's shithole situation, and it's NEVER their generation's fault! It's either the fault of Millennial snowflakes of their parents' generation, but never their own.

I look at my dad and tell him that if that is true, then either your generation had and has a problem with acceptance of responsibility for their faults, or they are THE most inconsequential generation of people to exist in history.

This screws with the Boomer. Either they accept that they were a net negative as a whole, or they accept that they are not important, which drives them insane, because Boomer self-importance.

>Those comments and the upvotes they have

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Boomers are just empty minds.

Thanks for reinforcing my eternal hatred for reddit user.

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And boomers, you’re welcome

Degenerate mothers like that should be put to death. The husband should be legally allowed to honor kill her desu

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why aren't you guys posting responses on this encouraging her to divorce her husband and propel her 19 year old into a whore?

On it like a motherfucker

...why the fuck would we do that?

there's a whole thread on "cuddling" with kids and why it's OK. Parents are supposed to teach kids about boundaries, not use them as teddy-bears.


>but I immediately shut him up by telling him that hes not in the position to control the private life of a grown woman
The absolute state of woman liberation

A person with a 19 year old daughter is not a Boomer. This person is probably mid-40s.

Women are the majority of voters. They vote in politicians who make laws that punish men for “asserting their authority” over their family. I would place the blame on his male ancestors who voted to allow this to happen.

God, Family, Country

Boomers destroyed it all.

All three pillars of society. Burned to the ground by der Boomer.

Women that punish men who attempt to assert their authority are women who reject the leadership of such men because they are not alpha enough. They want their ship to commandeered by a true captain. If they sense weakness and inexperience, they will mutiny

If she can make her own choices about going out cause she is an “adult” then she can gtfo out of my house. Easy as that.

Yet another fucking Jew troll post for the stupid White man

>t. Boomer
And onto the streets to do tricks for cash. Boomer parenting everybody

My dad is 65, I am 22.

This is true. I was raised by a hardcore feminist. I thought what I was told about women was true. It was not.

They want to be choked. They want to be called daddy. They want you making all the choices INCLUDING where you two eat.

Women want a MAN, not a Switch playing S'oyim orbiter

Sorry, they want to call YOU daddy. Didn't grammar check.

When they bring you in to court to take half your shit and force you to pay alimony. “Don’t worry bro just be alpha”. Kek.

The problem is systemic, no matter how “alpha” you are, if you enter into a marriage contract she holds all the cards and can use the long dick of the family courts to fuck you anytime she wants. Why would any man want to have to game his wife until they die, what kind of life is that?

Hey take my poll:


Will Trump get Greenland?

my dad was a vietnam vet
im 25


wtf is this, if i want to read reddit thread i go to reddit, which i dont, so fcuk right out of here

If a woman is your subordinate, she will never go against a single thing you say, let alone take you to court. It sounds like you have no idea what this experience is like and I don’t blame you. Most men don’t. But the relationship between an alpha and his woman is very different than what you’re used to

i went to reddit about 2 weeks ago and i am still redpilled on how awful it is, so i dont want to go near it, maybe a couple more months. reddit is still good for non social topics though.

>posting reddit garbage

My parents are boomers but they've been such great people, they could have done better by me in some areas but by and large they've been great people, I'll look after them when they're infirm.

That said, American boomers look like they're pure evil.

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Not an argument

Yeah this dad has lost control of his brood. He ought to backhand the wife and daughter then go outside and disconnect a few wires in their modes of transportation and drop their phones in the toilet. Take back control and reflect on his decision to marry a whore.