Awww lil' snowflake Andy Nogo caught on vid hanging with Fascist planning an attack on Cider Riot

Awww lil' snowflake Andy Nogo caught on vid hanging with Fascist planning an attack on Cider Riot.
Not such a victim after all, matter of fact it does explain a lot.
Can't say he's not main stream, he's been all over Faux And his "attack" has bee used to justify call for Antifa to be labeled a domestic terrorist group.
With NO credablity left hell have to go hangout with shitbags like of James O'Keefe, Dinesh D’dildo Souza.
Who's the next right wing turd to get caught lying and misrepresenting groups and people? It's only a matter of time.

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Mutt IQ

Supposedly the tech giants are the lefties right? Yet they cannot keyboard and they cannot english. This is why the left has no friends!

And clearly you can not grammar.

I disagree; you're welcome to suck my dick, prove me wrong and fight me irl faggot.

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Im convinced. Wtf im a communist now

>hanging with Fascist
You kikes call everyone fascist...

All while implementing fascism, really softens my jojoba nut.

Lol. No. I'm not a fascist, but fascism has redeeming qualities. Kike faggots like OP are gommies, not fascists.


Authoritarians are third against the wall, and they'll have smiles on their faces.
Politics is dark stuff.

How incredibly far away from enlightenment does one have to be to make this post? Such a petty and narrow mindset.

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The left can't meme. Very low verbal IQ.

The left has abandoned religion, thus they cannot meme. This is a causal relationship, fear of god is the first step to dank memes.
Prove me wrong.

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>justify call for Antifa to be labeled a domestic terrorist group.
Antifa attacks people who think differently and then justifies it by calling them fascists. They use fear of being attacked by them to oppress people. Thats the definition of terrorism.

They should all be hanged.

Fucking trash memes, and you should be ashamed.

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Shutup golem

You're retarded, keep beating up faggots like this all you want, great optics big guy

Antifa is a hate group that attacks marginalized people.

This, imagine being one of the less retarded non-whites only to have these faggots attacking you.

All I got from OP was a snide wall of text saying nothing.

Why are your kind constantly seething like this? Cant you form a logical argument that makes sense?

Wasn't this already obvious? I only know about him from this incident. He comes across as a snivelling attention queen.

that's not how the word snowflake works.
god you have the counter-bullying skills of a first grader with a nerdfag for a dad

You are retarded. To you everyone who isn't mentally ill like yourself is a fascist. The videos will keep coming out of you horrible psychopaths attacking people, and I will keep sharing them.

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Are we supposed to care about this? Bitch, this is Jow Forums, we don't care about the stupid rules that normies and boomer-cons follow. This is life or death, this is NOT a game. Don't worry tho agent, we disavow all violence.
