Dear fellow white people: Here's what to do when you're called racist."

Step 1: Recognize that what matters most is what happened just now.

You can be called out for racist remarks even if you have black friends and relatives you cherish, donated to anti-racist causes and marched for civil rights. [...]

Step 2: Remember the broader context.

Even if you know in your heart that you are not racist, remember: It is possible to have implicit (or unconscious) racial biases. [...]

Step 3: Stay calm and ask for clarification.

Take a deep breath and pause after being called racist. You will probably feel attacked and defensive. Check those emotions and avoid argument.

Instead, apologize and consider asking someone -- either the person who called you racist, or a trusted friend who understands racism and can chat with you about the situation -- for help understanding what went wrong.

You can use language like this: "I didn't realize that remark was racist. I am so sorry. Would you be willing to help me understand where I went wrong? I really want to learn and would be grateful."

Important note: If possible, ask a white person to explain this to you. It isn't the job of people of color to educate white people, and you are not owed a direct explanation, as much as you might like one. Don't be entitled. [...]

Step 4: Really listen to the answer(s) you receive.

Swallow your pride. It's hard. [...]

Step 5: Express gratitude -- then get to work.

Be sure to thank the person who offers you an explanation. The fact that you were (1) called out and (2) offered an explanation may feel uncomfortable, but it is a valuable gift, and your discomfort is productive.

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Other urls found in this thread:

When called a racist there is only one correct answer:
Of course I am racist. So what ?

>You're racist!

I know.

"Fellow whites"

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>Dr. Rebecca Hains is a children’s media culture expert.

What the fuck does that even mean? Why are women allowed to have such useless jobs

Best response, “so what.” There you go, the Other person either leaves or makes a better argument.

yup, it's what jews in israel do, so why should you be afraid to do it?

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'racism' is an important survival mechanism and is essential to promote philia within a sophisticated society.

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>Dear fellow white people:

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>youre a racist
No im not my sister and niece are part spic fuck you. Im anti semitic get it right.

Mudshits are the most racist. If white countries are as evil as they say why are they all coming here?

It means she determines what media children should consume to be good goyim

Middle aged white women are the absolute fucking worst with this race apologia nonsense

Is Israel racist?

Anti-Semitic is literally racism you fuck. Just because you're racist against one race doesn't mean you're not racist against another. You must be part spic too because you're stupid as fuck and can't even use a fucking dictionary.

This is the correct answer. Take the power away from them by devaluing their outrage.

Stfu nigger

I am racist, I hate you niggers.

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Are you a jew? Fuck you fucking hook nosed faggot.

There is no such thing as antisemitism. Only counter semitism.

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It’s too late for you, once your here you never leave. Kill yourself before it’s too late

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Jewish is s religion not a race fucktard.

>If white countries are as evil as they say why are they all coming here?
Better economic opportunities and a chance to sponge off the benefits that white people have created in society.

Fucking Indians move here in tens of thousands, take shit tier jobs for awful pay, make salaries and wages less competitive, and once they're given any hiring authority of power at all they will do the best they can to fire anyone that isn't Indian, and hire only Indians from that point onward because "ohhh, you know, we can't trust those firangs, they lie and steal."

Indians are legitimately the most racist group of people that I know, it's almost comical when you realise the reality of the situation.

Tell that to Israel.

You must be new here. Welcome to Jow Forums, now lurk for a couple years and shut the fuck up until then.

Fuck you, you fucking kike. Day of the oven now.

point at the tard and laugh!

Racism is just a word used by (((ADL))) and (((SPLC))) to silence valid opposition.

Dear Jew OP,
Here's what I do when called a racist.
Step 1:
Respond "Yes."
Step 2:
Call them a nigger.
Step 3:
Go to step 2.

Why are they all genetically related? Particularly
Ashkenazi, they came from a founding population of 350 people. There's a reason they all look nearly the same.


Dear white people, if you are being called racist... Strike back with a punch.

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Don't embrace the label. Just laugh at the concept. Everyone knows deep down the term means anything from just recognizing different skull shapes to some cartoonish Hollywood skinhead stuff

Really hard hitting stuff here

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When called a racist its paramount to use racial epitephs to describe and express your feelings towards people of color. I always start of small before working up to bigger racial insults. For instance i will usually start off by talking about pot holes in lower socio economic neighborhoods predominantly in the skin color range of nigger and spic. For instance because these neighborhoods have no white people the tax code is so small roads and basic electrical components are usually neglected because of niggers and spics. After gradually showing the low iq nigger and spic how shit they are i usually translate my biggest redpill yet a mirror. Simply putting a mirror infront of a nigger or a spic will immediately win the arguement because all niggers and spics are vampires. You should never talk to one unless you are heavily armed and open carrying a large crucifix.

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It's funny how "racism" and "a basic understanding of statistics" end up being synonymous, huh?


here is what to do,

thats racist!, your racist..


2.look at them like they are mentally ill.

3.continue making based comment.

McAffee literally ate shit when he was on his bathsalt induced week long orgies. Stay silent agree with them and if your nerves cant handle this use extreme violence. I'm glad I live in a place where people don't have to tolerate this shit.

>call her a racist
>don't offer her an explanation
There, I just showed you how to ruin her life.

I don't give 5 fucks about being called a racist. The left has used it so haphazardly, it no longer carries any weight.

God damn babykillers

this thread stinks of detached foreskins

respond with: fuck you nigger

Found the racist

how about you shut your kike mouth before we hunt you small hats down and laugh as your blood stains the streets and that goes for all the worthless nogs out there as well....

>Yes, as I was saying...

Decent advice up until here. I would instead demand an apology from the accuser, seeing as even being mislabeled as racist can destroy one's livelihood. If they won't apologize, start calling them a kiddie fucker. Make a huge deal out of the situation too, escalating tone, aggression, and volume while making cracks about how hilarious you find it that they're a pedophile until you either fight or they apologize.

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>if someone accuses you of racism, it is very much a big deal and important you think so and understand why
>the accuser doesn't owe you any explanation
Of course, you can't be expected to take responsibility for anything. Just accuse, no need to substantiate. Accuse me, tell me how bad it is, excoriate me, tell me what I must do as penance, but don't educate me on your VERY IMPORTANT perspective.

No, whites need to start acting like niggers do when they are called niggers.

Racist is just an attack on whites and is pretty much calling the niggers.

The correct response is to hoop them.

The fact that you are too retarded to recognize these professional victims when you see one, you fucking deserve everything you get.
>Best piece of advice ? When you see one stir at them, stay silent and carry on walking.

>"fuck niggers lol"
>"that's racist"
>"I didn't realize that remark was racist. I am so sorry. Would you be willing to help me understand where I went wrong? I really want to learn and would be grateful."

I'll take "sheltered upper-middle-class yenta who lived in a gated community away from niggers" for 6 gorillian.


Or just being honest and a decent person.

the 'chimping out' of the crypto marxist left and all manner if shitskins is whats allowing them to win. This is 4th gen warfare, where all levels of a society are a battlefield. Their(SJWs/gommies/libs) extremist, constantly offensive action combined with their jingoistic, supremacist mindset is what has allowed these faggots to build up their power over the years. We all may mock and deride the tumblrite for their behavior and beliefs, loath them for invading ad ruining our shared autist hobbies; but their wilingess to believe that they have done no wrong is what girds them against any potential rhetorical/logical pushback. Like how I said this is a war. You don't win a war by only fighting defensively. The marxists of weimar Germany weren't defeated by le facts and logic and 'the truth'. It was defeated by the arms and fanaticism of the Friekorps. They killed the gommies so hard that to this day retard gommunist scholars are still upset about it and can only write shitty defamation lore about them in history books and articles. Its going to come to a time where a level of lethal force is going to be required in order to preserve oneself. In this case, it is going to require whites to band together and become tribalistic again.

Though i don't expect or am necessarily calling for anyone on Jow Forums to take to violence. That is wholly up to you, whoever may read this. I would go with what another shitposter said some time ago on here about /pol: "we're more codebreakers/intelligence gathering than actual fighters"

I want to remind you all that Jow Forums is the largest and most diverse and decentralized intelligence agency on the planet. /pol coordinated air strikes with Assad and the Russian Federal troops to knock out rebel camps and training centers, as well as trolled Shia Leboeuf into oblivion, tracking his retard ass by flight contrails in the background. In this intelligence/spirit war you niggers play a more critical role than you can imagine. Do not lose hope.

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>So what ?
That's been my answer for well over a decade now. But I do think it's easier to get away with when you are a big guy. I'm not some he-man guy I'm just very tall and bulky so if I wanted to (and their were no witnesses) I could just twist a niggers head off his shoulders like opening a bottle of rum. POP!
Of course when a colored person hears "So what?" they walk away mumbling "muffugga ain't about the right thang!" I get much more little bitch crap from whites who think sucking up to niggers will make them famous or get them a guest shot on BET.

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All you had to say was
>weaponized autism

When blacks are called N for being N's they flip out.

Whites should do the same when called racist

Step 1:
Jump your racism up to 11 to show them what you really got.
Then say I'm only human so if you want better go find super man and ask him for reprations.
Finish it off by shouting coon nigger ape monkey shitskin retard and anything else offensive you can think of then add that you have a gun and they better let you VENT DUMB FUCKIN NIGs

I challenge you to say that in public,It's easy to say such things on the internet,where the public pressure doesn't exist,but the average Jow Forumstard would just look down and say "I-I'm sorry" because of fear of being stigmatized and/or isolated.

This is why niggers feminists and such are winning the cultural wars,if you call a nigger or a feminist a black supremacist or a feminist they will actually accept it,while the average white will most likely apologize for being a racist like the cucks they are.


While many of us here may see this as ridiculous, there is something to be said for this method, especially if you follow through with "asking for explanation" and skip the apologize step. You could even acknowledge that you didn't realise what you said might have been offensive, and then when they try and explain it, they give you a weapon: their perspective is now laid open to you, and you can use knowledge to refute it, on the spot.

The only thing I tend not to say in real life is nigger, precisely because it has real potential to illicit an immediate violent response. I think this just proves how much of a nigger the attackers are, but that's sort of irrelevant if I lose my teeth over it. Pretty much anything else I say here is fair game in real life though.


what the fuck is this dogshit thread?
Holy shit did you really spend all this time to write out this canadian diarrhea?
Fucking hell someone pass me the zyklon can so i can gass myself 6 million times.

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Apologizing never works

It’s like being called a witch.
I just ignore it.

What a Jewess.

Call yourself a Realist.

Diffuse with humor.


Call them a nigger you dogeater.

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Fuck off. Go be a Jew somewhere else.