Book suggestions /general/

While I’m also looking for general book suggestions, do you guys have a list of books written by /ourguys/ on twitter? Thanks for any posts.

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Other urls found in this thread: Federalist Papers

not twitter but far more important than e-celebs Federalist Papers
youre welcome

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I dunno about Twitter but if you liked pic related you might as well also read Nietzsche for the original

That's the first time she's ever even opened that book. I bet she's not even reading it. She probably put it down after the photo was taken then spent the rest of the day refreshing her Instagram.

everything written by e-celebs can be dismissed.
read the holy bible.


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Evola - Revolt against the modern world

>bronze age minds
so i have read some opinions about this book and it seems to be a piece of shit, which contains only pseudo-knowledge and memes. Basically waste of time, money and paper.

To kill a mockingbird

right twitter hates ebook merchants unless they tick the right meme boxes

She probably wiped her vagina on it and then sold it to a beta orbiter for $300

Learn about astrology; it’s the most fundamental redpill, and the best thing you can study to improve your life-direction and outlook.

Top heh

Stay ignorant then. It’s no skin off my back. Look backwards in time to the great thinkers and masters who viewed astrology as fundamental and humble yourself a little.

No, please, convince me.
How does the position of planets/stars have anything to do with my life?

Good post.
Propaganda by Edward Bernays is a good short read
Walden and Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau are Bible tier goodness
Inside the Third Reich by Albert Speer is a nice normie redpill if you can get them to read it.
I recommend the Baghavad Gita as well for your Aryan needs.
Evola and Mishima are also good reads.

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Going to need the source image, lol.

Guaranteed this, and just because it says bronze and she's in the sun.

Holy fuck, BAP. Hard times?
I've seen you spam this shit nearly 20 times this week.
Can't you ask one of your thots for a loan?

I don’t know. I’m not God. I didn’t create the universe. But, they do. I have theories but they won’t be convincing to you. What would be convincing is studying the discipline and analyzing your own chart.

If they are about to collide with Earth then a shitload

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Read these guides

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Anything on Thuletide

I’m gonna need the source image lol. Too blurry.

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>The Library Genesis Project
>database of millions of books, magazines, and comics
>How to download ebooks from Library Genesis (LibGen) for free

>Project Gutenberg
>public domain eBooks

>Z-Library Project
>Millions of books.

>Internet Archive
>free public access to collections of digitized materials, including websites, software applications/games, music, movies/videos, moving images, and millions of books

>free public domain audiobooks

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shut up nigger its 5000X3333 and 2.1mb

youre just retarded

Just open the image in its own tab, degen phoneposter.

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The Culture of Critique - Kevin MacDonald
Industrial Society and its Future - Theodore Kaczynski

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based and tedpilled. "Industrial Society" is more of an essay than a book, but the sequel, "Anti-Tech Revolution: Why and How," is about 200 pages longer.

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Can recommend, though it seems to be a premonition of history

yeah I read it too but you gotta introduce people with something shorter, easier and more striking, which the manifesto is

You're absolutely right, I was just mentioning "Anti-Tech" since it's a book thread.

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The manifesto holds a special place in my heart because it was the first reading of this sort I had and it laid out so well some back thoughts I had. Anti-Tech is good too, it just goes much deeper on the specifics of the technological system.

200 years together was translated by Jow Forums

I’m reading The jews: the tragic cycle by Belloc. Good read
The other pol tier book I read recently is the lighting and the sun by Devi. Very good too

at the foot of the master,
to be human,
and others books by Jiddu Krishnamurti

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Read Bret Easton Ellis new book 'White'

It's his first non fiction book and he EVISCERATES his fellow gays and millennials and just every trump derangement syndrome sufferer

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So fucking what, it’s some stupid Instagram picture, don’t ever post on this board again until you have sex youbliteral virgin

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as always, plenty of political reading, but almost nothing of more recent science, and those things of practical value. Its probably the reason why we will first defeat all of our enemies, before even getting one gf. Well fear not for such an outcome, for I have found exactly that which I accuse you of not having.

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>faggot pays preteen girl to look at his homofaggot book for a quick creep photo

god i hate the alt kike and it’s faggots

bap doesn’t surf

Anything written by julius evola. Look up his flowchart

i started reading walden a few weeks ago. I agree with thoreau`s point of view, but he argues like an adolescent.

im pretty sure it's edited

can someone sum up BRONZE AGE MINDSET?
i've never seen a serious review of this book, i don't know what to expect.

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>inb4 The Turner Diaries or Mein Kampf or that Evola LARPing bullshit

w*men don't actually read BAP, r-right?

So you formed an opinion of a book based on the opinions of other people?

You just have to read it user

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so you're saying that's worth reading it? that's what I wanna find out before buying.

bronze age mantis is a Trump supporting stooge
Fuck that retard

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Dianetics by L. Ron Hubbard
The music helps:

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Book of Five Rings, The Prince, Hagakure

No chapters. More like elongated shitposts with some great humor and legitimate depth, very purifying to the soul. His podcast is free for now with a few episodes up, pretty sure it's his Slavic buddy and not his voice tho

Das Kapital By Karl Marx

I've only read the first ten or so pages, but I can tell it will be enjoyable. It appears at first to be random right wing drivel, but it's based

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>Evola and Mishima


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That your slam piece bud? If so, nice job

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>Being this bitter
Feels good not hating my own mother and having a healthy relationship with my girlfriend.

>looking for general book suggestions
The Vagina Ass of Lucifer Niggerbastard by Shawn Wunjo