How do we summon FBIAnon fag when nothing happens today?

How do we summon FBIAnon fag when nothing happens today?

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Bump. He did say announcements were to be today and Thursday.

use the cards?

>Something about to happen
Oh what a surprise Hurricane hitting Mar A Lago on holiday weekend.

Anyone who doesn't believe we are in Deep State war right now is unironically retarded

I have a crisp dollar that says today is a nothing burger. Bump for bets.

FBIanons have all been 100% larp.
They inspired Q after all.
In 2 weeks the world will know that Barr has decided there will be no prosecution of high-level offenders.
Boomers will, en masse, an hero.
Screencap this post.
The Sting.



FBIanon Threads:

They let Comey walk. This week we find out McCabe walks.


>He does't know about the bat signal

leave it to the pros, kid.

That is literally 100% not going to happen.

Worst case scenario is Trump/Barr drag this out thru 2020 and claim they need the reelection win to carry out Justice.

That is less likely than the actual Happening that is coming within the next weeks.

>Trump/Barr drag this out thru 2020 and claim they need the reelection win to carry out Justice.
I called this when the Q operation was being rolled out
>oh, bro totally epic breads
>post more crumbs, bro
fucking retards

Which thread was that?

Anyone who has worked in either Law or Politics understands why something like this would take time and there would be constant unseen delay in the process.

People forget that it is common knowledge (but hasn't worked its way thru the justice system) that Bruce Ohr took the unverified dossier from his wife who was working for Fusion GPS and discredited Christopher Steel being paid for Perkins Coie and thru the Clinton's accounts for Russian disinformation. This material was used by the FBI to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on at least Carter Page and then on to GeorgePopadopoulos and then probably on to some others. It was all illegal. This isn't a maybe. This isn't a what if. IT WAS ALL ILLEGAL. AND THEY GOT CAUGHT

This is the first one, from 8.19, implying something would happen next week (this week)
Here’s the follow up from 8.23
Pic is a screen I grabbed on 8.20 of a comment in a random thread (can’t find it), of where he clarifies today and Thursday (27th & 29th)
Hoping for non LARP, but looks like LARP

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the fbi just announced a criminal case ggggnst anthony levandowski, project lead on the google self driving cars


No, Barr will not make many of the decisions on prosecution by himself. He has delegated much of that to US Attorney Durham in Connecticut. Durham is thought to be in Europe trying to track down what happened with Papadapoulos on Page there. It might not be until November until we really get good information on how things are going.

just say some dumb shit


This is entirely possible. However, I'm not sure that Barr is dragging this out. Investigating wrongdoing, convening a grand jury and presenting evidence, then convincing the grand jury to indict, arresting, etc. really can take a long time, particularly with extremely sensitive cases like this.

>you want people prosecuted for TREASON beyond a reasonable doubt
>you want it done quickly

I doubt that much will happen. The sad thing for anyone expecting happenings is that a 'deep state' secret war suits all parties at the moment. It allows anyone to explain away anything on either side of the fence so I doubt it will be resolved quickly as it doesn't suit anyone to do so.

Well it is Tuesday. Started today in New York. Epstein did not work alone and his co-conspirators names are coming out. Declassification starts today and a few updates in the Epstein Case. 1. The Poison used to kill Epstein and Rich is leading us to some interesting folks. 2. The video in the Epstein case is not usable because someone at the facility erased it. 3.The party that disappeared from the facility has not shown up on the radar screen yet but we have facial recognition software working a few pictures we have. Has not shown up yet. Seems Rich`s murder is tied into the election of 2016 and Epstein`s murder is tied into the election of 2020. As I mentioned yesterday look to a candidate who will announce no later than November and their connection to Epstein. The investigations are going well. The fuse is lite and this week.

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Quasimodo predicted all this.

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Let’s look at what we know. We know for a fact that the Bushes and the Clintons were handed envelopes at Bush Sr’s Funeral. We know that whatever was in those envelopes shocked them badly. We know that subsequently Barr replaced Elmer Sessions. We know that in pretty short order Mueller was shut down. We know that concurrently Pelosi who had only previously been lukewarm about impeachment became pretty adamantly opposed. Seems to me a rational person could be forgiven for concluding a “deal was struck”. IOW, “it’s Ogre.”

yeah, this or the glowing car

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Absolutely nothing serious is happening before summer 2021.

Schools back in, sports are back on, winter is coming..... the absolute worst time/season for mass disruption, then you’re into election cycle until January/feb 2021...

So we won’t see anything major until summer 2021

While you and I know this it certainly appears no one has informed Mr. Barr.

Holiday Weekend, Trumps will be at Mar A Lago (AKA White House 2, AKA Trumps Bunker)

Tropical Storm/Small Hurricane produced by HAARP will move in to supply cloud cover over Mar A Lago. Trump will tweet "My Fellow Americans, the storm is upon us..." Operations will ensue.

They usually come when you sperg out.

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Seems to me we will know very soon just how much (((they))) are sweating. School starts next week for about half of the US and the rest the following week. If there is a school shooting in the next three weeks they are sweating bullets.

What I’m saying is, you aren’t going to drop the economy or make any arrests in volume, or risk power outages in the winter, with all of that going on....

The summer is the best time. So 2021 is my guess

2021 is to late. Mission fatigue is kicking in for the researchers, and further delays past 2020 will disillusion millions.

Some people have been dedicating their lives to this since Seth Rich was killed. His murder was a glitch in the matrix that woke up hundreds whom woke up thousands. Before SR i had never been to 4/8ch, since I have never left.

All of the information is collected and quantified. reread crumbs. For a mass awakening the President only has to say one thing.

Where we go one we go all.

Yep because 3+ years is too quick, this needs to be dragged out for atleast 20 years right?

You don't need to convince me user. I just think that it's a matter of timing. I'm not expecting a big happening as it isn't in the interest of the Trump camp. I could be wrong but I don't see what they gain when they can just get on with what they are doing and then ramp all this up before the 2020 election, once Iran and North Korea/China are less hot, the UK is out of the EU. Just my reasoning why it will just churn away as it has done for the last 2 years.

Wish fbi fags would force me to smash some rusky puss

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take a picture of your little sisters dick and post it on here

It needs to be dragged out long enough for public perception to be that the DNC/Obama/Clintons and their handlers colluded with foreign powers to fix an election. A moment sooner and the country falls into civil war.

It also has to fall at a time that it would cause the most political benefit for the Presidents party. If the DS takes control of the senate all of the work done previously is for naught.

(C)oats before (D)eclas

[Next week] 3
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Suicide Weekend 0 day

You know what is funny?

People in the intel community said for years the grateful dead were undercover agents.

Although I’ve been with Q since antifungal was stealing breads...

Every time I see a child in public or whenever, my resolve is ever stronger.

On top of that the thirst for liberty never dies. Even more then Q is wanting/willing to provide. We were espousing greater liberty and minimal state before Q and will continue to do it after...

I think you’re getting your hopes up too fast... this is easily a 30+ year project. It’s already been easily a 30 year project for the setup.

Imagine having all that money and it’s an ugly Russia redhead when you could have had any legal age instathot of your choice

Retard boomers, all of them.

What's supp0sed to happen? Give me a slow runup please

Considering it’s compartmentalized upwards, you should be able to smoke it out downwards, but just fucking think about all the local LEOs and local level politicians you have to smoke out. It’s millions by itself. They just don’t have the manpower until the names pop up going downwards.

At some point we don't lose our lovbe for liberty or desire to save kids. We lose the belief that the leadership we fought hard for is incapable/unwilling to deliver the justice we desire.

I am not there yet, but the days become longer and longer.

The LEO's have been smoked out already, some researchers were dangled out as bait to draw out the black hat LEO's.

The hunters become the hunted.

I never thought would produce any different of a result?

Why would you expect a house built in quicksand to stand forever?

Society organization based on a monopoly on violence will always and forever have the same result.

Q doesn’t agree... but that’s another matter.


Society is based on the pillars it currently is because We the People were complacent. America was founded on distinct and unique ideals that we allowed over generations to be subverted and used against us.

Most of my life I was a fuck up and a moron, never living close to my potential. It was the actions of others led to me and millions of others awakening.

The same way you summon every LARPer. By pretending to believe what they say

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I would say more subverted.

Mostly because of the build of companies that fiat money expansion allows. It’s all black budget fiat.

I’m happy for you. I honestly hope you’re right, but I’m not as optimistic as yourself. Cheers.

Yeah, I saw The Neon Demon too.

my recollections is that sallyport uses should be logged onto computer somewhere
and that getting into and out of a facility should require how gates to be passed through? each one logged in. whole lotta peeps having to purge and awful lot of records to not leave fingerprints

OP, just try.

Here is one.
Hey guys, I heard the battlestar is allowing the prison and jail inmate industrial complex to bureacracy a cuckhold. Didn't the battlestar say, "I am going to imminently bomb the leguslature except while Brenton Tarrant is a hero? I THINK BRENTON TARRANT IS A HERO!


Pents and I call 911 now.

Think Mirror

[Next week] +7 days (8/31)
[Next week] +7 days (8/24)
[Next week] +7 days (8/17)
Suicide Weekend - 0

Based and cynaidepilled

Hopefully! God bless Q

I believe it is going to lead to MI6/Andrew, but they're trying to make you think Rissia, Russia, Russia!

Oh, yeah, that declassification last week was awesome.

q tard thread ,ignore it fellas,nothing ever happens.


A deal wasn't struck. NO DEALS.

Hostages were taken and given a choice. Play your part and die a quiet respected death (No Name) or have everything taken (exec order) and be tried publicly.


So far as we know now, the major league Dems directly associated with Epstein are very much over the hill. This isn't 1992, when Bill Clinton entered the race in December of 1991. The Dems are already deep into the nominating process. If anyone should announce later this year, we should certainly do everything that we can to vet him or her vis a vis Epstein. With some luck, more information will be available by later this year to give us something to start with. I hope that this user is for real--his or her LARP has been going on for a long time. If there's no other reason to vote for Trump in 2020, it's to make sure that the FISAgate/Obamagate and Epstein investigations continue until all the pond scum involved are at least exposed and hopefully convicted.

larping faggot,nothing ever happens,devil runs the show ,there will never be justice ,u r just qtard boomer who eat intel propoganda like golden shit.

get rid of the Israeli flag and we can talk.

>how do we summon anything
Bruh, it isn't rocket science.

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Al Gore, and more importantly the Bidens and the Pences received envelopes. Gore looked very perturbed, but the mouths of both Bidens gaped open. Hillary turned around and said something to them, as well. Karen Pence did not open the envelop at the service, so we don't know what was in her, nor do we know how the Pences reacted to the contents.

continue sucking miga cock boomer
>muh pissrael

thats all u got?brainlet mutt

All you have to do is suck a muslim's dick inside of a car while your mom rubs your anus. all that while your little sister rides your dick and watches anime. After that, just call 911 and say you'll bomb the eifell tower. THAT sHoUld Do IT

We definitely know how Jeb Bush reacted. Fear.

>t.glow nigger activating algorythm to record conversation

many such cases ,amature lvls

Attached: jeb funeral.jpg (911x1200, 267K)

Yes, and Laura Bush narrowed her eyes and glared at Trump. I couldn't tell if W's facial expression was a result of his real grief seeing his father's coffin pass or whether he wasn't surprised at what was in the envelope.

Is there a rundown of all the envelopes/reactions? That is, recipients and then photos/videos of their reactions? I’ve seen parts but never a proper report.

Here I am. What do you want to know OP?

That you Jason “the mangetter” Genova?

It’s pissening

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That's such bullshit... But I wanna believe it.

You can lead a horse

Jeb is on our side. Trust Jeb. He grew tired of being the black sheep of the Bush family, so he was easy to flip into a white hat. Watch for the signals Jeb will give to patriots in the near future.

The description of the Bush reactions is ok, but the SS agent ones are bullshit since... It's been a little less than a year with how many of them arrested?

Hey, can we have the legit paper trails/legal docs/account numbers/shell companies that actually show the FED connection to the Roth’s/crown/shells etc..

The actual legal paper trail... somehow when it’s legally ok to show/declass it. I think there would be a high level of satisfaction with seeing that.

There was an excellent Youtube video on this that was included in a thread a couple of weeks ago. However, the video seems to have been scrubbed, and I can't find it on Youtube.

you presume to believe that because CNN/Fox news doesn't report someone was arrested merans it didn't happen.

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It looked like W was the one who had flipped, LARPAnon. Check the video.

trust the goddam plan ,right ticky tock nigger?

Jimmy carter was hilarious looking for his that didn’t exist.

He was on jimmy kimmel or something a year ago and he was responding to a joke jimmy made and carter goes “ya maybe for those guys” talking about bush2, O, and BC.... carter chuckled under his breath. It was funny to watch. Maybe it’s still on YouTube.

>Israeli Flag

Go watch the full video and notice how the agent waits for the coffin to cross the eye line of the camera before he hands of the package. Then keep your eyes on him and watch the signal to the camera that the package was handed off.

C span catches all the GOOD stuff

What’s supposed to even happen?

That was a black hat counterintelligence ploy. W is a triple agent. Black hat posing as a white hat posing as a red hat. Don't trust him. Trust Jeb.

The absolute fuck does that have to do with the people at the fucking funeral.
The Clintons are free and Bill was just in Europe a couple weeks ago.
Oh, but please, tell me how because not a single fucking word of this being reported anywhere--nice CNN/fox bullshit, by the way--actually means at all really did happen?

Nuke it already.

No, it's the bullshit about waiting to see if they'll run

Do you know what a boomer is?

Thank you for asking

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