Was the Atlantic space trade on par or worse than the Holocaust?

Was the Atlantic space trade on par or worse than the Holocaust?

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pretty poor business sense if they broke all their stock like that, therefore I'm highly dubious of these claims

Who owned the ships?

>space trade
Is space really that scarce that people have to wage war for a container of volume? I would engage in the time dilation market but don't want to deal with the consequences

He who strikes the first blow sets into motion the pattern of his own destruction.
-ancient proverb

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>posts no proof
The Arab slave trade was the largest in history and 1000x worse in abuse than in the Atlantic.
Not to mention it was the African kings that sold out their own people. Where’s their culpability?
Also the US slave trade was the only slave society in history to have positive fertility rates.
>Christian white etc
They are the only society in history to ban and actively hunt down slavers and end slavery.
Saudi Arabia still had legal slavery until the 1960s.
Africa and the Middle East still have 25 million slaves
Yet no one talks about this.
Whites were also take as slaves by
>Barbary slave trade
>Persian empire
Yet no one talks about this

It's unironically over no matter who wins the elections

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Also if you put your dirty hands on my dilation station, there will be trouble.

Since arabs in north Africa kidnapped whites from england in the 12th century, I'll just sit back and wait for the money to arrive.

Blue hats

Also if we were to demand reparations, shouldn't blacks be demanding it from Africa? After all, it was Africans that enslaved them in the first place.

>300,000 slaves brought to the US/Caribbean during trans-Atlantic slave trade
>60 million were killed
It's incredible how unintelligent niggers/natives are.

60 million wasn't enough

They don't have money to pay. Also they don't give a shit.

>White Christian Imperialism
who wrote this tripe? Everyone was in on the trans-atlantic slave trade: Arabs, Africans themselves, Europeans, Jews....why pin the blame exclusively on the one group that did more than any other to stop it? (white Christians)

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Dead livestock?

The kikes make up a number.
The nigger makes up bigger number to flex.

I'd say better than the holocaust

In 1860, the peak of slavery, the total free population of the United States and its territories was 27,489,561. A total of 393,975 people owned 3,953,760 slaves.



That's just 1.4% of the total population that owned slaves.

While 40% of jews in the US owned slaves. Pic and link related. This is a jew source. Other sources have it MUCH higher.


There were 200,000 jews in the US in 1860.


40% of 200,000 = 80,000

So around 80,000 jews owned slaves.

393,975 - 80,000 = 313,975 non-jews owned slaves.

80,000 jew slave owners

313,975 non-jew slave owners

Thus, at a minimum, 26% of all slave owners were jews, despite being just a minuscule 0.7% of the population. The actual percentage was likely much higher.

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Reminder: Despite what is portrayed via jew controlled media, Billy Bob le evil white male on his 10 acre dirt farm did not own slaves. Slaves were *extremely expensive* along with other factors (white Christians typically being opposed to slavery etc).

Who bought slaves and had them imported to the US? The mega plantations. Who owned and ran the mega plantations? Pic related.

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After the exaggerations and outright lies surrounding the Holohoax ( archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/193822743/ ), the biggest redpill jews desperately attempt to hide from the goyim is their role in the African slave trade.

90%+ of the Africa to North America slave trade was a jewish enterprise.

The bible on the subject: onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/book/lookupid?key=olbp66186


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But don't you know that white man bad? We're all literal hitlers and you are a racist for defending your own people.

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>white christian imperialism
Weird way to say jews.

Ah yes, all those white Christian african muslims.

>I got the goyim to show my film Amistad, which I loaded with Christian imagery, in their public schools. They also show their children Schindler's List, heehee.

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>Atlantic space trade
What year are you from user?

>who captured the niggas in africa?
>who sold them to the ships

we wuz astro n'outs and shiiieeet

You're source says 40% of Jewish HOUSEHOLDS. how many Jews lived in that household? Did each one count as owning a slave? Does the Jewish population source count every jew in a household or number of Jewish families?

Seems it wasn't effective enough because I still see niggers crying about everything all the fucking time and committing crime at a 10:1 clip.

>the Atlantic space trade
I want in.

In all seriousness, how about you go tell that to the fucking jews. Demand a cut of their blood money.

In other words, at least double the amount of Jews in your post were part of slave households.

Europeans didn't even get off their boats docked off the slave coast in Africa as the Africans came to them selling their fellow Africans to them as slaves.

>Captured by niggers and sold wholesale to jew and muslim middlemen
they always conveniently leave out that part of the history

>Africans are living the best lives they have ever lived because whites exist

>Angry at some dead niggers

Take all white invention away from blacks now.

>at the hands of white christian imperialism
Fake news.

Niggers were slaughtering each other at such a high rate whites didn't mind buying slaves from them because it essentially means saving the slave's life.

Also worth noting how there's no wikipedia page exclusively for the genocide done by the Dahomey tribes even though it was one of the most important genocides in history which lead to blacks getting to the Americas. Meanwhile, people write entire books on the fake genocide in the congo where 200 white bureaucrats were buying rubber and leaving the rest of the government to the Congolese.

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Arab Muslims and other African tribes did all the slave catching. This is comm9n knowledge.
Trying to pin it all on white christians reveals who you are.
We see you

White Christian imperialism tamed the world, it wasnt clean, it wasnt easy, and many europeans died along the way.

Ungrateful pieces of shit only ever benefitted from it to be alive today with the freedoms you have in Westernized nations.

Selfish fools falling for grief politics.

Where does the 60-80 million dead come from? I can never find anything on it except that malcom x speech.

jewish white larpers. Nice try schlomo


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It was nowhere near that number. That's revisionist shit.

About 12mn sold by fellow West Africans to Jewish merchants who sold them to colonial empires.

Of the 12mn about 1.6-1.9 mn died over the course of the 400 years mostly from disease. Only 250,000 African Slaves went to the 13 colonies/French held areas(destroys the "WE BUILT AMERICA!" meme) the rest went to Spanish controlled south America and caribbean.

If you want to see sheer scale of slavery. Check the Arab slave trade and Turk(Ottoman) slave trade. The latter only truly ended in 1922 when the last of the white sex slaves were liberated at the fall of the empire.

Right now slavery is affecting upwards of 60mn people most in Asia and Africa.

we should meme that black kang slavery was worse than the holocaust

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Africa needs a genophage. Not even trolling.
Its the only way to save this planet.

its all an well, but

what about slav trade??!

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You misspelled jewish

>It was nowhere near that number. That's revisionist shit.
Don't care.
Seeing as it was Jews that ran the trans-Atlantic slave trade, and their lack of care for the "cargo" that led to all the deaths, we can call it 60 million, that's fine. Imagine the cost of reparations from Israel.

After all, Jews took their "holocaust" and turned about 300,000 dead from typhus and malnutrition into 6,000,000 dead from shower-room gassing.

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Doubt it

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jews transported the slaves and owned the vast majority of them


Bait thread, but here's the serious answer:

The black slaves were enslaved by their fellow blacks in Africa. If "White Christian Imperialism" as you call it didn't exist then those slaves would have been sold to the Muslims. The Muslims chopped off the dicks of their slaves therefore any whining black claiming to be victims of White Christians wouldn't even be alive today, as they would have never been born to begin with. They have White slave owners to thank for their very existence. If neither the Christians nor the Muslims bought slaves, then once again the whining blacks who exist today wouldn't exist because they would have just been murdered by the black African tribe that conquered them rather than be made into a slave by them because there would be no market for it.

In short, the existence of slavery as an institution saved black lives, so if you claim slavery is evil then the only conclusion can be slavery was evil because slavery saved black lives.

This isn't even to mention the fact that that most of the black slaves didn't go to white people, most wen to the Muslims. Also the first legal slave owner in America was a black man who claimed to own another black man. On top of that the Native Americans practiced slavery. On top of that 20% of free blacks in the US were slave owners themselves.

Should've done like the muslims and castrated them

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no pathetic. We whites had black slaves and we're not ashamed of it. That's the correct posture, not this boomer take.

>it wuz blacks, not jews
>fellow white person

Fuck off, JIDF.

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I'm meant to believe that there was less then a million slaves in the US but 60mil died on their way?

Fuck off, nigger. I'm not going to deny the truth for the sake of your retarded boomer DEMZ R DA REEL RAYCISS tier take, which has proven to LOSE. Whites owned slaves and we're proud of it. Jews didn't force us to own slaves. We did it because we're Masters and we rule. You niggers owned slaves too, so you're a hypocrite to try to pass the blame.

>51,000 to St Helena
What the fuck did they do?, it's still a barren rock with a population under 4,500
Sounds jewish

Slavery was a mistake
It brought niggers to America

Too obvious shill

>fellow white person

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Source, please.

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>white Christian imperialism created the slave trade
Muslims created the African slave trade, Muslims continued it into the 20th century.
White Christian civilization forced its end.
Read a book nigger.
Sage goes in all fields newfags, and ignore the OP using options beside the ID

This. And the black people that sold the slaves were Muslims.

Nigger muslim post.
Fact: it was Muslims and blacks that sold them.

You're the obvious ones boomermindset faggots. Were the slave owning founding fathers of America also jews? Whites did do slavery, AND WE'RE NOT SORRY! You fucking r/thedonald refugees don't belong here.

*white christian

sure thing, yihtzkak

what about the 100 million dead at the hands of the (((communism)))

Jews owned the ships and controlling shares of the companies that ran the slave trade, and fellow africans captured, enslaved, and sold their own people to these jew controlled ships

Both were literally Jews bro.

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Fuck niggers

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>what about the 100 million dead at the hands of the (((communism)))
That's a good thing, goy.

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I couldn’t care less if it was. The past does no impede the future, it can only be learned from. I feel no guilt whatsoever and I owe nobody anything for what may have happened in a world before I was born.

>The past does no impede the future
Tell jews that, who impede all goyim futures with bullshit narratives.

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Exactly. Rather than deny the supposed holocaust, our people need to understand that it does not effect us at all and is not an excuse for anything. Whether it happened or not is of no concern, what is important to say is that we simply don’t give a fuck about Jews and want them gone.

>simply don’t give a fuck about Jews and want them gone
Redpill normies about their lies and manipulations, and it's possible.

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We will enter another dark age. But in 500 or so years, the Phoenix will be reborn. Take care of yourself and your family

What Holocaust?

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