Generalplan ost

Why would you want to associate ethnonationalism with an ideology that had the ambition of colonizing fellow white europeans and genociding them?
"It is our task to push this forntier as far east as possible, and if need be far beyond the Urals. It is the eternal law of nature that gives Germany as the stronger power the right before history to subjugate these peoples of inferior race, to dominate them and to coerce them into performing useful labours."

Attached: Generalplan_Ost_map.jpg (300x202, 17K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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Because modern Nazis try to spin it that the plan never existed and it’s all just a conspiracy. They would have you believe that they saw Balts and Slavs as Aryan which isn’t even close to the case. Nazis were no pro european, they were pro-German. They had no issue with killing civilians elsewhere including France, Belgium, Netherlands, Italy, Poland, Soviet Union, Yugoslavia, Greece, and Norway.

It’s not really a conspiracy when they admit the plan is a fabrication themselves you fucking retard.

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>They would have you believe that they saw Balts and Slavs as Aryan which isn’t even close to the case

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Yeah right, the Germans tried to genocide Dutch even though they're the same people, and the man that Hitler said "would be his son" is literally Belgian. Germans tried to genocide Norwegians even though they're Nordic as it gets.


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>Russians at the gates of Berlin
>gaining massive ground everyday
>destroy documents so the Soviet don’t know your true intentions
>make sure specifically to destroy document how you wanted to genocide the Russians
Make perfect sense actually, Russians would probably would have leveled Germany if they found such a plan.

That’s what I said, Germans only cared for people that lived in Germany and Austria. Every other european was either cannon fodder or a slave to them.

Generalplan ost is the "it was real in my mind" for slavs, kek. Fucking tards

They acted like they had the plan anyway, and how convenient was it that they destroyed every document relating to it, but thankfully the allies were able to create a perfect recreation of the plan without any reference.

Are you retarded or merely pretending to be for political reasons?

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Imagine needing 10s of millions of casualties, incomprehensible amounts of war material, and most of the planet including several superpowers to finally crush some minor nation in Central Europe after 6 years of non stop fighting, but then your glorious nation implodes due to fucking McDonald’s, and TVs.

The Soviet Union was a hilarious failure, not a single bullet fired, but it still managed to collapse, because it was so shit.

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Generalplan ost is as real as the holocaust. Millions of Slavs served in the Wehrmacht in order to liberate Europe from serfdom to the kikes.

Attached: Olaf Jordan (Tetschen, Bohemia 1902-1968 Linköping, Sweden) Portrait of Ivan Nikitich Kononov (Coss (866x997, 1.06M)

People who get there info exclusively from infographics on Jow Forums make me fucking ill.

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>Millions of useful idiots
Yes it makes sense to use collaborators in a world war, fuckwit.

That’s from the actual wiki page you fucking retard, do some research of your own before you make a stupid comment.

Giving millions of weapons to people you are apparently trying to exterminate isn’t a very smart thing to do, try to use your brain for a moment.

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Just ignore autistic nat soc larpers unless they post with a German flag.

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I don’t. Hitler was retarded and anti white
I just want white ethnic groups to have their own countries

Germans purposefully killed many soviets via the hunger plan, this was specifically targeted at POW. 3.3 million Soviet POW died which was 55% of all captured while only 13% of German POW died in Soviet care. British and French POW death rate were 7%. Soviet death rate would be far lower if the Germans didn't deliberately kill them as POW.

Who were the collaborators, the Aryans who fought with their racial brothers to liberate their country from enemy occupation or the helots who served in an Army commanded by a hostile foreign racial alien and staffed with officers drawn from your most hated ancient racial enemy.

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I guess only Germans are allowed to post about communism as well? Trying to limit conversations about political ideology to only the nation that birthed it is silly, and boring.

Why not look at the wider picture instead of just going off one thing and then going with whatever idea of history you prefer? Why the fuck were Germans fetishising pushing east for so long? to btfo le gommies???? No you fuckwit, to form a contiguous empire in which racial Germans were top dog. Hitler's Table Talk, whether you think it's reliable or not, is chock-full of comments about making European Russia the Raj of Germany. Every single time the Reich officials were lying, were they?

I never said he was gonna kill them, nor did I imply such.

And they likely would've gotten fucked over in an Axis victory more than you like to admit. This fantasy that Hitler was some kind of white-egalitarian wignat is exactly that, a fantasy.

>I guess only Germans are allowed to post about communism as well?

What? Communism is an avowedly international, if not anti-national, ideology. National socialism is a self-professed German ideology intended solely for the German volk within Germany and among German minorities elsewhere.

>Trying to limit conversations about political ideology to only the nation that birthed it is silly, and boring.

I'm saying that being a national socialist and a non-German is absolutely pathetic. It's like being a French revolutionary while not being French, Iron Guard if not Romanian, or a supporter of Sun Yat-Sen without being Chinese

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but nashnul sochalism is 4 evry1, dont u watch murdoch murdoch????? indians fougth in the SS!!!!

You do realise the vast majority of those men died as the German fronts collapsed, and they began to abandon territory. And don’t forget that Germany was suffering from food shortages all throughout the war, but you must be a fool to think losing millions of soldiers, who would be farming, losing industries that would be producing farming machinery, and losing the oil to fuel those machines would have no effect on the food production of the Reich, and obviously that food would be going straight to the German people first not fucking POWs of which they had millions.

Less Germans died in soviet custody because their nation wasn’t being invaded from every direction, and they still had plenty of men, and farms to supply themselves, not to mention the fact that they now had a significantly lower population that before.

Nope, they used norweigans to breed with for more aryan genetics. They also sent away swedish SS volounteers to impregnate german prostitutes. Himmler was the ultimate cuck, probably gay too

It just cracks me up. It tends to be uneducated Americans desperate to try and tie their white nationalist views to a more elaborated ideological base, failing to grasp the basic concept that Nazism has no grand overarching pan-white ethos. Hitler himself criticized the weakness and degeneracy of most western countries outside of Germany and said he preferred Arabs over them.

I'd rather be a 2nd grade citizen of a german european reich than a 1st grade citizen in the jewish liberal hellscape of today

Bit cucked but okay, fair enough.

The table talks were debunked you imbecile, it’s not even hidden, look it up, the fucking author even admitted to fabricating entire sections to make the thing more appealing to British audiences.

A Europe run by Germans rather than Jews is preferable to be honest with you, and a Europe still populated by actual Europeans is much more preferable than one populated by every Arabs, niggers, chinks, and every other creature to crawl from the dirt.

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> i was gonna be le exterminated
Any proof nigger?

2 million of the 3.3 million died between August-October 1941 when mass amount of unprepared soviets were surrounded by German blitzkrieg. German high command expected to capture even more soviets which had no intention of feeding. It was actual later in the war when Germans stopped deliberately killing the Soviet POW and instead used them as forced labor to help out in the war effort.

>Why not look at the wider picture instead of just going off one thing and then going with whatever idea of history you prefer?
Did you ever consider the possibility that it is you who is profoundly misinformed about history? At the very least you should read this essay by the Jewish-American dissident writer Ron Unz:

And listen to this episode of our premier dissident history podcast:

Attached: Hans Liska (1907-1984) Panzerspitze - Mischtechnik auf Malkarton 1942.jpg (4948x3271, 3.57M)

The Nazis literally killed half of my family in anti partisan retaliation killings in Yugoslavia. But no some brit with a pol infographics definitely knows better amirite. The Nazis started recruiting Slavs en masse after they started loosing. It was a purely rational military decision. Once Stalin was half the way up Hitlers ass he didn't have the time to fuck around with Slavic inferiority, he just hoped that recruiting Slavs would ensure a stalemate or at least prolong the inevitable defeat of Germany. GPO was never intended to be put into place during the war it was a post war plan.

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National Socialism is merely a variation of Fascism, and Fascism has proven to be a very widespread ideology, I like the ideas Hitler had, and if I am to have an ideology it would be similar to that of National Socialism, but suited for Britain.

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dude you're seriously fucked up

>The Nazis literally killed half of my family in anti partisan retaliation killings in Yugoslavia

and the other half was killed by the by-product of communism, which in this very case is = ethnic nationalism

You're a retard if you think that the idea of putting your own people and the wellbeing of a society culturally, ethnically, economically, etc. Isn't in every nation's best interest

Oh they were debunked cos you said so, cool. Can't even be arsed with this, I've been over this and the exact same points again and again with jerrycucks exactly like you.

Whilst I've got your attention, look at your fucking flag. You're not German. Saying you'd rather a Europe "ran by Germans" than by Jews is cowardice, however which way you wanna put it. Germans are autistic robots who currently run Europe in lock-step with Jews, so I hope you're at least somewhat happy with Merkelreich rn. This is the thing I can't stand about you jerrycucks: whether or not I think the allies were the good side (I don't particularly) is irrelevant, cos I don't have a time machine and I wouldn't use the fucking thing to change things even if I did. Wyrd has destined that this is our reality and this is now our fight that WE have to face, and nothing will change that ever. So look forward and be progressive and stop lamenting over things you cannot change, for fuck's sake. You're not going backwards.

Did you ever consider that there are hundreds of posters like you and I've read these shit arguments time and time again?

No, Mussolini's spin on Gentile's fascism is veneration of the state, while National Socialism is merely using the state as a means of venerating the people.

>Why not look at the wider picture instead of just going off one thing and then going with whatever idea of history you prefer?
>The only reason why millions of people joined the germans is because they were idiots

Partisans are against the geneva convention and as such can be shot as spies, so all gommie fucks can get fucked

Who knew that feeding several million people is surprisingly difficult. I doubt the Germans had planned on getting so many, and I doubt they were going to start feeding people immediately after getting them, they probably didn’t get any food until days after being captured, and I can only imagine conditions weren’t good for soldiers who were in a pocket moments ago. Think about the logistics of feeding all those people, and besides, the Soviets intentionally killed almost all the German prisoners they captured in the first months of Barbarossa.

This. Espesially the pictures with no source.

They were naive, yes. The Russian collaborators were naive to think that the Germans were gonna topple the Soviet government and let a Russian Republic on the terms of the February Revolution just sit next to them.

Wikipedia isnt a source for research hur durrr

Naïve, no. Rightfully spiteful at stalinist russia, yes.

>People who get there info exclusively from infographics on Jow Forums make me fucking ill.
I just attached a related pic. I was born and lived most of my life in Belarus and the Germans treated my people and national identity of Belarusians much better than Soviets during those times. I've heard it hundreds of times from the WWII survivors and I own books about it

Maybe your family shouldn’t have been dirty partisans then kiddo. And they were probably killed by Croatians anyway, the Germans probably didn’t care what they did so long as they continued to be allies.

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>Giving millions of weapons to people you are apparently trying to exterminate
Actually, Estonians were not trusted with weapons until late 1943 when Hitler and other retarded Germans shitted themselves for good on Eastern front.

I think the map was only referring to communist countries, besides I didn’t make the fucking thing, It was the only side by side comparison I could find that had a USSR version of this anons picture

Calling ethno nationalism the product of socialism is misslead. Yugoslavia itself was a rotten structure the ethnic conflict was only frozen/delayed by authoritarian socialism. The ethnic tension was there all along. Yugoslavia almost exploded into ethnic war in 1938 and even earlier. Most of Yugoslavian people i know who lived through the ethnic conflicts of bosnia and croatia are very nostalgic for socialism. But that nostalgia is mostly for the social aspect of socialism (brotherhood and unity, anti fascism/nationalism) and for its foreign policy (internationalism, Non-Aligned Movement)

Because (((profit))).

>Geneva convention

They were shot as retaliation against partisan operations by wehrmacht soldiers

>You're a retard if you think that the idea of putting your own people and the wellbeing of a society culturally, ethnically, economically, etc. Isn't in every nation's best interest

You ignored every single element in my post. I'm saying that Hitler wasn't a white nationalist, and Americans that try to claim him from his German-rooted movement are kidding themselves. I think all of those things are in every nation's best interests. Stop being a dumb fuck.

>National Socialism is merely a variation of Fascism

That's only true to an extent. It is uniquely tied to volk, blood and soil and is less state-orientated.

>if I am to have an ideology it would be similar to that of National Socialism, but suited for Britain.

British Fascism and National Socialism are not the same, and Mosley did not share all of Hitler's beliefs. British Fascism is distinct. You want National Socialism but that is specifically German in character. What you actually want is an ideology with the aesthetics of Nazi Germany.

Common practice. Pretty expected in any war

Your right it isn’t, but I'm using it to show how bullshit general plan ost is, every other allied explanation will say the same thing about no documents existing, and it simply being fabricated.

Wiki is just an example of this, but you could find a hundred more websites saying something similar.

Nazis were kraut supremacists, everyone who denies that is a moron or a liar. However, the ideas of national socialism aren't German in origin, but can be found throughout tradition thousands of years ago, Lycurgus, Aristotle, the Vedas, Rome, Christianity, etc. The ideas of national socialism are good and sensible, and only the kikes would deny them to the peoples of the earth, so they can rule them in a weakened state.
Had Germany won the war they would've proven themselves superior and would be given right with the Generalplan Ost, but because they lost they instead paid the price.

>Nazis were kraut supremacists

>Did you ever consider that there are hundreds of posters like you and I've read these shit arguments time and time again?
You are intent on repeating the same absurd anti-German atrocity propaganda of the Jewish occupation regime. If you are immune to all arguments then what is the point of even discussing this? Are you willing to concede that any aspect of what your regime has taught you about the war is false?

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Kinda hard for German high command to trust a people to fight for them when they occupy them, and they aren’t Germanic.

nazis are losers, they controlled whole europe and lost
rest does not matter

National socialism in theory wasn't against other races, but German foreign policy was, just as it was in ww1 without national socialism.

Tough luck user, but it is used very commonly for good reason, a look at history will show that mass punishments are actually very effective. You wouldn’t shoot a soldier if they would kill a hundred of your people every time you did? It is a good way of keeping order with a small garrison, not fair obviously, but what is?

>trying to employ Sir Oswald Mosley, a man who personally fought German barbarism, to buttress your own pathetic obsession with German volk beliefs while not being German

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I want an ideology that treats Britain, and the British people in a similar way to how National Socialism treated Germany, and the German people. Aesthetics are irrelevant.

>fellow white europeans
Yeah they're just like us... kek

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>fellow white europeans

They aren't though.

Especially after Germans got BTFO in Estonian War of Independence 1918-1920 (what was kind of extension of WWI). Germans wanted to remove that insult for their supremacy from the history for sure. WWII was after all based on German PTSD from WWI

No part of ethnonationalism implies that you can't take other people's land.

Europe belongs to Germanics

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>helots who were commanded by officers of their racial enemy
Same can be said about the ROA. There's wasn't much of a good side in ww2. In Serbia we had the Chetniks who fought against both the krauts and the commies. They were truly good.

That's because of geopolitical necessity. Germany (and by extenison Europe) could not be a world power if it did not have sufficient land and resources for autarky.

Race is partially a cultural construct.
British literature fopr a long time didn't accept the Irish as fully white, and while the Nazis didn't use the term white much, they certainly didn't see eastern european as Arians; In fact they were pretty low on their race list.

>implying Oswald Mosley's ideas were not strongly influenced by German National Socialism, that fighting in the Great War made him anti-German, that he would not have become the leader of Britain in the event of German victory and that he was not imprisoned by the Jewish regime of Britain for this very reason.

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>Would have leveled Germany
They already did that

Thankyou for responding with that.
"Mite make rite" faggots are always the first to start crying when they lose.

I’m well aware, the NatSoc ideas about the running of a nation, and the treatment of it’s people are solid, it would only take minor modification to bring it to a different nation, but unfortunately so many retards out there are incapable of comprehending this.

The Germans killed only one kind of Dutch: Communists.

If you somehow occupied part of Russia, would you feel safe using Russians as soldiers? You don’t know if they loyalty is for real, and they could turn on you.

>In fact they were pretty low on their race list.
I wonder why

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Estonia is already using Russians as meatshield. Fuck loyalty, it is overrated. Feels are what count.

Fucking rekt.

Britain portrayed Ireland badly as a way to dehumanise their people, and justify mistreating them. I truly hate monarchy, Jews, freemasonry, and the way Britain operated.

user, you should not throw stones in the glass house ...

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you're both absolute retards, have you ever heard of the Lebensborn program?

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East Europeans were actually allowed as Aryans under the Nuremberg laws. The idea of "general plan ost" killing all of slavs was never a thing. The racially Aryan ones would just be germanized, same way Poles were Germanized by Bismarck .

Well she doesn't look like a pale nigger at least.

>I want an ideology that treats Britain, and the British people in a similar way to how National Socialism treated Germany, and the German people

That's British Fascism then. Read all of the main tracts if you haven't already.

>implying Oswald Mosley's ideas were not strongly influenced by German National Socialism

Not much, actually. His views and aesthetic choices were derived more directly from Italian Fascists, Spengler tier writings etc. than Germany. His policy platform was established before Hitler even became a major player in Germany and other movements elsewhere were more important. Later on though Mosley definitely took cues from the National Socialists, especially after the collapse in support in 1935 after the Jews started fights in the Olympia Hall and he turned to pragmatic antisemitism which was popular in East London.

>that fighting in the Great War made him anti-German

Well, I'll give you that. I'm just saying that he fought Germans.

>hat he would not have become the leader of Britain in the event of German victory

I expect he would have been too independently minded. He would have wanted a more pliant puppet like the raving Joyce.

>that he was not imprisoned by the Jewish regime of Britain for this very reason.

He was imprisoned without trial because of fears of fifth columnism, not because he'd have been a leader.

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Why did you post the shopped version? In original one the guy who's standing below has two wrist watches on each hand, because these fucks loved to steal them.

And if you somehow went to war with Russia for some reason those soldiers would probably turn on you immediately or if they were told to stop Russian squatters from crossing the border, your Russian soldiers would let them pass through, just like spic soldiers in the US let Mexicans pass the border.

There are already plenty of stories of Russian turncoats at the moment. I wouldn't give weapons to any recruits from the enemy side and especially when we are already losing and need every bit of surprise and unity we have. I would never trust anyone that isn't Baltic or Finnic.


Sure they would and this is a good thing. War between Estonia and Russia is retarded af.

>Be German
>Laugh when other Europeans are called non-Whites
For a long time, Germans weren't White either. Maybe they don't deserve to be.
I'd rather live next to a pro-White Slavic family than an anti-White Germturk

If you wouldn’t trust anyone that wasn’t Baltic or Finnic then it shouldn’t be a surprise that Germans didn’t trust anyone that was non Germanic until things started getting desperate.