>Israel: *bombs Iraq, Lebanon, Syria and Gaza in the last 48 hours*
>Arabs: *do fucking nothing*
Was St. Tarrant right?
>Israel: *bombs Iraq, Lebanon, Syria and Gaza in the last 48 hours*
>Arabs: *do fucking nothing*
Was St. Tarrant right?
Letting America continue on its suicidal course is the right answer.
>Was St. Tarrant right?
HAHAHAHAH Netanyahu is a bitch desperate for war isn't he?
>country il
>look everyone is israeli
>Israel: *bombs Iraq, Lebanon, Syria and Gaza in the last 48 hours*
>Arabs: *do fucking nothing*
Where did Tarrant say in his manifesto "Kill Arabs in their homeland for no reason"?
who cares? You act like this is wrong. They kill us in our own homelands ALL the time.
>Was St. Tarrant right?
referrig to what?
Take your meds and have sex you fucking schizo kike.
Nuttyahoo is desperate to get a war going to help his reelection chances. And the lying, thieving, murderous, back-stabbing Khazars are looking to vote in anudder violent lunatic, one that reflects their unhinged view of the world.
Who said anything about that? I'm just trying to get you to take an annual spiritual vacation.
What did he say? If he said "let Jews should purge all Muslims, and then re-evaluate them" then yes, he was correct
>saint Tarrant
Kill yourself glownigger. Stop pushing this shit on this board
they said it themselves
also they shot rockets at us in retaliation for bombing them in Sinai
>download nordvpn
>get a dodgy premium account off pastebin account dumps
>select location:Israel
>larp as a kike on Jow Forums
>some newfag compiles that ridiculous proof of muhssad did it
Christ this fucking place is not what it used to be.
israels borders are actually protected. meanwhile wh*tes open their borders to 3rd world vermin
I will go on pilgrimage to Israel when Jerusalem is Christian again.
he was fucking right.
Until you've walked in his shoes, who are you to judge? Visit Israel first.
Listen here burger shill. We oppose the Arabs not because they're inferior, but because they're invaders. The ones that stay are okay, they don't ask for it by coming to our countries and breeding like rabbits.
Go choke on some kosher McDonalds.
Israel wants it's war so they can drag the US into it. Everyone is restraining until the right time when US politics shines a light on the Israeli antics that have been dictating our foreign policy for the past 50 years. Then Israel has permission to to get it's death wish once we won't protect, sell them weapons or aide them anymore.
arabs are fucking pussies, israel is the greatest nation on earth
we'll bomb em again next week
they're not in their homeland. syria,iraq and labanon are not in arabia you fucking moron.
when "arabs" try to do something with the little they have, they get blown to bits by israelis with american guns
based and in his homeland
And? Syrians are still the descendants of the ancient Aramaeans, as are the Lebanese. In-fact, they're more closely related to the ancient Israelites, THAN YOU.
They were born there, it's their homeland. Stick the Talmud up God's ass.
Why should they care? Only C_rAnian cowards were hit~
If Israel is the greatest nation on Earth this must really be hell.
Would be cool to go there to see old crusades era places. Also see the churches there would be pretty great. Dont want to deal with such a large amount of kikes concentrated in one place.
no, they're muslims
muslims belong in arabia
so some woman coming to a country and spawning an anchor baby makes it the baby's country ?
no, arabs and\or muslims do not belong outside arabia which is their homeland.
I guess the Al Aqsa Mosque belongs in "Arabia" too right?
Palestinians are the real ancient Canaanites who intermingled with Hebrews, Crusaders, Arabs and everyone else. Even Mizrachim are just Berber and Mesopotamian LARPers, just like the Ashkenazi are LARPers.
You don't have to see the writing on the wall if you don't want to, but Israel won't exist in the middle east in the next couple of years.
Palestinians are literally the same as jews
We are literally bombing them right now
we are ? link please
i think we're bombing gaza but that's a daily thing now are we also bombing syria\lebanon\iraq ?
תבדוק חמ"ל
And what does that make jews? Being away from your fake homeland for two millenia a lot can change. Like your entire ethnogenesis.
Also אבו עלי and global מוקד הידיעות
Many telegram groups give 24/7 coverage
Right now Gaza but we have keys and drones over Lebanon every day, bombing comes and goes
Yes, expect an attack of virgin missiles hitting their jew shield soon. He needs a show to scare the other kikes.
I'd like to go to Israel but I read they spit on anyone wearing a crucifix,
they really hate being reminded of their impending punishment for killing Christ.
I can believe that if you're going to an orthodox neighborhood
plz curb stomp him with your wooden shoes & stuff cheese in his mouth, thanks.
they spit on little girls if they're clothes are considered to revealing, and they call them "shiksa" which means non Jewish woman/girl
Not the point, mutt.
Should paki’s, indonesians and Berbers go to arabia because they are muslim too? Fucking negative iq retard.
no they should expel the foreign islamic influence
Still, the only people who belong in arabia are gulf arabs.
avoid non touristy orthodox neighborhoods and it won't happen.
orthodox are niggers, just much weaker physically
Why is Jow Forums full of niggers