Gun Confiscation Begins In Massachusetts

"The City of Boston retaliated against Mark Sahady, Super Happy Fun America’s Vice President, for wanting to exercise his First Amendment rights. When SHFA’s petition to fly the straight pride flag at Boston City Hall was rejected, we filed a discrimination complaint with the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination (MCAD). Around the same time Mark applied for a permit to peacefully protest Hillary Clinton, who unsuccessfully ran for President of the United States with the support of the Democratic party and Mayor Marty Walsh.

A Boston city detective called Mark before the protest and asked if protestors would be carrying weapons even if legally licensed. He stated that he pulled the firearms license of Mark, that it had expired, and questioned him on registered firearms. The detective did this although he is not a member of the police department where our esteemed Vice President lives and was not entitled to this information. The detective contacted that police department the next day in retaliation for peaceful protest.

The following day armed police officers from the town in which our Vice President lives came to his residence without a search warrant and in violation of his Fourteenth Amendment due process and Second Amendment rights. When asked if they had a warrant to enter his residence, they stated that “they did not need one.” The officers eventually exited the residence and purportedly waited outside for a warrant to be issued. While outside the officers remarked that they were going to “tear the house apart once the warrant was issued”. Based upon these threats Mark acquiesced and allowed the officers to re-enter and confiscate his properly locked and secured firearms. When he applied to renew his License to Carry (LTC), it was rejected by the Malden Police Chief by labeling him an “unsuitable person”

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Super Happy Fun America's Vice President

Who the fuck is this? Chucky Cheese?

Trust a boy from the shu who knows, that women smokes crack.

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He's one of the organizers for Saturdays 'Straight Pride Parade' in Boston.

The city is busting his chops because of his politics, the parade thing and because he has a lawsuit against them.


Based micks

But really fuck the irish and italians

they enjoy doing this to you - start snapping back, fuck these people for harming innocence

Use them or lose them

Who cares about gun laws, we need to take everyone's guns away now


Stupid fucking inbred gun nuts.

Country is killing itself with guns and you just want unrestricted access to guns.


Your nose is showing.

don't worry guys, Trump will totally repeal the NFA and end these illegal gun grabs any day now

Just so your tyranical communist government can come? Fuck you commie shit

Irish and Italians were entirely complicit in the 1965 immigration act you retarded piece of shit. Every "irish pride" faggot I've known has been a raging leftist and Ireland is commie as fuck.

But I will addend my statement- Italians, once stripped of their organized criminal origins, rapidly become patriotic nationalists wherever they are and are therefore okay.

Fuck micks.

>unironic persecution for being straight

clown world has gone too far

... cries as he strikes you ...

What's the "we" shit faggot? You can have my guns when you take your life first, not before.

You spineless retard. Kyll yourself, nigger.
You're not fit to dwell among real humans.

4D Chess. They have a name that you can't spin as white supremacist or bigoted without sounding stupid.

Who the fuck is "we", and by what authority to you dane yourselves justified in even thinking about any of my private property?
Do you not understand how this shit works yet? You talk the way you do, you instant justify EVERY bullet in my personal armory, and I now have them aiming all at YOU!
Totally validated in my self defense against your mindless, unwarranted tyranny.

You're going to die, commie scum. Don't you see the danger you are in yet?

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I thought this was dystopian fiction

>Mark Sahady, Super Happy Fun America’s Vice President

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>everyone who values gun ownership and the constitution is an inbred gun nut

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>Gun confiscation in Boston
that's not gonna backfire

Alabama Foothills of the Sierra Nevada?
Lone Pine?

>Jow Forums, the police are based and would totally revolt against the system if ZOG sent them to take our guns!

>ZOG sends them to take our guns
>"we can't wait to tear this fuck's house apart when we get a warrant."

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>"The City of Boston retaliated against Mark Sahady, Super Happy Fun America’s Vice President, for wanting to exercise his First Amendment rights.

Aaaand I'm proud to be an American,
Where at least I know I'm free..

,,,also,,,trajikly losthem guunsin canoe accident.

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>hands over his guns
>without committing a crime
>without a warrant
What a fag

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Why stop at just Massachusetts and their cucked gun owners? Take it national. We're waiting.

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>take the guns
I'm fucking drowning in the irony of that statement.

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Oh dang! We're neighbors, lad!

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He never actually "owned" any guns then. Just babysitting them for the government.
Fuck him.

Boston needs another tea party

>Based upon these threats Mark acquiesced
sounds like a cuck to me

Other than a few rare sheriffs scattered about, LEOs don't give a shit about your gun rights.

>What a fag
At least he still has his Constitution.

Sue the fuck out of the cops and the city. In Massachusetts he will not only win but a to flight lawyer will take the case pro-bono

>the officers remarked that they were going to “tear the house apart once the warrant was issued”. Based upon these threats Mark acquiesced and allowed the officers to
omg. was he worried about his stuffed animals or something?

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too close to home SWIM in minecraft had the same thing happen.

Of course if your licence lapse any firearms you have are now illegal.

Even worse it's was SWIMs dad (in minecraft the video game) who called it in because he saw on the news that people shouldn't own guns after sand crook

God I hate mine craft that game sucks

Help get me out of this liberal poop

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