Gay family pride. Fuck, when will the comet finally hit Earth? We need Younger Dryas II.
My local store is selling pic related
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I wonder how many times those sodomites raped those kids.
On second thought, I don't want to know.
"pride cometh before a big fall." -jesus
It’s simple put them all in a cart leave the cart by the bathroom
It would need to be a big cart to fit five people.
based anti-pedopoz saudi who drops redpills with dedication
Why you should be against fags even as an atheist
It’s ok to be proud of something good but why be proud of being a fag?
Maybe Islam ain’t so bad
this is nothing but elaborate cope and obsession. no one is going to defend truly deviant behavior. and homosexuals are more inclined to deviant behavior. that doesnt make homosexuality itself a horrible evil it just makes it a mild mental illness. and, to pols surprise evidently, the presence of homosexuality suggests other more severe mental illness may be present.
but ya its a systemic evil and should be targeted. as if its ever going away alrogether. one thing we can see is that its been around forever and probaby will be. so why does it trigger you so much?
You might say in that all just numbers
nothing in real life
you are wrong
>please don't fight back while i ruin everything
no thank you
Those fags are holding their children like a man would hold his wife
true, it doesnt make sense to be proud of being gay. the gay "community" has a large conglomeration of mental disorders. wed be wiser to be critical of ourselves more than others. but we frequently arent. and not to mention (((commercialism))) which is making bank on this to everyones expense
Still, not enough to convince you ?
read these
Cool, i'm gonna sell pictures of pic related
Hahaha, shit, i didnt have it saved and took me forever to find it online. I'm glad others still have it