What does Jow Forums feel looking at frequent asian + white mixture happening?

What does Jow Forums feel looking at frequent asian + white mixture happening?

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>white woman - asian man
you got the genders backwards cousin

Does it bother you, kimosabe?

one of the least common pairings if not the least common, and it almost always involves gold diggers and used goods settling down with a beta provider

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Honestly it doesnt trigger me as much as seeing white women with niggers, because at least gooks are high iq and more capable beings, but its still degenerate

What, is it getting more frequent or something? Also, are we talkin like USA Asian + White mix, or Asian countries mix? So many variables left unanswered.

Finns have 15% east asian DNA and they turned out almost normal.
Doesn't bother me as much as other possible types of racemixing.

It's cringe just like all race mixing.

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middle class gooks who can't get a good wife back home are going to poor ass russia to find a poor ass qt3.14 who would be willing to suck on that chink dick for money and better life

it's all so tiresome

do you seriously believe that this qt in picrelated would even consider that chink if she was rich?

At least Asian guys actually have to provide something of value to score a white chick. WMAF is just beta white guys who don't care about their race.

You need to go back to Jow Forumsasianmasculinity

Hapas are almost done, but all seem to be on the edge of sanity.

>Honestly it doesnt trigger me
>Doesn't bother me as much as other possible types of racemixing.
Literal cucks

Hey there Chang
What's it like to be a dicklet?
I'm behind a thousand proxies
So that I can call you a chinklet
Yes I can
You ruin all threads on Jow Forums
Is that part of your plan?

Hey there, Chang
Don't you worry about the cucking
I'm sure you'll get some fat roastie
And then ask your dear r/hapas
For some cash
To increase your BLACKed meme stash
And cream for your rash

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I won't laugh at incels and I feel bad for him but I always have to laugh about that pic.
Interrogated for 4 hours because he asked for her phone number is just too hilarious.
Also profs that men can "detect" "incels" too and it's not just women reject incels. "Normal" men also try to keep them down and keep them away from "society".

If I were him I'd get nose surgery and a new hair cut.

>At least Asian guys actually have to provide something of value to score a white chick.
this is asian subreddit propaganda. they do this to stroke their egos and normalize racemixing because they flunked out of the dating game for normal people (within-race dating)

all participants in racemixing are defective in some way. that's a fact. if that weren't the case then the race of the future would be eurasian-negroids

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Im against race mixing. I hate yellow fever faggots. They're fucking hypocrites.

Funny coming from a "Canadian" flag.

Sweetie you're quote mining. Seeing white women with chinks is not as disgusting as seeing them with sub-Saharans, and there's a rational reason for that. It's still degenerate. You're probably coping because in muttland coalburners are on every street in every state.

Asians are honorary white.

>asians are honorary whites

Watcha doin' Chang?

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>one drop of asian + white marriage picture
>being stigmatized as asianmascularity fgt in one second (i wouldnt be bothered to upload pic as WMAF)
>Jow Forumspulation getting this much triggered

whatever you want to believe, i will go full schedule to ride kboos worldwide.


Sad to see Asians dumbed down by white brains.