I will not date a dog owner because I feel like most women fuck their dogs because women are disgusting
Do women fuck their dogs
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They do. It's natural and has been done for thousands of years. Why so jealous?
Nothing wrong with some ruff ruff
Yes, white women fuck dogs
only white niggers do
so i work with a little zoomie nerd in high school currently training him to repair computers and stuff and he told me about this girl in his school who took a video of her getting fucked by her dog(a fluffy pom) and sent it to a guy she liked. He then did the correct thing and spread that shit like he was a nigger with herpes.
No faggots, i didn't see the video, i didn't want to see the video, and he said he almost threw up and deleted it when it was sent to him. Girl was like a 8.5 out of 10 at least too.
I didnt think the memes were true then i started paying attention. Not all of them do but a much bigger portion than we think do. It's a lot like how people that aren't in the know are surprised that women steal so much more than men do.
It's kinda hot desu
Get dogpilled, asshole
JT plz go
I'd rather they fuck their dogs than burn coal
.....i want to click it....but i dont.
That is absolutely disgusting
It's sfw
I'm afraid they do, OP
It’s pretty much on the same level for me, both bestiality
Big Dogs Cock will ejaculate in your future waifu’s vagina! Be aware of it user
Not all women do, but some do. It’s a slow progression. First they sleep around with multiple men. Soon after they turn to the “exotic” aka BBC. Eventually their vaginas get stretched out enough that not even BBC can please them, so they get curious if the knot of a dog can help them achieve orgasm.
This wolf has tasted more hot girl tongue than any of your incels ever will in your entire lives
I've always loved joining in
It's probably the only redeeming quality of white women
Are you a dog?
Imagine defining your life entirely by sexual intercourse so thoroughly that you think women fucking dogs is better than not having sex.
I am sometimes playing with his dick while watching Netflix until he ejaculates lol
Memes aside is there actually like a case for the notion that single white chicks fucking dogs is common? Genuine question, I'm curious.
titillate your cumbrain elsewhere
I don't know how to think like a Jew though user.