Is he trying to bring down MAGA from within?

Is he trying to bring down MAGA from within?

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He's a kike, what do you think?

No, he is trying to destroy the world


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I hate this jew faggot so much
Trump is a pile of shit

vade retro satana

There aren't any facial features that he has that are ugly or misshapen, but somehow the combination create something hideous.

what the fuck does this even mean?

>in Wyoming
Why does this matter?
There is absolutely nothing important in wyoming besides oil.
It is basically the Afghanistan of america

Yes, and he succeeded like 3 years ago

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What a faggot, no felon is registering R. They played themselves, fuck those niggers getting released.

>this thread

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Based. The prison reform bill is working. Pretty soon we won’t need a wall.

Jackson Hole conference for central bankers happened there last week.

>There is absolutely nothing important in wyoming besides oil

Wyoming is the tax shelter home to many of America's wealthy. Maintain a "residence" (i.e., a PO Box) and ta-daa, no income taxes.

Last I checked, to be in the top 1% of Wyoming one's income needs to be **$28M/yr**.

So there's something crucially important in Wyoming: an absolute fuckton of money.

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He and his kike wife have done a pretty good job so far, but still a year to completely wreck it.

Ah so the plan is to invalidate every vote for trump as they would all be felonious

>no felon is registering R

You have no idea how many meth retards are going to come out and vote for Trump in Wyoming and Florida.


Jews are the enemy and Jared and Ivanka are at the top of the list. Trump does not deserve reelection based on the fact he brought his two kike family members into the White House as active policy pushing members of his administration

Jared also claims the felons being allowed to vote in Florida was good for the Republicans as at the time Jewish media outlets credited the passing of felons voting rights to the support of Jews like George Soros

Pure goddamn cancer

"Jewish Groups Helped To Pass Florida Amendment Allowing Felons To Vote"

"Jared Kushner Says Florida Ex-Felons Are Part of 'the New Coalition That President Trump Is Building'"

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The fuck is wrong with you.
Trump and Co. are prying every single demographic group that traditionally votes [D] Party Con, including felons where people are dumb enough to enfranchise felons.

The great reset. No more socialism, no more equal rights, no more diversity. White men and their Jew overlords will inherit the Earth.

enough fucking around. if get Kusher confirmed anti-Christ

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>Jews are the enemy and Jared and Ivanka are at the top of the list
Digits of truth.

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Checked and redpilled


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Oh boy.

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There will be diversity, since kikes need an insurance policy, in case you Whites get uppity.

Well then.....

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No one should talk about Wyoming ever. It's packed full of muslims and pozzed faggots and we need to ignore it to save it.

Damn he has disgusting eyes. Amazing maga tards think this is acceptable to have his family in positions of power. Especially his daughter and her husbands who’s family is close friends with bibi.

ohhh shit

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He is not though.
No way in fucking hell that ex-cons would ever vote republicans.
This was probably a measure meant to artificially inflate the number of democratic voters in Florida.
This is just jared covering up for his fellow tribesman.

neither do you.


He meant that about Israel. He wants Israel to have open borders as part of the peace plan.

>tfw in a battle against Kushner for Trump's mind and heart

Bump for kushner ant Christ


>Trump does not deserve reelection based on bla bla bla
>Who you should vote for instead is...
Funny how that second part is never included by you faggots.

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Almost like humans evolved to detect sneaky kikes

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Thinks voting matters. That’s a yikes

It's even further down in the DNA than that.

Mammals evolved to instinctively recognize predators (the ones that did not were eaten). So we all have millions of years of instinctive practice at recognizing predators.

This is what is being activated when we see Kushner and feel revulsion and fear. Our brains may not know what is happening, but our bodies recognize danger and warn us.

Ignore the predator's cajoling. Trust your lineage's instincts. Kushner is deadly.

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Based and redpilled.
You should vote straight GOP for Congress, but Gungrabber Don is proving to be untrustworthy with the Presidency. Write-in Tucker Carlson or Molymeme or Wayne Lambright or literally anyone that doesn't want to take the guns first and have due process later.

Trump passed the first and second step acts, a rather liberal/centrist move, and now he’s reaping the rewards: more prisoner-american votes

>write-in molyneux
You absolute retard, he’s a leaf

>releasing violent felons to own the libs

The absolute state of MIGAtards...

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In my delicate analysis, it's either yes or no.

So is Ted Cruz.

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Is that why cats jump when they see a cucumber?

>The Jew insists you play the rigged game of (((voting)))

>That's right go-... guy, Dru- Trump is a kike puppet therefore you should just give your votes up to the democrats.

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At least whites will be on the defensive instead of cheering the invasion

doubles don't lie

>voters are going to drop all other issues for a few
Yeah you can take a long fuck off a short rope.

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MAGA no longer matters.

All that matters now is making Kushner the first Israeli US President in 2024.

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>jew gets felons to vote republican in needed state
>pol is angry at him

FFS guys, I know jared. he's cool and more with you then you think. He's America first.

>Jow Forums is 90% goatfuckers, shareblue and CIA

To be honest, he just looks like a white dude. Yes, the kind of white dude movies and tv used to tell us are evil. Ashkenazis are overwhelmingly white, right? And it looks like it.

Someone is speaking into his earpiece.

>but somehow the combination create something hideous.
It's because he almost perfectly resembles tv/movie bad guys.

>There will be diversity, since kikes need an insurance policy, in case you Whites get uppity.
Kushner is clearly like 90+% white.

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Felons can vote eventually in all but 9 states
Ironically, Wyoming is one of those 9

Yep, pure Israeli "white."

I’d bet good money he’s the antichrist.

>There will be diversity, since kikes need an insurance policy
Yes - a limitless multitude of shades of brown.

>Fellow chabad member

>He's America first
And just like with Jews pretending to be white, to Israelis "America" is part of Israel.

"Make America Great, goy!"

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I never knew this user. So really any pre election talk about taxing the rich is just bullshit really because all they have to do is register as a resident of Wyoming.

fuck off shareblue, kushner has done more to help our country than you ever did

>what is white trash
>what is meth whit*oids
yall dun goofd

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what country? Israel? fuck off kike

>He's America first.
Kushner literally fired EVERYONE from the campaign who was America first.

>Is he trying to bring down MAGA from within?
he is full of shit. the nigger drug dealers he is releasing are all voting dem. just like the faggots, jews, and other assorted democrats that trump panders to, all the while fucking his base

Obvious kike

>mutts are scared of jews
explains a lot

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I knew it...

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It's not quite that simple. The states want as much income tax as they can extract, so a person can't just have a shack in some no-tax state while living somewhere else. A person has to establish that they're in the tax-free state more than the high tax one. This is why wealthy people will make comments like "I can't go to New York anymore this year."

Typically that means spending at least 183 days in a place, but I dunno if a person can just fly one of their private jets from SF up to Incline Village (or wherever) for a few hours and have that count as a "day."

In general the US tax code is written by employees of wealthy people for the benefit of wealthy people.

Not saying I like Jared, nor their recent push for releasing criminals, but as a felon myself, who votes Republican almost always, he's not wrong. The hyper-masculine prison persona is, can be an important block of support for Republicans this year.

the jew fears the maggot farmer

Who honestly believes this kike?

This is why Washoe County GOP Central Committee has hundreds of members who never show up to any meetings but the 1 or 2 time per year Incline Village meetings. Way too many people who are only residents in name only.

Also nobody with money lives in SF and commutes, they live in Marin or along the coast. If you can afford to be rich in San Francisco mere mortal concerns no longer affect you.

Trump realizes that wall or no, the demographics of America are such that unless minorities and women become attracted to the right wing, the country will be full communist within a generation, or there will be a civil war. Given that the European globalists want America subdued, and the threat of China, foreign forces will ensure that the right in America will lose any such war. The only hope for America is if minorities pull their heads out of their asses, feel welcomed, and start voting right. That and women. He is trying hard to save the country. You faggots don't get it because you are low IQ and can't see the long game.

>The hyper-masculine prison persona

I think you mean hyper-nigger. Shitskins vote Democrat by 80-95%.

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He brought down MAGA when he married Ivanka.

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you have to be a faggot to think that kushner is a "predator" lmao


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