Questions for all commies:

Questions for all commies:
Why don't you farm instead of having a 'capitalist' job? Land is cheap and you can build your own hut and farm easily, or even work under another farmer until you can get your own. You and a bunch of other commies can live there and improve the build and the farm, or you can live by yourself, or with your family. Once your farm and ideals get renown, other people should voluntarily join the movement right? And you can share all of the fruits of your farming with everyone in the cause, taking only what is necessary for you and your family.

Thus by farming and giving away most of your harvested crops you will
1) Prove that communism works
2) Help your comrades
3) Provide for your family
4) Remove capitalist influences from your life
5) Encourage nonbelievers to hop on board

So, why don't you farm?

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There is no such thing as ethical consumption under Capitalism.

And that's why you don't farm?

What does that even mean? What do consumption and capitalism have to do with farming crops?

From what should i buy land. By taking a loan? I am not an experienced farmer and land is expensive in germany. Living from the land is not everyones goal, its 100% legit as a communist to have a high education to become a doctor with increased pay. Socialism works only if its planned from above otherwise it cant work due to mentality of people. If I give away stuff he might just sell it for profit defeating the purpose.

It means I can work at a nice office and eat poptarts and still be a communist because it doesn't matter.

Capitalism is superior to socialism and communism change my mind

Ah Germany. Fair enough, but even still, you could work under a farmer for a while, or take one for the team and be the man to make the sacrifice to get communism going. Sure, we need doctors, but we also need food, and food comes from farmers and the land they till. Someone has to farm, and your comrades need your food. Why aren't you farming for them?

But you're not helping your communist brothers. You're just as guilty as any capitalist.

>its 100% legit as a communist to have a high education to become a doctor with increased pay
No it isn't
>from each according to his ability, to each according to his need
The doctor has a higher ability and therefore, under communism, he would be expected to put out more with the expectancy of the same reward.

>increased pay
What increased pay? Communism is sharing everything equally

When it collapses due to ludicrous debts taken by greed corporations, banks and people it will become obvious.
I dont get for what I should sacrifise myself. There is noone I know desperate for food right now. What we need are flats for example, if there would be an state initiative to build collective flats for everyone I would volunteer. Alone, what, should I take some concrete and stacking bricks?

Lets take socialism. And not perfectly equally, but fair. huge difference. its not the doctors getting too much, at least here. not the middle class should pay but the upper class. times have changed since 1917.

>For what should I sacrifice myself
For your comrades who are exploited by capitalism. By providing them food, they don't need to work for a business to survive.

Again, they dont need food. Dunno how bad it is in the USA, but here we work for more than one warm meal, we dont have a famine. food is free if you really need it. And I cant provide housing for the poor, a big current problem. Kinda outside my reach.

You can though. Build a house on land to farm, and let the poor stay there. Or if you have a place now, let the poor stay with you.

Ahhhhh my favorite, the old "no ethical consumption under capitalism" bullshit. I love this one.

Okay so if there's no ethical consumption under capitalism, then that means the consumption you must commit is unethical, but you have no choice. Sure. So buying food and clothes and gas for your car are essentially going to be unfortunate necessities. I understand the argument this far.
But if you truly believe there's no ethical consumption under capitalism, then ethically, you MUST limit your consumption to absolutely only what is required. Not you "should." You MUST. If you don't, then you have an inconsistency that can't be ignored. If you DON'T limit your consumption to the bare necessities to live until you exit the capitalist system, then you must not truly believe it is unethical. If you DO truly limit your consumption, then there's no fucking way you are gonna be on Jow Forums, unless you expect me to believe you're posting from a computer at the library.

If you must kill a person to survive yourself, you don't sudden get free reign to just murder at will because you had to break ethics once. If you truly believe consumption under capitalism is unethical, then you logically must limit your consumption to only the absolute bare necessities, and you logically would do that until you could expatriate yourself to a communist or more socialist country. Care to show us your plane ticket?

It's funny cause the only people I've ever seen spout the pants -on-head retarded "no ethical consumption under capitalism" line have also owned body pillows and play video games all day. Kinda seems like the people that bitch the most about capitalism actually really fuckin love living under it.

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I think it’s because most communist in America are just spoiled liberal arts major, wasting time until their parents pay for their grad degree that can get them a real job.

Why should the poor remain poor? That's your system.

>times have changed since 1917.
so, communism doesn't work, then

So what the Doctor and the peasant should be paid the same by the state? Wouldn't that destroy any incentive to be the doctor if you're getting paid the same as the peasant who does nothing in the end. Why do anything in a communist society if you're getting state money either way.

no it means the target has changed. from Landowners, the Tsar, the church and merchants to CEOs, bankworkers, celebreties, managers...

Because the animals would only take it over and create their own political system.


What I do is the minimum for my well-being. Under communism I would have even more consumption than I am limited to under Capitalism.

So you want all communists to be CEOs and bankers and moviestars, but no one to farm your food?


Because they're literally subhuman

Jow Forums isn't necessary for your well being fag, in fact it's probably actively harmful for it so gtfo.

I get satisfaction from Jow Forums therefore it will be allowed under Communism.

I don't think a free speech board is allowed under communism.

Free speech will be allowed as long as that speech does not harm others.

>speech harming others
I don't understand. Can you spit knives?

Blocked and reported.

those two groups are one and the same

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>capitalist job
what the hell is a capitalist job

Farming is not easy by any means and is multidisciplinary at minimum.

Which is 40+% of the worlds GDP, and which is third world shit hole who's only redeeming quality is nukes?

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