Will Facebook last?

Will the children of Facebook-obsessed millennials rebel against social media and think it’s uncool because mom and sad did it?

Is social media cyclical or will they just move to a new platform (Facebook -> Instagram -> whatever is next)

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My children (I'm 27) won't be allowed internet access until they are 16.


Facebook will exist as long as low-IQ shitskins and white trash exist.

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You sound like a nice lady but that's just not realistic.

mmm good point

I have a better idea. Let them have internet access AFTER they leave home and are making their own way.

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Whereupon they will completely collapse into its clutches, not having built any defenses against it or understanding of its dangers.

Social media should be banned. It's already wreaked far more havoc on society than drugs ever did. At some point you have to say enough.

Kids are getting into ham radio. Invest in Icom.

I agree with this. As a 30 something boomer i have been alive long enough to see life with and without social media. It really took a turn for the worst when smartphones came out and you could access anything from anywhere at anytime. Kikebook needs to die.

I'm surprised that Faceberg is still solvent. After SO MANY security breaches and losses of trust, including the mass manipulation, no sane person conscious of what is already known in the mainstream should ever use it again.

A lot of people have left in the past few years already. Facebook investors are a stubborn and unintelligent bunch, if you follow stock related comments.

I think that the majority of people are tired of the pervasiveness of social media in general. That 'new' flavor worse off after so many years. Those left are likely addicted to it and have generally gone insane.

The internet is like a person: born in the mid 90's and still growing up.
>>'Social media was cool when I was 10, but now I'm 25 and it's boring'

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decentralized internet.

Come to biz guys....its still cheap af

Considering these companies have bought all of your bank records and compiled a complete profile on you down to you historical GPS data and have used that data to determine your friends/family/etc through duration of proximity to their phones and are using all this to develop a private social credit system for corporations that could easily evolve into banks refusing service to you in a cashless society they should be broken up immediately.
They're beyond monopolies at this point.
They're international corporate governments.

I dumped that shit when the returns started getting too low. You know shit is bad when they are shilling that Libra crapto currency. Facebook is an old fart website. Zoomers avoid it to be little fuckers out of the site of their parental units.

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>Is social media cyclical
It is cyclical. Facebook fell for the "policing the internet" meme and that eviscerated the website. AOL did the same thing in the 1990s and ruined its social media, Yahoo Groups did the same. The tech companies always fall for police your users shit.

Where do the zoomers go, user? I'm an old fart Millennial (31) and am trying to find silver linings in the next generation, because mine is the plague. Are their spaces edgier and more subversive, at least?

Good thing I have been covering my tracks on all my accounts and devices including public persona, my entire life.

The world is far too naive with what's happening; anyone with even a little understanding of tech could see this coming decades ago... only then, we were just joking about it.

Nineteen Eighty Four is real!

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>>Where do the zoomers go, user?
You're already there.

Libra is not a hail mary, they know what they're doing and you should be concerned

Lol, nice. There is hope after all.

Facebook will be myspaced within a few years

Libra is a joke -- it's just another shitcoin, and it's late as fuck to the crypto scene.

Yeah but the globalists might push it hard, since it's not decentralized and essentially controlled by them

Too hard to define what is social media vs not social media. Could ban Jow Forums could ban the comment section of news sites.

Slippery slope.

32 yr old boomer here. I can confirm life was so much better pre-Facebook.

I doubt anyone who isn’t a 7/10+ female would say it was better with Facebook.

Even without internet it was better. When we got lost we stopped and bought a map at a gas station. There was still some mystery to life. You couldn’t fact check somebody on the spot so tall tales still existed along with oral history.

Still another shitcoin. The (((globalists))) already have XRP, but nobody wants it.

this guy gets it. don't hide your kids from the internet. teach them its dangers (i.e. don't post racist stuff with your username / picture, etc)

If even 1/3 of Facebook adopts Libra for use ONLY WITHIN THE FACEBOOK ENVIRONMENT the aggregate value of Libra currency would surpass most countries.
It's not about crypto... please think. Facebook is much more power-hungry than it is experimental/innovative.

Not if we're the ones who do it, kek. But honestly wouldn't be sad to see the internet go in general.


It took our humanity from us while requiring an exactitude and consistency liken to that of a machine. People born post internet will never understand the vastly different world we enjoyed, however briefly.

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True. As a scintilla of a level of how this manifests; I'm noticing with increasing regularity how products I've bought a few hours prior are showing up in my FB feed. Bought with card, out of earshot of the phone. The banks are working hand in glove with FB for advertising.

You know whats interesting. Facebooks value is determined off of users. So if everyone abandons facebook. Then it will have no value. Even more so, its makes and sells no products. Therefore the odds are even greater.

>Will Facebook last?
Do you remember in the early 2000s how everyone fucking loved their email and wanted to email anything and everything?
Now were back to a state where people "dont have an email" and the ones that do never check it.
The difference here is that email was adpoted for official uses, facebook was not. Its going to go the way of the fax machine.

Almost poetic and very true.

Why is there always some fuckwit posting shit from the New York Post ? It's like you faggots forgot the FAKE Epstein, and Maxwell photos, they put out, already. Maybe you've got Alzheimer's, or something ?

It doesn't matter. An investment into Facebook is a certainty for a diminishing return.

You don't invest once a company has reached its peak, you invest when you know its potential for growth. Facebook has no more growth potential, except to expend to countries OTHER than the United States. Once that is their primary user base, they'll be dead / MySpace'ed.

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I member user. I member. Pay phones and road maps. The good old days.

Only old people use facebook for anything other than messenger.

Live your life, faggot

Fucking this. I remember too. I'm 31 and ache for the '90s on a regular basis. Even the '00s weren't too bad in retrospect, the bullshit wars withstanding. At least there was that mystery, as you say...

It is backed by civilian intel corps and spook shell companies

That’s a sad video

Context leaf, context.

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I feel a truly deep sadness for anyone born after 1987. The internet changed the world so deeply it’s unexplainable and incomprehensible if you didn’t experience it. Beyond the car beyond the airplane. Even beyond printing press.

I am thinking they are even more useless, when we graduated there was no employment unless you were a hot chick or knew someone. So they hardship they will know is all in the future and they will not last.

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It was acceptable up to about 2006

It's a sad, sick world that we've been born into.

You can take the black pill and give up, or you can do something to improve it.

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Y cunt some nerd write an "app" that uses "peer 2 peer" and torrenting to ace out all Social (disease) Media?

I was downing loading mega gigs per hour, no sweat, all from other dorks and sporks.

You can't tell me Y cunt do similar with Facebook, etc type info.

Yep, first iPhone came out in '07

why do people feel comfortable giving their thoughts on topics they don't understand?
this used to cause "embarrassment"

What actions can we take at this point to improve it?

Yeah.....keep helping these fucking Jew pedophiles by "respecting" their dis-info rag, as if it were something more than a propaganda tool.

Seriously.....anything from the "Jew York Post" should be banned from Jow Forums, except for outing their fake news, when necessary !

Why did they kill Patton?

I miss having forums for specific hobbies instead of one garbage heap.

How can anyone be certain of an investment before they made a profit? Losing money is also embarrassing.

Remind the younger generations of the 'old way'; how the world and its people used to be, and why.

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He named the Jew.

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if they couldn't buy it, then they STOLE that shit

I think google and facebook are going to be in big trouble in little china soon

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I feel like most younger people are gravitating towards Instagram. I know there are instagram whores but it doesn’t feel like it is as intrusive as Facebook or Twatter. Like it’s almost all just pictures so it kind of discouraged people from giving you their opinions. They definitely still do but not nearly as much as Facebook

It’s still shit in its own way.

I’m guessing you were born post-1987

Instagram is owned by Facebook

>Whereupon they will completely collapse into its clutches, not having built any defenses against it or understanding of its dangers.
Are you one of those faggots who thinks Homeschoolers aren't properly (((socialized)))?
You seem like one of those faggots.

Jow Forums

Let's hope YouTube is next

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Some coalburners I have talked to told me when they moved from their small homogeneous hick towns away from their family to the big city filled with blacks and browns they started fucking all of the new people they were told to stay away from or were never exposed to when they were growing up.

this guy gets it
don't let your kids near reddit trannie brainwashing cults

Social media as a rigid platform like that is dead.

The next social media boom will take place, within video games, as a part of it.

>being a good representation for everyone.
Every day, the rake approaches.

>I feel like most younger people are gravitating towards Instagram. I know there are instagram whores but it doesn’t feel like it is as intrusive as Facebook or Twatter. Like it’s almost all just pictures so it kind of discouraged people from giving you their opinions. They definitely still do but not nearly as much as Facebook

Facebook tried to control people making them believe they were free, because the best way to enslave somebody is let them believe that they are free and their shackles don't exist.
But facebook become to unestable for that given that a lot of people are actually using it to push for counter propaganda, traditional groups, fascist groups, libertarian groups, etc.
Instagram is an alternative in (((their))) plan because is 100% sterile in terms of political activism.
You don't go to instagram to create a group about fascist politics.

Of course our boys will have work todo and start to subvert instagram also.
That's why you fat fucks need to start lifting and becoming good looking fascist, so we can start a campaing in instagram showing the beauty of the fascist man and getting all the girls will end up getting us more combat able man that want girls.

Now go to lift fattie.

Seeing this on xbox already, anyone can "follow" you and see content you upload from games, screenshots, epic moments you perform all in video, "accomplishments" and the ability to like and coment on all of it. You like playing a few types of games? You'll see developer content in your community feed alongside your friends' stuff. They also have video streaming ability and content to watch, gamer ecelebs if you will. I've even seen screenshots from people I don't even know, but just because its 'popular'.