Anti-vaxxers of Jow Forums, why do you enjoy making children suffer from preventable diseases?

Anti-vaxxers of Jow Forums, why do you enjoy making children suffer from preventable diseases?

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Stop buying into the d&c bullshit. (((They))) purposely refuse to conduct more extensive research, or investigative genuine claims in order to make the conflict an emotional one rather than a straight forward scientific one. (((They))) are probably behind the anti vax movement knowing how they life to play both sides

Vaccines inject nano robots into our children that will tear them apart from the inside once the truth about the Earth is revealed. Protip: It's flat.

We're not stopping anyone from getting vaccines. It's you who wants to forcibly inject people and do in some states

>ignore the studies
>complain that they don’t do studies because you don’t know about them

This reads like an ask reddit video.

The kids that got vaccinated in my town all died, I didn’t get vaccinated and survived just warning

just dont vaccinate newborns. Vaccines can cause fevers which can cause brain damage in newborn babies.

I'd choose guaranteed measles over an astronomically small chance of autism or other brain damage.
Every time.

Measles was all but wiped out in the 90's. Then a resurgence. It couldn't possibly be the influx of the unwashed peasants from the South of the border, though.

>The kids that got vaccinated in my town all died
You fucking what?

just vaccinate

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>Anti-vaxxers of Jow Forums, why do you enjoy making children suffer from preventable diseases?
Why you enjoy making adults having herpes and ear infections because they didn't catch measles in their childhood?

A New Zealand teenager hit Southern California on a vacation earlier this month, and she hit lots of the usual hot spots—including Disneyland, Universal Studios, and Madame Tussauds. The reason the world now knows about her trip is that it turns out she was infected with one of the most contagious diseases on the planet all the while—measles, reports the Los Angeles Times. Health authorities are now warning people they might have been exposed during her wanderings from Aug. 11 to Aug. 15. As a post at Science Alert notes, measles is so contagious that 90% of unvaccinated people exposed to it will come down with the disease over the next 7 to 21 days.

The argument in favor of vaccines is literally "Think of the children!"

That's what people say when you ask why you should get a flu shot as a healthy adult.

How do you think doctors make money? From your $20 copay? They make money pushing drugs and vaccines on you. Shit you don't need.

Maybe we should try to prevent sick people from coming in contact with healthy people. Sort of like a border between two populations?

In future, children will be vaccinated with a substance which it will certainly be possible to produce, and this will make them immune, so that they do not develop foolish inclinations connected with spiritual life - 'foolish" here, of course, in the eyes of the materialists.

-- Rudolf Steiner, "Fall of the spirits of Darkness, Lecture 13: The fallen spirits influencer in the world," Donarch, Switzerland, October 27, 1917

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Oh my fucking god measles is less dangerous than the fucking flu

>In the decade before 1963 when a vaccine became available, nearly all children got measles by the time they were 15 years of age. It is estimated 3 to 4 million people in the United States were infected each year. Also each year, among reported cases, an estimated 400 to 500 people died, 48,000 were hospitalized, and 1,000 suffered encephalitis (swelling of the brain) from measles.
>estimated 3 to 4 million people in the United States were infected each year.
>Also each year, among reported cases, an estimated 400 to 500 people died, 48,000 were hospitalized, and 1,000 suffered encephalitis

The flu
>CDC estimates that influenza has resulted in between 9.3 million – 49.0 million illnesses, between 140,000 – 960,000 hospitalizations and between 12,000 – 79,000 deaths annually since 2010.
>.3 million – 49.0 million illnesses a year
>and between 12,000 – 79,000 deaths annually since 2010.

The kikes should have finished their damn job

I'd like to point out the obvious (obvious to me, at least) which is that every time the press runs these panicky, sensationalist headlines about 'measles outbreaks' they fail to mention that these outbreaks rarely involve more than a hundred people. 40 people get sick, then they get better. It's the overblown reaction of the press to these events that started to make me extremely skeptical about their intentions.

does Israel vaccinate? i think thats the question we need to know


There is a correlation between the rise in cancer rates and the inoculation of large populations to the measles virus.

Why do you enjoy not minding your own fucking buisness.
You got vaccinated right? you vaccinated your kids right? then you have nothing to worry about, fuck off.

We had more illegals per capita in the 90s

But not all kids are able to get vaccinated

Thats unfortunate but there are nonemotional "fact the matter is" type statements that apply to this statement as well, some of which involve not passing on bad genes.
You dont force everyone on anti-biotics or government mandate handwashing because some people have compromised immune systems. You dont demand everyone walk around in a biohazard suit because some kids with eb have their skin falling off and the tiniest infection will kill them.
So you cant really use that as an excuse to mandate unnecessary medication be forced on everyone.

There are these creepy mandatory vaccination commerical in NY now, really freaked me out, I don't watch cable much and I caught a commercial between the trump bashing late night talk show host propaganda. Can't send your kids to school if they don't get the (((shots))), which means you can't go to work

And the fact that they happen in high immigrant areas.
Unnecessary inoculations are not needed for the general population unless one of two factors are going to happen. Either they are going to the third world, or the third world is going to be coming to them.

Good I hope Socal gets quarentined.

>eradicate disease in western world
>medication is no longer needed
>import 3rd world retards riddled with disease
>ooohhhh nooo its the anti-vaxers that are to blame for X now coming back

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My kids are fully vaxxed, current protocols seem sufficient for preventing the shit my generation went through. The vaccine-autism connection shouldn't be dismissed, but I would rather err on the side of public health. As a pro-vaxxer, I still think the government is criminally negligent in its role as watchdog, investigator, and scientist. I don't blame you for not trusting your pediatrician.

Bruh, everyone used to get measles. Stop being a pussy lol.
I got chickenpox as a kid, I didn't even know. I just thought it was a lot of mosquitoes, I even went out to play that day. Measles and other lesser pox-viruses aren't even that bad in the first place.
>immune weak small children and extremely old people
don't care really

I identify as an immuno-deficient person, I can't get vaccines.

>The vaccine-autism connection shouldn't be dismissed
Thank you for recognizing this. As someone who lives with autism I feel not enough people care about the cause of this horrible disease and the crippling loneliness that goes along with it.
>but I would rather err on the side of public health.
Id rather have measles than autism. Id also rather be at risk for polio than live the life I have lived. The public does not care about the ailments that go with autism, everyone has a "lol not my problem" attitude. So for me I do not care about "public safety" over diseases that have been eradicated 2 generations before my conception. I would much rather have had a chance at a normal life.
I do not claim "vaccines cause autism", I do however say they could cause it and until its known, then they should be avoided, and especially so when the thing they are meant for is no longer a threat to our society.

>Sinead McCarthy
But why?

OP uses his brain for a pin cushion.

My child doesn't suffer from any diseases the only thing they suffer from is a lack of education because you vaxxtards banned him from going to school. Going to homeschool for now but eventually I will have to move to another state so he can get a normal education. You should apologize to my child because he will never get to see his friends from school ever again.

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The importing millions of 3rd world unclean have nothing to do with any of this

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I don't know what you're talking about i skip the extra processing and expense of vaccines and inject myself with pure elemental mercury

Imagine being so dumb as to not vaccinate your children lol

>what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger
Don't have dumpster genes then vax-fags

I dont see how that can be legal

Vaccines are a subscription, temporary
Evolutionary fitness is forever

How many polio victims become paralysed for life? one in 200.

I'll risk it. If the child is ill, that's natural selection.

Because they're not orthodox jews of course.

Orthodox jews are exempt from vaccinating.

It was a school shooting.

They are sick, uneducated people who are completely ignorant of disease and medical science. These are the same people who spaz out about chem trails and oppose circumcision.

No we don't have didn't.

That's literally straight up bullshit.

I want a huge study with a control group. Easy to do given the high rate of unvaccinated kids in some countries. I was originally pro vax and went to look at the research myself to shut anti vaxxers up, and realised they could have put this question to bed years ago if they had wanted

yeah we do, just like we don't want you to do live sacrifice your infant anymore. Its so sad that we have to make adults take care of their children. Just put them up for adoption is you don't love them.

It's medically and legally unethical, is the main problem. When the results come back to show that the placebo kids were at risk, and this was obviously known from the start, heads will roll.

lol who cares?

Most of these diseases are coming due to illegals who weren’t properly vaccinated.

>oppose circumcision
Really makes you wonder who's behind this post

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We're a bit beyond natural selection here, unless you want to fuck off into the woods and never interact with society. Otherwise advances in medical science ARE natural selection.

Chemtrails, you say?

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The people getting measles are not anti-vax. They are shitskins from Guatemala.

the most major outbreaks of measles in this country have happened in orthodox jewish communities in NY and Vancouver, WA which is about which is about a 15 minute drive away

Vaccines give me type 1 diabetes. Years ago, retarded doctors would give a child up to 6 vaccines. One after the other. Nowadays they give 1-2 and wait 2 weeks for the next dose.

from Portland, OR

Medicine is an industry. You're fooling yourself if you think subscriber illnesses like susceptibility to pox, like epilepsy, like diabetes, fooling yourself if you think these are good things.

Health should be celebrated, worshiped. Instead comes people like you who believe in "chemical" imbalances without any fluid testing, who believe in "survey results" as clinical diagnostic tools.

I hate your culture of medicine. The people in the woods are taller, healthier, and more stable of mind than you will ever be with that bootlicking attitude of yours.

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>Buzzwords: The Post

This, nowdays medics just can't experiment on random people because mom and dad are scared shit heads who don't even understand basic science

Damn it's actually true. Measles virus also gives long lasting benefits to the immune system which helps fight cancer.

Considering this information, and the fact that the measles vaccine kills more people than the actual disease does in the first world, it's really fucking hard to justify a measles vaccination, not to mention the sheer paranoia around it. Seems like people are so against the idea of their notions possibly being wrong about certain vaccines.

The use of squalene in vaccines causes the immune system to attack nerves. Vaccines will eat your brain.

>the fact that the measles vaccine kills more people than the actual disease does in the first world
That's because it's nearly eliminated thanks to the vaccine. Or at least, was.

Pro-vaxxers of Jow Forums, why do you enjoy making children suffer from autism?

Ever since I was given a double dose of tetanus vaccine I have had seizures ever since. Not like I can sue the school nurse over it after 25 years.

>loss: the post

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Any Israelis want to answer this? Huh?

Do you eat a lot of greens and broccoli? I've seen some stuff through here linking it to alleviating autism symptoms

Just stop immigration.

If you have a population that is virtually entirely vaccinated (what the US had when it was strong majority white), and those people have children, and you don't bring anyone else in, where's the risk? Don't let anyone visit shithole countries either. If you go, you don't get to come back. Boom, problem solved.

>Don't let anyone visit shithole countries either.
Nice irony.

>The classic oil based adjuvant called Freund’s Complete Adjuvant can cause permanent organ damage and irreversible disease – specifically autoimmune diseases.
>When scientists want to induce autoimmune disease in a lab animal, they inject it with Freund’s Complete Adjuvant, which causes great suffering and is considered by some too inhumane to even inject into animals.
>Adjuvants can break “tolerance”, meaning they can disable the immune system to the degree that it loses its ability to distinguish what is “self” from what is foreign.

a measles infected child was in public and exposed the public at a shopping mall in Phoenix.

surprise surprise it was the ghetto spic mall in south Phoenix.

>don't vaccinate your kid
>they contract some shitty medieval disease and possibly die


>vaccinate your kid
>they get cancer when they're 13 and also autism and end up dying anyways

Can we just take pharmaceutical companies away from the Jews and go back to vaccinating our kids with actual medicine instead of poison?

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I do not and I do not believe it will affect it.
Ill give it a try though, good excuse to eat better.
I have a high carb high dairy diet.

better yet, if anyone even purchases a ticket to a shithole country, CIA SAD operatives kick down their down at 3am and shoot them in the face with an MP5SD

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>“Autoimmunity is notorious for taking years to diagnose because the early symptoms (e.g. headaches, joint and muscle pain and fatigue) are so vague; primary care physicians often fail to recognize it…..a large Phase lV trial did not even bother to analyze the “common-post immunization reactions” in study participants, recording only those adverse events severe enough to require a doctor’s visit within 7 days of immunization.” In another study patients were observed for 180 days, but only serious events like “admission to hospital or death” qualified as a reaction – nothing else was recorded.
Vaccines are a slow-acting killswitch. The idea is, by the time you notice, you're already fucked and doctors have made a fortune selling you lesser poisons to address the symptoms.

It's the 18 month vaccines that have 4-in-1 that cause autism

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his argument is rock-solid though, when confronted with an accusation he simply responds with "Please!" or "Oh brother!" or "Yeah, sure."

how can sciencefags even compete with such logical counter-arguments.

According to the plan, Litzman wrote, “non-inoculated children will be required to have all their inoculations [referring to those recommended by the Health Ministry], or bring a letter from an authorized physician explaining why the child is not inoculated.”

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Possibly, you can't directly say it's because of the vaccine. The last case of measles causing death that the CDC confirms was in 2015. And the thing is, she had the vaccination for measles already. Before that, it was 2003. Since then theres been around 2,000 cases in the US.

Also I just did a quick check, and if the measles virus does indeed destroy cancer cells, even if only for multiple myeloma, and protects against it in the future, even if it only provides an additional 5% of prevention, statistically, it's worth it to stop vaccinating against measles, as multiple myeloma kills around 13,000 people every year. 5% of that would be 650 deaths prevented per year. In the 1950's, measles caused around 400 deaths per year.

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vaccines fucked me up

it kills your nervous system, educate yourself and turn off the TV.

Because if Jewish doctors in Israel are willing to chemically castrate Ethiopian Jews under the guise of vaccination, what makes you think they wouldn't do it to the hated whites?
Get your MMR, but absolutely make sure your doctor is NOT Jewish, or he'll fill your kid with a bunch of extra crap that fucks them up for life. And don't get a flu shot.

Did you even look at the screenshot before posting it?