No beard no life

I can't grow a fucking beard at 25, only pubes. AND im balding fast
Everytime I see my friends sporting theirs I
feel less of a man and no matter how much I
try to not think about it I can't stop wishing god
had taken one of me eyes instead and at least give
me a real beard. can anyone relate? is there a solution besides the rope

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Deal with it faggot just keep your head hair short (not totally shaved you'll look like a psycho, think Jason Statham) and clean shaven. You could have a microdick or AIDS, count your blessings

Buy a moxi-finn solution from ebay and rub it where you want a beard to grow

Beard turns gray before rest of hair.
Thus guys with beards look 60 when they're 50.
Anyway, every faggot in the world has a beard nowadays.
Clean shaven is the new bearded.

You're not missing out on anything my man. Just get rid of it, don't keep a short one. That would be COPE

Yikes, I feel sorry for you, bud.

Balding is one thing, but if you can't supplement that with a beard you better at least have a wicked jawline or you're going to look like a fucking squeaky toy.

I dont care about looks none sees me anyway I live in the countryside away from cities. So i either shave manicaly everyday like a city lawyer before I go to the farm.... or let my pubes grow and literally look like a freak pedo

stop eating burgers and mountain dew

30 and I have shit for facial hair, comes in all patchy, embarrassing to even pretend. Some guys just have less hair I guess, my body hair is the same. I do have a great head of hair though so yeah you might want to kys.

sounds like a bad idea.

nice use of /pol

if you haven't let it grow for a year you don't even know if you can grow one

>attributing hair on your face meaning

Insecure as fuck

Pretty sure some people just know it'll be pathetic and wiry pubes. I have light blond hair that even in the thicker spots just reflects light and looks like sparkly bullshit.

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the only thing my body is good at is producing hair, it seems.

Um, as a a rule men don't care about their pubes, dude.

that's me if I don't shave for a week

beards are largely a male meme. just like those stupid hats that women wear that men don't give a shit about, or those chinese slippers they used to wear that made their feet smell like absolute shit.

Just as many women hate beards as those who love them. Plus, beards have become associated with insecure cucks who are ashamed of their own face.

Also, don't wear a hat too much. Girls will put two and two together and will see your lack of confidence in your bald head as a sign of weakness. Keep your hair short. A find a lot of women don't care about balding as long as the hair is kept short and tidy.

Maybe I was wrong... big think

>reflects light and looks like sparkly bullshit.
but do you know if it looks like that in a year?

I never wanted to grow a beard but I hate that if I ever chose to do it is be lumped together with all the fucking boysoys. Why do hipsters have to ruin everything?

Minoxidil topical use
Watch out for any pills those will make you dick stop working

not exactly but my dad's looks pretty trashy/patchy while never shaving. I'm trying a mustache right now because it's the thickest part i have on my face. I have bald spots everywhere else, it's like joe dirt. Also this is new development in the last year or so(i'm 30) I've always shaved like once a week and never have more than salt and pepper.

Can affirm. And if you shave, you better shave every day. Graying beard stubble looks horrible - like homeless or child molestor.

Also, never trust a man with a beard.

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I'll be honest I haven't looked into it much and haven't really earnestly tried. This post just popped up while I happen to be on vacation a few weeks and growing a meme on my lip.

Poo in the loo

Back when masculinity was strong (40s/50s), the manliest men had no facial hair. I see beards as a symbol of being a basedboy now.

user it doesn’t matter if your balding or can’t grow a beard
Everyone looks good with muscles
Take it from a chad that is shot and balding but in shape

just accept your baldness retard
who gives a flying fuck about what others think
really tired of this pussy shit people do when it comes to baldness
you're acting like a god damn woman.

What pol opinion on the mustache?

shut up twink

Don’t take any meds for balding either
It will fuck u up
Shaving ur head bald is a chad move just look at bezo

Go full patrick steward then, faggot. Manhood is about 80% attitude, not external characteristics

Don't be such an insecure fucking weasel. You should be more worried about not having a backbone than a beard. Sort your fragile ego out and nothing will be a problem, until then everthing is a problem.

just do it

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Very true.

Yeah I guess I do kinda look like Richard Spencer.

daily reminder that women prefer clean shaven ultra alpha sparkling jawline BUT they want you to be able to grow a beard so they can see the caveman that they all long for deep inside. really deep

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Minoxidil, 5 % twice a day. Yup. Look it up. Fag.

He meant his face pubes moron

Beards are far from an exercise of masculinity in the contemporary age. They've been sported by so many who bastardize "masculinity" that they've lost their flare.
If you have a strong enough jawline, shaving and keeping a clean face is perfect. A sharply shaven white man in keen clothing is kryptonite to the Jew. Also lets you look slick af in general so.
Additionally, it takes significantly more work to remain cleanly shaven in comparison to let some raggedy ass beard make a home on your cheeks.

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nigger detected


coping beardlet

Hipsters and s o yboys ruined beards, OP. Just go clean shaven like they did in the mid 20th century.

Not so fast hue, I always shave my beard.

Are you blonde?

Who the fuck calls whiskers "face pubes"

The Bible says not to shave. Guess you faggots forgot.

This is something you pathetic little freaks will never understand, and I want you to get it through that soft fucking head of yours. Strong men ARE NOT INFLUENCED by the decisions of weak men. Did you get that? So think of it like this. If we want to wear a beard, we wear a beard. If we don't want to wear a beard, we don't wear a beard. There's nothing else to it. As for fools like you who mindlessly submit to any social trend for the sake of anybody other than yourself---You can go to hell. We won't even notice you're gone.

This. I had a giant Taliban beard in high school cause I was the only one who could. Realized what a pain in the ass all that fucking hair on my face was, now I keep it clean as a whistle.You do you.

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