They could have solved the race issue if they have given blacks their own state

they could have solved the race issue if they have given blacks their own state.

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Christian radicals didn’t want it.

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They should have sent ALL of them to Liberia.

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classic asian fridge body


do any /his/ anons know why we were stopped from sending them back?
I mean, literally no one wanted them after slavery was abolished

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>they could have solved the race issue if they had given blacks their own shops/ghettos/communities
What do you think segregation was.

blacks want to suck on the tit of white prosperity.

But the USA did.

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They have one of the largest continents on the planet.
Why should they be given a state?

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that's in africa which requires a boat. if you gave them a state in america, they would just drive there of their own accord

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i would gladly fuck nanase

>if they have given blacks their own state
in africa...It's called Liberia, idiot!

>if we had just given them a portion of the US, they’d be perfectly content with that and would all still be living there now and not invading our neighborhoods looking for gibs and sanctuary from their shithole

They've had thousands of years to build up Africa and to this day the entire continent remains a shithole full of unused resources and poverty and famine and disease. They don't deserve a state.

then they couldn't complain if they live in white areas

Own state? then who would they steal from?

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We did. It's called Liberia. Not only did they get their own state they got it back in their oh so beloved motherland they continue to piss and moan about being taken from.

both niggers
as long as it's 7 feet underground, yeah, sounds like a good idea

As long as we keep them out of ours and we dont pay for shit

What the fuck are you talking about, retard?

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>then they couldn’t complain
How many times since the practice of slavery ended have they gotten something they wanted and everyone said the same thing you just said? It’s now 150+ years, multiple pieces of legislation and a black president later, and the complaining is at an all time high. This user is right, they should have all been sent back.
They did, it's a shithole.

Moar pls. Feet too.

Yeah, but the problem is Abe was assassinated, he wanted to ship them all there; instead they got to choose and most stayed...

There will never be a black state, niggers simply don't want it and even if they did for some strange reason, they wouldn't be able to maintain it any better than children would.

They did.
>they spread like a virus

They did, it was called Liberia, and it failed several times over

>Native American reservations have regular war parties leaving them

You literally already did it, you could of done it again.

That won't work. The only solution is to exterminate 500 million niggers across the world...

They did, ITs called LIberia..and they fucked it up.

body-wise she's not all that bad looking. compare her to the average white woman. i would choose her over the average white woman


They have plenty of state being honnest

And their were right based Christian

Look at the line along her left torso, and between her thighs...
Shopped to hell and back.
Fridgier then first suspected.
Asian women are a bigger lie than Western women.

...said the blown out roastie.


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Just get to the facts: we blacks will dominated every part of the world. From Europe to America to Asia. Our genes are dominant so we can change every country

Awwwww, is roastie jealous??? I think so.

Even w/o the photoshop, i'd take her over you without hesitation.

You're a disgusting pig and a C.U.N.T.

Attached: Cunt Punt.jpg (579x706, 81K)

starts with J and ends with O


They can drive right back after they inevitably fuck it up.
Paying for boats is a better idea.

Jewish Genocidio

says the pardo


They literally have dozens.


They did.
Most did not want to go back to Africa.

muh yellow fever

>citizenship with voting rights
>part of southern reconstruction

He had no intentions of deporting them all to Liberia.

Live the lie then, bois.
Keep building that Mutt Army.
But, roastie, I think not.
I would be quite obliged to fuck your wife, gf, daughter, niece, and mother.
I make it a point to hit the local taverns near the army base, when the boi's are deployed.
MMM, mmm, Tasty, love those sweet American peaches.



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I absolutely want it. Make Florida America's BBC. Diversify (((Miami)))

The Floridaman headlines alone will be worth it.

they did, it's called Liberia

>85.6% Christian.

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Should've sent them all to the Virgin Islands

Meh that's what doggy style's for

Just make them go back to Africa.