Based YouTubers

Of course we all know that based Tim Pool is based and not at all a grifter. His based radical centrist points as well has his constant e-begging and pointing out he is a mongoloid half breed is just another aspect of his based commentary. He also has the ability to disguise himself with a beanie and the same manner as Clark Kent with glasses and hide his baldness. I am already watching the following based YouTube channels. Can you guys recommend other based political channels with based commentary?

Sargon of Akkad
Amazing Atheist
Armored Skeptic
Shoe On Head
Bunty King
Kraut and Tea
David Sheratt
Jeff Holiday
Contra Points
Matt Jarbo
any other based political YT?

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How about you form your own political view based on your own critical view?

Why do you need to reaffirm your bias and be a cuck?

Why do you need someone else to to think/read for you?

Are you authistic or a manchild?

Stop making this fucking thread.

Jared taylor

>a fucking leaf
The rake is coming you piece of shit

Fuck off baldi

Says the leaf.
now shut up and open your butthole and apologize.

Funny pasta

based Ben Shapiro. Tiny hat he wears is so based. Based nasal voice. Based Israel. Just all around based as fuck m8.

Actually nope. I leech off some cucks wifi across the street so I show up as a dirty fucking leaf. Kinda sucks but hey at least some dirty leaf fuck is funding my shit posting

Normally I would say that a balding / bald man should just cut their hair short and own it.

Normally I would say that a grown up should not wear a beanie, and especially not wear a beanie all the fucking time.

Tim Poole should wear his beanie all the fucking time.

>a leaf giving his opinion
ughhhhh. my day is fucking ruined.

Holy fuck, how could you not know of Adam Green? His jewtube channel is, "know more news".

at least im not some kind of sub asian ethenicity. Go back to mexico,

He needs to drop the beanie, and either put on a real, non flat billed, baseball hat. The edges have to be rolled down a bit. Or he could purchase a fine stedson. I think he would be a rather dashing fellow t b h.

Your taste is beyond awful. The only decent creator on this list is Armored Skeptic, and his political content is honestly awful. Just look at his most recent video, he entirely believes the mainstream media narrative on American gun violence hook line and sinker. He should stick to low hanging fruit and whackjob conspiracy content, where he can at least make entertaining stuff.

I agree. While I do like it when he wears his dress hat, his round face with absolutely no definition and pubic hair style beard is very dashing. Based and redpilled.

Attached: Dress Hat.jpg (1200x896, 81K)

you made this exact post last night

fuck you

you stinky bitch

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OP is a massive homosexual

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Hi kikeTube, stop coming here to get recommendations on who to shut down.

Fuck off.

He's a qt 3.14 :*
I want one.

Absolutely revolting taste. You have a tranny and Sargoy on your list. Stop watching jooish creators imbecile.

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This is obvious bait. But I'll bite. The mink man. Minks are based and redpilled.

Better that than to live at a snowfagged place filled with nogs and degenerates. Also,
>a fcking leaf

I would die for Tim Pool, he's a real human bean.

That sounds like something a fucking leaf would say!

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There's hardly any black people in Canada, and the ones who do live here are much more intelligent than the sub-human population of the Philippines.

>Average IQ of fucking 86

>based youtubers
they all got purged

better than being a leaf id say

Haha good troll thread bro!

You're totally not an incel!

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>Sargon of Akkad
>Amazing Atheist
>Armored Skeptic
>Shoe On Head
>Bunty King
>Kraut and Tea
>David Sheratt
>Jeff Holiday
>Contra Points
>Matt Jarbo
>any other based political YT
Imagine wasting your time, watching YouTube, where some people post videos about their biased and filtered point of view about politics to draw in weak minded people who, after suffering ads and some stupid opinions leave a comment "based, fuck libtards haha" and move on to the next video like a good old sheep.
These people sell narrative, an entertainment, where you can watch it like any other form of entertainment, hours at a time, (Music, movies, etc) Nothing more.
Every person with any critical thought within them does their own research about certain events and makes up their own point of view.
Use critical thought, very easy, don't be a boomer, user
>kekistani flag

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