I feel like it's just an excuse to dehumanize people who are apathetic or disillusioned
Are NPCs real?
>OP is not an NPC
How do you know you're not one of them, faggot?
P zombies, reprobates, animals, robots. Whatever you want to call them, they exist but it’s healthier to pretend they’re dont. Drop it op
80% of people literally do not have an inner dialogue
>they exist but it’s healthier to pretend they’re dont.
How do we know you're not one of them?
What are the most obvious signs that someone lacks inner dialogue?
In a sense yes. You can either look at the npc label and assign it to everyone who you view as living shallow, limited lives completely free of greater purpose or introspection. Going day to day l, fueled purely by primal instincts.
Or you could also assign NPCs as everyone who whilenjever have any more than a tiny impact on your life. You have no reason to interact with them, no reason to hear their voice, they simply exist as another thing on the planet.
Idk how can you? You might just be forced to drop it schizo
>What are the most obvious signs that someone lacks inner dialogue?
They're on Jow Forums
>Idk how can you?
Of course you can. If weren't an NPC, you'd know.
Well of course I know I’m not one you dolt. I just don’t know how I could prove it to you
How can I be sure you’re not a stupid npc program?
If you can question that you may or may not be one by being able to conceptualized ideas that are abhorrent, even to you, and go against all mainstream views, then you're most likely not one.
You also have an inner voice.
It's a loud minority that want/do these things, see pic related.
>You also have an inner voice
I'm not sure what people mean by this. I talk to myself in my mind when I'm solving a math problem, but for most things you don't need to actively talk to yourself using words to do.
NPCs fall for the same bait all the time.
>Keep coping NPC.
When you question something or are given a question, do you think it through in your head with your inner voice, or do you respond via feelings?
Since you say you do with math, then you most likely do.
Some people have a running dialogue 24/7, others only for questions and answers, and some have nothing but feelings (which they use to act on)
>You also have an inner voice.
>I'm not sure what people mean by this.
Only Jow Forumstards believe that an inner dialogue disqualifies you from being an NPC. Most people who grow up with little social interaction, or who are not naturally inclined to be social have mechanisms of inner dialogue to compensate for lack of human feedback. They're still NPCs.
It may be tbqh OP NOW but there really are people who question nothing and merely try to game the algorithm and the "like retweet meta" if you will. Only sharing the exact precise thoughts that would be most likely to get retweeted or liked or shared.
The point of the NPC life is to feed their addiction and dependency on social media likes, it also gives them a number they can point to, that gives them a thing they are more important than other people and can say they have experience points in the social media world.
NPC's aren't genetically born this way they are being bred this way by the gamification of opinion and political discourse.
If you’re apathetic and disillusioned after being force-fed the black pill, you’re not an NPC. If you’re apathetic and disillusioned because LOL BOTH SIDES SUCK DUDE and you don’t actually know shit about dick you’re an NPC
>Only Jow Forumstards believe that an inner dialogue disqualifies you from being an NPC. Most people who grow up with little social interaction, or who are not naturally inclined to be social have mechanisms of inner dialogue to compensate for lack of human feedback. They're still NPCs.
No, you need an inner voice for introspection, otherwise you're only relying on rote or feelings, none of which can equate to independent thoughts, thus you'd be an NPC.
>No, you need an inner voice for introspection,
Don't confuse articulation with introspection. Even those with inner voice don't know where their thoughts originate. They merely "observe" thoughts as they are generated.
>thus you'd be an NPC.
Basically ask yourself, if after having a conversation with them, could you have scripted the entire interaction by yourself before hand?
I think it depends. For math, science, or other problems where one really has to think, inner dialogue is expected, but for other things such as driving or drawing, there is no need. I don't like talking to myself in my mind as if I'm speaking to another person, only when necessary to concentrate/focus my thinking.
There's no way for introspection without an inner voice, as there's no thought form that allows you to question external stimuli. This is what you need to be truly independent, even if you're dumb as bricks, it still allows you to question without external pressure. If all you have is a blank inner thought outside of images, then you can't question what is given to you; you're basically a puppet to the masters.
Articulation is nothing but rote; what someone had read, and they present it how it was presented to then.
>could you have scripted the entire interaction by yourself before hand?
You can script an entire interaction with most people on most topics after you've had that conversation with them.
>Hindsight's 20/20
You're basically describing how it goes. If you need to think, you use it.
Driving and similar is mostly muscle memory (rote), so there's no real thought needed. Though, you can still hold inner dialogue whilst doing this, and some do.
But, some people truly have no inner voice for things that require questioning and critical thinking. By all accounts, it's the majority of people.
>There's no way for introspection without an inner voice
Have you tried writing?
>This is what you need to be truly independent
You need to be isolated and made to survive on your own to be truly independent. As long as you live in society, you will be influenced by the thoughts of others and those who came before you.
>you're basically a puppet to the masters.
You're a puppet right now. Yet, your posts imply that you think you're not a puppet.
>and they present it how it was presented to then.
How were your thoughts presented to you? Can observe where they originate? Or do they come to you?
Maybe they aren't able to notice it as separate thing so they just say they don't.
>Have you tried writing?
My inner voice is writing this, and it gives me the words before I put them to this box
>>This is what you need to be truly independent
Independent thought, not independent living. The 2 aren't mutually inclusive, though the former can help with the latter.
>You're a puppet right now. Yet, your posts imply that you think you're not a puppet.
How so? If you mean I'm a puppet to my own design, i.e., my inner conscious, then yes, I am. It allows me to be free from the propaganda of others, however, and allow my own ideas to be what I act on, rather than those of others; peer pressure, for example, doesn't work on me. Basically, who'd you rather be a puppet to? Yourself or herd? Yes, I am influenced by others, but I can also reject what they say if I don't agree with it, and I can do this via questioning it internally. If all you can do is live on feelings, then it's basically just a biological life. Don't for a minute think that ze powers don't know how this all works, and they don't use it on the masses.
>How were your thoughts presented to you? Can observe where they originate? Or do they come to you?
Senses - internalization via images and words - externalization of them to others. I rarely rely on feelings, as it doesn't lead anywhere good.
I've met plenty of people that truly don't have an inner voice; it's all rote and feelings for them. They behave how they're told, as long as it doesn't go against how they feel, even if it's irrational, and this is why it's dangerous.
It's why religion is a thing. It's why politics is a thing. The majority of people truly need to be told how to act (as long as it doesn't go against they own biological needs).
>My inner voice is writing this, and it gives me the words before I put them to this box
Where does your inner voice come from? Isn't it possible that your inner voice is simply another program that makes you think you're not an NPC?
> though the former can help with the latter.
How can you possibly claim to be an independent thinker as long as you're in society? Did you develop the English language? Did you formulate all your ideas? Surely, if you're not an NPC then you can see that all your ideas are influenced by something you've read/come across in the past and you're not truly independent. Or, are you an NPC who thinks you're not an NPC?
>Yes, I am influenced by others, but I can also reject what they say if I don't agree with it
Because you feel that way?
>How were your thoughts presented to you?
Aren't you simply describing biological life here? You only perceive your thoughts after your senses can make them into something tangible. You have NO idea where your thoughts come from. For all I know, you're just another program that thinks it isn't a program.
>Are NPCs real?
Are you living in a video game OP?
quit spreading easily debunked info you fucking memeflaggot
Oh look, another retard pushing the NPC meme is the lack of inner dialogue
For all you fucking retards, NPC is nothing more than another word for sheep, lemming, useful idiot, etc.
Sure, what resparked the meme (already a thing long before) was some dumb "study" of a small group that showed people are on life autopilot & lack introspection. Omg, no shit!? You're telling me normies, most who're extroverts, lack introspection, go through the motions, slaves to external forces without realizing why, and are (basically) afraid of truly looking at themselves in a mirror? Holy shit, noble prize winning shit right there.
>inb4 linking reddit Asian who says they never had an inner voice as if that's not an outlier
It's not that they're literally incapable, it's just they rarely think beyond superficial bs
Yet so many faggots here, claiming to be non-NPCs of course, parrot the bs w/o thinking. Fucking faggots