Did you know that most conservative Christians, in a hypothetical situation...

Did you know that most conservative Christians, in a hypothetical situation, would rather force their 13 year old daughter, who was raped by a nigger, to give birth to the baby instead of abortion? The more you know.

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that's why ALL healthy white men are Agnostic National Socialist Revolutionaries who are pro abortion

0.5% of abortions are due to rape.
And there's no such thing as Christian girl raped by a nigger.

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>60 million abortions
>300,000 rape nigglets
all rape babies should be killed alone with the entire family of the rapist

yup, she stops being christian the moment nigger forces his cock up her hole.

Alternatively make her carry a pistol and make sure she knows how to use it.

Jow Forums is a board of peace, FBI go home

rape is a social construct

The daughter of a conservative Christian wouldn't be around those types of people unsupervised. The idea that women should wander around freely and without concern is modern and foolish.

cunt killed some innocent people and thought he was "helping". fuck off glownigger

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He shot innocent old Black worshippers in a church. Explain how his stupid cowardly massacre helped his race? LMAO. Only idiots would believe that...

You do realize adoption exists right?

What proportion of rapes is mostly of the fault of a stupid whores playing games with dudes? I wonder.


I doubt it, they would rather force someone else's child to give birth but when it comes to their own kids they wouldnt mind being hypocrites. My grandma is a fundamentalist christian and goes on endlessly about abortion being evil but tried to convince my cousin to get an abortion when she got knocked up by some random dude she met in a bar lol.

You can encourage adoption. It's really the wisest thing to do.

The world doesn't need more nigger babies

Rape-apes should receive the death penalty.

>doesn't understand accelerationism

Seriously, the word “ape” is in rape for a reason, and niggers seriously put the APE into rape. No one puts the APE into rape the way a nigger does. Bitches with rape fantasies cry out in their erotic dreams, “Nigger please put all of your APE into my rape!”

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Abortions should be least available in cases of rape, at leas until a paternity test can be done.

I’m a Christian and my daughter certainly isn’t killing a hypothetical black baby

But she certainly isn’t keeping it either

It’s not the babies fault retard. If you are so saddened by a baby not dying why not just kill yourself in it’s place? Hypocrite pussy

wow, powerful

Give me her name, OP

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and this is why you can't be (((christian))) and logical

>60 million abortions
>300,000 rapes
>since 1973
>only 6,521 rape abortion a year
Missing that vital last detail

And BASED Christians aren't letting their daughters out at night, or unsupervised.
We also believe women should have GUNS to protect themselves.

Now STOP trying to justify murdering children you soulless degenerate.

>only 7,000 rape subhumans
let me rape your mom and sister then you bitch
the fact of the matter remains, ALL rape babies are subhumans and deserve death. ALL who disagree should be raped.

>let me rape your mom and sister then you bitch
you can try,
i'll film while you get shot :)

Well, that's Christcucks for ya. It's retarded. Abortion should only be for a select few instances such as rape. Having 'em on demand like you're changing your underwear is sickening.

Funny, but not suprising. Damn I hate hypocrites.

raise my son cuck

Plan B faggot. Stop the life from forming to begin with so nothing has to be killed in the first place. Every single thread of this type always disregards that right from the start because it fucks up your basis for the narrative you're pushing.

>not killing your daughter and the baby
This is why christians deserve the rope

"Fault" doesn't matter. It is not punishment for a crime. It is extermination of enemy spawn. Determining "fault" is something applied to your own people, not to enemies.


Yes its an unlikely situation but eventually shit does happen. You can pretend that anyone who takes your advice will be 100% immune but thats just hubris on your part. Sometimes the unthinkable happens and theres nothing you can do to stop it.

Don't make your daughter a murderer, execute the nigger instead.

It was rape you fucking dweeb.

Did you know that if you were born on July 13th the left thinks it's ok if you were aborted on July the 12th. The more you know

Nor does it need more white women, condemned to the fiery pits of hell.

If your daughter puts herself in a situation to be raped by niggers, then she deserves to be killed.

If killing niggers results in going to hell, then hell must be a desirable location

The actual ruling class is Christian and fedoras have no future in a white state, regardless of internet memes. Neither do racemixers.

>using the same photo to shit post multiple times

I can't outdo the edge, but it is half white. Some tier of the inferno will be suffered. God doesn't take kindly to unjustifiable homicide.

Niggers are not human, so no "homicide" has taken place.

I think most Christian conservatives would race to the abortion mill to kill the half caste nigger spawn. Regardless of the talking points, they aren’t stupid.

Did you know that most democrat Satanists, in a hypothetical situation, would rather force their 13 year old son to become their daughter, while refusing to acknowledge the raping nigger as they rape them?

Race is real, God is not.

What's the problem?