Animal rights

please logically explain why you eat meat. theres not a single argument for eating meat besides "its immoral but i still do it because its fun and i dont care". hundred of millions of animal die every year for our collective taste pleasure. we dont need any animal products to be healthy, we just eat them because its tasty and we prefer our temporary taste pleasure over a lifetime of an animal's suffering

animals like pigs and cows dont want to die for your taste preferences. strictly speaking, humans dont need any animal products to survive. theres not a single nutrient that cant be gotten from a vegan diet thats exclusively found in meat. and going vegan is great for your health. going vegan reduces your chances for diabetes, being overweight, cancer and heart attacks. vegans live the longest and consistently have the lowest rates of disease and cancers

seriously Jow Forums, why do you abuse animals yet complain about niggers or jews mistreating you? dont you think its a bit hypocritical? dont you think its a tad bit ironic how you cry that jews and muslims mistreat whites, yet you abuse animals much worse?

just admit it; vegans are right. animal rights are the single most important political issue in existence

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Other urls found in this thread:


horrors of slaughterhouses:

horrors of the dairy industry:

eggs are unethical:

understanding why we eat pigs and love dogs:

philosophical arguments for veganism

how to get started on a vegan diet:

how meat causes diabetes, cancer and heart disease:

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theres not a single argument in favor of eating meat because being a unethical hypocrite, DEBATE ME

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why are vegans always using shock value to make their point and then get surprised when no one is listening to them. You can't be both shocked and reasoned with.

Sure there is. Humans can't eat grasses and grains. The atmosphere is co2 starved, and only grows grasses and grains now. Feed the grasses and grains to animals, then eat the animals. Lack of co2 in atmosphere problem solved.

1.It is a primary source of high quality protein.

2.It is rich in iron.

3.It is rich in zinc.

4.Provides vitamin B12.

5.The intake of food of animal origin is recommended during the immersion phase.

yeah no it's all about eating for taste not for the 50 vitamins and minerals you can't get from plants only animal fat... eating for taste is what vegans do because they have to heavily season their food to make it taste good but it's still indigestible by your small intestines you fucking idiot.. have fun with your eczema and withering brain body and spirit you fucking retard

>why are vegans always using shock value to make their point and then get surprised when no one is listening to them

why are you okay with paying for it to happen and eating it, but not watching it?
why is it good enough for your plate but not good enough for your eyes, you fucking hypocrite

if you dont like what you see, then stop paying for it to happen. vegans are just posting the truth

>you can't be both shocked and reasoned with

what kind of shit false dichotomy is this, LOL. you mean to tell me just as long as someone feel shocked, they can never be reasoned with?

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>Sure there is. Humans can't eat grasses and grains

we literally can. rice isnt a gain? wheat isn't a grain? oats arents a grain? buckwheat is LITERALLY a grass. humans have been eating grains for thousands of years

the american dietetics association repeatedly stated that a vegan diet is nutritionally adequate for all stages of live, including breastfeeding women and infants. human breast link is vegan because its devoid of animal exploitation

you LITERALLY can get just about every single nutrient from the diet, and if you are missing anything then just take a supplement

please vegans dont have deficiency any more than the regular meat eating population. but even if what you said is true, and we do need over 50 nutrients or even over 500 nutrients, who cares. just take a supplement or drink vegan milk that's been supplemented with these vitamins. your vitamin deficiencies dont justify killing animals who dont want to die

would you eat a dog who didnt want to die for its 50 nutrients?
would you kill and eat a nigger who didnt want to die for its 50 nutrients?
would you kill and eat a white child, to get your 50 nutrients

just take a supplement

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>why are you okay with paying for it to happen and eating it, but not watching it?
Because I'm not used to it. My grandparents were killing rabbits and hen with their bare hands. If I do the same, would it be okay if I keep on eating meat? Is killing a pig with your own knife better than having it killed in a factory for a vegan? Is the way an animal is killed relevant if the very act of killing animal is bad?
>you mean to tell me just as long as someone feel shocked, they can never be reasoned with?
Exactly. You either talk to someone like they are adults or as you would with kids, you can't do both.

Imagine taking this castrated cuck seriously, he’s already conceded veganism is nutrient deficient and doesn’t care if humans become sick or die over the lives of animals. Mentally ill to the highest degree. Should unironically kill himself.

>Is killing a pig with your own knife better than having it killed in a factory for a vegan?

its still killing it when it wants to live. what difference does it ultimately make to the pig? its still murder

> than having it killed in a factory for a vegan
dude, do you have brain damage? vegans dont pay for pigs to be killed in slaughterhouses. what kind of false dichotomy is this, holy fuck how many holes do you have in your brain

>Is the way an animal is killed relevant if the very act of killing animal is bad?
no there isn't, thats the whole point. regardless of how you kill an animal, its still unethical. "humane killing" is an oxymoron. its a contradiction. these animals dont want to die

imagine resorting to ad hominims and character attacks as a last resort because you have no arguements

>he’s already conceded veganism is nutrient deficient
no i didnt, i but i did argue that even if it hypothetically was, we still have a huge moral obligation to go vegan. its still immoral and unethical

ill admit im not a doctor of nutrition, i have no idea which diet is the strongest nutritionally speaking. even if veganism isnt the strongest diet nutritionally speaking, it still doesnt justify killing animals who dont want to die. we can just take supplements

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Please logically explain why you keep trying to scare Jow Forums into veganism with copy/pasta threads and incredibly mediocre gore.

to remind you stupid motherfuckers of your unethical behavior. you need constantly reminders for you to understand. you forget all of this is happening if you arent repeatedly exposed to it

you Jow Forums faggots love to cry about how the jews are treating you so badly, and about how whites are this innocent race. how whites never hurt anyone and how low crimes rates in white only areas

yet with animals you abuse them more than any other races. whites are the owners of all farms, be it huge industrial ones or small ones. whites invented and pioneered the animal agriculture industry, you arent this innocent race of pure angels you fucking delusional hypocrite

go vegan then tell me shit about moral and ethics and how niggers are treating you wrong

>its bad when niggers hurt whites hueeee
>heh fuck pigs and cows lol they are tasteeee

delusional retard

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>dude, do you have brain damage? vegans dont pay for pigs to be killed in slaughterhouses.
Maybe I should have add a coma there but my three questions had the same meaning. This meaning being that if the way a pig is killed doesn't matter, as long as he's killed, posting pics of slaughterhouse is irrelevant. Unless you're looking for shock values rather than an exchange of arguments.
So again, I ask this very simple question: why are vegans trying to shock and reason people at the same time? Just post your slaughterhouse folder and be done with it.

You can't just use unequivocal metaphors and expect a cohesive argument to form in your favour.

if eating animal is so terrible then how come lion eat gazelle

checkm8 motherfuk obey nature

okay so explain to me how is it a bad metaphor? i think its a phenomenal metaphor

explain to me how whites arent delusional hypocrites when they eat meat and complain about niggers abusing them?

pigs are sentient animals who dont want to die, and whites are the same way
niggers are abusing the weaker races because they are more powerful, and whites are the same way

tell me, why is it wrong for niggers to abuse white people, but okay for whites to abuse pigs and cows?

>why are vegans trying to shock and reason people at the same time?
they aren't they are just posting what happens in slaughterhouses. im personally not shocked by any of these images anymore, im already used to it. if you are shocked that means you arent exposed to these images. vegans just want people to know whats going on in these cruel industries so whats why they are posting these images

if you dont like seeing these images of animals screaming for their lives before they die, why are you paying for it to happen?
>lions tho hurrrrr

so might is right? is it okay for white countries to invade and rape every single women in your country, because they are stronger?

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Only fags don’t eat meat. Are you a fag?

They taste good, fuck you.

im the biggest cucksucking turbo-fag in existence. i suck a million dicks before i get up to brush my teeth, but i brush my teeth with dicks because i love dicks so much. i love dicks and being gay and Clay Aiken and listening to kpop and painting my nails red

but now tell me, how does that invalidate my arguments? even as the biggest giga-faggot on planet earth, how is it ethical and moral to eat meat? what difference does it make how gay am i?

if i told you its wrong for john podesta to kill and fuck kids, and its wrong for jeffrey eppstein to kill and fuck teenage prostitutes, would you point out i was a gay turbo fag?

>its fun so its okay for me to do

you are literally on the same level as niggers who rape whites in south africa, and john podesta as he fucks and kills children

why is it wrong to abuse humans, but okay to do it to animals?

what specific thing about the animals makes it okay to kill them against their will, but not with humans?

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Fren, you can see this kind of shit several times a year on the news (at least in my country) and people still eat meat. So why are you still using this trick? Well maybe because:
>to remind you stupid motherfuckers of your unethical behavior. you need constantly reminders for you to understand. you forget all of this is happening if you arent repeatedly exposed to it
Or to put it in simpler term than you did:
>me better than you meat-eaters
Veganism is just another delusion of grandeur our times are so fond of.

I value my species over other species. I value my race over other races. If you are not from my tribe, I will kill you and eat you. Also, killing is not abuse; killing is killing. You've probably never killed a human either, so I wouldn't expect you to understand.

(OP) #

Ok, i wasn't going to post online about this, but i cant bite my tounge anymore.

I have a close relative currently dying in the hospital. He has been eating vegan for many many years, as well as other extreme restriction diets...

..his weight and physique resembles Jobs/Dorsey and has for a few years... he has had a string of health issue in the last few years. He has battled shingles, an autoimmune disease, and now the doctors have found cancer. His body isn't even trying to fight back.

The hospital he is at currently cant even decide which battle to fight first. They're treating the cancer, but suddently his lungs are filled up with blood and they want to transfer him to a specialist who may be able to help.. but they cant because of the blood in the lungs.

I live a couple hours away, so i haven't gotten to go visit yet. But im worried I'll be heading that direction for a funeral before i make it through the work week.

idk what to do, there's really nothing i can do but support my family ... but just why the FUCK does the brainwashing propaganda behind veganism and extreme restriction diets have to be so strong? They are killing people.

Your post is killing people.

Fuck you

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Children don't exist in this world to satisfy the Podestas of the world. Pigs and cows exist solely because we breed them for food.

Do you want cows, chickens, and pigs to go extinct, user? They would, because they'd simply become a massive nuisance to people as wild animals. Right now, we hunt wild hogs for sport and food, and so they exist in the wild. Take that away, and all they do is eat your precious vegetables. They'd have to be culled to non-existence to support your lifestyle of eating soi.

Why do Vegans need shock tactics to argue their point? Here is some eye candy, to cleanse, and here are some great meat recipes. Maybe op should present something like Vegan recipes?

Here are some great meat recipes:

I'll start with:

beef stew:with Jamie Oliver. (my favorite when sick with flu/cold).

Baby Back Ribs: with the texas guy. (gonna try this soon)

NY Strip Steak: Gordon Ramsey (our cook)

HOw to Make a SHake SHack Burger:

Grindr your own Burger!

Bon Apatite.

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I just like meat, you can't debate me.

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You should see what they do to babies in the womb bruh

>Children don't exist in this world to satisfy the Podestas of the world
IN YOUR OPINION. thats a subjective statement. in john podesta's opinion those children exist for him to fuck. your statement is just your opinion

>Pigs and cows exist solely because we breed them for food
maybe the reason why they've been bred into existence was to be killed for your food, but for the pig's point of view it doesnt want to die for your food. it has its own will to live, it doesnt see itself as bacon and porkchops. in the same way that those kids dont see themselves as a sextoy for podesta, the pigs dont see themselves as your food

and if we breed anything into existence, does that make it okay for us to abuse it as much as we want?

if we breed kids into existence for us to fuck and kill, would that make it okay? would that make what john podesta does okay, just as long as he breeds the kids himself instead of kidnapping them?

>Do you want cows, chickens, and pigs to go extinct, user?
yes. veganism is anti-natalism to animals. these animals shouldn't exist, and they are genetically engineered freaks of nature that wouldn't survive in the wild. they shouldn't exist in the first place

>Take that away, and all they do is eat your precious vegetables
i support killing any animal who tries to eat your vegetables. if you dont kill the animal then it will eat all of your food. i always strongly supported killing animals who invade on your property and steal things, in the same way that i support shooting and killing niggers who do home invasions

i understand you enjoy it, but how does that make it okay to kill animals who dont want to die? if i enjoyed killing and raping childred who didnt want to die, would that be okay?

why is it okay to kill animals who dont want to die, but not humans? what makes humans special?

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Do you tell lions to not kill a zebra?

Maybe because my country's meat industry has ethical standards and posting shit from turkistan or whatever other 3rd world shithold where they slit the pig's throat violently while it squeals and thrashes does nothing but undermine your own case.

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> please logically explain why you eat meat.
it's tasty

vegan food can be very tasty as well. you dont have to eat animal products to have a tasty diet

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>please logically explain why you eat meat.
Coz its logical. Please explain why you dont, that dosnt make any sense. Except if you arent a human after all.

Quads of truth.

You think it's phenomenal because your head is caved in. Animals are not equal to humans. They have no rights beyond what the owner think's is acceptable or what is considered "humane". Nobody cares about animals getting killed beyond attachment to their own pets and projecting abuse from one dog onto their own. Even then some don't especially care beyond their pet itself. What makes Vegans upset? Projecting everything onto anything as some sort of equally unequivocal nonsense like your shitty collapsed-skull metaphor.

So choose:
>It's hypocritical for """whites""" to complain about being abused by """animals""" when we have some domesticated for food production
>Niggers aren't human, so complaining about them acting like animals is hypocritical when humans domesticate animals as food
>Ergo we should domesticate niggers as a food source
>But that's still a domesticated animal as a food source, ergo bad
>Niggers still act like niggers
>Niggers rape your family, shoot your pets, steal everything they can, and beat you to the brink of death
>But hey you got a lefty "I'm morally superior!" feeling as
>Nothing actually achieved beyond a purely moral argument that nobody cares about
>Niggers are human
>Your metaphor is dead
>Cry about meat some more

Vegans are literally more evolved. You can also btfo kikes by bringing up the animal Holocaust. The only reason pol isn't vegan is because most here are mutts.

>Please explain why you dont, that dosnt make any sense

because when you pay for meat you support animals being enslaved, tortured and killed against their will. they suffer tremendously as a result of your tastebuds, and its immoral and horrific how we treat and enslave these animals. vegans are trying to reduce animal suffering, its immoral to abuse animals, and its immoral to eat meat

>Except if you arent a human after all.

oh, and heres proof animals are sentient

would you eat dogs?
would you eat chimpanzees?
would you eat gorillas?
would you eat niggers?
would you eat humans

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we're going to need a sauce on that broski
No, because they're conscious. Livestock isn't. Thanks for arguing against yourself.

I enjoy meat, I get cravings for it. I don’t give a shit about your propaganda, “vegans live longest!” We’ll is it purely down to veganism or because that small group of people are already likely on various health fads and tend to be more active than the much wider pool of meat eaters?

You have no idea how nature works and you have a deeply rooted hate for humans. Consider killing yourself.

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>please logically explain why you eat meat.
I like tasting something that was killed by human hands.

I eat venison and game year round. I think going back to pre industrial agriculture would be beneficial healthwise and be better for the environment. That includes livestock consumption. There is nothing wrong with eating meat, but the means of producing and slaughtering critters on the scale we are now with our consumer culture being what it is makes people take for granted the sheer amount of resources that get wasted. The industrial revolution was a mistake, not eating meat. Veganism cannot exist without industrialization. Your movement is a symptom of a larger problem.

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>Muh cravings
>Muh dick

god gave us animals to eat

I’ll eat what I want to fucking eat you vegan nigga if I want steak I’ll fucking cook a steak hang yourself

Also you said would you eat a nigga the answer is yes

I would eat you no problem.

>t. Foodcuck

I’ll fucking rip your niggery ears off and eat them

I bet this clown is pro-abortion.

Human rights are degeneracy
Animal rights are a decay spread by this degeneracy

I understand your point, but every Vegan I know is an aposematic cranky person, yelling and always telling everyone they are Vegan. Probably because they are hungry for a nice Shake Shack Burger! Also, your videos choices probably produce more co2 then my choices. The first one, has 7 plastic trays and 7 plastic covers, that are tossed away when the food is consumed. The others: plastic and non stick cooking and finally the last one, was a restaurant review. Nothing on how to try vegan at home.

Maybe find a male Vegan food youtuber? Since women tend to stand in front of the object they are trying to present because women are the object.

The good thing is that we live in a big world, and you can have your diet, I'll have mine. Its all good, since I love vegetables too! (not soi though). Hear that sizzle in my videos choices? That called the Maillard reaction. Shit, I hankering for some baby back ribs! Gonna, go to pick up some ribs tomorrow!

Take care op!

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Vegan meat would get you sick

Life is suffering, death is a mercy. The evil is not in the murder and consumption of the animal but in the giving off life in the first instance only to doom the creature to mortality. To give life is an immeasurably selfish act.

I know, still its for the morality POV of the canadian.

1. Because I will literally die from anemia. I've tried eating the veggies and lentils and it's not enough. I eat an entire brocolli, including the stem, every day. I have cans of beans. It's NOT ENOUGH IRON. I need to eat meat.
2. Other animals eat meat all the time. Nature doesn't give a fuck. If a wolf or coyote can eat a deer while it's still alive I can eat a pig or cow that has been killed quickly.
3. OP is a hypocrite who gobbles cock meat all day.

Sage'd and reported

Stop abusing plants. They want to live and they're sick and tired of being brutally murdered for the pleasure of mentally-ill homosexuals.

Vegan diets require many more deaths of animals with the required fields needed to grow crops. Insects, rodents, and other animals are routinely slaughtered in far greater numbers than what it would require to kill a cow or a pig for the same amount of food.

i gotchu brev

also livestock is concious you fucking retard i gave you scientific links showing animal conciousness. christ

we dont live in nature we live in a sanitize society with uber, tinder, internet, smartphones and computer. we arent part of nature. how are industrial farms natural?

holy fuck meat eaters are so delusional

>its bad when niggers kill whites huueeeee
>killing animals is part of nature, stupid vegan

braindead hypocrites

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>we dont live in nature
Wow you are seriously deranged.

Pigs are subhuman, they literally eat shit and trash if you leave it out for them besides regular pigs feed. The foodification of non-pigs is pretty regrettable though.

I love bacon!

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fuck off hippie faggot, you probably suck off livestock

You've been flat out destroyed several times and your vegan friends too.

because it provides me with protein, fat, amino acids and everything else i need to do my job as a labourer
you may not like it, but if you try control what i eat i will kill you.

Holy fuck the amount of salt itt

The only reason you can even afford your vegan lifestyle was thru the hard work of the previous generations. You think people in the 1800s can survive on grain and lentils alone? You think our ancestors would have developed their brains thru eating only grains and grass? No, they wouldnt be able to. We would literally be stuck in either a lower level of IQ like cows or we would have died off already due to other predators of we didnt eat meat and use every part of the animal before. Veganism is fine and all but if you think everyone should follow your teachings then you have no inkling of health. People need meat.

LOL am slow!
I just noticed "lucy d" aka lucy demon aka Lucifer.
Nice try satan!

Meat is healthier than carbs.

why am i surprised

Go away. Lab meat is about to become a thing, and au naturel meat is about to become really expensive. You've won. Now fuck off.

I think I have found a logical flaw in the argument of the vegan. Firstly, if animals don't deserve to be killed as much as a human ( as the vegan says), he posits that animals are of equal worth to humans. But if humans and animals are equal, then we must obey the same laws of nature (kill or be killed). So. We can't act like we are above the food chain if we are equal to animals, but a part of it just as the lion wats the gazelle so should we eat the pig. We can't act morally superior to animals, we are the same, acting like the protector of animals is perpetuating the superiority complex just like "the white man's burden". Please respond :)

I think I have found a logical flaw in the argument of the vegan. Firstly, if animals don't deserve to be killed as much as a human (as the vegan says), he posits that animals are of equal worth to humans. But if humans and animals are equal, then we must obey the same laws of nature (kill or be killed). So. We can't act like we are above the food chain if we are equal to animals, but a part of it just as the lion wats the gazelle so should we eat the pig. We can't act morally superior to animals, we are the same, acting like the protector of animals is perpetuating the superiority complex just like "the white man's burden". Please respond :)

Oh look it's that Canacuck vegan shill again.
The rope cannot come fast enough for you faggots.

Animals eat animals, we are animals. I'll make you faggots a deal; if I act above my primal urges to consume meat, even though it's a natural thing in nature, you must give up homosexuality, even though 'it's found naturally in nature'. I mean, your point is we should act above animals, right?

Do you support a halal ban in your country?

Leaf, you are actually retarded. Posting this thread all over again, trying to push your dumbass nigger vegan agenda.
We all know you're not eating meat just because you don't have money to.

meat tastes good and you're a fucking pussy

All your arguments are based on feelings not logic. I don't give a shit about the animals life's, if it wasn't for commercial farming then they wouldn't of even had a life in the first place.
Give me the fucking knife and I'll make my own bacon

Nobody cares about your stupid lifestyle choices, leaf. Leave this board forever, you've fucked it up enough with your constant bullshit. Animal protein is superior to plant protein, and literally every culture eats it.

its not salt, its just showcases how truly stupid the users of this board are. honestly, Jow Forums are really fucking dumb, veganism just showcases their intelligence level

if you want to see responses from smarter people, read the same thread i make on r9k, my home board. ive been browsing r9k since '08

meat causes cancer and diabetes and heart disease

>he posits that animals are of equal worth to humans
i never said that, i just said that we shouldnt be killing animals when we dont need to. we can survive perfectly with on a vegan diet, even if we need to take suplements for 50 nutrients, or 500 nutrients. ill suck your dick for your precious nutrients GIVE ME YOUR PENIS

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>so might is right? is it okay for white countries to invade and rape every single women in your country, because they are stronger?

Yes, that is how the world works

the weak should fear the strong

Bioavailable nutrients
Fat soluble vitamins
Saturated fat
It's cheap
A carnivore diet doesn't need supplements, meanwhile vegans only survive because of them, meaning a meat rich diet should be the norm for optimal health
My stomach acid isn't 1.5 to digest lettuce
Vegetables and fruits have antinutrients whoch hinders vitamin absorbtion and caused autoimmune disease in succeptable individuals
B12 supplements only raise some types of blood level tests but don't cure tissue deficiency, same could be with any synthetic vitamin
Locally produced pasture raised meat is better for the environment than globalism, your avocado from mexico isn't exactly good for the earth, neither is the wheat used to make your bread
Stay mad, vegan cunt, I eat little shits like you for breakfast after having destroyed vegans in Jow Forums for years

Also, read nutrition and physical degeneration by weston price, you'll see how your kids, or even you, will look like, that is, if you don't just give up like almost all vegan pricks

Want to know a funny fact? Low cholesterol is linked to violent behavior, which explains vegans

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An intelligent african man, I bet you had a diet rich in animal products just like your ancestors

What a farce of a statistic. You know, i know, everyone knows that people with 0 fucking ability of holding back when eating and thus balooning to giant proportions will have an insanely high risk of diabetes, and those will always be chucked under meat eaters.

Hmmm i wonder, did Joe get diabetes because he eats meat, or did he get it because he weighs 200 kg and never exercised in his life.

Also good luck living on your all natural vegan diet without a single suplement, especially if you are a child. Fuck off with your emotionally driven arguments.

>please logically explain why you eat meat.
i eat meat because it tastes good.

Sounds like 'Murica!

I’m fine with watching it. I kill and eat my food all the time. Who are you to argue with millions of heads of evolution?

You only have to google veganism nutrition studies to find many cited papers that state a badly planned vegan diet lacks vital nutrients and is a considerable risk to young & old people.

>oh noes! you wouldn't be able to watch the process.
wanna bet?

>immediately jumping to reliance on cruel centralized infrastructure to provide for you or not at all instead of hunting/fishing

leftist logic

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Its not Rational to Exclude the only source of Complete Amino Acids as well as Animals Fats which are Strongly Correlated with OPTIMUM Strength and HEALTH from Your Food Sources.

many studies have been done
linking veganism to mental illness
it's dangerous to both the gut flora and chemical balance of the body

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It is if you are suicidal. :D

This as well. Veganism isnt even close to being natural. Going into the woods and strictly eating plants, you wouldn't last long. You could start a subsistence farm, but without animals or industrial products, your farm isnt going to do so hot. Vegans never take into account that their food is delivered to them via land, air, and sea cargo. Even when their avocados say 'product of Mexico' it doesnt occur to them the amount of products, fuel and labor that went into producing those avocadoes.

Bingo !

>meat causes cancer and diabetes and heart disease
You think you're so smart but you can't even read a fucking study, association is never causation you moronic retarded nigger, and a relative risk below 2 clearly isn't shit