Special Relativity is a JEWISH SCAM

Albert Einstein a known jew develops a theory, demanding humanity not go faster then the speed of light? Sounds like Einstein and the jews are conspiring to hold humanity back by preventing faster then light travel.

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we cant trust modern physics it was created by JEWS

Light is illumination lol. It's not like the speed of photons fucking WARPS the material universe. Get the fuck outa here with that kike retardation. Just build a kick ass engine that wizzes a ship past the photons. Sure, it might be dark or whatever, but it wont tear apart the fabric of reality. Einsteins kike science is the most retarded shit ever.

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Dafuq is even happening itt?

jewish physics

It's one of those threads where you pretend to be retarded just because it's funny. Hopefully no one takes anything written here seriously.


Speed of thought is the boundary

no u

I get yelled at every time I do that. Are you sure it's safe?

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Search Kay Greggs. Einstein was in a faggot network, sort of like the scientists in Epstein's ring (Nowak, Pinker, Knaussr, Dawkins etc) , Einstein was in previous sex rings.

They use corrupt scientists and get them to pollute science.


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not all of it.
einstein was fraud though

Guys can we stick to the stuff about Jewish people control a disproportionate amount of banks, the media and industry in general?

This "physics is fake" stuff is retarded.

There's a way of doing it which is innocuous in a sense that it sounds pretty much like something a dumb uneducated amerilard would say, and still stupid enough so that every nonretarded person can see it's just playing pretend.

"Everything is relative"... as if every retard who was an artist, architect, chemist, physicist, had eyes etc. wasn't aware that the world can be regarded that way.

Everything can also, correctly be regarded as a single, non-relative fact.

His famous theorem was invented and furthered by a french guy who worked at the same university as einstien before he came to the US and introduced it to america. Was originally used in thermodynamic context if I recall.

There are two postulates of special relativity:
-The speed of light is the same in every inertial frame of reference
-The laws of physics are identical in every inertial frame of reference
The theory arose from electromagnetism, more precisely after people noticed that Maxwell's equations were not invariant to something called Galilean transformations, which is sort of a way of describing how equations of motions are affected by switching reference frames.
That would mean that the quantities we measure in electrodynamics, such as field strength or voltage, could depend on our reference frame, so a guy in one location could measure one voltage produced by a certain setup, and a different guy would get different measurements using the exact same setup just because he was located somewhere else or was moving at a certain way relative to the first guy.

Special Relitivity is a JEWISH SCAM meant to provide interstellar travel.

Have the jews already made contact with aliens? If so why do they not want us to?

How does a physics theory prevent anything? If it's wrong you can try to travel faster than the speed of light.

I still hope one day someone will figure out how to make shit travel FTL, and when interviewed for the incredible discover he will just shout "fuck jew science!!".
A man can dream.

>modern physics
Einstein wasn't a modern physic.

Yeah seriously this timeline is a bit boring, at least it was so far. No aliens, no catgirls, the powerful elite are just greedy assholes and not some baby-eating mutants. Welp

Was he accused of rape, or did he rape?


Traveling to other star systems is possible according to the theories of relativity because of time dilation. It's just a one way trip. All your family on earth will be dead by the time you get to your destination.

Ok the jews win i will shill for them now. What value are you of a human being if you are this retarded. I studied general relativety its proven via mathematics. You can argue against it. It was not a theory in a literal sense i.e. theory of gravity. Theory means theorem in science. General relativety is used in GPS optimisation which is what i work with. It has many other practical applications. You kids are actually sadistically retarded and make me want to do what george soros did and sell your hiding locations over to the bolshevik death squad for my own profit.

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I'm pretty sure OP is just fucking with you, he isn't serious. Calm your tits dude.

If you have mass you can forget about it. however, if we discover how to bend space, (and i say we because it will probably be a jew) we could effectively travel lightyears in seconds without traveling FTL

i have to stop larping for a second there m8 because thats not entirely correct. its proven empirically.
a mathematical proof can show a theorem holds under a specified set of axioms and a proof system (that is to say, they are assumptions) but it cannot prove that a theorem (or a group of them, an abstraction) describes reality. this is the fundamental difference between sciences and mathematics. the mathematics assert that under the postulates so-and-so equations arise, and by empirically testing their ability to predict phenomena we make a decision (read: a choice) to assign it the notion of "true" if it describes reality as well as we can at that point.

the JEWS dont want us to travel faster then light

they want to prevent humans from expanding, because the jews hate mankind

Stand up to Jewish Science. Dont buy into Special Relativity or any other jew bull shit.

Nah i changed my mind let me just call you all mutts and snowniggers. If we have any hope its me as commender and head of psychological warfare and false flags and you as pawns.

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axioms are jewish propagadana, deductive reasoning is a jewish construct

Aryans use purely inductive reasoning

empirical assumptions then tensor calculus.

Kant's philosophy was the biggest detriment to humanity and reason. You can thank him for post-modernism

yeah that works

Pretty much this, physicists (and other scientists) never really "prove" anything, they just show the model fitting a set of data to a certain degree precision. Nothing of the sort is ever done in mathematics. Physics is utilitarian in that regard.

clearly guided by logic n reason

the issue here is that JEWS are destroying physics

Einstein and his JEW buddies are holding humanity back

Einsteins way of proving information cant travel faster than the sped of light is retarded. His reasoning for it was that all observers must have same causality,which is stupid. There is no reason causality has to be observed by every observer and the idea is based on light being fastest transmitter of information.
TLDR information cant go faster than the speed of light because that is the fastest way we know information transmits.
With great disgust towards einstein, from a theoretical physicist.

how can we trust society when all the "advances" are being made by Jews? everywhere you look JEW SCIENCE and then JEW MONEY and JEW POLITICS

>With great disgust towards einstein, from a theoretical physicist.
What's your field? Share some results with us.

Just a 2nd year theoretical physics student, with a focus on particle physics.

Then you're not really a theoretical physicist yet, just a student.
Also, I'm almost impressed with how you guys manage to churn out results in particle physics without any understanding of the mathematics. I have a couple of friends who are on their way to getting a phd in particle physics, and who spend their days working with lie groups and their representations, and yet none on them know what a manifold is. To them a lie group is a "group with elements which depend on continuous parameters". How they manage to do their work is beyond me.


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>Analysis and Manifolds is mostly ELITEIST jew math, for people who like to talk down to others and think everything can be worked out with commaitive diagrams.
Dude you're thinking of algebraic topologists, and those h*mological algebra fags.
Fuck those nerds they can suck my terminal object.

Einstein was commissioned to come up with some kind of explanation as to why the Michaelson-Morley experiment failed to provide the desired outcome. So rather than re-examining a portion of physics that no longer could stand on its own, they had Einstein flop out his made up, fairy tale known as special relativity.

You guys had to use like half the resources of Africa to build a tube the size of three countries to get a couple single particles to travel nearly light speed. Good luck lol

it doesnt matter if you have had friends who were JEWS it doesnt matter if JEWS have made contributions to science, it doesnt matter if JEWS have advocated for your particular ideology

what matters is the jewish conspiracy to keep gamers like me down

I'm pretty sure he didn't DEMAND that but rather state that it's physically impossible.

im the op

FTL isn't as reasonable as simply extending the human lifespan through genetic engineering, it doesn't matter in the context of interstellar travel. the former is a pipe dream, the latter is inevitable. china is already working on it. we were held back when villains won the second world war, but we will be forced to compete when china begins artificially gestating ubermen with immunity to cardiovascular disease and cancer. a thirty light year trip matters a lot less when you live for thousands of years.

fact is we cant trust JEWS in physics

JEWS have been known to scam

Why are jews so based when it comes to scientific advancement?

do not trust the JEW science

They get all the scholarships and grants.

All of you are retarded. Relativity was derived from Maxwell's equations because the speed of light was a constant in the formulae. Everyone was autisticly screeching because how can something have a constant speed, if speed depends on the observer. Later the Michelson experiment proved light was constant regardless of the speed of an observer. Einstein made sense of this in the theory of relativity. Not being able to go faster than the speed of light is a logical consequence of light having to be the same speed for every observer.

>needing a scholarship to attend uni

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Nothing buy earth sciences is legit at all.

>The speed of light is the same in every inertial frame of reference
It varies. Case closed.

Actually Einstein is a white guy. Jews are white, remember my fellow whites?

It varies only with the refractive index of a medium. If you want to be totally precise you could say that
-The speed of light in vacuum is the same in every inertial frame of reference.

Good summary.

Special Relativity is JEW SCIENCE and it CAN NOT be trusted

>muh vacuum
What about the ether?

>What about the ether?
What about it?

There is no such thing as a vacuum. The get close, but no full on vacuum.
And also it's irrelevant because they don't exist in nature.
Of course in a very controlled environment, things act the same over and over with no change. That's basically like not knowing anything.
Extremely basic physics that has nothing to do with all the extrapolation that's placed on the fact.

>And also it's irrelevant because they don't exist in nature.
Interplanetary space is pretty much vacuum with nearly zero concentration of particles.
>Of course in a very controlled environment, things act the same over and over with no change. That's basically like not knowing anything.
Extremely basic physics that has nothing to do with all the extrapolation that's placed on the fact.
I'm not even sure you yourself know what's written here.
Vacuum isn't space literally devoid of everything, and it too posses a structure given to it by the presence of various quantum fields. This has been observed and the properties of the fields have been partially explained already.

>nearly zero concentration of particles.
No. It's an ocean, and when you account for the distances, there is significant amount of material between us and anything. You can't just fly through space, you will create drag, and you will be penetrated by very fast small rocks and such. Also, gas all over.

Now a vacuum in physics just means less concentrated than the atmosphere, right? So light doesn't actually behave the same in every "vacuum" as vacuums themselves can vary wildly.
I was using "vacuum" as how people generally think about it, nothing there. I'm actually reading the history of vacuum tubes now by coincidence.

>Vacuum isn't space literally devoid of everything, and it too posses a structure given to it by the presence of various quantum fields. This has been observed and the properties of the fields have been partially explained already.
The ether is these "various quantum fields" you are talking about. Except, I would nitpick on what "quantum" even means at this point. There is an magneto-electric either that has been discarded in the mainstream, but I doubt it's been discarded at the top.

kek ether

The concentration of particles in space is on the order of 1particle/m^3 which is hardly much, given that a single particle in a region of space whose volume is about 10^(-5) m^3 can be considered isolated if it's alone in that space, i.e. it is unaffected by other particles present around it. So yeah space is pretty much a vacuum.

understand that it doesn't really matter in the sense that, the abstractions "work as advertised". there is no "true" abstraction, just a better one under certain circumstances.

Try flying through it at near light speed and see what happens.
Would you call an ocean a vacuum? If you are REALLY small it might appear so as you traveled through it. Lots of nothing.

I agree entirely. I was a math whiz as a child and literally traveled around in math competitions. I would tell the brainlets over and over my whole life that just because numbers add up...that doesn't really mean anything.

Something being nearly completely devoid of particles is a local property, so it's not defined in the case where you move through space.

Nukes are fake and gay too.
jewish fear hoax.
hollywood propaganda

>not defined
>local property
For all practical purposes...

wait i thought this was general relativety. my bad theres no tensor calculus in the easy basic special theorem