This is totally unheard of in Europe but seems to be a thing in the US
How does it work? Was anyone here homeschooled?
This is totally unheard of in Europe but seems to be a thing in the US
How does it work? Was anyone here homeschooled?
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>How does it work?
Well I'm just guessing here, but the person is probably schooled at home
I was for a few years due to illness
not totally unheard of in finland just very uncommon due to the traditionally good public education system
although due to its recent failings a fair bit of people are starting to elect for homeschooling but its mainstay here is still kids too sick for school/live too far away from school but that's going to change
same has been happening across the EU, which is why it was banned in some EU countries
dont think there are any plans to ban it here and if i remember right laws for making private (non-profit/community purposed) schools were loosened too some years ago
>he thinks people who are homeschooled go to school at home
Never gonna make it
we homeschooled for a while. generally a good thing, most schools are corrupted
What do you teach them though
Just whatever you want or do you have to follow a cirriculum
I only met one homeschooled person in my life while working at NZ. He knew nothing about "fitting in a group" and was really shy. Me and my coworkers automatically softened our voice when talking to him like he needed special care. Maybe this is a separate case or he was born with that kind of personality. But this encounter gave me a bad impression of "homeschooling". Then again, some people end up like that even after attending normal school so I don't really know.
It creates uneducated, unemployable religious loons.
I was homeschooled a while and it is like standard schooling. You have the same classes and follow a curriculum. In the 90s most of the home schooling I did was straight from a book or a vhs tape for some things. In the 00s it was more computer based. There is a meme that homeschooled kids are social rejects but put the kid in some extracurricular activity and they will turn out fine.
How's life where you are?
>how does it work
Children learn easily on their own. The world is their learning environment. You literally take them to the store and tell them prices and what stuff is and they learn it like that.
Modern "education" is just a way to create morons for slave labor.
There's nothing wrong with homeschooling per se. The problem, specially in the US, is religious parents teach their children completely ignorant and unscientific things. I remember a thread here where an user posted pics of a book for homeschooled children and it had shit like "humans lived alongside dinosaurs" and so on.
If parents are smart, they let the kids do the standardized tests that gives their children actual credentials. Some tend to excel, specially when compared with (((public))) school children.
If you homeschool your kids, make sure they have an activity where they interact and bond with other kids: sports, martial arts, etc. but always veto for leftist bullshit. Scouts are really bad news nowadays, for instance.
If you are the only people they interact with they end up naive and socially retarded. Females get taken advantage of by smooth talkers and boys get robbed easily and don't learn stand their ground.
It's illegal to be gay and he gets beheaded if he criticizes the king. It's considered the happiest country in the world, according to the Happiness Index. Probably a proxy, though.
>where an user posted pics of a book for homeschooled children
Imagine taking this at face value.
Like man and woman? Yes. I agree. The government is SO MUCH more scientific than home school parents.
I was gonna reply but then I looked at your flag. If the "humans lived alongside dinosaurs" didn't clue you in to what I mean by unscientific you're a lost cause.
I was homeschooled for a couple years, charter school a couple years, public school a couple years. Homeschool is good if the parents are smart and not overly weird. Weird parents make weird children and society hates weird. Regular classrooms socialize people better but also socialize them into socialists. It's a tradeoff. Have smart parents though, and they are 100x better than any classtrash teacher.
One of my sisters was homeschooled for several years because of illness as well. From what I've understood, it's extremely easy to get permission for homeschooling for whatever reason, but people indeed just don't do it.
I only home school in high school. I learned more outside of school than I ever did in school. I wish I'd done it sooner.
No my homeschooled cousins are just like that, soft and naive. They all work in a family business though so I guess it doesn't matter to them that much.
did it one year between private school and public school. killed 5th grade in 4 months. shortest school days and longest summer break ever.
Any homeschooled brat comes out an uneducated tard. Only hillbillies do that shit.
I meant that someone was baiting you and you bought it. You have basically bought the entire story.
Homeschoolers and home school parents are far more scientific than regular school kids and parents. It's not even close.
You have basically just bought into propaganda.
Dont know about USA or ROI, but in Burglarland you need to pretend to be follow a cirriculum, as there are exams which officialy exist to proove you are teaching your kid shit and not neglecting it. If your kid fails, you pay a fine and potentialy lose custody in favour of the state. Its easier to send kids to a rural as fuck school, where nobody cares if it attends classes, and still recieve decent grades.
>first 7 years are only for attending a """decent""" highschool
>the following 5 years matter only on the very last day and thats it
>rural schools where A's are handed for free have an advantage over those giving realistic grades
>all universities are half empty so the kid is guaranteed to exit the system with a bachelors degree
TL:DR dont fight the system, exploit it
lol ok... there are no christian parents teaching their kids humans lived alongside dinosaurs. the creation museum is a lie...
>being this retarded
Home schooling my three kids
Fuck public schooling
Fuck the DoE
Fuck the niggers who ruined once great schools
>no christian parents
Maybe like three user. But you are using that as a guide?
Literally standard "science" in schools these days is that are more than two genders.
So compare an entire system of bullshit vs a few whackos...
My wife is a doctor and four of the 30 kids in her class were homeschooled. FAR above population representation.
You are brainwashed and your children will suffer in government schools because of it. Although...having you as a teacher might not be much of an improvement.
The most important lesson kids learn at school that homeschooled kids never learn is how to be a bastard.
And this cripples them for life around people who DO know how to be a bastard.
It's every mother's dream to raise a son who's kind and gentle and nice and docile. That sounds great but this whole world is full of bastards that chew somebody like that up and spit them out.
Homeschooled kids never learn how to be a bastard or how to deal with a world full of bastards. They're only fit to hang out with Mommy forever.
>they are hillbillyies
Average homeschool kid is smarter than the average normieschool kid. Honestly the thinking the earth is only 6000 years old thing probably has 0 impact on most peoples daily lives. You know this is true because if it did impact their lives they would probably stop thinking it.
I think this will only happen if there never is a father at home but if there is just enroll your kid at a martial arts class and let him slaughter a chicken or some other farm animal for food.
That should keep him from becoming docile and naive.
Home schooled kids should go to work with their self employed father. I was not home schooled, but grew up and spent all summer around my father's "rough" employees. Great life lessons the sheltered kids in school never get.
Rather my children learn that humans lived alongside dinisaurs than have them turn into some worthless leftist feminist degenerate
>This is totally unheard of in Europe
Because we're taxed so hard that the idea of a parent having the time to school their child is unrealistic. It's not illegal nor is it "totally unheard of".
It's illegal in Germany
Truly? You guys are really committed to the whole indoctrination thing if that is the case.
I homeschooled both my children until recently, untill they were 9 and 12. It is against the law here but we did it anyway. It's probably the best decision we ever made. Now they go to a regular school, but they lol at any feminist or pro refugee bullshit they throw at them. They just hide their power level there and then we mock the whole thing at the dinner table.
I taught them math, reading and writting, english as a 2nd language and of course history, real history. Since we were doing it illegally I didn't have to follow any curriculum and just did what I thought reasonable and necessary. Without exaggerating I can tell you 1 hour of HS yields way more than 10 hours of regular school.
Too bad you didn't teach them not to be a memeflagging fuck.
A trend is beginning where homeschooled children are multiple grades ahead of their public school peers in numeracy and literacy.
It’s illegal in Sweden
How could they not be? Just living in the world is very educational. Sitting in a sterile room with a stranger telling you things is not.
>religious parents teach their children completely ignorant and unscientific things
as apposed to the state teaching children completely ignorant and unscientific things?
>Sweden and Germany
Who would have thought it to be those exact nations? I'm starting to think it might be illegal in the UK as well, going by this trend.
A kid joined our school temporarily who was home schooled.
One of his parents was a professor of physics and the other was an economics professor or something.
He dropped out because he couldnt take the banter of school life. And we were the pussy academically selective school for nerds.
Sounds like an autist.
Its a chicken and egg situation.
Did his weird upbringing cause his autism or did the autism necessitate the weird upbringing?
I wonder if hes a top scientist by now or if hes living on the streets shouting nonsense at passers by?
my brother was home schooled
he went to high for his jr, sr years so he could be with this friends. he was so far ahead of what they were teaching the pretty much told him "uh, go do what you want" so he trained for the track team all day
public schools teach to the retards. everyone else gets left twiddling their thumbs waiting for the tards to catch up
Autism can be strengthened or largely eliminated with the wrong or right upbringing, but it has to be there in the first place for it to manifest.
Highly educated women usually give birth past 30, and by that age the risk of autistic offspring is already quite high.
Women's education were a mistake.
Well technically not, because it's not the education that's the problem, it's the fact that they're expected to work a job afterwards and not have a child during neither school nor the first years of their job.
Academics should be the smarter class, but they are not safe from indoctrination, trends, bad culture or groupthink, despite them thinking they are.
Not that the working class isn't equally arrogant. The solution is fixing or removing bad people, not class war.
Homeschooling is antisemitic
>It's illegal in Germany
here might as well be ilegal, its basically impossible unless you are an adult that wants to get a highschool diploma only then you are allowed to give an official test...
I'm jelous of the US , they have a lot of very interesting things going on in pro of the individual endevour.
Cyber schooling is a thing in the US. I've met a few people who have done it. The "socially awkward" thing is a myth perpetrated by kikes who want to keep kids brainwashed in the public school system. Kids do most of their socializing outside of school and in extracurricular activities etc.
>Society: you need to send your kids to school to be socialized
>Teachers: stop talking, you're not here to socialize
i know homeschooled kids at an FSSP (traditional catholic) parish in Canada.
Very well brought up and social kids, and free from the rampant hedonism and degeneracy of public canadian high schools
From what I know certain people in the parish teach certain subjects, ex. one older woman teaches french to all the homeschooled kids in the parish
Pro: No State sponsored indoctrination.
Con: Child becomes socially retarded
>How does it work? Was anyone here homeschooled?
I was home schooled from Kindergarten through High School. I've never sat in a class room in my life.
You are schooled at home, rather than at a government school or private school.
Counter argument: kids who go to public schools are socially retarded and generally dysfunctional. In the adult world, homeschooled kids thrive.
My cousin is homeschooling his kid and I would homeschool mine. His wife used to be a teacher though, but they travel in the winter so...
School is propaganda and filled with niggers, honestly if you can homeschool your kid and you don't, you're lazy and doing your kid a disservice. As long as yknow, you do it right and have the kid do group homeschool activities and the like (which are common in the US). You can also join School sports even if you're homeschooled.
The way it works is that you have to take all the same standardized tests and stuff.
I homeschool my kids and these religious types are definitely in the minority, although they do exist. Still even these religious nutters do better on the standard exams than public schooled students. I guess they don't have a question about the devil leaving dinosaur bones for people to find.
This can be countered by being a bastard to your kids purposely. That way they will learn about shitty people.
>he thinks dinosaurs are real
Typical government school retard.
This is a cope.
Yeah I homeschooled my daughters, taught them sex ed in the most realistic form. Im a good father.
So is denying the holohoax, owning an unlicensed gun and not bending over and spreading the buttcheeks wide enough for Mohommad.
>they travel in the winter
Even if a kid only goes to school six months a year, the fact that they can be taught a lot better when there is one teacher per [less than five] children instead of one teacher per 20+ children is a simple fact that should let them be on public school level. Of course the child's intelligence is also an important factor.
Redpilled and uncucked.
Yeah, how could a four legged animal with a tail have sex?
Oh wait.
This is true, my older son is starting College 2 years early.
It means me, with my massive 160 iq and phd, teaches my children instead of some drooling retard who managed to get a c average in the humanities.
Wrong. An authority figure being a bastard teaches a different lesson than being thrown into a huge group of peers, without knowing which ones are bastards and finding out with time that almost all of them can be.
It's a totally different lesson.
>This is a cope.
What is cope? I'm coping with what?
It varies state to state, but most have broad guidelines on topics you have to hit, but leave specifics up to the parents. For example, you have to take a literature credit, but which books are covered are left open. That sort of thing. As I understand it, more and more homeschool families are subscribing to homeschool programs, where a company or non-profit will produce a curriculum and testing materials that the family can use, or else they are getting a community of families together to distribute the workload.
This is possibly the realest statement on here. Homeschooling tends to produce very smart very nice kids that are socially retarded. Educating kids in a friendly bubble softens kids up for predators. Not everyone is going to treat your special child like you treat your special child. Personal experience, but one of the best submissive fuck toys I’ve ever had in my life was homeschooled, did all sorts if degrading shit to her just to see how far i could push her. Would have wifed her up too if her family wasn’t a bunch of insufferable cunts basically micromanaging her relationship.
>t. New York Jew
I went to church/fellowship with a hapa that was homeschooled and he seemed pretty normie, so I guess it depends.
Public school are fucking garbage. The teachers suck, the children suck, the curriculum suck.
>more violence in public schools than ever
>more niggers and spics in school than ever
>more psycho liberal brainwashing teachers in school than ever
>more women teaching than ever
>more suicides among the student bodies than ever
>more degenerate underage sex than ever
>more children getting into underage drinking and illegal drug use than ever
No fucking thank you. I would much rather have the ability to control who teaches my children, who interacts with them, what they learn, what children they meet, while also giving them a much better academic advantage through a superior education plan than to throw the dice and hope public school doesn't fuck them up. You want to know who is actually socially retarded? Degenerate public school kids and the liberal roasties who encourage them to be this way.
Public school are fucking garbage. The teachers suck, the children suck, the curriculum suck.
>more violence in public schools than ever
>more niggers and spics in school than ever
>more psycho liberal brainwashing teachers in school than ever
>more women teaching than ever
>more suicides among the student bodies than ever
>more degenerate underage sex than ever
>more children getting into underage drinking and illegal drug use than ever
No fucking thank you. I would much rather have the ability to control who teaches my children, who interacts with them, what they learn, what children they meet, while also giving them a much better academic advantage through a superior education plan than to throw the dice and hope public school doesn't fuck them up. You want to know who is actually socially retarded? Degenerate public school kids and the liberal roasties who encourage them to be this way.
I have never heard of this occurring even once in Ireland
>How does it work?
As well as you'd think. Some better, some worse.
>Child becomes socially retarded
Only if you fail as a parent by not getting the kids involved in activities outside of school like sports, camps and local clubs.
Decent people send their kids to private school. Poor people homeschool and it only works if the mom is intelligent, which she isn’t or she’d send her kids to private school.
I'm gonna leave this here for you to decide.
If u don't design ur own classical curriculum and homeschool ur kids ur just asking for them to be brainwashed by leftests degens.
Don't listen to brainlits like this. Homeschoolers on avg are better educated and score higher on standardized tests. Anecdotally I'm an engineer and my brothers are Dr. And lawyer - all homeschooled and all not faggot leftists
Anyone publicly educating their children is guilty of child abuse.
im a christian, not quite what you probably think of as a fundamentalist but by all accounts im close. i was also homeschooled and my parents did no such thing. it's anecdotal, sure, but i was also plugged into a small community of religious homeschooled kids and while they had problems they weren't loonies who think we hunted stegosaurus (although if you don't acknowledge the possibility we overlapped with some fringe extant dinosaur species at some point in natural human history you might write stuff off too easily). i don't think you're outright wrong, but the image you're conjuring of homeschoolers is more propaganda and outliers than fact.
No fags and a healthy love of King & country. Sounds like heaven on Earth if it was white. I hope life is wonderful there.
based. this is
>How does it work?
Well taterfren, let's do a quick thought experiment. Which of the following do you think would yield better results:
Option A:
>You have a small classroom of 1-4ish size where the teacher is able to give individual attention to each student, is invested in the student's well being the way only a parent can be, knows the students as only a parent can, and the student reciprocates with the love/respect/desire not to disappoint that children have for their parents.
Option B:
>A classroom of sometimes 30+ students all of whom the teacher has known for at most 9 months, and to whom he doesn't care beyond a professional interest, while having to tailor his teaching to the lowest common denominator (which in the US is likely to be a 59 IQ nigger or spic), and has his hands tied by horrendously inefficient bureaucracy and teachers' union rules. At the same time half of the students view school as a prison to keep them from doing what they want all day (like selling drugs, and the other half are bored senseless because each class is the same teach-to-the-test drivel year after year, dumbed down to be digestible by the double digit IQ retards in the class.
You study whatever you need to and take a standardized test, same as they do in schools, once a year to prove you learned something.
Then get a GED or sometimes a diploma if arranged with a school.
>Was anyone here homeschooled?
I wasn't, but I've had friends who were. It can be a bit of a mixed bag. At the "you're gonna get a shit education" end of the spectrum, you toss the kid a few books and let them study on their own, and they take a GED when they're old enough. I've had two friends who were like this, and neither of them went to college. On the other end of the spectrum, you sometimes have one stay at home mother who provides lectures, or you'll have kids enrolled in some online schooling program... really as long as you can actively get them studying instead of just fucking off and playing video games all day, they should be fine. Social skills might take a hit though, since everyone your age is going to school.
Best thing ever. Not kidding. I was able to get a general education while also focusing on the subjects I was interested in. It was a /comfy/ life with no draw backs for me. In the US there's tons of activities and groups kids can join, other than through the school system, to meet with friends and peers.
10/10, would try and do it for my own kids.
I was. You have to go to a class every other day to take a test on the shit you're supposed to learn. At least thats how it was for me.
Like they give you packets. And a text book. And each packet is worth i forget how many credits. But you have to finish a certain ammount of packets every week. Some of them are like 40 pages. And you gotta speed read fucking Fahrenheit 451. The math packets were the hardest. Thats why i went to the school i went to. Because i wanted to fucking learn shit and you cant do that in a regular overcrowded school. You cant ask the fucking math teacher for help. Hes got 40 fucking kids to babysit.
I went homeschool when i was a freshman in high school. Because i hated being around all the people. Regular school was all about socializing. Homeschooling is where you go to actually fucking learn shit.
>Social skills might take a hit though
>Implying they won't be forced to act like niggers to survive public schools
I still got all my math notes in a binder somewhere. Problems solved. With the work.
I spent most of my time in regular school staring out the window day dreaming. But i was still absorbing knowledge. I didnt do any fucking homework or classwork but i still managed to ace every fucking test.
I think it was luck. Im just really lucky. Good at making educated guesses.
Holy shit, all leftists are homeschooled then?