Have you taken the nomediapill yet?

I've stopped reading/watching the news for something like a year and a half.
First thing I noticed is that I was forgetting the names of many irrelevant people I was so fond of supporting/hating before. I now am ashamed of even paying attention to those people in the first place.
Then, as you go on, you notice the pattern of news cycle in your family/friends/coworkers: talking about non-impacting events, blown out of proportions, then rehashing the talking points your political team is supposed to have, then forget all about it. You just realize there's no difference between: "have you seen what our president did yesterday?" and "have you seen what Daenerys did yesterday?".
You understand that political argument is just a game they set the rules for and that there's no way you could win, no matter what team you're rooting for. That trying to be the living display of your ideal is all the convincing you can and should do.
And finally with all the free brain-time and energy you get from this, you start to mind about what's really important: taking care of yourself and taking care of the one you love. And that's the only good thing you can bring to this world.

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>I've stopped reading/watching the news for something like a year and a half.

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thanks for the bump

have another fren, you passed the test

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Solid points. I still believe its imporant to follow some news but not to binge watch/read the copy pasta stuff.

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thanks for giving purpose to this thread fren

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Even if you try to isolate yourself from the constant noise news outlet are making, it will invade your life one way or another. But considering it as nothing more than a nuisance gives a better understanding of how it works and its actual relevancy.


Thank yourself that you have done it b4 getting a complete mental breakdown. Now i am in shizi wonderland have to learn this again.

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>shizi wonderland
Is this a typo or are you promoting the book Shizy, Hans?

I follow the news because I day trade and their Jewish lies often backfire, which lets me make a lot of money.


>stopped reading
I get the paying attention to MSM portion. That makes sense. But reading? Lad...you never read to start with or you couldn't possibly give it up.

I meant I've stopped reading the news.

stopped watching media and reading, except keep track of the ridiculous things they reporting, on-line, since last summer
been about a year without the constant brainwashing
had no idea how nefarious the media was until stopped consuming
media truly does constantly pit groups against one another, races, sexes, countries, religions, generations, classes, politics etc.
realized it doesn't have to be this way
more and more people are turning it off, Thank God

Yes, it's just like advertisement, even if you think their tricks are beneath you, it still leaves an impact on your mind.
>more and more people are turning it off, Thank God
Really? I haven't noticed it. I've seen people telling more and more that they don't trust the newsmedia but they keep on using it as small talks subjects, which means they keep on following something they hate, which is even worse in my opinion.

Yes, the news is worthless. You are correct.
HOWEVER, I legitimately, and I think other anons here, use it as a study and a practice.
Mind control and propaganda are real. I "watch" (use loosely) the MSM and news, but the entire time I'm learning and observing what I consider to be the enemy. I slowly gain better understanding and am able to further myself and education by gauging what they want me to do vs. alternatives.
To be caught up in it like a drama though is indeed retarded.
I tell my friends that are outraged all the time that it only matters what politicians do. Their words are just theater ALWAYS.

Two questions:
-How are you sure that their mind control has no effect on you?
-What's the point of studying their doctrine?

to be more specific, their doctrine *and their ways?

I took the pill a few years ago, now I cringe every time I think about how I used to give a fuck about politics.

Never mind I misread and thought it was about taking the normiepill and stop having political opinions.
Well, stopping watching news is a good start anyways

1. I am not, but I am ever vigilant and I read a lot so I have counterbalance. Also, I counter propaganda people and have since I was a teen on local newspaper boards.

2. I have dramatically improved my life. They ALWAYS are trying to hurt you. So you see what they want, and you do the opposite. I now only eat organic, only eat local meat, filter my water of fluoride, don't watch TV, my CHILD IS NOT VACCINATED, on and on.
Some things are obvious, others are not.
Also, I have to prepare for the future they are creating, so I have to know the trends and where it's heading.
I'm already planning a move and a homestead.

>the normiepill and stop having political opinions.
I don't know about that, if it means not supporting a political party, realizing the inanity of political activism, I'm all for it, but if it means not having any kind of ideal, I'd disagree.

“If you don’t read the newspaper you’re uninformed. If you do read the newspaper, you’re misinformed.”

-Mark Twain

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Wow, thanks for this thread, I've been experimenting with this too for the past two years. No news, no podcasts(sometimes i break this if its 'high-brow' enough), no TV-shows, no "youtubers". My entertainment consists of posting on Jow Forums(idk if i should see this as unhealthy or not), lectures on history/philosophy/religion, documentaries about history/religion, and i still sin by playing a few videogames like a fucking manchild.

1. okay, I was asking this question because of 2.
2. so you are doing the complete opposite of what they tell you to do? I'm not sure that's such a good thing fren. By mirroring in opposite way (well I guess that's actually mirroring) their stances, you're actually letting them decide what your stances should be.

>complete opposite of what they tell you to do
Not exactly. It takes study and intuition. My point is that you need to know your enemy.
Being uninformed of their plans and the plans THE MASSES ARE GOBBLING UP put an user at risk in my opinion.
When the brownshirts come I want to be convincingly brainwashed for the sake of my family. kek

I share the same stage with the same distractions. A lot of room for improvement, sure, but it really changed my daily life for the better.
As Davila said:
>In an age in which the media broadcast countless pieces of foolishness, the educated man is defined not by what he knows, but by what he doesn't know.

I got your point, I was just warning you about the danger of becoming their plaything. But you are right, one must not be oblivious of the groups who have ill intent towards him, but I think studying their core beliefs and the root of those beliefs is far more efficient and less perilous than listening to their constant blabbering. It helps you create an ideal that helps deciding what's wrong and what's right. Relying on them as an inverted compass is dangerous in my opinion.

and by the root I mean historical roots.

I think that quote is so painfully true of myself, and even more when I look at my IRL friends who just gobble up superhero-movies and mass-culture. I will check out this Davila.

A great philosopher on media is Marshall McLuhan who really thought hard on how mediums actually work and how destructive yet subtle their effect can be on humans. Here's documentary made about him: youtube.com/watch?v=t1axnba_Ueg

I only watch/read the news ironically.

Sometimes it’s the best most fullfulling humor.

Thanks for the share, I'll look into it

all ive got left to get rid of is chans (which I quit for the past month or 2)
and youtube
tvs and movies are mostly unwatchable at this point
the screen beams scenes of dreams into your eye

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Dropping Drudge Report is maddeningly difficult. The most I've ever gone is 3 months. Then a happening occurs, I'll come here and then instinctively start a Drudge loop. For instance, Epstein's arrest and murder.

Drudge is underexamined here and everywhere. A gay Jewish recluse has set the temperature and talking points of Conservative discourse, literally hour by hour, for three decades. I truly think he's subversive, curating a portrait of America that is so defeated and chaotic that Boomers are hypnotized by his death spiral, and we keep refreshing like monkeys

I only get my news from leafs on Jow Forums.

you cant pretend to be anti-media if you browse here

Read the Jefferson Bible.

OP is right about this. If you don't follow the news you are uninformed but if you do you are misinformed. It's just leftist propaganda that often has no basis in reality.

I don't browse here for getting informed friend. If you use a newspaper to make paper planes, I doubt it can harm you. Although I'm well aware this place is not the most constructive way to spend my time but it's vacation time and I already finished gardening.

the real redpill is to quit browsing the internet completely

Maybe that will be my next step, it's harder though because you do have genuine content on internet. The good part is I'm not using social media so I'm not hooked to those things.

I watched tv news yesterday or something, never laughed so much.
There was a Trump story and they talked how he bad and wasn't there and same time they showed video of him there, i lost it from lolz. Mom rofled too.

I fell for the news bug 3 years ago after I gave up sportsball. Your analogy is correct: there is literally no difference between “what trump did yesterday” vs. “what Lebron did yesterday”. I’m blessed to have a family and they deserve my attention much more than anything on my computer or phone. Thankfully I have figured that out before it is too late

based romantic François, the impact we have as is visible on the individual level and is what we should focus on, bettering ourselves and our communities. Media creates a blackpilling effect, even though many things they report are outside of our control and often do not affect us.

I know what you mean, user. I've been on a similar arc for some time now.
These days, I observe the (((news))) indirectly, via the internet.
I.e., I cruise through comment sections/chans and find various links, some of which are to legacy media sites.
In this way, I stay peripherally aware of (((their))) latest narratives.
Of course, the latest is never really all that different from the previous; it's all so tiresome.
Locating video feeds and direct document sources, while more time consuming, is more useful.
It can be interesting to compare (((their))) lies with provable facts, but after the 33rd time, it loses its luster.

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Yes. When my wife and I moved two years ago, I purposefully put the TV in the basement so it was less accessible. I haven’t turned it on in six months. I don’t feel like I am missing anything. I have a no TV policy for my two year old son as well. If we are in the basement playing with his toys, the TV is off. I can’t break Jow Forums‘s grip, but with no TV and no social media, I think I am doing ok.

you are right, I think the reason so many parents fail (many boomers) is that they didn’t give 100% effort with their children and let the mass culture do the rearing for them. Then they wonder why their daughter who moved out of their house became a slut in college or why their son became a NEET. They didn’t instill their values so someone else did.

Its coz they sold our future before we were born. And thought there will be no consequences.
Debt is slavery.

I don't even own a tv. I haven't owned a tv for a decade or more. the only exposure I have to tv is if im visiting family because they all watch it. I get inwardly defensive and angry when I hear the talmudvision because I understand its an attack on my senses and mental faculties. just watch it warily like a wild animal, knowing its all lies. I get home to the solitude, silence, my books and my own thoughts and things are good again.

>I can’t break Jow Forums‘s grip
I just want off this ride, but the memes, banter, and occasional happenings are too wonderful to let go

bump. some news is useful in talking to normies. for example you can see that Tulsi is getting absolutely pushed aside in MSM. you can tell normies “how did all the non war left turn into a pro war left? Tulsi gets huge support from the people for her anti endless war message. it seems like media wants us fighting endless expensive wars.”

something like that. talk foreign policy and how we spend more than 15 next countries on military. China built 500 times the amount of rail in USA in last 10 years and we are building more bombs to genocide Muslims for Israel.

wake up the normies! end these fake wars. we demand freedom from these kid fucking globohomo banker/media/oligarchs!

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*China built 500 times amount of rail than in USA

Do I count Jow Forums as news? I don't read any other news sources and I only watch youtube videos made by cyber 8, so basically no media either.
Here is an example: