What do you guys do when the existential dread sets in
What do you guys do when the existential dread sets in
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That is reality my dude.
Don't push it away.
Let it work on you.
You are meant to respond.
go on this shitfuck of a website.
Have sex
fucking goddamn NPCs
i bet they fall asleep 15 seconds after their head touches the pillow
Lay in bed, lurk on here,snack, weep for what might have been.
I start crying when I think about what's going on too. Shit hurts.
You need Slav blood to understand the redemptive value of suffering. Let it purify you of Americanism.
Maybe we are getting two different messages then, because all it tells me is death.
This country was founded on Puritanism.
Are you a Puritan? Didn't think so.
watch a documentary about africa or the middle east... Damn... sure glad we won the geographic lottery..'murica
There's no "lottery" involved in sailing across the ocean and conquering a new land.
Do the Puritans have any influence on modern Americans?
I think that user meant our individual lottery winning having been born here. Nobody chooses where they are born. I could be wrong though.
Not that I'm aware of.
That's bs too though because you can be a millionaire or a penniless scumbag here, that's the whole point of the USA actually. Just depends on how you play it. The birthright angle that lefties play is total bs unless your parents were loaded.
then what's your point
There are few Christian sects or white ethnics who understand and would admit how and why Americanism is heresy. That's the cause of some of the suffering.
if you are looking for advice.. first things first.. are you sleeping well? gotta fix that first.. next ... stop the booze and the cannabis... both chemically depressing and debilitating... are you breaking a sweat everyday? getting exercise? Check your diet and metabolism..If you have these things in check... time to check your head
>Imagine not laying awake at night, mind unable to shut off as it ruminates on the complexities of the world and the inevitable, soul crushing dread of mediocrity, knowing that all we are and have ever done will be ultimately meaningless, yet still finding purpose in it all.
Americanism is jewish subversion. They make a point of being your heretics. But like any christcuck, you will meekly submit to them.
I mean, kind of. You can't deny that being poor in the USA is infinitely better than being poor in a non-western nation though.
You can be homeless and get a college degree for free and even get unsub and sub government student loans. Being poor is a mentality. You can always be better here.
your "crisis" is typical need for a shrink.... not a therapist either.... you need to shrink your perceived importance and role in the world... you can only change and influence your little corner of the world... so work on that...
true now but it won't be in 20 years. pathological altruism will see to our death.
typical kike mentality. try to be less obvious.
>What do you guys do when the existential dread sets in
I'm not 15 years old anymore OP.
Nothing. I've had it so many times that the hollow numbness in my chest is comforting now.
Indubitably, good user
I take my sleeping pill.
Thank fucking God for sleeping pills.
faggot ass frenchie with a useless comment, wew
Call of the void is not your friend baka
try to squeeze that mental energy into a ball and let it flow only from one point.
your hands: writing drawing ect.
your eyes: observing your surroundings ie walking in the park and just watching the light pass through the leaves of the trees.
your ears: listening and absorbing a piece of music, ideally something not electronic to allow full mental visualisation.
use your imagination; its all transformation and displacement of energy, as is everything.
Your energy is being harvested
reclaim it
improve youself a little bit everyday untill you can make bigger changes.
It is not over yet
the hard times ahead of us will make us stronger and only remind us (even those who now seem truly lost) of our own strength and desire to remain unique and beautiful.
the most important rule is never to fear death,
for any man who fears his death will sell himself and his freedom do delay it, when it is every mans destiny to die.
>slide thread meant to demoralize
>shitty OP at that
Nigger if you want to keep the dread out, be productive. What are you doing with your life? What are you working on? What are you becoming?
all right then.... go make a difference then; Brenton.. quit being a weepy fag on an anime board
Kill yourself faggot. I work hard and still this shit happens.
try to keep the fedposting to a minimum
Nice get OP, that faggot better deliver in the name of the white race and national socialism.
post big booty hispanas
Nice digits
Can't post images, some asshole using my same phone carrier got all of central america rangebanned from posting images. But you bet I'm delivering some cutie mamis.
thanks sven
fukken nice. there is a hot latina at the gas statioin near me, I wanna make mutts w her so bad. bitch always smirks at me, too.
>bitch always smirks at me
Pray she's not into dancing, well unless you know how to dance salsa or merengue. If she's mexican/central american then dogspeed senpai.
I don't know how to dance but I do know how to bust her pussy up.
play some guitar
sometimes this
I have another kid.
typical leaf deferring to a jew
work on my goals
i've been dreading and despairing all there is to dread and despair and lord knows that just getting to work is a jillion times better and not even that hard because remember, you WANT to do your goals
way to out yourself incel
come on here to shit on niggers