"Socialism doesn't work"


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universial healthcare is a social contract. not full blown socialism.
and it should only cover those who actually pay.

things like these the many paying for the few and a high trust society.
neither is possible in the USA


> Thinking healthcare is socialism.

look how the countries going in direction of USA took most niggers and you'll see its only a bit worse than other countries but later something changed.
when new doctors start doing "their" jobs in europe you'll get same results

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life expectancy=/ good healthcare. its not healthcare industrys fault americans eat gorillions of sugar per day

>look how the countries going in direction of USA took most niggers and look how USA 1970-1980 is only a bit worse than other countries but later something changed.
should be like that

It's cute when mutts compare themselves to nigger-free countries.

The worlds healthcare is dependent on US innovation.

>meanwhile US covers the defense budget and culture of the entire west.

The only time a self /thread is acceptable. this, this and this.

This is actually the only real argument you have.

Thanks for paying for the rest of us, I really appreciate it goyim

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Universal healthcare is not socialism, none of the countries in your picture are socialist.

Mutts can't figure it out tho.

>what is opioid crisys
>what is obesity
>what is gun freedom
First world problems that kill young people and skew the life expectancy statistic.

>a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

Where precisely is the means of production/distribution/exchange being seized by a revolutionary faction, and handed over to be owned by the doctors/nursers/carers as a collective? Or are you talking about all those citizens councils that decide hospital policy? Or maybe the local townhalls on who gets the donated liver between a 60 year old teetotaler, and a 25 year old casual drug user?

>tfw U.S. citizen are actually nationless, resident aliens, property of the Vatican by proxy, governed by the "Most worshipful Grandmaster" in their state
>tfw U.S. taxes are just tributes to Lieutenancies of a medieval crusader order
Feels great to be "Europoor". At least I have human rights under the law of nations.

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Nevertheless, a public healthcare is impossible in the US because healthcare professionals in the US have too high wages, the system would collapse. Unless you lower the salaries but that is really socialist.

>what is gun freedom

thats pretty much irrelevant, most gun deaths are suicides, people kill themselves regardless of guns.

Its a bit shortsighted to attribute life expectancy only to healthcare spending

>Social policy aims to improve human welfare and to meet human needs for education, health, housing and economic security. Important areas of social policy are wellbeing and welfare, poverty reduction,[17] social security, justice, unemployment insurance, living conditions, animal rights, pensions, health care, social housing, family policy, social care, child protection, social exclusion, education policy, crime and criminal justice, urban development, and labor issues.

I think we can have universal healthcare and then exterminate illegal aliens and fat fucks at the same time

>what is gun freedom
more like what are nigger rights

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skew it that much though? Come on.

kill yourself shill rat

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Burgers yell socialism whenever the state spends any money on stuff that could be sold for profit to those people by a corporation. That's why UHC is defeated as an idea and legislation is strangled. Which explains the stark difference in stats in OP pic.

reported for hatespeech, viewing oneself as superior is a capital offense

>muh 100 gorillion

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Except when there's really stark correlation.

you should read mein kampf. if it's even legal to do so in your country. the state as an economic institution is an idea that runs contrary to the selective pressures places upon the people that inhabit it. hitler was right about almost everything, and his book is as relevant today as it was when he wrote it.

this graph, if true, is the most persuasive 'racial discrimination based on science' thing i've seen yet. Usually people blame poverty and ignorance for the crime rates, then blame racist society for the poverty and ignorance being entrenched. That graph throws a lot of that shit staright out.

Must be nice to sit back and benefit from all the R&D without the costs that go along with it.

This is fake, I have lived in Chile and Switzerland for a long time.

Chile has a rotten and non-functioning universal healthcare system (Fonasa). If you want any care pay for a private insurance.

In Switzerland you are obligated to have a Private insurance, which cost at least 220 dolars per month and an Annual deductible of 2500 dolars.
So yea this is fake

>the state as an economic institution is an idea that runs contrary to the selective pressures places upon the people that inhabit it.
Yes, the state protects people from the law of the jungle, survival of the fittest because that bullshit sucks hard and people maybe build some forts or a few temples and that's it. Hitler was a half educated man who concluded (yes i've read Mein Kampf) tyhat ethics was over with, force and fraud were the guardians of power's authority.
>his book is as relevant today as it was when he wrote it.
this is true though, his ideas had a pretty good try out and were utterly discredited by the ruination and slaughter they caused. Worst part is: we could have left his ideas in that crummy boarding house and missed nothing. There's angry fringe losers writing books every day. Communism, it can be argued, was an idea that needed to be tried. Stalin threw it straight in the toilet for us because like every other big man, he had no values and cared for nothing but the upper hand.

Pretty nice to get healthcare when you country's very existence relies on the presence of a foreign military. Not to mention, what's your income tax? 30%+ total fucking bitchmode to the state. Why don't you just go get branded already, you faggot cattle?

>Chile's health care system is funded by a universal income tax deduction equal to 7% of every worker's wage. ... In the public sector, primary care services are relatively well organized, delivering free medical, dental, nursing and midwifery services at local health centres administered and owned by local municipalities.
1 second on google
Switzerland's is compulsory.

Comparing life expectancies... do you realise that the USA have much more niggers? They fuck up the stats.

This kraut right here is trying to correlate free healthcare with life expenctacy like there isn't any more factors that play a part.

The absolute degradation of german minds since ww2

Socialism works in countries which do not have over 5% African or Amerindian gene content

Indeed. Biggest cost of healthcare in the US? Heart disease and diabetes. Preventable conditions with some self regulation? Heart disease and diabetes.

They have yearly weight ins in Japan and if you are obese (BMI of 25 or higher) your employer is going to pay higher premiums.

great, now correlate it with european demographic displacement

Tbh, I never understood why Amerimutts don't have universal health care (healthcare for everyone who works and basic healthcare in emergency situations for everyone). I mean, they pay taxes, right? Just stop wasting tax money.

Problem with this argument begins with "N" and ends with "iggers"

>Venezuela, China, Cuba, DPRK, USSR, etc. are not real socialism because the workers don’t own the means of production
>universal healthcare, public libraries, postal service, and muh roads are socialism even though workers don’t own the means of production
Why do DSA shills do this?

This is pre-invasion Hans. Don’t argue your trivialities with us. Angle merkler really screwed you fags up! The future of Germany is Arab!

The issue isn’t universal healthcare. The issue is there’s no regulation. And ironically, tax payer money gets wasted on making sure pharmaceutical companies can maximize profits. It’s fucking insane. They regulated everything else in America EXCEPT this. And not only do they not regulate it, but they make sure to throw you in jail if you fuck up their profis even slightly.

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Lolocaust when?

>calling anyone a mutt when your entire country is one big mongol rape cum stain

Honestly, people live too long now days anyways. We shouldn’t strive to extend life as long as possible, but instead strive to make it as fulfilling as possible.

you get thrown in jail for an OPINION you fucking pathetic idiot

About Chile, that's true 7% of the workers wage is used in the healthcare system. About the "good quality" of primary service, you will have to show me where do you get that from. (Of course if you have a broken bone and bleeding to death, the public sector will take care of if, no doubt about it. Otherwise you will have to wait for ever)

About Switzerland, if you want to go to the specifics I can link you here : beobachter.ch/foren/questions/3059/keine-krankenkasse.html
or here
This is what happen when you don't have an insurance. It is true that it is not obligatory, but you will have hell of a problem if you get any health problem. I would say it is obligatory in the sense that "if you don't have any you are fucked". The only way you can get through this is if you are a citizen and you have severe mental issues or uncapable of taking care of yourself. In that case the municipalities work hand in hand with the social workers to help you out. But I can assure you, it's not a Universal healthcare system

Can't meme

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its only a tip of an (((iceberg)))

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>universal healthcare

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>Countries sucking off USA's teet
>all of them except USA
>Countries not sucking off USA's teet
>just USA
>Countries not listed invading USA and sucking USA's teet too
>the rest of the countries in the world

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reported for hatespeech, you did not include a #IStandWithIsrael in your post. The local CIA black site is awaiting an appointment with you.

You're are aware Universal Healthcare is not the same aa "free healthcare" and that most of those countries like Switzerland have private entities providing healthcare coverage, right Muhammad?

>"hurr durr you should be grateful to us for carrying out the work of the jews!"

No you dumb nigger, nobody is leeching off you. All these wars in the Middle East and elsewhere are purely for your own profit (to serve your jew masters).

So where is that socialism you are talking about?

>shit that never happened
ok keep using ur intel chipsets big idiot

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based boricua wow

oh trust me mutt, I would have much preferred it if the Japs kept their semiconductor and microprocessor industries instead of handing it to you through Toshiba. Mutts are a tumour to this planet. They go around creating senseless and illegal wars for their jew masters that send millions of refugees to white countries and then expect said white countries to "thank" them for the "protection". Kill yourself.

it’s almost like socialism can work in a racially homogeneous society
something like socialism, at the national level


American companies develop all of their medicine. Americans pay for it. Europoors steal tech and make generic knock-offs. US military pays for Europoors' defense, so they can keep giving out gibs to their peasants.
Now go kill yourself.

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Common social democratic policies include advocacy of universal social rights to attain universally accessible public services such as education, health care, workers' compensation and other services, including child care and care for the elderly.[448] Social democracy is connected with the trade union labour movement and supports collective bargaining rights for workers.[449] Most social democratic parties are affiliated with the Socialist International.[436]

This economic distortion totally shows that it works.

>American companies develop all of their medicine

Wrong. Rich pharma companies that make hundreds of billions of dollars are the one that develop the medicine. Americans only pay to fund whatever war Israel asks them to carry out. You literally are nothing more than a money generating source for the kikes. You defend nobody but your own self and masters.

Face it mutt, you're just jealous that you don't live in an actual first world country. A large portion of the US is shitholes that could be fixed but the US government insists on spending trillions for Israel instead. Literal modern slavery at its best.

You keep paying for sand niggers.

>free healthcare is socialism
>free education is socialism
>high taxes are socialism
>so on, so on
for a political board, the level of political knowledge here is abysmal

why are Americans so cucked?

>re aware Universal Healthcare is not the same aa "free healthcare" and that most of those countries like Switzerland have private entities providing healthcare coverage, right Muhammad?

They just don't get it or they willfully want to misinform

>posts graphs
0/10 thread qual

America has nog's shooting each other you dingus. That accounts for lower life expectancy

Are you retarded? Commies used concentration camps on their own population, while at least germans used it only on occupied territories

I don’t wanna pay for a sheboon to have more shitskin. Sorry you don’t have to live with niggers/spics.

now look up the average life expectancy of a white person in America and compare it to other european countries instead of using the average

the fact that niggers commit a lot of crime and therefore die early isn't proof the US healthcare system sucks

Yes it is.

The kulaks deserved it

Nigger we're mandated by law to have insurance and poor people get subsidies to pay for it, it's pretty damn close to single payer healthcare. You're just splitting hairs you stinking burgerboo.

>life expectancy at birth is an indicator of the quality of healthcare and not the quality of lifestyles
The cause isnt a lack of universal healthcare. We have the best widely available treatment/recuperative care in the world for a number of diseases. The problem is America is obese, disease ridden, diverse, and utterly dependent on motor transport.

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Niggers are proof the healthcare system sucks? I don’t want to pay for their fried chicken and purple drink diet that leads to a heart attack at 42. So go shove a maple tree up your ass and let’s blame your health system






Sage this nigger

everyone should pay their own healthcare and the healthcare should not be overpriced at the same time

I refuse to pay for someone who is destroying his own health willingly, live his life recklessly and then we all have to pay for his medical treatment

So raping your wallet for research grants, with that public information used for private profit, that you have to pay for as well, while other countries benefit from that advancement. Even the Israeli's don't jew as hard as Americans do to other Americans.

Japan isn't really universal in the sense that if you're not employed, you still have to pay for it yourself monthly, and it's like $150 usd/mo. Their tax system is also completely different, where for example, you have to pay taxes on top of that solely just by living in an area.

Also, it's not like everything's free. Normal people have to pay what's called a "3-wari futan" which means you have to pay 30% of all expenses. Ambulances still cost $100 usd per incident. There are monthly caps on how much one is required to pay based on expenses, but obviously, restrictions apply.

Wealthy people obviously enter into private health insurance, along with other type of insurance structures which we don't really have in the US.

> am half Japanese and travel there a lot

Yeah like NATO should cover only those who pay to fund it. If you fuck knuckles were forced to fund your own defense, 100% instead of under 2% those social benefits would evaporate.

not necessarily

Same applies to Germany. Nothing is "free" in our system either. And life expectancy has nothing to do with our shitty doctors. Maybe for 70+ people who get 16 pills a day to shut the fuck up about it.

It works if you have Christianity and an ethnostate

I think life expectancy in Japan mostly has to do with more exercise and constant walking than anything else. If you factor in taxes, Japan is pretty expensive. That being said I'm in the process of moving there for the foreseeable future, so...

Question for Jow Forumsacks living in countries with some form of single payer: is fat shaming taboo? Their obesity costs the system money after all.

Actually deaths from medical negligence in the US kills far more people than the opioid crisis and guns combined. So even though they pay a premium for healthcare they get a poorer return for their money.