
How is homeschooling system in your country user? I wouldnt trust my offspring to the degeneracy of public schools, neither to private schools because that turn kids into spoiled brats, im about to have my firstborn and i plan to home school him until highschool and then send him straight to the military academy. ill hire the best tutors and manage his schedule to ensure him a good furture, i plan to teach him at least 4 lenguages and train him in martial arts and guns. A good upgrade of myself.

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Nice flag

Kys Mexican filth

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I don't think you understand.

my niece is homeschooled and didnt know the alphabet at age 10, or how to spell her name at like age 8, nice parenting

r u jelly because unlike you natural selection iis good with me and im not gonna die childless and alone? sorry m8 thats how it is, im genetically superior.

That's not homeschooling but negligence

i do but what unlike a program made by the government i reffer to one made by the parent in charge.

>4 languages
unironically based, being multilingual is great and it gives your kid a head start if they ever want to learn additional languages.
just don't combine homeschooling with extreme helicopter parenting. autists that never got to have friends while growing up never turn out well.

yup and the wife is stay at home, so i dont know wtf she is doing.

Did you go through this system?

>tfw no kid to homeschool just to see what happens when I spend 18 years redpilling him or her and then watch them sign up for college or the military

It's called unschooling

ill work like a literal nigger to get the money for his education but ill produce a fucking elite human being, shooting classes, martial arts classes, the best history, algebra and lenguage tutors, even his mother was picked very cafefully, she is a fucking high IQ prodigy, im telling you nordanon, my kid will be something special, ill sorround him with knowledge and arts and only the best.

no, i was sendt to public and private schools when i was a child, but i could see the bullshit behind such systems even as a child, thats why ive been planning this since im a teen, the day that ill finally be a father.

I was implying that you can't write very well.

>ill work like a literal nigger
I don’t think welfare will cover all that desu

oh that? i guess you are right, im self taught on english and i suck at it, but i dont want to use google traslator like a nigger or an american would do.

Im a lawyer, im not rich but i can afford nice things time to time burger.

I was merely questioning the comparison you chose. Sounds like you plan to work hard. That is not working like a nigger. Niggers sit back and collect welfare.

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kek then ill work like a white man