Why do jews want to ban sugar

Why do jews want to ban sugar

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Cause its white

Sugar is violent goy, eat artificial sweetener instead.

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I think they may be right on this one
just avoid sugar for a week and see how you feel
I feel better...

sugar makes you create sex energy.

Fat slaves with the beetus are worthless slaves.


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you would do well not to post tricksters any longer.

They don't...

Lobbying from almost every sector of the food industry is lead by companies that benefit from us eating sugar. Everything from low fat milk to soda to white bread. It's all complex carbohydrates that are a form of sugar

The new wants you to be high on carbs and sugars..

It helps them in every single way. Lowers intelligence, shortens life span..there's flow on effects everywhere..

Op is a fucking brainlet

Low IQ and barely political. Nupol tier

This just drink the aspartame goy

it bad 4 u

Because they have artificial sweeteners which are eligible for patents they'd rather sell you instead goy

This. They love the control that (((free healthcare))) affords them but diabetus rates could bring the whole thing down before they consolidate other areas


because the brain needs glucose to function. Jews need dumb people. People who are dumb are more obedient.

Glucose, a form of sugar, is the primary source of energy for every cell in the body. Because the brain is so rich in nerve cells, or neurons, it is the most energy-demanding organ, using one-half of all the sugar energy in the body.

Brain functions such as thinking, memory, and learning are closely linked to glucose levels and how efficiently the brain uses this fuel source. If there isn’t enough glucose in the brain, for example, neurotransmitters, the brain’s chemical messengers, are not produced and communication between neurons breaks down. In addition, hypoglycemia, a common complication of diabetes caused by low glucose levels in the blood, can lead to loss of energy for brain function and is linked to poor attention and cognitive function.

“The brain is dependent on sugar as its main fuel,” says Vera Novak, MD, PhD, an HMS associate professor of medicine at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. “It cannot be without it.”


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Callate indio

Proof of this is on every nutritional information printed on every food. Sugar does not have a Daily % Value because then people would freak out to see they are eating food that is 4000% DV of their sugar consumption in 1 drink. Then, companies would force their sugars down in all the food, making everything healthier and taste better, and Americans would lose weight and feel less hungry, and therefore the SugarJew would lose money and so would other companies.

>shortens life span
how is this beneficial for (((them)))?
Rather they would artificially stretch your life span, so you can wage slave long and produce more profit for them.

Artificial sweeteners save money.


Hmm good one.

Because they want to replace sugar with (((sweeteners))) which is just a shit load of chemicals which are a lot worse than sugar. Just like everyone eating fast food nowadays- to make the goyim weak.

Sugary foods make you more hungry, meaning, you want to buy more foods and drinks.
Not really the case, we are a liability to the Jews, so they want us to die around with everyone else. The next generation comes in, and they can improve their mistakes and make them better slaves. Jews are pissed we know what we do know about them, they view it as a "mistake", and they wipe out their mistakes like an eraser.

Sugary drinks have sweeteners in now. Chemicals to make us weak. Same as vegan diet- that fake meat is just some weird shit made in a lab.

What I think he means is that sugar contributes to health concerns that, if untreated, will shorten your life. (((They))) want you to be in poor health so they can sell you expensive fixes that don’t work and then eventually rely on government assistance after you’ve taken a loan out for your diabetes treatment

literally all plants on this planet convert sunlight into sugar. Which is the basis for all life on earth cos animals eat plants (aka sugar, aka sunlight)
Sugar is basically condensed sunlight created by photosynthesis. You couldn't avoid eating sugar even if you wanted to. Of course the old ancient greek rule applies... nothing in excess (μηδέν άγαν)

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>caring about eating healthy
u gay nigga

Blood glucose is highly controlled in the body and you do not to need to eat sugar, or any carb, to maintain your blood glucose level. Assuming you don't have a problem, e.g. diabetes.

Humans should not be eating refined sugars or artificial sweeteners anything like we are now.

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Sugar is moderation isn't bad at all. Use brown sugar as well- it hasn't been bleached with chemicals. Buy organic, but fresh and feel alive!

*buy fresh

>Jews want to ban Sugar
Nice fucking try merchant

Sugar is a huge Cancer booster and even causes birth defects in high amounts. Above that it is addictive so companies just pour that shit in there.

Merchants are adding more every year to the point that Coke just last year out of the blue for no reason at all say they are lowering the amount of sugar in coke. Out of the goodness of their heart clearly they don't know anything else just lowering the amount of a legal addictive substance from their product

Brown sugar is just white sugar with molasses added to it to color and flavor it. White sugar is not "bleached" brown sugar.

It's still been refined though and lost good , natural things. Drink unhomogenized milk as well which is grass fed. Grass fed meat as well.

To own both sides of the argument.
They want white people to be productive and creative but they also want white guilt.
This dichotomy keeps us 'in line' and opens up lanes for Jew Tax Gibs.
Ban sugar, and suddenly taxation becomes an obvious course.

Now you're addicted, feel guilty, pay more for your fix, dependent on the sugar jew.

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i had that in mind

A McDonald's slushie with extra whipped cream is not a naturally occurring thing in nature.

that's correct. I was just pointing out that sugar isn't something that can be avoided. When people hear sugar is bad, they don't really know what it actually is. Of course you shouldn't eat refined sugar and sweeteners. It good however to eat fruits and vegetables and get your glucose that way. But the sugar jew and the anti-sugar jew is making it appear as if sugar is something evil that needs to be avoided at all cost or something pleasurable that makes everything taste better. Not letting you know that you need a balance diet of glucose.

Try to buy from farms and AVOID fast food and food from supermarkets. Grow your own veg and fruit if you can.

you could argue if you replaced bees with humans, honey would be considered an artificial creation. Just playing devils advocate here and pretending to think like a lobbyist.

Honey is fine, our ancestors ate those things. They did not eat so much cookies, even so much bread and pasta, and half the fruits available today they did not eat besides berries, apples, lemons.

They don't, they promoted mass consumption of it. So naturally it turned out to be horrible for you

aspartame is worse
if I want sweetness, I'll have natural honey or sugar, not aspartame

It's maybe lost a few trace minerals, but really nothing huge you're probably not already getting. Sugar should generally just be avoided.

>sugar isn't something that can be avoided
eh, it can be avoided pretty well. Even just eating like how we ate 60 or 70 years ago mean you will be cutting out MOST sugar. Europeans, white people, outside of the ruling class got access to sugar in significant quantities somewhat recently. If you were to eat like the average european 500 years ago, you wouldn't be getting basically any sugar.

>get your glucose
You don't need to eat a carbohydrate to get glucose is the point though. Avoiding all carbohydrates would be harder than just avoiding sugar. But it also can be done.

they aren't banning it your moron, they are taxing it as it is an addictive food additive.

the opposite is true.

The presence of refined sugar in almost every consumable product is the main cause of obesity.

Wait I thought sugar was the jew. Now jews are trying to get rid of sugar? Stevia is the jew now? Or is it all the jew?

What's the case being built on thought crime?

OP is retarded

sugar is bad 4 ur health you third world flaggot

Well I eat a lot of dairy so normally get my sugars from there. But homemade cakes using natural ingredients will do no harm.

to distract you from the fact that saturated fat causes diabetes and clogged arteries

>hey goy, look over here!
>sugar bad!
>carbs bad tooooo mmmmkaayyy?

jews spread disinfo on nutrition like ketofuckery and carnitardery.

Sugar is addictive, so they've got the population hooked and now they're going to jack up the price (tax). Classic dealer move


>clogged arteries

Our best nutritional evidence does not jive with your claims

Really?? McDonalds? Are you sure?

Our ancestors weren't eating bread and processed carbs. Their carbs came from vegetables.

I lost 120lbs in a year on Keto, changed my mental state entirely. When I go back to eating sugary foods, I'm always in a bad mood.

no you didn't you sperging cunt.

You need to take the perrier pill

>niggers are all fat
>dumb violent niggers commit crimes
>this must be caused by sugar

Why shouldn't they
It makes you fat

Jews aren't behind such sanity

It causes humans to grow taller and stronger. Same story with protein, honestly. They just want a weak, low IQ easily manipulated underclass.

This. If anything the SUGAR JEW is the problem...

Sugar shouldn't be in every fucking food. Jews got some stuff right. (circumcision, ethnostate, barmitzfa)

What's anyone's opinion on cane sugar, and non-GMO ingredients in consumable products

Sugar is the driving force behind many pathologies. Entire medical industrial complexes are built around it a d the damage it produces. If anything, they will promote it. But Jow Forumslocks are too stupid to understand this.


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Mhmm yes I did you big dick handsome man that I want to pound my pussy.

Because the high fructose corn syrup jew wants us slow and sluggish. That and the flouride make for a very docile populous.

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>white bread
>complex carbs
I think you don't know what a complex carb is...

Sugar is not food. All you need to be healthy are aninal products, the more natural, the better.

Processed food isn't food, it's a way for Jewish companies to create something, and have the welfare slaves purchase it, and we pay for it with our tax money. It's essentially fraud and money funnelling to Jewish companies like Johnson & Johnson, who is being sued in Oklahoma for causing their opioid crisis. everything ties back to Israel.

Why are you all so fucking stupid?
>high fructose corn syrup
>refined sugar
>artificial sweeteners
ALL of these are fucking horrible for you. I'm cut and raw as fuck and healthy as all damn. I'll have you know the only sugars you need are from your morning honey and fruits you add in your blender along with your peanut butter, spinach, and almond milk. Lunch and dinner is meat and veggies. Trust me, you were not designed to eat sugar like some fucking insane bastard. If the people from 100 years ago saw how we ate sugar now and ACTUALLY TRIED our diet, they would get sick!

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I feel sick anytime I eat sugar, KETO does wonders on the body and brain. It has literally freed me from the Jew (mostly) and now I am able to recognize that the USA exists as a way for Jews to collect all of our tax money and fund their terrorist organizations.

Because it's a stimulant. Drugs bad remember?

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obesity is the number one killer in the west.

Spot on.

This is a shill “MIGA” thread. Sugar as a regular part of your diet makes you slow, fat, and stupid. I cut out sugar and limit carbs in my diet now. I lost 20lbs and my blood pressure went down 50 points.

> keep eating sugar, g0ys!

Because they want you to eat their artificial sugar which causes mental defects and sterility in rats after generations.

Do you need artificial sweeteners? No, you don’t. Eat meat and veggies. Want a sugary thing? Try a fruit with lots of fiber. Life is set on easy mode

Do that only they have access to it. Artificial are cheaper. They want us to live like literal cattle.

You can make gunpowder with just saltpeter and sugar.


the proles get artificial food while the elites get the real thing

Because its a luxury item. Now shut up and eat your bugs, goy.

we care about you goys

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>jews want to ban sugar
yeah right
kikes push sugar hard
if they are doing anything, its for kikery like being able to devalue a stock so they can own a larger percentage

Eat whole foods faggot. If it comes in a box, bag or bottle, don't eat it.

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Jews have not taken full control of our diet, yet.

sucrose is the main sweet substance found in fruit

this. It's not so much the shortened lifespan it's more the million and one conditions they have a (((treatment))) for

This. Go to the grocery store, stay out of the aisles.

yikes and from harvard. double fucking kike lies. Glucose is not the primary source of energy for the body. We don't know that for sure. For thousands of years we didn't eat nearly as much sugar so maybe our ancestors had more ketones being used for energy? We basically just began to look at what our bodies are using for energy in the last hundred years or so. We see glucose being used by the people that are slamming carbs into their mouths every minute of every day, then claim that it is our primary source of energy. No.

sugar is jewish poison
watch fed up (2014)

They don’t want to ban it.

If you don’t want sugar due to health worried, they’d prefer you took their patented solutions to your issues, like Aspertame!

nailed it. i dropped consuming sugar and feels good man. sugar is literally a drug.

We know that neanderthal and Stone age humans are majority meat diets around 80% meat. With neanderthals eating much more megafauna like mammoths, and humans eating smaller animals on average.
>Isotopic evidence for dietary ecology of late Neandertals in North-Western Europe

So it may depend on what you're eating, but I know with apples it tends towards fructose is number 1, sucrose (which is a disaccharide of fructose and glucose) number 2, and straight glucose number 3.