Dude weed

thoughts on weed?
I feel more redpilled since I started smoking

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it can quickly turn into an addiction if you're not careful

Stop smoking weed. It'll turn you gay.

Weed and all drugs are degenerate

Tried it, it's completely harmless. If the person smoking it is already a useless idiot, he'll become even more of a useless garbage person.

If you're productive and creative, it'll help a little.

Smoke Meth instead. Seriously. And your little Swastika is backwards.

Everything in moderation. If you abuse it and have an underlying mental problem, you will fuck yourself up. LIKE I DID!

Drugs are bad for you, c'mon you should know better.

weed isn't a drug, it's a plant

>a medicine or other substance which has a physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body.

It's fine in moderation, just like alcohol. The whole "pot isn't addictive" narrative is horse shit. Anything can turn into an addiction if you let it. It all depends on the person. I believe it does have some limited medicinal qualities, but nowhere near what the potheads claim. I smoke only a few times a month on my days off work because I prefer it over alcohol and it doesn't make me feel like shit afterwards. Accept it for what it is, don't fall victim to the dumbfuck pothead culture, and you'll be fine.

t. pothead for 17 years, all day every day
It is possible, never let them tell you otherwise
This is also very possible
“Tried it” fags are not who you should listen to here
If you’re prone to schizophrenia it will increase with weed use. If you are prone to depression, much the same. I will be honest though, it did make me less socially anxious. I became unafraid of social situations completely. I realized everyone is dumb and I don’t have to worry about people’s opinions of me. I can say what I think and it is just as valid as what the other man has to say.
I think that came from being MORE paranoid with use and over time I got used to it. Like I put my social anxiety on overdrive and overcame it

I've met a lot of amazing people online. Wrongthinkers, shitlords, just fun people that I think you would get along with very well, since you're here. Anytime we all decide to hop on Discord and play a video game together, I am generally the only one who is not hitting a pipe or a bong. It's shocking, really. And it isn't just that this one person was smoking pot this one time and the next gaming session another one was - They all consistently smoke pot EVERY SINGLE TIME. Oftentimes they have discussions about having to scrape the resin out (whatever that means) because they're out of pot and "desperate." It's quite normal for another player to say, "Yeah so-and-so will be on later. He's meeting his dealer." I don't know if they realize how violently they cough, or if they just don't care, but they all sound like they have a deep chest infection or a horrible disease when they take a hit. If they're not smoking pot, they're drinking. Sometimes, both. I drink, but there's such a thing as moderation. Smoking weed does not seem to curb alcohol use with these guys. If anything, the two must be paired. Most of these guys seem really addicted, which is a shame. They're smart, funny, contrary... I just don't get it.

There's nothing more blue-pilled than voluntarily taking tranquilizers that cost money and don't help you contribute, to either your bottom line, or society's. Potheads are embarrassing.

People enjoy escaping reality
It’s an unfortunate part of the human condition. Fallen man.

If you were redpilled, you wouldnt give a shit about the thoughts of others.

This is pretty much my experience as well, but the weird thing is the people I play games with usually get godlike at the game when they're stoned. I dont understand how that's supposed to work since the very limited times I've smoked (not a big fan) I could barely concentrate on whatever was happening on the screen and misplacing left and right. I dont care either way what people do, especially if it's relatively harmless and its helping them feel better I just worry about the health risks and obvious pattern of behavior. And me personally, I dont know what the point of life is if its dulled down with a substance

It literally does the opposite.
There's a reason people say
>dude everyone just smoke weed dude, it makes everyone get along dude
It makes you feel more compassionate and accepting. Yet all this is actually doing is making you a vapid idiot with no real sense of morality or order. It makes you willing to accept and get along with all kinds of people and put up with all kinds of degeneracy.

I had a group of semi-redpilled friends in high school with mostly intelligent and non-PC takes on topics. After graduation most of them decided to smoke weed and they degenerated completely to
>cops rassist
>communism actually isn't so bad
>orange man bad
>the government is just a bunch of KKK members
>there's a secret order of fascism that controls society
>women are like actually oppressed, it's fucked up
>omg I can't stand republicans
>OMG the alt-right!!!
>most drugs aren't even actually bad, I'll try almost anything
>nigger music 24/7

It lets you think laterally and see the metanarrative VERY clearly. The "whoa man" cliche is there for a reason.

Cannabis is great.
I smoke about an eighth a day, extremely high functioning especially since I gave up drinking.
Also learn to grow your own, organically, it will change your life. So much tastier and never get that dull headache from the synthetic nutrients.

Pattern of addiction** I meant. To elaborate I think the criteria for addiction is met in your average stoner. Sure they dont go through massive withdrawals that can be fatal, but the repetition and reliance is what I mean

Be very careful

Majority of people can smoke in moderation and have no issues
If you have any mental issues be careful it can make them much worse
Another thing is if you are lazy do not smoke it will make getting your shit together much harder

Addiction, no. Habit-forming, yes. There is a significant difference. Nobody is going to be blowing guys in alleys or robbing people at gunpoint for their fix of THC. However, weak people will take habit-forming substances and use them to make their life less worthwhile.

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Weed is excellent for cope.

I was on it for 7 years. Then I stopped. 30 days clean. I forgot how boring sobriety is.

wishful thinking, it's an intoxicating drug and should be treated as such

Psychedelics are great and definitely redpill substances thought use in moderation

Seems fine would accept it to have same limitations as alcohol. I.e not using it in public.

Having said that the only people I know who regularly smoke are either degenerates or turbo lefties

/x/ here, the reason they ban weed, acid, shrooms and "hallucination drugs" because it expands your mind opens your third eye and it gives you a awakening. seriously, no joke. that is the war on drugs

yeah, so are opium poppies and poison hemlock

dude i LOVE getting high and sitting around being paranoid.

Physical addiction? No. Psychological addiction? Maybe, may vary on person

The old Scycian warriors used to burn weed on the open fire and inhale the smoke while getting drunk on pure whine. Anyone who says drugs are degenerate, yes, the non-organic ones are but there are also "good" drugs which if you are based and redpilled, you can handle with ease.

>I feel more redpilled since I started smoking
This is some real fucking faggotry

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>It makes you feel more compassionate and accepting. Yet all this is actually doing is making you a vapid idiot with no real sense of morality or order. It makes you willing to accept and get along with all kinds of people and put up with all kinds of degeneracy.
Ironically, I came to Jow Forums when I started smoking weed more regularly, and finally got around to accepting the truth about Jews, niggers, women, etc. When I didn't smoke, I was way more bluepilled on the core principles that Jow Forums embodies.

Yeah sure, every druggie you meet is an enlightened individual probing the cosmos with his third eye.
Or is it just you because you are smarter than average?


If you use it moderately and as a medicine for anxiety is fine.


>the non-organic ones are
the strongest poisons occur in nature

They're probably still in their early 20s and they think that they have forever to get their shit together. But they don't realize that their window is a few short years away from closing.

then you found the perfect balance to open your mind with it, don't over use though

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t. Turbovirgin

The daily “smoke weed” thread

> subvert Jow Forums by encouraging drug use


Weed is not really addictive it’s just retarded.

>I feel more redpilled since I started smoking
Your windmill of peace is backwards Beavis.

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That's pretty much where I fall. I don't CARE that they smoke pot. And, oddly, they don't seem spaced out or irritating. I care that it can't possibly be good for their health - I hear these guys cough. They sound like heavy smokers in their 50's on the verge of lung cancer. It's BAD. And whether they admit it or not, they seem deeply addicted. They're just never not smoking the stuff. Sometimes we'll get addicted to a particular game and log several consecutive evenings with long hours of gameplay, and they're all always smoking pot or out getting more. I know drinking kills us. A lot of things kill us. But I have this awful feeling that pot is going to drive some of these guys to an early grave. They smoke a LOT.

Are you on drugs user? Get help.

Yes most people don't know how to utilize these drugs for a awakening or third eye purpose and are degens. The elites use these drugs all the time for rituals and other purposes for remote viewing, and weaponized spiritual projects. If you talk to anyone on /x/ they can tell you how can benefit if you use them responsibly. Many cultures around the world used hallucination-related drugs for thousands of years. Seriously, its more then just the jews. The jews are just the gatekeepers of earth promised a break-away civilization by satan.

psychological addiction is a fucking joke, and i say this as someone who is "addicted" to certain kinds of foods really badly and it takes a lot of mind power to not indulge. but i have quite severe psychological addiction according to a shrink, luckily im not a physical addict like the rest of my family

it sounds like youre just projecting your own weak mind onto others

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>all the cool kids are doing it
>blog post

How do I know you’re not from here you faggot

I smoke every day. I also quit my professional job and started my own business . I also own 2 houses and 4 vehicles. I also came from a poor white family and was the first to go to college . Our first car was 300 dollars and we got it when I was 8.

It was the weed that made me successful

>thinks a short paragraph detailing a situation is a blogpost
How do I know YOU are not from here?

Thats not meth, thats autism. i use to be like this in my teens, i still move and shake my legs while sitting like a autismo.

hitler is truly /our/ guy

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Mexican rainbow brite poster is correct


how did weed make you successful?

cures a bunch of stuff but not shit like cbd

Eat shit I’m sober

I can't smoke weed anymore, it causes me to have hallucinations and delusions.

drugs suck, ive been more high than ive been in my life since quitting a ten year heroin habit.

weeds alright but dont be a stoner, its lame.

It has an effect on perception that works against the top down control of society...

That said, it's addictive and will harm you and your body. Better not to start if you haven't.

>no u

wow got me there

Poop on u

how did that happen? did you smoke way too much at once at one point or had a bad trip on psychedelics? i had to take 3 years off weed after a bad trip

weed is degenerate. please neck yourself.

This video is sped up to make him appear more agitated, look at the gentleman that stands up @ 0:03. I twitch my leg when I'm sitting down, if you sped that up I too would appear anxious.

People have this kiked notion in their minds that natural = good, plants = safe. Complete bullshit, yet every pothead will tout it like gospel. Maybe they should try smoking some wolfbane.

Anyway, read the diary of Theodore Morrell, Hitler's personal physician (and notoriously unhygienic), he gave Hitler a cocktail of meds, vitamins and intestine bacteria preparations. Meds included meth, cocaine, testosterone injections.

I understand that some people use drugs, I just can't stand junkie lore and hippie quakery and bullshit claims to sweettalk their own habits.

I smoked a bunch and started to think Taylor Swift was out to get me. Ended up in the hospital with a diagnosis of schizophrenia. Particularly bad trip.

ouch! i dont smoke weed anymore cause like i said drugs suck, im just saying by comparison its not as bad as some things, but it is a drug, and as i said drugs suck.

>Meds included meth, cocaine, testosterone injections.
but not every day of course
It's an interesting book, translated by David Irving.

>People have this kiked notion in their minds that natural = good, plants = safe
nazis were fucking environmentalists my dude

ignore me lol, my post was highlighted and thought you replied to me

lmao what

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Got stoned came up with business idea, got stoned again, grabbed my balls and took my shot, got stoned again to calm myself and have the intestinal fortitude to make cold calls and knock on businesses doors, be personable enough to make the sale... ect. Ect. I also had some neurological disorders that crippled me until I started smoking weed . I could not function in society before . I also used weed to put myself through college both finncially and in my studies. Study high take the test high get high scores

So my cum is a drug, neat

i cant function in society either but weed isnt a big help :(

smoke weed, goy.

Can you drop ship me some ?

Do you know what pharmakeia means?
Watch out with hallucinogenics, it opens doors to the third plateau and you can end up obsessed or possessed.

Helps in deeper analysis in intellectual work, but makes things slower and it only last 2 hours.
Works good in manual labour with some thought involved, even all day.
Didn't check in completly mindless work. Work like that call for some kind of trance.

Fixed my severe Tourette syndrome I had been dealing with all my life instantly.

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>third plateau
*middle plateau

the world of spirits and demons, like when you have sleep paralysis

I smoked a lot which resulted in drug-induced psychosis. I was convinced Taylor Swift had not so nice plans for me. Eventually I had a panic attack which put me in the hospital where I got diagnosed with schizophrenia.

>And your little Swastika is backwards.
Who are you to decide that?

weed addict here. i smoke weed a couple times a week and vaporize it daily (vaping it is cleaner and less intense than smoking/eating weed) and i wouldnt say im addicted. however i will admit that when my supply runs low, i feel an irrational sense of anxiety like i need to buy more. I only smoke at night so im productive and able to think all day, then let myself be a high retard when all important business is takn care of. being smart with weed use is key to being able to use it regularly and not feel like a useless bum wasting his life away. people who smoke throughout the day are kidding themselves if they say they dont have a problem.

im sorry dude, did it trigger schizophrenia in you and now you have to live with it? or does it only come up when high

You were psycho before the weed not because of it .

>I feel more redpilled since I started smoking
That's just the thing. You -feel- redpilled. It's the same if you do any drug, you will feel like you have a new perspective but in reality you're just delusional. You're imagining things and making irrational connections. You haven't learnt anything new, you're just absorbed in nonsense.

>weed addict here
>i wouldnt say im addicted

>You -feel- redpilled.
does being redpilled manifest physically or what? lmao

it is all about your fucking feelings and ideas

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literally how?
i have eaten the strongest edibles and smoked dabs in america and only felt comfy for a few hours.

It only seems to come up when I'm high. I've been sober for about a month now and no hallucinations.

proud of you user

I miss smoking weed

psychoactive substances can trigger crazy in people who have crazy hiding in their brain which may or may not come up later in life without the help of drugs

yes and? quite a few plants are deadly poisons when ingested
the whole notion of natural = good, plants = safe was introduced by kikes through commercials, something which the rural folks amongst our grandparents' generation never would have fallen for

I used to drop acid too, but for whatever reason my brain chemistry is fucked now and a bit of weed can have me experiencing hallucinations and delusions for days.