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Noah Baker
Cameron Kelly
Speak human plox.
Adrian Miller
He says
>Argentina is kill
Ryan Adams
ESTAMOS EN LA B!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Xavier Reyes
la Suecia del subdesarollo
Gabriel Lewis
Based. I would rather work with dickless man than with useless woman.
Tyler Powell
A summary.
Charles Russell
are there that many trannies in argentine?
Lincoln Young
No llores por mi Argentina...
Benjamin Rogers
Adam Morris
Not only we have a wide variety of Argentine trannies. But an assortment of Venezuelan and Colombian trannies if you are into a little bit of spice.
This country is a joke.
Sebastian Diaz
Jayden Parker
Anything new happened argie bros?
Jason Lee
nah. it's okay. we'll nuke mexico so none of you fucks can make your way up without dying in the fallout zone. overthrow your own govt.
Juan Wilson
NO. I'm first in line for nuking
Robert Wood
see: and pic related
(government is too big and under control of a single party)
Sebastian Thomas
Is Argentina really fucked? That`s bad news. A friend of mine`s exit strategy is moving to Argentina in 15 years for his retirement when shtf here in europe.He thought it`d be safe since there are no kebabs in south america
Parker Price
I don't want to overthrow the government. I want the sweet release of dead while seeing every Peronist and negro planero die along with me.
Sebastian Foster
I sure hope you all are buying those precious verdes, an international event such as a hard brexit is going to shake us all a little bit more
Robert White
If he is planning to retire outside any major city he'll be ok, otherwise warn him we are as cucked as Europe.
William Brooks
Argentina has consistently become a worse country for the past 70 years. If you move here to live in the country-side off money you already have you'll be ok. There are no kebabs but we have retarded indios conglomerating in the periphery of every mayor city. Living off welfare and raping/robbing people.
Hudson Wilson
If I nuked you it would end your suffering. So no nukes. You will suffer. Argues deserve to suffer. 1986 never 4get
Cooper Morris
Argues btfo by the glory of Great Britain again
Carson Brooks
And Bolivian fags selling drugs
Parker Howard
You better brexit fast then or I'm moving there (thanks nono for il passaporte)
Joseph Sanders
Based Tano pasman poster
Eli Reyes
The fire rises for everyone brother
Charles Allen
Gavin Diaz
Angel Powell
>are there that many trannies in argentine?
this is our next president's son
in other words: the guy who raised his kid like THIS will lead the country for the next 4 years
Nathaniel Edwards
Jackson Bennett
Well fuck, here we go again
Nathaniel Torres
What happened to all the Nazis, is this the fate of every white ethnostate?
Brody Adams
Nicholas Martinez
The Nazis in Argentina was always a lie. Most died in the extermination camps ran by the Allies and the Soviets. A few got out and escaped here. But that's a couple dozen at best. Most of our Germans were Volga farmers and came in 19th century.
Luis Lee
Yeah your country was only a pit stop on the way to Neu Schwabenland.
(I wish it was real)
Evan Thomas
Hollow earth brother don't lose hope.
Nolan Barnes
nah. that's okay. We need more target practice in this nation. There's a great reckoning coming. Latins are going to be on the menu. It's not because they're bad people, but we don't need leeches in our system. Fuck you uneducated fucks forever.
Jaxson Hernandez
Fine. I'll ask the other nuclear powers if you are going to be a cunt about it.
Jace Garcia
Angel Watson
and then one day for no reason at all....
Josiah Howard
hey man. You're a small state with a lot of people who can be bribed. Why don't you overthrow the govt? our spooks would be there with just a little push to help you go all the way. Argentina is the only worthwhile country in S. America. They'd be interested.
David Price
>and then one day for no reason at all....
That faggot's father will win the election with +50% of the vote. This is why nuclear fire is the only solution.
Bentley Hill
>indoeuropean language (aka the only human ones)
pick one and only one
Joseph Reyes
source of these hottie jungle bunny babes?
Gabriel Sanders
I'm sorry argentina. but you gave us no other option.....
Carter Gray
all this is going to do is make people pretend to be trannies to try to get special preference in hiring. the end result of this will be that more pretend trannies will be hired than normal ones because they are usually mentally ill non-functioning members of society. it is funny too, because if you are a pretend tranny you wont even need to do that good of a job because they know that if they fire you they might end up with a run of the mill nut bar.
Camden Davis
>Greedy Chilean wants more
Colour me surprised...
Jacob Hernandez
The Fox of Wet Blankets enters the thread.
Instead of participating in thread discussion, this fox just wants to point out that you're currently at the edge of the board and about to die. =^_^=
Cameron King
You're next in line if you don't do something, hombray.
Lincoln Gonzalez
Lol it won't ever happen. In fact is more likely you get flooded with our niggers and they start building villas/poblaciones and get protected by leftists and Michelle