Quits Your Team

>Mattis speaks
>Tells all
>Highly critical of Drumpf...

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Other urls found in this thread:


lisper homosexuals should limit speech as much as possible

Future campaign coming....?

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He gave his last fuck

what a fag.
Military men who believe in democracy are like male feminists.

Wonder which of our (((allies))) he was worried about

Why do trump fags worship all the pieces of shit trump hires?
Mattis was practically worshiped on Jow Forums
Mattis was always a gay faggot globohomo

Mattis was a MIGA all along.

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It’s nu/pol/ gtfo back to r-TD kines

probably macron, his ass will be "sorely" missed


Q predicted this

Chasing CNNBuxx

>Implying there’s any MAGA without MIGA
Found the Discord granny ROLCON STALWART DemocRAT shill.


Go die for Israel you sucker of Satan’s cock!

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>Trump tells Mattis to pull out of Syria
>Mattis ignores him
>gets shitcanned

The actual answer is that career bureaucrats have forgotten that the president is Caesar and in Rome there is only one ruler.

>shill so utterly assblasted all he can do is repeat memes

Oh no, a double space. Say the line, shill.

The real question is
Why are you typing
Like this

It is truly unbelievable to me, that a man whose entire career revolved around planning, starting, winning, and sustaining war is upset we are not at more war.

Marines are brainwashed homos (I am one). Next time you hear a Conservative sucking Mattis penis, ask him to tell you one of Mattis' war stories. Be prepared to hear nothing.

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t. Shill rats

There was a time in US History where the military defended Democracy.... But, you're right.
So, why NOW, though? (He asked, knowing that loud Republicans are indicating revolt against the incumbency of Drumpf?)

>muh unconditional love for faithful allies
>incel general treats the allies of his country like surrogate children
Trump was right to disband him

I agree.
His, "I am not aware of any plan to attack Syria." was utter bullshit (4/11/18, 11/4/18 for Eurofags).
Obviously he was content lying to the whole world.... #MIGA DAMMIT

whatta queer!

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Like maybe he was afraid that Russia would expand the war against his beloved Kikestan?

Mathis knows what's up

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Underage faggot detected.

Because it's more aesthetically pleasing than a thin horizontal needle of text.
Also, it was netiquette in the early 90s. You weren't even born when I started posting on boards

Do you miss the attention, or just utterly never had none in the first place, so you post erratic bullshit posturing gay pride shit....?

It isn't more aesthetically pleasing you illiterate cocksucker, it's clear you never graduated highschool much less attended a jewniversity.


Well guess what newfag, it's not part of Jow Forums's culture so fuck off. Lurk more.

Amazing how Jow Forums has 180'd on him, though. But Mattis came up in the Cold War. The post Cold War Islamacist shit was right up his alley.....till Trump unplugged that shit.
But anons pointing out that he was a GloboHomo the whole time are right.

Fagdog Mattis was upset Trump seemed to be abandoning Antifa Kurds and Israel

by the way, is their anything gayer than having allies?

mattis is literally just crying about china here. boohoo, things change, faggot. get over it, jew snake.

You mean it’s just how you type on Reddit and you never cared to learn otherwise. Don’t make excuses for your failures.

Enslaving them...that could be gayer than test driving hondas with your buddy chuck

>Stealth bomber.

he can go fuck off to general dynamics, hoover institution or whatever think tank pads his pockets for keeping us dying in forever wars.

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He's a bone-smoker, I hope you know.

Anyone else remember how excited all of the MIGApedes were when Trump announced Mattis was going to be in his administration? Now look.

Trump fires him, he criticizes Trump, and now they all call him a piece of shit. They don't have real opinions or ideas. Trump could tell them tomorrow that Jews, trannies and socialism are the best and they would follow him like good little goys.

Because they read on some website once that X is based or something (without any real proof) and just went with it.
Remember when Senator Sessions was based and a gentleman? nobody knows why, he just was.

Goy Annihilation: Prime Directive to the ZOG High Command. Both American parties are enslaved to it. Any issue splits in such a way as the "benefits Israel" column applies to every decision.

I actually didn't... Don't ask don't tell! It isn't just the Navy that serves in bump and grind....

Oh. Apologies. An user just informed me that the General is actually a fag.... Sorry.

>shill for general dynamics
>get told no
>get pissed and quit
>land cushy job at general dynamics
>write tell all that says we need more war

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>Following the GOD EMPEROR OF THE UNIVERSE is bad
Found the Discord tenant ROLCON STALWART DemocRAT shill

he was on the board of that complete fraud Theranos as well.

You need to patch your code faggot.
Your about 3 months behind. You need the orangemanracist.exe

USA doesn't have allies, USA has pawns, some very useful pawns, that's why Mattis wants to keep them.

You also need to update yours if you think that owning the left by sucking more nigger cock than them is a win. But you’ll only find that update on reddit, so go back.

Yep, a real piece of shit.

Remember when Mattis was getting paid big bucks to be on the board of directors, overseeing the CEO of a massively fraudulent company?

Vox is trash, but it's true.

Attached: Mattis-Fraud-Bitch.jpg (1242x810, 55K)

You are correct, we have pawns, not allies. You are incorrect, they are of absolutely no use to us anymore. youtube.com/watch?v=pKVQDUQR8I4
^ is correct and we'll be sitting comfy watching the rest of the world burn.

>Doesn't post an archived link
Newfag :D

When you trust someone blindly to the point of them being able to flip your opinion on a given issue back and forth, yes, that's bad. For you.

Anyone who refers to our country as an experiment shouldn’t be trusted. Also he has no kids so he doesn’t care if the “experiment” fails

Did the majority of Trump supporters had an opinion on Mattis? I surely didn't.

>Lost most of my respect for him when he left
>Lost what respect remained reading this Neocon puppet bullshit of his

"Those nations that have stood with us when trouble loomed"
soooooooo.... No one. No one pays their NATO bill. No one supports Trump in his supposed attempts to stem demographic warfare. No one supports Trump in his supposed call outs of Marxist rot infesting this country. No one supports Trump's maneuvers to maybe possibly make America an autarky and thus resistant to the inevitable neo fuedalism of global interdependence (international corprotocracy)
etc etc etc

Based and MostExtremePilled.

Well I don't know what you were posting when Trump announced him and hired him, but the /ptg/ types were extremely excited and enthusiastic about him. You can deny sharing that sentiment but you can't deny that the sentiment was here. Thread upon thread, just like with Barr or Horowitz or whoever else Trump hires.

Now all of those same people have flipped to hating him because Trump says so.

Matis became a member of the Black Eye Club so he deep state

Mattis is a leftist. Good riddance.

>be oldfag
>lurk moar
Schizo retard detected

>I disagree that it's more aesthetic
>because of that, you must not have graduated
Take your meds

Literally have never posted on reddit, but I bet you have.
Go fuck yourself, redditfag.

You little faggots are like 12 years old and think the world started with Obama as president.

Unironically lurk more, newfags

he was on the board of the elizabeth (((holmes))) fraud edison machine company. the dude is a total phony.

>it's not part of Jow Forums's culture so fuck off
>implying Jow Forums isn't just an extension of 90s usenet culture

Fucking noob.

All of you morons need to watch this. I don't agree with everything he says, because like all economists he doesn't think x factors exist. But his presentation is excellent

Wasnt this the guy who quit when Trump wanted to pull out of Syria?

I hear having bags like that under your eyes is a product of gettin pumped up the rear end for years on end.

Is he trying to tell us the storm is coming?

Looks like coded language to me.

Mad Dog? All bark no bite.

I gave them so much shit over that.
>he was the only senator who wasn't bought off
Oh really?

Yes, they assume everyone trump hires is based and then they start slurpin'

This 100%

It's even worse in parliamentary systems.
You'll have 7 different parties, and 6 of them will support any random jewish issue, and the 1 party that doesn't support it chooses not to for a retarded reason that makes them look bad.

On the issues that matter to Israel, all parties with any chance of winning seats are in on the game

Because since 2016 this place has been flooded with retards who unironically watch Fox news and would have voted for Jeb if Trump hadn't run.

Read those threads as "the underdog incel military legend was given a chance!". didn't participate in the threads.

Zeihan is literally retarded. America will be third world within 50 years.

I hear having a leaf on your flag is a product of gettin pumped up the rear end for years on end.

god i fucking hate snitches

But without allies, who will Americans go and die for?

>tfw no military dictatorship and all parties abolished

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He's wearing a (((PURPLE TIE))). That should tell you who's side he's on.

Hey bud not all of us can live in a country that doesn't get totally overrun by third world freaks. Just enjoy living in your loser country coasting off of whatever you were allowed to keep by us after a spanking in WW2. Oh and you have a woman for a leader.... nuff said beta nation.

He wants trump to more neocon

Because when he was appointed he bothered to keep his far-leftist globohomo power level down. DRUMPFT!'s administration has been a huge failure because he basically keeps appointing ANTIFA-tier boomers and degenerates into his own fucking cabinet.

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Boy you shut up real quick... germans are even more effeminate than i thought.

image mars shark, another ziocon exposed..next up flynn.

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He'll bite your cock off if you insult le BASED trannies.



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struggling to figure out what i make of this. this board has always been right about it's accusations, yet at there are unspoken reasons why everything is this way despite seeming so shitty. its like, Jow Forums is always right, yet if anyone who perfectly fit Jow Forumss agenda ran things for one fucking second the whole world would fall apart. tl;dr i read story conclusion: huh.

I don't think you really got my point but sure

I've been here since 2013. In all honesty, Jow Forums is more believable than when the streets talk...

So true!

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haha we’ve rendered shills so useless that all they can do is call everyone else the shill

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Imagine being the guy paying for all this

It’s probably a drop in the bucket to whoever pays them. Heck, they may even be in it just for the lulz. Now, the shills’ manager on the other hand is likely pulling their hair out!